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10-03-2009, 01:21 PM
Anybody ever been to Cleveland or live there? I need a hotel recommendation. My buddies and I are looking for a cheap hotel that is nice and close to some of the cooler bars so we don't have to drive drunk.

We are looking to be near to the Cleveland equivalent of Water St/ old world third. We want to hit up some cool spots and hopefully draw in some babes.

10-03-2009, 03:34 PM
I will give you a couple of pieces of free advice: don't hang around the flats for last call - go home well before. Don't insult people down there - they like to cap you for it. They can smell out of towners a mile away. Finally, this is Cleveland - there are no babes. Just ask Jeff Garcia.

10-04-2009, 12:54 PM


Have fun, P.

10-04-2009, 01:30 PM
Atleast it's not detroit :lol:

10-05-2009, 07:52 AM
Atleast it's not detroit :lol:

Detroit can be a lot of fun. I'd rather hang out there than Cleveland. Of course there's parts you don't want to be in, but what city doesn't have those parts?

10-05-2009, 12:25 PM
Atleast it's not detroit :lol:

Detroit can be a lot of fun. I'd rather hang out there than Cleveland. Of course there's parts you don't want to be in, but what city doesn't have those parts?

I was parodying the tourist video for Cleveland that went viral on Youtube.

Little Whiskey
10-05-2009, 01:09 PM
Atleast it's not detroit :lol:

think detroit is nice, check out flint

10-05-2009, 01:22 PM
Atleast it's not detroit :lol:

Detroit can be a lot of fun. I'd rather hang out there than Cleveland. Of course there's parts you don't want to be in, but what city doesn't have those parts?

I was parodying the tourist video for Cleveland that went viral on Youtube.

Gotcha - i have to skip most of those links because I'm at work. And I skip any links Skin posts for my mental well-being.

10-05-2009, 01:22 PM
Atleast it's not detroit :lol:

think detroit is nice, check out flint

I didn't think Flint existed anymore!

10-05-2009, 01:38 PM
Gotcha - i have to skip most of those links because I'm at work. And I skip any links Skin posts for my mental well-being.


Cheesehead Craig
10-05-2009, 04:19 PM
Moses Cleveland, the guy who invented Cleveland. That's my favorite part.

10-22-2009, 10:32 PM
We're loading up the Civic tomorrow to depart at 5:30 promptly. One of our guys had to back out, so we lucked out because with 4 people we don't need to rent a larger vehicle.

Should be a good trip.

I've got the GF's trusty Garmin 265W, my iPod touch, my cell phone, my work cellphone (Verizon -- just in case my Sprint phone doesn't work) and my MacBook Pro packed, so we should be able to handle any emergencies or misfortunes that come our way :lol:

I definitely cannot wait to get bloody ripped on Saturday. It has been far too long since I've had a quality long island night.

10-23-2009, 11:38 PM
I've got the GF's trusty Garmin 265W, my iPod touch, my cell phone, my work cellphone (Verizon -- just in case my Sprint phone doesn't work) and my MacBook Pro packed, so we should be able to handle any emergencies or misfortunes that come our way :lol:

I definitely cannot wait to get bloody ripped on Saturday. It has been far too long since I've had a quality long island night.Damn, youre gonna get jacked by someone P. Better beware and have insurance.

10-24-2009, 02:10 AM
Okay, so, I need some legal advice:

Here is the situation.

We're driving at 70 in a 70 mph zone. The zone switches over to 55 right as I zoom up behind a cop. I drop my speed to his as I'm driving behind him and don't want to pass. This guy gets off the freeway, and gets right back on to pull me over.

This is where it gets weird:

I pull over immediately once the lights turn on. I have my seat belt on and roll down the window. He just says to me, and I quote. "70 in a 55, license". So I hand him my license.

