View Full Version : Michael Jackson has passed away - suddenly.

06-25-2009, 05:40 PM
Details to follow:

06-25-2009, 05:43 PM
Yes he's gone.

A shock to me and we lost Farrah Fawcett as well today after a lengthy battle with cancer.


06-25-2009, 05:45 PM
Last I heard on the radio a few minutes ago was that he was in the hospital. No one mentioned Farrah. Damn media.

Tyrone Bigguns
06-25-2009, 05:47 PM
Last I heard on the radio a few minutes ago was that he was in the hospital. No one mentioned Farrah. Damn media.

Of course not..she has been dead for hours. In the 24 hour news cycle...that is an eternity.

06-25-2009, 05:52 PM
Last I heard on the radio a few minutes ago was that he was in the hospital. No one mentioned Farrah. Damn media.

Re: Farrah Fawcett's death MJ.


Scott Campbell
06-25-2009, 05:57 PM
This isn't another of your Gale Sayers pranks - is it Woody?

06-25-2009, 05:57 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died, but we now have one less pedophile to go around :?

Q: Have you heard about Michael Jackson's New Book?
A: It's called, "The In's and Out's of Child Rearing

Q: What do Michael Jackson and the New York Mets have in common?
A: They're both walking around with one glove on their hand for no apparent reason whatsoever!!

Q: What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
A: One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in !!

Q: Why was Michael Jackson spotted at K-Mart?
A: He heard boys' pants were half-off !!

Q: What's brown and in a baby's diaper?
A: Michael Jackson's hand !!

Q: What did the man on the beach say to Michael Jackson?
A: Get out of my sun!!

Q: What's white and in Michael Jackson's pocket?
A: His other hand !!

Q: What do you do if Michael Jackson is drowning?
A: Throw him a buoy !!

Q: How can you tell if Michael Jackson has company?
A: There's a big wheel parked outside his house!!

Q: Heard about Michael Jackson's new songs?
A: I'm forever blowing bubbles!

Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Little boy blue!
Little boy blue who?
Michael Jackson!!

Q: Did you hear that Michael Jackson and Tonya Harding have decided to begin training racehorses together?
A: Yeah, she's gonna do all the handicapping and he's gonna ride all the three-year-olds!

Q: Why does Michael Jackson arrange for private shopping?
A: So his guests won't be accompanied by guardians!

Q: What do Michael Jackson and a Big Mac have in common?
A: They're both 30 year old meat between 10 year old buns!

Q:Why isn't all the controversy bothering Michael?
A:He doesn't mind reaching bottom.

Q:What's Michael's favorite Canadian TV show?
A:The Kids in the Hall.

Q: Who does Michael Jackson consider a Perfect "10"?
A: Two 5 year olds.

Q: Why are Michael Jackson's pants so small?
A: Because they aren't his!

`Did you hear about Michael Jackson's toaster?
~The bread goes in brown, and comes out white.

`What does Michael Jackson call a circumcision?

Q: How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
A: From a catalogue.

`What does Michael Jackson reminisce about when he gets nostalgic?
~Blowing his first nose.

Q: What's the difference between Richard Pryor and Michael Jackson?
A: Richard Pryor got burnt on coke, Michael Jackson got burnt onPepsi!

Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??
A: He thought it was a delivery service.

Michael said to Debbie one night, "I fancy someentertainment, what shall we do?". To which Debbie replied " I know we'll get a video".Michael then said " Great, Ill get Aladdin".Debbie said speedily "No Michael, You have beenin trouble for that before"

`What's black and comes in little white cans?
~Michael Jackson`

What famous celebrity had the most children over the last 10 years?
~Michael Jackson.

Prince Michael Jackson, Jr. --- you know in a few years they'll probably change his name to:The Child Formerly Known as Michael Jackson's Baby

Michael Jackson had a boy. He also became a father!

He asked his wife's doctor how soon after the birth could he have sex.
The doctor told him he should wait until the kid is at least 12 or 13 years old.

`What do Michael Jackson & Michael Jordan have in common?
~They both play ball in the Minor League.

`What's the difference between them?
~One is in the Minors, the other is into Minors.

`Why was Michael Jackson relieved of his Cub Scout Leader duties?
~He was up to a pack a day.

`What happens when Michael talks about sex?
~It's all very tongue in cheek.

`What does Michael have in common with NASA?
~It's been 25 years since his first moon landing.

`What do Michael's ass and an LA jail have in common?
~Both hold the juice.

`What has 18 balls and 3 pubic hairs?
~A Michael Jackson slumber party.

The Pope has issued a proclamation on Michael Jackson. If he hears any more allegations about little boys, the Pope says he'll have no choice but to make him a priest.

`What do Michael Jackson and Willie Shoemaker have in common?
~Both ride 4 year olds.`

How do we know Michael Jackson is ready to release another album?
~He has a lot of stuff in the can.

