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View Full Version : Twitter - Please explain it to me

08-01-2009, 09:12 AM
I just don't get the fascination with twitter. I can't imagine why any prominent person would want to blab about their daily activities to hordes of people they don't even know. Why athletes are twittering about their practices. meetings, etc. is beyond me.

08-01-2009, 09:56 AM
i don't get it either. and alot of these people that are doing it are the same ones who bitch about not having any privacy to begin with

i am sick of hearing the words twitter and tweet

08-01-2009, 11:02 AM
If you're sick of hearing the words, think of this: I have a friend who follows a bunch of people and when they post messages her computer actually tweets. It's cute. The first 3 times. Then it's not. And by the end of a visit, it may as well be fingernails and a chalkboard. I know one guy who only tweets when he's dissatisfied with some company or service. He's a nice guy but if you only read his tweets, you'd think he was a curmudgeon.

08-01-2009, 04:10 PM
I just don't get the fascination with twitter. I can't imagine why any prominent person would want to blab about their daily activities to hordes of people they don't even know.

You mean things like:

"Hi, y'all. Just to let you know, I finally passed that kidney stone....and more good news...the doc says my hemorrhoids won't need surgery. Thanks."

08-01-2009, 04:13 PM
I was thinking of more life-altering things like "my peanut butter at lunch was great, but I really prefer crunchy."

08-01-2009, 06:15 PM
If you're sick of hearing the words, think of this: I have a friend who follows a bunch of people and when they post messages her computer actually tweets. It's cute. The first 3 times. Then it's not. And by the end of a visit, it may as well be fingernails and a chalkboard. I know one guy who only tweets when he's dissatisfied with some company or service. He's a nice guy but if you only read his tweets, you'd think he was a curmudgeon.

see, i say i'll flip out if i hear twitter or tweet one more time

and what happens?

ziggy says tweet 3 damn times in the very next post


08-02-2009, 12:50 AM
You didn't hear it, dear, you read it. That's different.

08-02-2009, 02:10 AM
You are all so oh wrong.

Snake finds it absolutely fascinating to read the latest Tweets to find out such things as:

-Was gonna eat Coco Puffs for breakfast. Golden Grahams is where it's at.
-Worked out at 9am. Tired. Looking forward to lunch.
-Stuck in traffic. Gonna run out and kick that guy's ass with the "Da Bears" bumper sticker. Bad mustache.
-Ran out of toner on the copier. My boss is really lame.
-Is Limp Bizkit still together?
-Desperate Housewives last nite was gr8! Woot!
-Who watches Lost?
-My daughter has a lisp. How long does that last?
-Stuck at Tires Plus. Been an hour for a tire rotation. What gives?
-Are groceries safe to buy at Walmart?
-Really tired. Might sleep soon.
-Husband is drunk and posting on Packerrats. When is Partial back?

Snake always felt that if it wasn't important enough to call or text (only text when it's not as important to call)....it's not relevant.

Never understood the importance of tweeting...NFL updates are meaningless, but at least in the NBA it has some meaning...

Dudes announcing signings a day or so before they "sign" per ESPN. Trades, etc.

But everyday, melodrama is moot. Snake don't care what you are debating eating for breakfast or if you are thinking about chopping wood to displace your oil or gas furnace. :roll:

08-02-2009, 07:51 AM
I guess it makes people believe that someone gives a shit about them. A really genius bit of software that plays right into the psychopathic egotism of so many people out there today. The same egotism that makes so many people believe they would perish or the world would collapse without texting every half hour or a blue tooth star trek dangle stuck in their fucking ear.

08-02-2009, 02:14 PM
Brilliant idea from them. They put that site together extremely quickly, it runs like ass, yet they could easily turn around and sell it for hundreds of millions if not a billion nowadays. The value will never be higher, and its dying off already, so if those dudes were smart they'd unload it asap.

What I'd be curious to know if Twitter was in the wild before the Facebook status update came around, or where they got the idea from? I feel like Twitter has been around like 3-4 years now and I don't think the FB status thing has, so at least it was an original idea.

08-02-2009, 04:25 PM
I guess it makes people believe that someone gives a shit about them. A really genius bit of software that plays right into the psychopathic egotism of so many people out there today.

That's about spot on. In this age of Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, etc. it so easy to get online and "meet friends" or get in touch with current friends or family. Between those 3 sites, I don't think I know any friend, coworker, or family member who uses a computer alot that isn't a member of at least one of those sites....

...Tweeting on the other hand. I don't know anyone who uses Twitter. Anyone tweet on here? I'm wondering what's good to grill out for supper tonight?

08-05-2009, 02:52 PM
I used Twitter for 20 minutes, then deleted my account. I don't get the hype, either.