He walks away and comes back about 10 minutes later with a ticket for me. He hands me the ticket, and I ask to talk to him about it. He says "You had better make it quick, I have other people to catch". Okay, rude, so I ask why I was ticketed, and he says "Boy, you zoomed up behind me at 70 mph" and then he walks away, ignoring my requests to see evidence.

Then, he peels out, literally squeeling his tires, not providing an emergency vehicle escort to get back into semi-heavy freeway traffic (which is 55 mph).

I then look at the ticket, and there isn't any information regarding a fee. In the fee amount, he wrote "call". What the fuck is this? Call? And call who?

So, this guy would not show me proof of my speeding, likely because he did not have any, nor did he refuse to explain to me the nature of the violation, etc. Instead, he was rude and blew me off, stating he had other people to catch.

I do not want to have to come back to bumblefuck Indiana to fight the damn thing, so how should I go about this? I looked up the ticket online but it is not yet in their system so I have no idea what I owe.

10-24-2009, 02:36 AM
Okay, so, I need some legal advice:

Here is the situation.

We're driving at 70 in a 70 mph zone. The zone switches over to 55 right as I zoom up behind a cop. I drop my speed to his as I'm driving behind him and don't want to pass. This guy gets off the freeway, and gets right back on to pull me over.

This is where it gets weird:

I pull over immediately once the lights turn on. I have my seat belt on and roll down the window. He just says to me, and I quote. "70 in a 55, license". So I hand him my license.

He walks away and comes back about 10 minutes later with a ticket for me. He hands me the ticket, and I ask to talk to him about it. He says "You had better make it quick, I have other people to catch". Okay, rude, so I ask why I was ticketed, and he says "Boy, you zoomed up behind me at 70 mph" and then he walks away, ignoring my requests to see evidence.

Then, he peels out, literally squeeling his tires, not providing an emergency vehicle escort to get back into semi-heavy freeway traffic (which is 55 mph).

I then look at the ticket, and there isn't any information regarding a fee. In the fee amount, he wrote "call". What the fuck is this? Call? And call who?

So, this guy would not show me proof of my speeding, likely because he did not have any, nor did he refuse to explain to me the nature of the violation, etc. Instead, he was rude and blew me off, stating he had other people to catch.

I do not want to have to come back to bumblefuck Indiana to fight the damn thing, so how should I go about this? I looked up the ticket online but it is not yet in their system so I have no idea what I owe.

Snake's got plenty of buds in law enforcement. You are fucked no matter what. They tape that shit nowadays. Enjoy a good song to make you feel better (my old youtube vid was classic with videos/pics a year ago till it got yanked for this song, but his song makes it case):


10-24-2009, 09:26 AM
Since its out of state, as I understand it, it won't affect my insurance price. Is this true?

What would happen if I just didn't pay it?

10-24-2009, 10:29 AM
Since its out of state, as I understand it, it won't affect my insurance price. Is this true?

What would happen if I just didn't pay it?

They put a warrant out on you. If you ever get pulled over anywhere for anything, you'll be arrested. They have your license number so you're screwed.

10-24-2009, 05:04 PM
How ass backwards is our system? The cop refuses to explain to me or specify the amount of money I have to pay for a crime he does not have any proof of.

I'm so fucking sick that good people who do everything right, work hard, save money, pay bills on time, etc get fucked while so many idiots get a free pass.

Cheesehead Craig
10-24-2009, 07:32 PM
So were there other people in the car to act as witnesses? Sounds like there was.

Wouldn't hurt for you to call some atty in that area that does these traffic cases.

10-24-2009, 08:30 PM
Will the attorney cost more than the ticket?

10-24-2009, 10:19 PM
CLASSIC!!!! :lol:

Damn, youre gonna get jacked by someone P.

Okay, so, I need some legal advice

10-25-2009, 02:19 AM
I cannot quote from my BB, sorry. I have no idea if a lawyer will cost more since I have no idea what the ticket costs. My amount due is 'call' and the websight does not contain the data yet.