`What will they call Michael's new TV series?
~Anus and Andy.

I understand that Micheal decided to have a boy of his own because it's too expensive to rent them at $2 Million a pop.

`Who will Michael record his next album with?
~Les Brown.

`What do Michael and Mrs. Perot have in common?
~Both fuck little assholes.

`Why does Michael travel with a huge road crew?
~He always has a lot of shit to pack.

`Why doesn't Michael sleep with boys anymore?
~He's tired of all the cracks.

`Did you know they're putting out a Michael Jackson stamp?
~Fans get to vote for the white or black Michael Jackson.

`Why did Michael go to college?
~To get his Bachelor of Arse degree.

`Why's Michael trying out for the NBA?
~He's a crack shooter.

`Why's Michael opening a sperm bank?
~He always has a shitload of semen.

`Who's Michael Jackson's favorite poet?
~Emily Dick in son.

`What does Michael call an orgy?
~A fruit salad.

`What's the difference between Michael and a proctologist?
~A proctologist doesn't pay for the assholes he's poked around in.

`Why doesn't Michael have orgasms?
~The big payoff comes a couple of months later.

`Why has Michael been appearing on children's shows lately?
~He has a lot to plug.

`What's the worst stain to try to remove from a little boy's underpants?
~Michael Jackson's makeup.

`Hear about the new "Michael Jackson" candy bar?
~It's made from white chocolate, and contains no nuts.

Michael Jackson and Woody Allen on "Child Psychology":
"Spare the rod, and spoil the child."

`What did Michael Jackson say to Woody Allen?
~Got two fives for a ten?`

What is Michael Jackson's Alma Matter?
~Bring-em Young.

`Did you hear about the duet by Michael Jackson and Elton John?
~It is titled "Don't let your son go down on me."

`Why does Michael Jackson hide for a couple hours after one of his little friends leave?
~It takes that long to get the bubble gum off his dick.

`What's the difference between Mr. Potato Head and Michael Jackson?
~Michael Jackson has had more noses.

`What did Michael Jackson suffer from as a kid?
~Clitoris envy.`

Why did Michael invite MacCauly Caulkin to the house?
~He's like the little boy he never had.

`Why does Michael really need to go to rehab?
~He's a crack addict.

`What's Michael Jackson's favorite nursery rhyme?
~"Little Boy Blew."

`Did you know that Michael Jackson just turned 35?
~Yeah, but he still feels like a 13 year old.

`How did Michael get in trouble?
~He was feeling a little Randy.

`How is Michael dealing with his problems?
~He's holding his own.

`How are Michael's friends dealing with the problem?
~They're all standing behind him.

`How did Michael actually proposition the little boy?
~It was just a slip of the tongue.

`What's sex like for Michael?
~Child's Play.

`How is Michael now?
~Feeling a little crotchety.

`Hear about the new Michael Jackson doll?
~It comes in a little can.

`Why does Michael like children so much?
~He knows how they feel.

`How can you tell when Michael Jackson is giving a party?
~By all the Big Wheels in his driveway.

`What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a Plastic bag?
~One is made out of plastic and is dangerous for kids to play with and one is used to carry groceries.

`Why does Michael own a theme park?
~He's always been into children's shit.

`Did you hear Michael Jackson was running a "blue-light" special at a local K-Mart?
~Little boys' pants were half off!`

What makes Michael Jackson so unique?
~It's the little boy inside him.

`How does Michael like to party?
~He sips a couple of Tall Boys.

`What's Michael's favorite snack?
~Slim Jims.

`What's Michael's favorite fast food?
~Big Boys.

`How do we know Michael is guilty?
~Several children have fingered him.

`Why is Michael so tough?
~He can lick any kid on the block.

`What's the new movie about Michael Jackson called?
~"The Hand that Robs the Cradle."

`How will Michael pay off his old boyfriends?
~Liquefy some assets.

`What's the difference between Nixon and Michael Jackson?
~One was a consummate asshole, the other a consummated asshole.

Tuck the end of a jacket sleeve into your pants crotch. Hold the jacket off to the side. Then ask, "What's this?" "Dunno.""Michael Jackson helping a kid put his coat on."

`What did Michael Jackson say after he was interrupted during sex?
~"Shit happens!"

McDonald's is bringing out a new burger ..."Micheal Jackson Burger"...
It has 35 yr old meat inside 5 yr old buns.



What are Michael Jackson's favorite sayings?
1) There's a sucker born every minute.
2) Kids do the darndest things.
3) Tricks are for kids.

`What's Michaels' next movie?
~Honey I Blew the Kid.

`What's Michaels' favorite group?
~New Kids on the Cock.

`What do Michael and Gaylord Perry have in common?
~Both have held lots of wet balls in their hands.