Twitter can also be linked to your FB status updates. Unfortunately, a couple of my FB friends do that. Now, as if telling someone what you're doing 3-4 times an hour isn't annoying enough, they feel the need to use that mapping application that shows their location as they update their status. I forget what the heck it's called. loopt, maybe?

Seriously, people? Why not just plant a GPS chip in your ass.

Skin, I couldn't agree with you more though....it makes people feel important!!

08-06-2009, 01:47 PM
Just saw this quote:

Paula Abdul has announced she won't return to American Idol. She announced her decision in a Tweet.

Give Paula credit for figuring out Twitter. It takes some work to be rambling and incoherent in only 140 characters.

- Janice Hough

08-06-2009, 08:07 PM
Love that. So when are we having a DC Rat happy hour?

08-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Love that. So when are we having a DC Rat happy hour?

@ziggy: you buy the plane ticket and I'll buy the drinks. Deal? (I'll take you off my watch list too!)

I hope I did that right. I'd hate to look out of touch with today's youth.

08-06-2009, 08:20 PM
Love that. So when are we having a DC Rat happy hour?

Could be fun. Who all is here in the area? Are there any of the preseason games on national tv?

08-07-2009, 06:22 AM
There's you, me, mobb, arclite, th87 and maybe packfaninmd is still around town. I thought there were one or two more so I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I missed you, speak up for godssakes.

08-07-2009, 10:23 AM
Oh, TH is here too?! It would be a lot of fun to get together for a preseason game if possible.

08-07-2009, 11:41 AM
Zig, is there any kind of Packer Backers club near you?

I'm so glad that I found one in the city that I'm moving to. I know once I move I'm going to totally miss everything that I currently take for granted right now :cry:

08-07-2009, 12:16 PM
Zig, is there any kind of Packer Backers club near you?

I'm so glad that I found one in the city that I'm moving to. I know once I move I'm going to totally miss everything that I currently take for granted right now :cry:

Moving sucks. Especially to a new city. Even if its for the better in the long run, it still sucks.

08-07-2009, 01:20 PM
Moving sucks. Especially to a new city. Even if its for the better in the long run, it still sucks.

Not when you're leaving a rather boring city and ungodly long winters behind, it doesn't, lol

08-07-2009, 05:20 PM
Zig, is there any kind of Packer Backers club near you?

I'm so glad that I found one in the city that I'm moving to. I know once I move I'm going to totally miss everything that I currently take for granted right now :cry:

Moving sucks. Especially to a new city. Even if its for the better in the long run, it still sucks.

Hawk & Dove. I haven't been, but the Packers meetup met there for a while. I absolutely loved moving from Milwaukee to Tampa. Tampa to Columbia not as much fun, though my ex got to ride with the zoo on that trip...

Freak Out
08-07-2009, 05:38 PM
Moving sucks. Especially to a new city. Even if its for the better in the long run, it still sucks.

Not when you're leaving a rather boring city and ungodly long winters behind, it doesn't, lol

No doubt.....plus you can make it easier and just sell everything.

08-07-2009, 06:47 PM
Twitter is great for networking. You can communicate to people in a way that allows them to ignore you while still giving an opportunity for response. It'd be like someone giving you their number but only with the option to text message them.

It makes people accessible but with very simple way to not get slammed with a bunch of shit that more prominent people have to deal with when they're "accessible".

It's not a "oh im taking a shit now" site which a lot of people seem to write it off as. If you can understand the social accessibility (with protection) dynamic of it then you can understand why it's so popular -- for all different groups of people.

There are so many applications for it outside of the obvious. Wondering what the average person thinks of the movie Funny People. Just type it in and get responses from people literally walking out of the movie theatre. I know that saved me and my old lady $20-30 by not seeing that movie... we went and saw Orphan instead based on what people were saying. Good choice.

Think outside the box. :D

08-07-2009, 06:55 PM
Actually, I'm working on thinking of ways to use it for the company. The world really doesn't need to know what I'm doing and if I am doing something interesting, I'd never be able to explain it in 140 characters or less.

08-17-2009, 10:50 AM
Moving sucks. Especially to a new city. Even if its for the better in the long run, it still sucks.

Not when you're leaving a rather boring city and ungodly long winters behind, it doesn't, lol

No doubt.....plus you can make it easier and just sell everything.

Yeah, sold lots of stuff so far. Easier to just buy new stuff when I move, plus NC is like the cheap furniture capital of the world as there are quite a few manufacturers there.

and my Curly's Pub glasses will be wrapped in about 2 inches of bubble wrap each. LOL. Thought you'd appreciate that one, Freak. I mean, I can't be going postal on the moving company for breaking one of those, LOL. :lol:

10-27-2009, 08:36 PM
Ok, so Nick Barnett is trying to make #gopackgo a trending topic. Does that mean anything to anyone?