Clevelands bar scene is surprisingly hopping. I'm drunk

Tyrone Bigguns
10-25-2009, 02:37 AM
Dude, you were speeding. You got caught. The cop doesn't have to show you shit, or explain shit.

Pay the fine and be done with it. If you can, get your buds to chip in.

Stop crying. Don't speed if you don't want to pay tickets. It is that simple.

10-25-2009, 07:55 AM
Dude, you were speeding. You got caught. The cop doesn't have to show you shit, or explain shit.

Pay the fine and be done with it. If you can, get your buds to chip in.

Stop crying. Don't speed if you don't want to pay tickets. It is that simple.

I agree with Mr. Bigguns.

Scott Campbell
10-25-2009, 07:56 AM
I remember getting a ticket for 10 over in Dallas for $220. That sucked.

Hopefully it won't affect your insurance rates.

Sounds like you got screwed in a speed trap. What town? Was it on I-80?

Little Whiskey
10-25-2009, 11:46 AM
it may affect your insurance. just read an article on yahoo about a lady who got a ticket for an illegal u-turn in Dallas and cause her insurance to double in New York. She pulled a u-turn to help someone jumpstart their car.

Partial, best bet would be to actually call for the price of your ticket. I'm gonna imagine its pretty steep for 15 over. a buddy of mine just got a ticket for 5 over that cost him $100. so that math would be like 250 for your ticket.

not paying the fine = just plain stupid! get stoped or your lic pulled for anything and you end up in jail due to the warrant.

Call a lawyer, see what his fee is. maybe your fine will be the same, but won't affect your insurance rates.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-25-2009, 01:06 PM
You can also see if they will take more cash to keep the ticket off your record. Don't know if they still do that kind of thing, but Ty used that trick years ago in in Illinois. Pay 300 hundy to keep it off my record. Cheaper than watching your rates go up.

Scott Campbell
10-25-2009, 04:17 PM
Call a lawyer, see what his fee is. maybe your fine will be the same, but won't affect your insurance rates.

I doubt it. But it still might be money well spent.

10-26-2009, 12:54 AM
I'm so angry about this.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 04:55 AM
I'm so angry about this.

Tri state killing spree angry?

10-26-2009, 06:22 AM
I'm so angry about this.

When you brood about something to the point that you ruin a perfectly good road trip, you know you're past time to just deal with it and let it go. Just because you do the right things doesn't mean life owes you anything.

10-26-2009, 11:15 AM
It was an epic road trip. The Cleveland bars on 6th street were a lot of fun

10-26-2009, 11:34 AM
Do you even need an attorney to show up in traffic court?

10-26-2009, 11:49 AM
It's pretty funny that Partial thinks the cops owe him proof of speeding.

Call the number on the ticket for whatever law enforcement pulled you over, get the amount, and pay the ticket. And don't try to complain over the phone because outside of traffic court, no one gives a shit and no one can or will do anything about it. Even in traffic court, no one gives a shit and no one will do anything other than offer to drop the points. You're going to pay. Or go to jail, then pay. Or you can go to traffic court, sit around for a few hours, complain to some judge who hates his life for having to do traffic court, have him drop the points, then pay.

Next time be a little more aware of your surroundings when you're driving and you won't have this problem. You aren't a victim of this cop. You're just another guy who got pulled over for speeding.

10-26-2009, 12:01 PM
How the fuck do you get pulled over for speeding when the cop is in front of you?!? How can he write me a ticket without a radar reading?

Scott Campbell
10-26-2009, 12:10 PM
How the fuck do you get pulled over for speeding when the cop is in front of you?!? How can he write me a ticket without a radar reading?

He wirelessly hacked into your iPhone and read the GPS. That cop must have had a vendetta against Apple fanboys.

10-26-2009, 12:12 PM
How the fuck do you get pulled over for speeding when the cop is in front of you?!? How can he write me a ticket without a radar reading?

He wirelessly hacked into your iPhone and read the GPS. That cop must have had a vendetta against Apple fanboys.