`What's sex like for Michael?
~Like candy from a baby.

`What psychological problem does Michael still suffer from?
~Anal retention.

`What do Michael and Catholic school nuns have in common?
~Both are a pain in the ass to kids.

`What's the difference between Michael and Connie Chung?
~Michael's been able to have kids.

`What's Michael's favorite dish?
~Creamed shrimp.

`Why's Michael cutting down on public appearances?
~He wants to spend more time with the kids.

`How are Michael's friends like U.S. veterans?
~They all get fucked in the end.

`How will they ensure that Michael gets a thorough body search?
~Hire a Catholic priest to do it.

`What will they call the upcoming movie about Michael Jackson?
~"The African Queen."

`How do we know Michael Jackson isn't really a virgin?
~He's got children out the ass.

Michael Jackson and Pee Wee Herman are have come out with a new video called... "I'll beat it for you.

"`Why did Michael Jackson want to join the Branch Davidians?
~So he could be black again.

`How does Michael Jackson resemble the Cincinatti Reds?
~They're both whiter than they should be.

A confused nine year old boy goes up to his mother and asks, "Is God male or female?" After thinking for a moment, his mother responds, "Well, God is both male and female."This confuses the little boy so he asks, "Is God blackor white?""Well, God is both black and white."This further confuses the boy so he asks, "Is God gay or straight?"At this the mother is getting concerned, but answers none the less, "Honey, God is both gay and straight."At this, the boy's face lights up with understanding and he triumphantly asks, "Is God Michael Jackson?"

Lisa Marie's Divorce Allegations
Against Michael Jackson

1) Wouldn't drink beer, watch football and break wind withher during Thanksgiving with Mom at Graceland.
2) Refused her pleas for separate make-up mirrors.
3) Unwilling to try new things in bed...like her for instance.
4) Elephant Man bones...fine. Oxygen chamber for eternal youth...well okay. But what's with the Groucho head on Jayne Mansfield's body thing?
5) In all their months of marriage not once did he charter a jet to get her peanut butter sandwiches or fly a mime troupe in from France like Poppa did for Momma.
6) Had her favorite noses (June 1994 and September 1995) done over.
7) She was shocked to discover that the glittery uniforms werenot actually part of any real military organization.
8) He started hanging out with Madonna's dancers to toughenup his image.
9) Everywhere you turn, Elizabeth Taylor's supporting you through some sordid allegation.
10) Stood in the way of her film career when he refused to bankroll her debut performance in 'Jailbait Rock', the story of her Mom and Dad's courtship.
11) The all-night Kool Aid and Twister marathons with his littlefriends left him too tired to do that 'hee-hee-hee' thing shefell in love with.
12) She felt pressured to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of LaToya's Amway products for the sake of family peace.
13) Jermaine and Tito were constantly asking her why Elvis didn'thave kids THEY could marry.
14) Swears she thought she was marrying Michael Keaton.
15) She grew tired of scouring every Chucky Cheese's within a 50 mile radius only to find him slumped over a table in yet another chocolate milk and Pez stupor.
16) He told her to "just beat it" one too many times
17) He's a plain spoken "Hoosier", and she had clearly gone"Hollywood".
18) She wanted someone more like her father, and though he was already a pathetic parady of his former self, he was just unwilling to gain weight.
19) He kept forgetting to put the top back on the mascara.
20) Irreconcilable similarities.

06-25-2009, 08:48 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died

Maybe you should have stopped there.........or at least waited for the body to 'chill'..........

06-25-2009, 09:03 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died

Maybe you should have stopped there.........or at least waited for the body to 'chill'..........

I can't believe he passed away. Didn't he just move back to the US a few weeks ago? What the heck happened?

Tyrone Bigguns
06-25-2009, 09:17 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died, but we now have one less pedophile to go around :?

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change

06-25-2009, 09:19 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died

Maybe you should have stopped there.........or at least waited for the body to 'chill'..........

Yes, let's honor the man now he's dead. He was obviously a soldier of God and worthy of our homage. He danced. He sang. He bedded small impoverished children.

The things some people choose to celebrate and honor simply astound me.

06-25-2009, 10:23 PM
Well, there goes the end of the Iranian Revolution.

06-25-2009, 10:45 PM
The things some people choose to celebrate and honor simply astound me.

He grossed me out in the later years.

I wouldn't say celebrate and honor him....I would say I appreciated his talent in his early and mid years. Nothing wrong with that....he was obviously a very talented man. Unfortunately he seemed to fall into a really dark, creepy place over the years. Makes you wonder what makes people go there.

Scott Campbell
06-25-2009, 10:49 PM
Makes you wonder what makes people go there.

I know the perfect guy to ask.


06-25-2009, 10:49 PM
I loved him when he was black. Then he got really weird. Still, he has what two kids that just lost their father....very sad.

