View Full Version : Player fraternizing

08-09-2006, 10:35 PM
Don't know what forum to post this in.

I'm reading Mike Ditka's book. In it he talks about how he hates his players patting each other on the butt and bonding at mid-field.

He states

"I kind of get a little nervous, no, I don't get nervous, I get mad, when I see these guys on a football field always patting each other on the butt. That bothers me. When the game starts, shake his hand and wish him good luck, and when the game's over, congratulate him and get out of there. But I don't understand all the fraternizing. That guy is trying to take food out of your mouth. He's trying to take money out of your bank. I don't understand it.

"You see it more and more then you ever saw it when I played. During the game just play."

"You know what bothered me most about the 1985 season? Did anyone happen to look out in the Orange Bowl an hour and a half before the Miami game? A lot of our players were out there and a lot of their players were out there and everybody's playing grab butt. We're patting; they're patting. Hey, this is football. You don't do that stuff. So what if they think you're a lousy, no-good rat. That's life. Shake his hand after the game."

I don't think it's terrible but it does seem a little over-done. What do you think of fraternizing at mid-field. Does it bother you?

08-09-2006, 10:39 PM
Sounds like Ditka was a little peeved nobody was pattin his ass! :razz:

Scott Campbell
08-09-2006, 10:52 PM

I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I agree with Ditka. I don't understand all the butt patting. I can't see it with your own teammates, much less dudes from other teams.

I don't want to touch other guys butts, and I don't want them touching mine. But that's just me.

08-09-2006, 10:57 PM
I don't want to touch other guys butts, and I don't want them touching mine. But that's just me.

yeah, I guess that's just you. :razz:


08-09-2006, 10:58 PM
Can I volunteer to be the official butt-patter? I'd start with DD and then move to...

08-09-2006, 11:05 PM
Don't know what forum to post this in.Its about football, it goes in here.

Scott Campbell and Ditka are just upset that the guys that did it to them didnt do more then pat.

The fact that these guys just tried to tear each others heads off for 3 hours then can pat each other on the ass is a incredible show of sportsmanship.

08-10-2006, 12:24 AM
hmmm, he doesn't like the butt patting, but he's all for endorsing the little blue pill for guys who can't get it up. :roll:

08-10-2006, 12:28 AM
Face it. The man has ISSUES!! :razz:

08-10-2006, 06:39 AM

Are you the poster (from JSO) formerly known as Bananaman?. The avatar looks familiar.

08-10-2006, 08:17 AM
I understand where Ditka's coming from. Most of the critiques about the comments so far are of a joking sexual nature, but I understand his point. The opponents are trying to make you look bad, so you're supposed to want to tear their head off first. I like that tough guy coaching philosophy. Then when the other player is putting their head back on the bleeding stump, you shake their hand out of sportsmanship, not because you like them, but because you won the contest and it's a polite thing to do.

08-10-2006, 08:25 AM
This is one of those threads that really dig deep into one's psyche. :mrgreen:

I think it's a fraternity thing.

I played alot of sports and all I've ever got was a slap on the back for a good play. I've only played pick-up tackle and touch football and even in touch football I've never been touched on the butt.

Should I have felt or feel neglected? :mrgreen:

Also wondering what Ray's opinion would be on this topic?

Green Bud Packer
08-10-2006, 08:34 AM
Can I volunteer to be the official butt-patter? I'd start with DD and then move to... if i put on my #80 jersey and football pants would you pat my butt?

08-10-2006, 09:08 AM
My buddy Pete tells me Vince Lombardi had similar thoughts on "sportsmanship." Basically, Lombardi said "don't help up an opposing teams player after a play. Make THEM expend the extra energy to get up off their butt."
I'm all for shaking hands before and after, but during the game, the objective is to win, to dominate and exercise your team's will over your opponents. Helping players up after a play and patting their butts..not really digging it.
One last thought:
I've always hated the comparison of football to warfare and "gladiators" and the like, but this IS a fiercely competitive and violent sport. If I wanted warm, touchy-feely, I'd watch other programming.
And now, I need my morning caffeine.

08-10-2006, 09:37 AM
Dikta's an idiot. I'm with Mad -- helping a guy up after giving him a shot is to me the definition of sportsmanship. And besides, popping up after getting hit, then giving the guy who hit you a pat on the helmet shows you can take a good shot and think nothing of it.

Guys with marginal physical talent, like Dobler, Hovan and Romo, maybe need the extra boost they think they get by acting all psychopath. That's amature hour.

08-10-2006, 10:27 AM
Oh man, all this talk about sportsmanship. Are some of you suggesting that British athletes aren't good sports because they don't walk around feeling one another's asses?