I should try to get that copped relieved of his duties. He was a complete asshole.

10-26-2009, 12:15 PM
You do realize that many cop cars have more than one radar gun in the car and aim them ahead and behind at the same time? How else would they be able to sit on the shoulder and monitor traffic moving in the same direction. Never mind, you clearly don't have any clue or you wouldn't be getting so worked up about it. Bottom line is, whether you were technically speeding or not, if you decide to take it to court it will be your word against the cops in some courtroom in BF, IN. Who do you think the judge or jury is going to believe? Write this up as one of life's little lessons (moral: the world doesn't give a shit about you) and move on.

10-26-2009, 12:30 PM
You do realize that many cop cars have more than one radar gun in the car and aim them ahead and behind at the same time? How else would they be able to sit on the shoulder and monitor traffic moving in the same direction. Never mind, you clearly don't have any clue or you wouldn't be getting so worked up about it. Bottom line is, whether you were technically speeding or not, if you decide to take it to court it will be your word against the cops in some courtroom in BF, IN. Who do you think the judge or jury is going to believe? Write this up as one of life's little lessons (moral: the world doesn't give a shit about you) and move on.

He's aiming when he's driving at 60 mph? Where is his reckless driving ticket?

I know I'm going to get my ass served. It's just fricking bullshit. I wasn't speeding recklessly (70 in a 65 in BF, Indiana). My problem isn't with that, it's with how he was being a total asshole.

10-26-2009, 12:33 PM
I should try to get that copped relieved of his duties. He was a complete asshole.

What cop isn't? Actually part of their job description.

10-26-2009, 12:47 PM
You do realize that many cop cars have more than one radar gun in the car and aim them ahead and behind at the same time? How else would they be able to sit on the shoulder and monitor traffic moving in the same direction. Never mind, you clearly don't have any clue or you wouldn't be getting so worked up about it. Bottom line is, whether you were technically speeding or not, if you decide to take it to court it will be your word against the cops in some courtroom in BF, IN. Who do you think the judge or jury is going to believe? Write this up as one of life's little lessons (moral: the world doesn't give a shit about you) and move on.

He's aiming when he's driving at 60 mph? Where is his reckless driving ticket?

You have seen those radar guns mounted on the side of cop cars, right? How long have you been driving for? Was this your first road trip in life?

I know I'm going to get my ass served. It's just fricking bullshit. I wasn't speeding recklessly (70 in a 65 in BF, Indiana). My problem isn't with that, it's with how he was being a total asshole.

I thought you said you got ticketed for going 70 in a 55. (Which, by the way, suggests that you probably weren't paying attention to the "reduced speed ahead" signs that are ALWAYS posted on the interstate when going from 65 to 55, and that you probably were thinking that since the cop was going 70 you could go the same speed with impunity. Let that be life lesson #2: The fact that a cop is speeding doesn't mean he won't pull you over for doing the exact same speed. In fact, it makes it even more likely that he'll pull you over (for trying to keep up with him).

Some cops are assholes. Dealing with them sucks. Getting worked up about it just makes it worse. It makes you feel cheap and look pathetic. Suck it up and consider it one (I'm guessing) of your first initiations to the world of driving.

Deputy Nutz
10-26-2009, 01:35 PM
I don't believe the story in the first place. Oh I believe Partial got pulled over, but certainly not in the fashion he is describing.

10-26-2009, 02:02 PM
It will probably be easier to get out of the speeding ticket than it will be to get your missing mac rebate. :wink:

Scott Campbell
10-26-2009, 03:00 PM
I should try to get that copped relieved of his duties. He was a complete asshole.

What cop isn't? Actually part of their job description.

There might be more truth to that than first meets the eye. Guys like Partial are a vital source of income for some of these speed traps.

I don't really think they're protecting or serving anyone other than some city bean counters with this kind of crap.