I also feel bad for Farrah, her death is almost being overshadowed by this.

Harlan Huckleby
06-25-2009, 10:50 PM
He bedded small impoverished children .

I really doubt that he was sexual with kids.

He had many children around him for years. There would be a lot of incidents, he wouldn't be able to pay them all off.

He was a troubled guy, that's for sure. But not a nasty person.

06-25-2009, 11:02 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died

Maybe you should have stopped there.........or at least waited for the body to 'chill'..........

Yes, let's honor the man now he's dead. He was obviously a soldier of God and worthy of our homage. He danced. He sang. He bedded small impoverished children.

The things some people choose to celebrate and honor simply astound me.Except that it never was proven that "He bedded small impoversihed children". Also, you can't deny the impact he has had no the music industry, especially in regards to music videos. It would be the hieght of stupidity to ignore his contiributions to pop culture simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.

I guess by your logic, Elvis Presley shouldn't have been honored becuase he was a druggie. Right?

06-25-2009, 11:16 PM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died

Maybe you should have stopped there.........or at least waited for the body to 'chill'..........

Yes, let's honor the man now he's dead. He was obviously a soldier of God and worthy of our homage. He danced. He sang. He bedded small impoverished children.

The things some people choose to celebrate and honor simply astound me.Except that it never was proven that "He bedded small impoversihed children". Also, you can't deny the impact he has had no the music industry, especially in regards to music videos. It would be the hieght of stupidity to ignore his contiributions to pop culture simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.

I guess by your logic, Elvis Presley shouldn't have been honored becuase he was a druggie. Right?

I'm so sorry....but I can't resist! :twisted:

CPK, you kinda surprise me here. Lets change the character just for the fun of it.

Except that it never was proven that he dishonored the Packers. Also, you can't deny the impact he has had on the NFL, especially the Green Bay Packers. It would be the height of stupidity to ignore his contributions to the NFL simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.


I know it's not right to bring this up in this type of thread, but just think it's odd your loyalty to MJ but yet you are disgusted by BF.

06-25-2009, 11:42 PM
I'm so sorry....but I can't resist! :twisted:

CPK, you kinda surprise me here. Lets change the character just for the fun of it.

Except that it never was proven that he dishonored the Packers. Also, you can't deny the impact he has had on the NFL, especially the Green Bay Packers. It would be the height of stupidity to ignore his contributions to the NFL simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.


I know it's not right to bring this up in this type of thread, but just think it's odd your loyalty to MJ but yet you are disgusted by BF.

Not jack the thread but I never ingored his contributions to the NFL. I have always maintained that I hate Brett Favre the PERSON becuase of his umprofessionalism and childish behavior, not as a player on the field. A big misconception you have.

06-25-2009, 11:53 PM
a troubled soul but i agree with harlan that he wasnt a bad person

R.I.P. musical genius

06-26-2009, 07:05 AM
eh....I usually do not disparage anyone who has died

Maybe you should have stopped there.........or at least waited for the body to 'chill'..........

Yes, let's honor the man now he's dead. He was obviously a soldier of God and worthy of our homage. He danced. He sang. He bedded small impoverished children.

The things some people choose to celebrate and honor simply astound me.Except that it never was proven that "He bedded small impoversihed children". Also, you can't deny the impact he has had no the music industry, especially in regards to music videos. It would be the hieght of stupidity to ignore his contiributions to pop culture simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.

I guess by your logic, Elvis Presley shouldn't have been honored becuase he was a druggie. Right?

Good fucking Christ. I guess if you dance enough, you can have all the small children sleep with you that you want. But of course nothing happened. Stupid kids. Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed? I wonder if you had heard the same accusations and facts about a man with an unfamiliar name who didn't live in an amusement park (again, completely normal), if you would be so generous in your defense of him.


Someone posted some MJ jokes. Someone else suggested that maybe they shouldn't have. I suggested that maybe we honor the wrong people for the wrong reasons and that their deaths are used as an excuse to ignore the fucked up part of their lives and protect them from deserved ridicule and criticism. Thanks for proving my point.

Oh and go ahead and place me at "the height stupidity" if I don't care what contributions someone made to "pop culture." My priorities are obviously totally out of whack. All the kids he didn't touch aside, without the moonwalk and the Thriller video, my life would have been an empty shell of what it is today. I would have saved a couple quarters on that arcade game where he would throw his hat and grab his crotch to vanquish zombies too.

06-26-2009, 07:36 AM
Also on Thursday, fans mourning Michael Jackson poured on to Hollywood Boulevard to lay flowers on his walk-of-fame star. However, they were on the wrong Michael Jackson.

