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07-19-2009, 07:12 PM
This scared the hell out of me :shock: for the ENTIRE duration:


"Congratulations you've just made a pitcher of sweet tea, now you must consume the tea within 3 seconds without spilling a drop. If you fail to pass this test, the trap will spring, crushing your left arm. Bwaahhahahahaa!" Damn that dude is hella creepy.

07-19-2009, 07:26 PM
That was hilarious.

I was thinking the whole time that he would be great at telling horror stories with a flashlight outside to young kids and then he closes his video in similar fashion.

He should use that persona with singles date services. I wonder what type of women would respond.

07-25-2009, 12:17 AM
That was hilarious.

I was thinking the whole time that he would be great at telling horror stories with a flashlight outside to young kids and then he closes his video in similar fashion.

He should use that persona with singles date services. I wonder what type of women would respond.

LOL. Yep. That Youtube vid got removed....here's another. Post your own as this is fun/creepy!!!

Where the hell is SkinBasket? I thought you had the market cornered on this creepy stuff? Hope it just ain't gay porn now....as that is creepy and all, but not too interesting. So disappointing without the Skin....:cry:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqi5F5MqqTQ :shock: :lol:

07-25-2009, 12:27 AM
The closeups, dancing, and esp. the Mac and Cheese and that old dude at end really disturb Snake:


07-25-2009, 12:32 AM
OK....Snake found a workaround...Steve Sutton and his iced tea from the original post found a way and here it is.....Perhaps this is SkinBasket (aka Steve Sutton) so is it? As this would affirm your creepy ass status...no?

Here's the original Iced Tea walkthrough. BWHAAHAHHAAAAAHAHHAAA! That is seriously some CREEPY ass stuff as Snake swears the SAW movies were patterned after this guy (Steve Sutton maybe aka SkinBasket). I challenge ANYONE to find something creepier than this:


Iron Mike
07-25-2009, 10:53 AM
I challenge ANYONE to find something creepier than this:

I guess it depends on your definition of creepy, but here's my take.....




07-29-2009, 12:27 AM
I challenge ANYONE to find something creepier than this:

I guess it depends on your definition of creepy, but here's my take.....




Personally, the second vid on possessiveness was creepy, but no more than going to your grandma's house and finding they hoard everything cuz they are old. The 3rd vid on crime scene cleanup was slightly unsettling, yet Snake is a huge fan of Dexter (the Showtime series) so after watching that, this is peanuts.

Personally, the tone, audio, video panning, and the orator (or speakers) in a vid make it creepy.

Thanks, Mike for contributing. Although, othing can touch a creepy old dude making Iced Tea like Steve Sutton.....so far. Shit creeps me the hell out.