10-26-2009, 03:25 PM
A couple appropriate lines from the Shit my dad says Twitter

"Just pay the parking ticket. Don't be so outraged. You're not a freedom fighter in the civil rights movement. You double parked."

"Son, people will always try and fuck you. Don't waste your life planning for a fucking, just be alert when your pants are down."

And I'm sorry, the reduced speed ahead signs from a 70 to a 55 are NOT always as visible as people think and their placement CAN be a source of revenue.

10-26-2009, 03:32 PM
I think the last point was covered under the "the world doesn't give a shit about you" clause. :lol:

10-26-2009, 04:03 PM
I don't believe the story in the first place. Oh I believe Partial got pulled over, but certainly not in the fashion he is describing.

It is exactly as described. S was F'd up.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 04:16 PM
I don't believe the story in the first place. Oh I believe Partial got pulled over, but certainly not in the fashion he is describing.

It is exactly as described. S was F'd up.

Dude. We ALL know you didn't even go to Cleveland. You were at home, in your parent's basement, surfing John Stone's forum.

Entertaining story though.

10-26-2009, 07:21 PM
I don't believe the story in the first place. Oh I believe Partial got pulled over, but certainly not in the fashion he is describing.

It is exactly as described. S was F'd up.

Well, you "blew it" in the original post. I don't understand why you are puzzled about the ticket. You said

as I zoom up behind a cop

You can't "zoom" up on somebody, unless, you are going faster than they are. My guess is that you "missed" the transition from 70 to 55 or whatever it was.

shit happens. Pay the bill. Use the mac rebate money. :wink:

10-26-2009, 08:40 PM
I don't believe the story in the first place. Oh I believe Partial got pulled over, but certainly not in the fashion he is describing.

It is exactly as described. S was F'd up.

Well, you "blew it" in the original post. I don't understand why you are puzzled about the ticket. You said

as I zoom up behind a cop

You can't "zoom" up on somebody, unless, you are going faster than they are. My guess is that you "missed" the transition from 70 to 55 or whatever it was.

shit happens. Pay the bill. Use the mac rebate money. :wink:

It was a 65 dropping to a 55. I was going 72 on cruise control. He was in the left lane and I was in the left lane, so as I gradually gained on him I killed the cruise control and dropped to his speed since it was a cop, which was 55. He then got off the freeway, got behind me, and pulled me over. I still think it's very BS.

I think it might just be a warning. I'm punching the number into their www.indy.gov/ticketpay system and it's not coming up.

Here is a pic of the ticket. Note the "Call" for the amount. I'm considering making a check out with the amount of call and mailing it in with a copy of the ticket (with the amount field highlighted).


Also, to the left of the amount field, it appears that he is required to check something. He did not do that.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 08:42 PM
Guess the cop couldn't get you to admit how fat you are.

10-26-2009, 08:43 PM
Guess the cop couldn't get you to admit how fat you are.

Not really since my license says 5'10" (I'm 5'11") and 155 (I'm 230ish).

My Id info is from when I was 16.

10-26-2009, 08:45 PM
For anyone interested, this would make for a cool comp wallpaper.

This thing is like 10 stories high I would bet. Gigantic.


10-26-2009, 08:46 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 08:47 PM
Guess the cop couldn't get you to admit how fat you are.

Not really since my license says 5'10" (I'm 5'11") and 155 (I'm 230ish).

My Id info is from when I was 16.

Why didn't he fill it in? Looks like you erased the weight.

Really? You id is from when you were 16. So, you've been breaking the law for awhile now. You are required to update you license when you change addresses. Since you haven't lived at home for at least 6 months, you have been breaking the law.

10-26-2009, 08:47 PM
Fer godssakes, computer genius, will ya learn how to size a photo?!!!

10-26-2009, 08:47 PM
For anyone interested, this would make for a cool comp wallpaper.

This thing is like 10 stories high I would bet. Gigantic.


So ghey. So fucking ghey.