Because the singer's star is currently covered by the red carpet put down for the "Bruno" premiere, passersby accidentally went to the star belonging to radio talk show host Michael Jackson, the Wall Street Journal reported.

:lol: How fitting.

06-26-2009, 08:03 AM
Except that it never was proven that "He bedded small impoversihed children". Also, you can't deny the impact he has had no the music industry, especially in regards to music videos. It would be the hieght of stupidity to ignore his contiributions to pop culture simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.

I guess by your logic, Elvis Presley shouldn't have been honored becuase he was a druggie. Right?

It was never proven that OJ Simpson killed anyone either, so let's pretend that part of his life never happened and lets just remember what he did on a football field.

It never ceases to amaze me how much we tolerate and forgive from people who can run, jump, throw, sing, play or act. Read about the evidence presented, and ask yourself what the verdict would have been if one of us had been sitting behind the defense table instead of Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson or some of the other celebrities who have gone on trial.

Many in the entertainment industry seem to have personal demons. When it results in harm to themselves, like Elvis Presley's apparent drug addiction, I simply feel sorry for them. But when they act directly against others and directly harm others, my tolerance diminishes quickly.

In the end, I just don't think entertainers, whether they are musicians, actors or athletes, deserve the pedestal we give them. What they do in their jobs just isn't that important. Some go beyond it and use their fame and wealth for things that are important, and I will acknowledge them for their good works, but not for what they do as musicians, actors and athletes anymore than I do for a guy who is a very good carpenter, electrician, accountant or landscaper. They are good at what they do.

A good example is Bart Starr. Great QB. HOF'er, etc. Nice, but so what? He entertained us. Of greater importance is the work he has done through the Rawhide Ranch and other charities that really make positive impacts on peoples lives.

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 08:06 AM
Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?

Jackson was a child abductor!? :lol:

I wonder if you had heard the same accusations and facts about a man with an unfamiliar name who didn't live in an amusement park (again, completely normal), if you would be so generous in your defense of him.

Of course it's true that if an ordinary person hosted sleepovers with kids there would probably be a police raid before they even got the popcorn popped. But that's kinda the point, he's famous and wealthy. Jackson had half a dozen kids at a time sleeping in his room over many years, he was not alone with a single kid. If he had a proclivity to touch kids, its hard to imagine that it wouldn't happen multiple times. There would be many complainers and witnesses coming forward.

06-26-2009, 08:09 AM
If he had a proclivity to touch kids, its hard to imagine that it wouldn't happen multiple times. There would be many complainers and witnesses coming forward.

If you read what the investigators have to say about it, it did and there were.

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 08:23 AM
If he had a proclivity to touch kids, its hard to imagine that it wouldn't happen multiple times. There would be many complainers and witnesses coming forward.

If you read what the investigators have to say about it, it did and there were.

Sounds like a sure conviction.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 08:33 AM
As evidenced by all the tributes yesterday, he's been convicted in the court of public opinion. It's part of his legacy, and wasn't washed away with an out of court settlement, or a not guilty verdict.

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 08:36 AM
Anybody who is accused of child molestation is guilty in the court of public of opinion. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

A grown man hosting sleepover parties is enough to convict him in that court. The out of court settlements mean nothing.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 08:37 AM
Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Or in this case, separate but multiple fires.

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 08:41 AM
There would be plenty of corroboration to convict him if he was touching kids.

You can choose to believe what you want.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 08:42 AM
The out of court settlements mean nothing.

As a general rule, if they talk about them all over the national news on the day that you croak - they mean something.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 08:43 AM
There would be plenty of corroboration to convict him if he was touching kids.

You can choose to believe what you want.

I choose to believe that it will forever be a dominant part of his legacy.

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 08:56 AM
You can read a pretty detailed account of the case against Jackson

I think he put himself in a ridiculous position, and is guilty being odd and extremely needy. He could be a child molestor, but I doubt it.

06-26-2009, 09:05 AM
You knew these had to start sooner or later....

Michael Jackson will not be cremated, since his body is mostly plastic,
he will be melted down into legos, and then the little boys will be able
to play with him for a change!

06-26-2009, 09:06 AM
Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?

Jackson was a child abductor!? :lol:

I wonder if you had heard the same accusations and facts about a man with an unfamiliar name who didn't live in an amusement park (again, completely normal), if you would be so generous in your defense of him.

Of course it's true that if an ordinary person hosted sleepovers with kids there would probably be a police raid before they even got the popcorn popped. But that's kinda the point, he's famous and wealthy. Jackson had half a dozen kids at a time sleeping in his room over many years, he was not alone with a single kid. If he had a proclivity to touch kids, its hard to imagine that it wouldn't happen multiple times. There would be many complainers and witnesses coming forward.

In response to both your quips, it's amazing what a little money can do. Especially when it's coming from an international celebrity who lives in an amusement park.