Ok, I think Noodle has a point about helping players onto their feet. But Lombardi had a point too, about letting them expend their own energy to get up. That one's a tougher call.

But please, all the ass patting. sigh. I agree with Ditka. And so did my mother when I was a kid - I can remember her endlessly giggling at all the players putting their hands on the butts of other men. C'mon, guys, this has nothing to do with homophobia - Ditka's point about these guys fighting to take money out of your bank is a good one.

I remember my father once said that he had great respect for his lawyer. One reason, aside from being a damned good lawyer, was that the guy didn't go in for all this nonsense of opposing lawyers always skaking one another's hands, going out for lunch with one another, all that crap. His attitude was that it was a war - with YOUR life at stake - and that the other guy wasn't his friend. Fraternity? Fuck that, pardon my French! That's the problem in this country and the one's who suffer for it are the ones who aren't in the fraternity - the clients. Solicitors and Barristers who are more interested in their careers and networking - no thanks, give me a lawyer who will fight for ME.

Same for football. I think a handshake at the beginning and at the end, given in good grace, is all that's needed to show good sportsmanship. I can remember coaches taking off from the field after losing games and I would agree that that's being a bad sport. But still, during the game, forget it, allowing for RARE exceptions, like some guy from the opposing side who just set an NFL record or something like that.

08-10-2006, 10:47 AM
Fraternizing before the game has nothing to do with the desire to crush your opponent. If you have that competitive nature, it doesn't matter if all the guys on the other side are your BFF's. You're still gonna try to kick their ass! The most intense games I've ever played came against good friends. And then when it's over, to calm eveyone down, you play a little grab ass.

08-10-2006, 10:51 AM
Fraternizing before the game has nothing to do with the desire to crush your opponent. If you have that competitive nature, it doesn't matter if all the guys on the other side are your BFF's. You're still gonna try to kick their ass! The most intense games I've ever played came against good friends. And then when it's over, to calm eveyone down, you play a little grab ass.

Nothing like some good ol' grab ass and jock sniffing to cool down after a game

08-10-2006, 10:58 AM
I never grabbed any ass to help me calm down. Sometimes, however, I grabbed female ass for the opposite effect.

08-10-2006, 10:59 AM
I am old school, before the game we can talk and be nice to each other. On the field I am there to take your friggin head off. Hit me hard and knock me down, I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP TO GET UP. YOU DIDN'T HIT ME THAT HARD!.


Game over and I will be your buddy, drink a beer and talk about how hard you hit me. Not during the game, only after.

08-10-2006, 11:07 AM
Fraternizing before the game has nothing to do with the desire to crush your opponent. If you have that competitive nature, it doesn't matter if all the guys on the other side are your BFF's. You're still gonna try to kick their ass! The most intense games I've ever played came against good friends. And then when it's over, to calm eveyone down, you play a little grab ass.

Nothing like some good ol' grab ass and jock sniffing to cool down after a game

Don't forget 'touchy-feely' with super furry women! :oops:

08-10-2006, 11:27 AM
i'm with ditka on this one. football is a game where you are suppose to go out and beat the sh't out of each other. face it, football is designed to punish players and inflict damage to the other guy. in football your goal is to make the other guys feel pain. they are the enemy, not your buddies

as for "what would ray think". thers no way he would be out playing grab ass and joking around with the other team. that was one serious guy that was out to punish the other team. i almost saw him rip a packer fans head off when the guy came and interupted a conversation we were having. to this day i have never seen a grown man shrink as much as that drunk guy did that day when ray stared him down.

08-10-2006, 12:09 PM
i'm with ditka on this one. football is a game where you are suppose to go out and beat the sh't out of each other. face it, football is designed to punish players and inflict damage to the other guy. in football your goal is to make the other guys feel pain. they are the enemy, not your buddies

as for "what would ray think". thers no way he would be out playing grab ass and joking around with the other team. that was one serious guy that was out to punish the other team. i almost saw him rip a packer fans head off when the guy came and interupted a conversation we were having. to this day i have never seen a grown man shrink as much as that drunk guy did that day when ray stared him down.


He exemplified Packer toughness.

08-10-2006, 12:59 PM

Are you the poster (from JSO) formerly known as Bananaman?. The avatar looks familiar.
Nope, I've never been over there.

08-10-2006, 02:07 PM
The funny thing about Ditka's book is he says "whip his ass" on almost every page. :lol:

08-10-2006, 02:21 PM
Can I volunteer to be the official butt-patter? I'd start with DD and then move to...


I would love for women to pat my butt, but then reality sets in, and I realize it will only happen in my wildest fantasies...