10-26-2009, 08:47 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Fuck that what if I don't have a phone. Isn't it awfully presumptuous to assume I can call? This cop was a grade A dbag.

10-26-2009, 08:49 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Fuck that what if I don't have a phone. Isn't it awfully presumptuous to assume I can call? This cop was a grade A dbag.

What do you mean fuck that? I just told you not to call. Pretend you're retarded when they arrest you a couple years from now. I bet you can pull it off.

10-26-2009, 08:54 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Fuck that what if I don't have a phone. Isn't it awfully presumptuous to assume I can call? This cop was a grade A dbag.

What do you mean fuck that? I just told you not to call. Pretend you're retarded when they arrest you a couple years from now. I bet you can pull it off.

Against my better judgement, I will now use an emoticon. Or three.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

10-26-2009, 08:56 PM
Fer godssakes, computer genius, will ya learn how to size a photo?!!!

How small do you want it? It looks fine on my display. I did resize it to a web friendly size. You have a 17" laptop. You should have at minimum a 1920x1200 screen. The image is significantly fewer pixels in all dimensions.

Why didn't he fill it in? Looks like you erased the weight.

Really? You id is from when you were 16. So, you've been breaking the law for awhile now. You are required to update you license when you change addresses. Since you haven't lived at home for at least 6 months, you have been breaking the law.

I've changed my address? News to me. I have never once changed my address. When I'm in temporary places, why would I want to go through that hassle of getting mail sent to the wrong place? I don't want my credit card shit going to some apartment that I moved out of months ago. F that.

I have no idea how the fuck you erase shit. Otherwise don't you think I would have erased that stuff instead of coloring over it? Use that domeski for something other than a hat rack.

10-26-2009, 09:00 PM
It looks fine on my display.


10-26-2009, 09:03 PM
It looks fine on my display.


I don't get it. It really is within the parameters of web friendly. It does not stretch the window on my display.

It's 960 pixels wide, which is acceptable for the web in today's world.

10-26-2009, 09:08 PM
It looks fine on my display.


I don't get it. It really is within the parameters of web friendly. It does not stretch the window on my display.

It's 960 pixels wide, which is acceptable for the web in today's world.

I cannot wait until your eyes turn 43. I have my display set to 1024X768 and the characters are so fucking small I can barely see them. :P

The whole world does not see through your eyes...

10-26-2009, 09:09 PM
It looks fine on my display.


I don't get it. It really is within the parameters of web friendly. It does not stretch the window on my display.

It's 960 pixels wide, which is acceptable for the web in today's world.

I cannot wait until your eyes turn 43. I have my display set to 1024X768 and the characters are so fucking small I can barely see them. :P

The whole world does not see through your eyes...

Say what? That is crazy small. I mean really, really small. What size is the display? I'm using 3360 by 1050 right now (two 22" lcds)

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 09:13 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Fuck that what if I don't have a phone. Isn't it awfully presumptuous to assume I can call? This cop was a grade A dbag.

Presumptuous that you can't find a pay phone? Buy a phone card.

Douche bag: Must have been like dealing with yourself.

10-26-2009, 09:15 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Fuck that what if I don't have a phone. Isn't it awfully presumptuous to assume I can call? This cop was a grade A dbag.

Presumptuous that you can't find a pay phone? Buy a phone card.

Douche bag: Must have been like dealing with yourself.

So I have to spend more money just to find out the cost of the fine? Do I deduct the cost of the phone card. This is an example of the cop being a lazy mother fucker. I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna pay some lawyer 100 bones and get this ticket dropped. Better put the pocket into a small business than give it to the county that allows for this sort of lazy behavior.

10-26-2009, 09:15 PM
It looks fine on my display.


I don't get it. It really is within the parameters of web friendly. It does not stretch the window on my display.

It's 960 pixels wide, which is acceptable for the web in today's world.

I cannot wait until your eyes turn 43. I have my display set to 1024X768 and the characters are so fucking small I can barely see them. :P

The whole world does not see through your eyes...