06-26-2009, 09:07 AM
You knew these had to start sooner or later....

Michael Jackson will not be cremated, since his body is mostly plastic,
he will be melted down into legos, and then the little boys will be able
to play with him for a change!

Oh! The humanity! GBRulz, you cruel person!

06-26-2009, 09:08 AM
I'm so sorry....but I can't resist! :twisted:

CPK, you kinda surprise me here. Lets change the character just for the fun of it.

Except that it never was proven that he dishonored the Packers. Also, you can't deny the impact he has had on the NFL, especially the Green Bay Packers. It would be the height of stupidity to ignore his contributions to the NFL simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.


I know it's not right to bring this up in this type of thread, but just think it's odd your loyalty to MJ but yet you are disgusted by BF.

LOL, 007 I was thinking the exact same thing when I read his post.

06-26-2009, 09:08 AM
Good fucking Christ. I guess if you dance enough, you can have all the small children sleep with you that you want. But of course nothing happened. Stupid kids. Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?And where is your proof he touched them? The Mother of the accfuser who was a total nutjob? The same mother who as it turns out most liekly told him to lie?

06-26-2009, 09:10 AM
Anybody who is accused of child molestation is guilty in the court of public of opinion. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

A grown man hosting sleepover parties is enough to convict him in that court. The out of court settlements mean nothing.

Oh and he was giving kids alcohol.

06-26-2009, 09:14 AM
Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?

Jackson was a child abductor!? :lol:

I wonder if you had heard the same accusations and facts about a man with an unfamiliar name who didn't live in an amusement park (again, completely normal), if you would be so generous in your defense of him.

Of course it's true that if an ordinary person hosted sleepovers with kids there would probably be a police raid before they even got the popcorn popped. But that's kinda the point, he's famous and wealthy. Jackson had half a dozen kids at a time sleeping in his room over many years, he was not alone with a single kid. If he had a proclivity to touch kids, its hard to imagine that it wouldn't happen multiple times. There would be many complainers and witnesses coming forward.

In response to both your quips, it's amazing what a little money can do. Especially when it's coming from an international celebrity who lives in an amusement park. It's also amazing that people are capable of lying and making stuff up to get his money.

06-26-2009, 09:18 AM
Good fucking Christ. I guess if you dance enough, you can have all the small children sleep with you that you want. But of course nothing happened. Stupid kids. Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?And where is your proof he touched them? The Mother of the accfuser who was a total nutjob? The same mother who as it turns out most liekly told him to lie?

I love how the Jackson worshipers pin his legacy against this one point, like it magically alleviates everything else surrounding not only the case, but the perverse and unhealthy strangeness that defined the man for the latter half of his life.

I suppose, as Patler pointed out, that you also believe OJ is innocent, there were no irregularities in the Iranian elections, and Kim Jong Il has 11 holes in one to his name? Guess what else? I fucked a unicorn last night. And it's true until you provide proof.

And when you're defending Jackson, it's probably not a good idea to use "total nutjob" to describe anyone. Jackson's going to lose that comparison, no matter who's on the other side.

06-26-2009, 09:19 AM
Except that it never was proven that "He bedded small impoversihed children". Also, you can't deny the impact he has had no the music industry, especially in regards to music videos. It would be the hieght of stupidity to ignore his contiributions to pop culture simply becuase of something he was "accused" but never "proven" to have done.

I guess by your logic, Elvis Presley shouldn't have been honored becuase he was a druggie. Right?

It was never proven that OJ Simpson killed anyone either, so let's pretend that part of his life never happened and lets just remember what he did on a football field.
I never said you should ignore the bad stuff. What I am saying is that you don't discount or ignore the good things becuase of the bad stuff.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 09:19 AM
Harlan has never met a guilty guy that he didn't like. Now ole Joe Horn, that's another matter entirely.

06-26-2009, 09:26 AM
Good fucking Christ. I guess if you dance enough, you can have all the small children sleep with you that you want. But of course nothing happened. Stupid kids. Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?And where is your proof he touched them? The Mother of the accfuser who was a total nutjob? The same mother who as it turns out most liekly told him to lie?

I love how the Jackson worshipers pin his legacy against this one point, like it magically alleviates everything else surrounding not only the case, but the perverse and unhealthy strangeness that defined the man for the latter half of his life.

I suppose, as Patler pointed out, that you also believe OJ is innocent, there were no irregularities in the Iranian elections, and Kim Jong Il has 11 holes in one to his name? Guess what else? I fucked a unicorn last night. And it's true until you provide proof.

And when you're defending Jackson, it's probably not a good idea to use "total nutjob" to describe anyone. Jackson's going to lose that comparison, no matter who's on the other side.

1) I am not a Jackson worshiper and am insulted bny that comment.

2)What I do believe in is "innocent until proven guilty" You know a basic tenant on which the American judical system is built.

