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07-30-2006, 09:38 AM
Court Ruling Could Affect Packers Game Security

July 29, 2006 05:14 PM CDT

By Emily Matesic

A federal judge in Florida ruled in favor of a Tampa Bay Buccaneers season ticket holder who sued to stop searches of fans as the entered the stadium.

Patting down Packers fans as the enter Lambeau Field started Immediately after the events of September 11th, 2001.

We're told at that time, the National Football League suggested all teams randomly search spectators that look like they could be concealing something.

That suggestion became a league requirement at the beginning of last season and instead of random searches it directed teams to pat down all fans entering stadiums.

It's something fans say they expect.

Wayne Woock of Madison said "Sign of the times there's way too many people out there that have some bad motives in their minds."

While the majority of fans see the necessity in patting down spectators and don't mind the security checks - others still believe it's an invasion of privacy.

George Peterson of Rockford, Illinois said "I think it's a good idea I don't care for any people carrying in any weapons or anything like that I'm for it."

"I feel like it's necessary but in a way it's kind of violating but necessary all at the same time," said Stephanie Vermillion of Roscoe, Illinois.

Because the court ruling was in Florida and was based on a lawsuit filed against the Tampa Sports Authority the Packers aren't sure how the decision will effect them.

Action 2 News is told they'll wait for a directive from the National Football League before making any changes to their pat down policy.

07-30-2006, 09:40 AM
My thought is that season ticket holder must be work for the ACLU.

Yet, if something did happen, he'd be the first one to sue. People like this make me sick. I have no problem taking the extra time to wait in line at the games, the airport, etc for security to do it's thing. Maybe I just like getting felt up by cute security guards...I dunno.. :roll:

07-30-2006, 10:01 AM

I remember being searched for the Packer game against Jacksonville on December 19, 2004. The surprising search almost made us late for the game.

The temperature at game time was 12 degrees with a wind chill of -5. Despite being born and raised in Rice Lake, WI, it had been 15 years since I had experienced a Wisconsin winter and I already was chilled to the bone.

The officer who frisked me was an attractive female brunette in her mid-20's. I was too cold to even consider a fantasy! If she had taken the time to give me a 20 minute body massage, I probably would not have been aroused due to the cold!

Though I immensely enjoyed the game at Lambeau Field atmosphere, I kept repeating this mantra to myself, "I can't believe I used to live in this part of the country!"


07-30-2006, 10:03 AM
Personally, I think security at ALL sporting events need to be stepped up or stay at the level it is at. Sporting events are such great targets for terrorism because:

A. Security isn't as high as an airport or a subway.

B. Lots of people, easy to blend in with the crowd.

C. People are VERY close to each other resulting in mass casualties.

Actually the idea of a bomb at a sporting event was in the movie "The Sum of All Fears." Very good movie by the way, especially the ending scene with Giacomo Puccini's "Nessun Dorma." Great musical piece.

07-30-2006, 10:13 AM
You can't spend decades waiting for Packer season tickets to commit a terrorist act(now that's more than a sleeper cell).

A terrorist may go to a Raiders game where you can walk up on game day and buy a ticket. But the games are blacked out so the nut would not get any attention.

If the terrorist is going to target a stadium Filthydelphia would be nice in my opinion but they have terrorist acts every game. That's why they have a jail and courtroom at the stadium. So a terrorist act would pass as normal.

Perhaps Washington D.C., at highest bidder stadium, where for enough money paid to Daniel Snyder you can bump life long season ticket holders out of their seats.
I'm sure Danny Snyder has a program where for a convenience fee you can bypass those annoying security checks. But a terrorist would have to be well financed.

A terrorist might want to blow a hole in the roof at Texas Stadium...nevermind.

It's tough to know where they might strike.

07-30-2006, 11:54 PM
This reminds me of the daily show bit the Rob Corddry did called "Sent Packin"
It dealt with "Larry Primo" a.k.a. "The Packalope", and how he was banned after 9-11 because his horns were considered dangerous.

Click here to watch it (http://www.comedycentral.com/sitewide/media_player/play.jhtml?itemId=23383)

Rob Corddry rocks :D

07-31-2006, 08:46 AM
oh yeah, I remember some of the locals putting up a big stink about that. The Packalope has been around forever! He still has his helmet, just with "nerf" like horns on it now!

I have a pic of me and the Packalope from like 10 years ago, too... along with Gang Green, another icon at the games.

07-31-2006, 08:53 AM
Do you ever see St. Vincent? A pic of him would be sweet.

07-31-2006, 09:16 AM
Do you ever see St. Vincent? A pic of him would be sweet.

Oh yeah, St. Vince! I've seen him, too. Not actually at a Packer game, but twice in Tampa! I used to go down there just about every year when they were in our division. My sis lives in FL so we made it an annual thing.