Say what? That is crazy small. I mean really, really small. What size is the display? I'm using 3360 by 1050 right now (two 22" lcds)

14.1in laptop. I'd prefer setting it to 800X600, but that's like driving a yugo.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 09:16 PM
Fer godssakes, computer genius, will ya learn how to size a photo?!!!

How small do you want it? It looks fine on my display. I did resize it to a web friendly size. You have a 17" laptop. You should have at minimum a 1920x1200 screen. The image is significantly fewer pixels in all dimensions.

Why didn't he fill it in? Looks like you erased the weight.

Really? You id is from when you were 16. So, you've been breaking the law for awhile now. You are required to update you license when you change addresses. Since you haven't lived at home for at least 6 months, you have been breaking the law.

I've changed my address? News to me. I have never once changed my address. When I'm in temporary places, why would I want to go through that hassle of getting mail sent to the wrong place? I don't want my credit card shit going to some apartment that I moved out of months ago. F that.

I have no idea how the fuck you erase shit. Otherwise don't you think I would have erased that stuff instead of coloring over it? Use that domeski for something other than a hat rack.

If you arent' living at the same place for X amount of time, then it isn't permanent. If the cops can't find you at the address if they needed to..then it isn't your CURRENT address. Sorry, but your need to portray yourself as honest and law abiding just went out the window.

Erase: Sure you don't, you've never used photoshop. LOL

No. Because then we would KNOW you are trying to hide your weight. You are a bit more clever than that.

10-26-2009, 09:18 PM
You are an idiot, Ty. You never cease to amaze me. Hide my weight? Nonsense. I just told you what my weight is. What do I care? I'm not some chick.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 09:24 PM
I think it might just be a warning.

I think you're right. It must be a warning. Don't pay it. But don't call them either, or you'll give yourself away.

Fuck that what if I don't have a phone. Isn't it awfully presumptuous to assume I can call? This cop was a grade A dbag.

Presumptuous that you can't find a pay phone? Buy a phone card.

Douche bag: Must have been like dealing with yourself.

So I have to spend more money just to find out the cost of the fine? Do I deduct the cost of the phone card. This is an example of the cop being a lazy mother fucker. I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna pay some lawyer 100 bones and get this ticket dropped. Better put the pocket into a small business than give it to the county that allows for this sort of lazy behavior.

Don't break the law, you won't have to spend ANY money.

The fact is, you have a phone..so, you are just whining. It ain't gonna cost you a dime.

100 bucks? LOL Good luck on that.

1. You gotta find a lawyer that will accept your case. And, one that is gonna charge you that.
2. You are guilty. In speeding you have to know if Indy is an absolute or presumed. If absolute..1 mile over and you are guilty. If presumed...the burden of proof is on you to prove you werent' speeing. Good luck on that.
3. Most likely, you pay for the atty, you don't get the points, and get a reduced fine.

Doesn't really matter anyway, since in the end, the story you post will be as YOU want it too end.

10-26-2009, 09:25 PM
Please don't address my posts any longer. I do not have the sort of time or mental strength to deal with the headache that is Ty. It is exhausting. I could not be your friend because you would annoy the hell out of me.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 09:25 PM
You are an idiot, Ty. You never cease to amaze me. Hide my weight? Nonsense. I just told you what my weight is. What do I care? I'm not some chick.

So, now that you have been shown to lie about your own abilities i'm amazing? That you have been willfully breaking the law. LOL

You are like a chick, you lie about your weight.

Tyrone Bigguns
10-26-2009, 09:26 PM
Please don't address my posts any longer. I do not have the sort of time or mental strength to deal with the headache that is Ty. It is exhausting. I could not be your friend because you would annoy the hell out of me.

Kinda sucks when someone questions you doesn't it? Guess that is how TwoSeven felt.