3)In OJ's case he was aquitted of murder. HE isn't innocent, but he was found not guity by a jury of his peers on the charges against him in that matter. There is a differecne between not guilty and innocent. Smoething you refuse to distinguish.

4)Who the hell cares about Iranian elections or Kim Jong IL's golf game?

It is people who rush to convict like you that ends up getting innocent people executed.

06-26-2009, 09:29 AM
Bill Clinton is a felon.
OJ is a murderer.
Michael Jackson is a child molester.

06-26-2009, 09:38 AM
Good fucking Christ. I guess if you dance enough, you can have all the small children sleep with you that you want. But of course nothing happened. Stupid kids. Having the gall to claim Jackson touched them. Didn't they know who wasn't touching them when he took them away from their families and into his bed?And where is your proof he touched them? The Mother of the accfuser who was a total nutjob? The same mother who as it turns out most liekly told him to lie?

I love how the Jackson worshipers pin his legacy against this one point, like it magically alleviates everything else surrounding not only the case, but the perverse and unhealthy strangeness that defined the man for the latter half of his life.

I suppose, as Patler pointed out, that you also believe OJ is innocent, there were no irregularities in the Iranian elections, and Kim Jong Il has 11 holes in one to his name? Guess what else? I fucked a unicorn last night. And it's true until you provide proof.

And when you're defending Jackson, it's probably not a good idea to use "total nutjob" to describe anyone. Jackson's going to lose that comparison, no matter who's on the other side.

1) I am not a Jackson worshiper and am insulted bny that comment.

2)What I do believe in is "innocent until proven guilty" You know a basic tenant on which the American judical system is built.

3)In OJ's case he was aquitted of murder. HE isn't innocent, but he was found not guity by a jury of his peers on the charges against him in that matter. There is a differecne between not guilty and innocent. Smoething you refuse to distinguish.

4)Who the hell cares about Iranian elections or Kim Jong IL's golf game?

It is people who rush to convict like you that ends up getting innocent people executed.

It's like someone cooked up a big pot of crazy and dumped it all over the floor like overcooked spaghetti. I could try to step into this, but I'm afraid to slip on the mushiness and get injured. Then I'd just have a sore elbow and be covered in crazy.

06-26-2009, 09:41 AM
It's like someone cooked up a big pot of crazy and dumped it all over the floor like overcooked spaghetti. I could try to step into this, but I'm afraid to slip on the mushiness and get injured. Then I'd just have a sore elbow and be covered in crazy.You are the one who created it.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 09:50 AM
3)In OJ's case he was aquitted of murder. HE isn't innocent, but he was found not guity by a jury of his peers on the charges against him in that matter. There is a differecne between not guilty and innocent. Smoething you refuse to distinguish.

1) Jurors found OJ liable for their deaths in the wrongful death civil suit.
2) Jackson was never found innocent. That's not how our legal system works.

Just because somebody is found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt - it doesn't necessarily mean that they didn't do it.

06-26-2009, 09:53 AM
It's like someone cooked up a big pot of crazy and dumped it all over the floor like overcooked spaghetti. I could try to step into this, but I'm afraid to slip on the mushiness and get injured. Then I'd just have a sore elbow and be covered in crazy.You are the one who created it.

You were okay up until your 4 points of insanity followed by the accusation that people like me get innocent people executed. I'll come back to this, I'm thinking too clearly right now.

Deputy Nutz
06-26-2009, 10:11 AM
fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on men.

That is what I have to say about MJ. The first time I could understand that he was the target of a extortion scheme. The second time, he was a damn fool if nothing else.

they never went to a formal trial because you don't have a case against him if he pays off the victims.

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 10:36 AM
they never went to a formal trial because you don't have a case against him if he pays off the victims.


he paid-off two people who threatened to sue him, but those people could still be called to testify in the criminal trial. The accusations against Jackson were credible given Jackson's bizarre habits, so I don't give a lot of weight to the fact that Jackson would pay-off some accusors.

There were many people testifying both for and against him. I don't know how many kids participated in Michael's sleepover club over the years, but I bet it was a hundred or more.

Zool said Jackson gave kids alchohol, but that was refuted in court.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 11:00 AM

06-26-2009, 01:16 PM
It now sounds like cops think Jackson's death might be related to painkillers. Whether intentional or accidental is unclear. If intentional, that makes for a wierd kind of symmetry with David Carradine, whose death originally sounded like suicide but was later changed to autoeroticism gone awry.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 02:34 PM

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 02:36 PM
from wiki

Macaulay Culkin
Phillip LeMarque stated that he once saw Jackson with his hand resting on the pants of Culkin when the two were playing video games. Adrian McManus only saw that once Jackson kissed Culkin on his cheek, and had his hand "kind of by his leg, kind of on his rear end." However, Culkin denounced the molestation allegations as "absolutely ridiculous" and said that nothing inappropriate had happened. Culkin testified that he slept in Jackson's bed several times between the ages of 10 and 14, sometimes with other boys as well. He said the sleepovers weren't planned and that he and others would just fall asleep when they were tired.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 02:40 PM
Harlan, if you woke up in the middle of the woods, with your pants around your ankles and you knees all scraped up - would you tell anybody?

Harlan Huckleby
06-26-2009, 02:42 PM

and yes, I do want to go camping

but the classic version is "with a rubber dangling out of your butt." I suppose you cleaned it up for the romper room.

Scott Campbell
06-26-2009, 02:46 PM

and yes, I do want to go camping

but the classic version is "with a rubber dangling out of your butt." I suppose you cleaned it up for the romper room.

Ok, butt there was a point to this joke. It's very possible that some kids didn't say anything because they were embarrassed.

Tyrone Bigguns
06-26-2009, 04:23 PM
If he had a proclivity to touch kids, its hard to imagine that it wouldn't happen multiple times. There would be many complainers and witnesses coming forward.

If you read what the investigators have to say about it, it did and there were.

Ty doesn't know what to believe, but Ty knows for sure one of those families was cheating welfare at the same time they went to court..and got convincing killed. The prosecutor looked like an idiot.

Tyrone Bigguns
06-26-2009, 04:29 PM

and yes, I do want to go camping

but the classic version is "with a rubber dangling out of your butt." I suppose you cleaned it up for the romper room.

Ok, butt there was a point to this joke. It's very possible that some kids didn't say anything because they were embarrassed.

And it's very possible that some parents were embarrassed that they let their kids hang around MJ, regardless of his innocence or guilt.

06-26-2009, 04:57 PM
You knew these had to start sooner or later....

Michael Jackson will not be cremated, since his body is mostly plastic,
he will be melted down into legos, and then the little boys will be able
to play with him for a change!

Ya know, I was on a mindless errand today, trying to find a station that wasn't playing Michael Jackson all day (it may sound cold, but if I didn't want to hear his music yesterday--and I didn't--I don't want to hear it today just because he's now dead), I wonder if when they bury him, parts will... ummm.... decompose at a different rate...

06-26-2009, 06:28 PM
You knew these had to start sooner or later....

Michael Jackson will not be cremated, since his body is mostly plastic,
he will be melted down into legos, and then the little boys will be able
to play with him for a change!

Ya know, I was on a mindless errand today, trying to find a station that wasn't playing Michael Jackson all day (it may sound cold, but if I didn't want to hear his music yesterday--and I didn't--I don't want to hear it today just because he's now dead), I wonder if when they bury him, parts will... ummm.... decompose at a different rate...

I knew your were a shallow, cold hearted, evil... well you know. I'm not going to say it.


just joshing with ya

06-26-2009, 06:51 PM
I'm thinking she wasn't alone in what she was thinking........... :lol:

06-26-2009, 08:21 PM
You knew these had to start sooner or later....

Michael Jackson will not be cremated, since his body is mostly plastic,
he will be melted down into legos, and then the little boys will be able
to play with him for a change!

Ya know, I was on a mindless errand today, trying to find a station that wasn't playing Michael Jackson all day (it may sound cold, but if I didn't want to hear his music yesterday--and I didn't--I don't want to hear it today just because he's now dead), I wonder if when they bury him, parts will... ummm.... decompose at a different rate...

His coffin would make an interesting time capsule.

06-26-2009, 08:34 PM
3)In OJ's case he was aquitted of murder. HE isn't innocent, but he was found not guity by a jury of his peers on the charges against him in that matter. There is a differecne between not guilty and innocent. Smoething you refuse to distinguish.

1) Jurors found OJ liable for their deaths in the wrongful death civil suit.
2) Jackson was never found innocent. That's not how our legal system works.

Just because somebody is found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt - it doesn't necessarily mean that they didn't do it.

1)Being found liable for the death only means the jury believes you probably did it. There is doubt.
2)Just becuase somebody is charged doesn't automatically make them guilty. Ands that is why I said there is a difference bewteen innocent and not guilty. So I m not sure why you are bringing that up because you are essentially agreeing with me on that point.

06-27-2009, 01:10 AM
Farrah Fawcett goes to heaven. God grants her one wish.

Farrah says, "Please take care of my children God, let them be safe from harm."

God kills Michael Jackson

Now that is justice.

Scott Campbell
08-24-2009, 05:11 PM
The coroner says it was homicide.

08-25-2009, 04:07 AM
German news channels report manslaughter.

08-25-2009, 04:10 PM
New Delhi Sewer Rats call it infanticide.

08-25-2009, 09:55 PM

Haha...didn't think it would take rumors like this long to surface.