10-27-2009, 07:34 AM
Say what? That is crazy small. I mean really, really small. What size is the display? I'm using 3360 by 1050 right now (two 22" lcds)


Unless all that space is used exclusively for porn, then it's okay. No, not okay. Marginally acceptable. Do you call yourself Swordfish?

10-27-2009, 08:22 AM
1) Back to my original question, do you even need an attorney to show up in traffic court? My understanding is that you have a good chance of defeating it in court if an officer doesn't show up to provide some sort of evidence. They hand them like crazy out but that doesn't mean they all have merit. I have yet to hear of an honest cop. So take a chance and show up.

2) At least in MI, when you change your address and apply, they just send a sticker with your new address on it, you certainly do not head to the dmv and get a new picture taken until the damn thing expires.

3) I've only ever gotten two tickets, and the last one was also a call in. Granted I earned that one (80 in a 55, cited for far less). But seriously, if you were only going 72 in a 70, that's just not aggressive enough, you should be pressing at least 80 in a 70 in MI or IN.

10-27-2009, 08:36 AM
1) The norm is that there aren't attorneys, at least in WI. They pack a bunch of traffic offenders into the courtroom (in Milwaukee it's especially bad) and you meet with the city/municipal attorney, who'll invariably offer the pay the fine, get no points solution. If you refuse you can talk to the judge, who may tell you to pay and take the points, or more likely will look unimpressed unless you have some kind of compelling extraordinary evidence, and tell you to pay and the points will be dropped. I've seen lawyers hired when people can't be there in person, but otherwise it's a waste of money.

I think the officer only has to show if you request a jury trial - which you have to do by a certain date obviously.

2) I think you just tell the DMV your new address, that's all that happens. No sticker.

3) If the cop paced or zapped Partial at 70 in a 55, that's plenty. Either Partial wasn't paying attention or thought he was too cool to obey the speed limit when he was right behind a cop. There isn't a "coasting zone" when the speed limit changes, and I doubt he was hit immediately after the signed change anyway. Even if he was, it's still his responsibility.

10-27-2009, 09:57 AM
Say what? That is crazy small. I mean really, really small. What size is the display? I'm using 3360 by 1050 right now (two 22" lcds)


Unless all that space is used exclusively for porn, then it's okay. No, not okay. Marginally acceptable. Do you call yourself Swordfish?

I'll give you my displays are quite large (I like to keep one window exclusively for programming), but 1024 is really small. What res are you using these days?

10-27-2009, 11:06 AM
I still roll 1280x1024. I find it to be a nice balance.

A lot of "older" people (people over 40) still use 8x6, or the widescreen equivalent, resolution because they read email and the interweb and don't give a shit about pictures.

10-27-2009, 05:28 PM
Say what? That is crazy small. I mean really, really small. What size is the display? I'm using 3360 by 1050 right now (two 22" lcds)


Unless all that space is used exclusively for porn, then it's okay. No, not okay. Marginally acceptable. Do you call yourself Swordfish?

I'll give you my displays are quite large (I like to keep one window exclusively for programming), but 1024 is really small. What res are you using these days?

Well, that's the best my laptop will do, so that's what I use. I don't think it would be practical for me to travel with those twin 22in screens. (I'm in a hotel right now as I type this).

Skin is right, I don't give a shit about photos. I hate scrolling the screen, especially for pointless photos.

as to "acceptable on the web", on the vast majority of websites, i don't need to scroll, YET. That's slowing changing and I'll upgrade my laptop at that point, but I am not buying some widescreen behemoth either. My 14.1 inch IBM is the perfect compromise IMO. It weighs less than 5 lbs, yet has a 1.8ghz processor and will run everything that I need it to run quickly and efficiently. I can travel with it, and with the docking station, I have a desktop unit with twin monitors when I'm home. why should I upgrade so I don't have to scroll with "your photos"?

10-27-2009, 05:33 PM
RG you gotta get a higher res on that bizzle. 14" should be at least 1280*800 minimum, more likely 1440*960!!