View Full Version : Tiger Blood!

PA Pack Fan
03-09-2011, 06:57 AM

03-09-2011, 07:08 AM
Charlier Sheen is a scumbug lowlife who is clearly losing his mind. He should go overdose in a corner somewhere and go away...

Scott Campbell
03-09-2011, 07:32 AM
"Tiger Blood!"

I guess that helps explain why he's acting like such a big pussy.

03-09-2011, 07:55 AM

Cincinnati, huh Charlie? By golly, he's Bengals people all the way!

03-09-2011, 08:00 AM
Well, being addicted to nicotine and alchohol and anti depressants and anti stress pills and aspirin, I am squarely in Charlie's corner and hope he gets help. I know my addiction totally fucked up my life, I've hurt the people I love the most and I've spent a good deal of my last couple of years apologizing to people for the shit I'm responsible for. My addictions were created by using whatever means I could from escaping reality. It's an effective strategy until it kills you.

Whatever it is that has traumatized him into this behaviour is something that is very real and very lucid, but it's in his subconscious. I'm not privvy to what that is.

03-09-2011, 08:23 AM
Yes, the man needs help not a TV show.

PA Pack Fan
03-09-2011, 08:43 AM
Cincinnati, huh Charlie? By golly, he's Bengals people all the way!

The shirt being orange, I just assumed he was a Bears fan! Same stupid "c"...lol.

So it's a Cincinatti Reds shirt?

03-09-2011, 09:19 AM
Charlier Sheen is a scumbug lowlife who is clearly losing his mind. He should go overdose in a corner somewhere and go away...

Been there, done that. Winner!

03-09-2011, 09:27 AM
Well, being addicted to nicotine and alchohol and anti depressants and anti stress pills and aspirin, I am squarely in Charlie's corner and hope he gets help. I know my addiction totally fucked up my life, I've hurt the people I love the most and I've spent a good deal of my last couple of years apologizing to people for the shit I'm responsible for. My addictions were created by using whatever means I could from escaping reality. It's an effective strategy until it kills you.

Whatever it is that has traumatized him into this behaviour is something that is very real and very lucid, but it's in his subconscious. I'm not privvy to what that is.

All seriousness aside, maybe you should have just played World of Warcraft. It would have been easier on your liver.

I'm with Tarlam, even though I think Sheen's career went downhill after Ferris Bueler. Chances are he's been holding this back for a long long time, trying to be a normal person, but the dike sprung a few leaks and instead of sticking their fingers in it, his "friends" busted out the TNT and tanks and have gone to town on him, at his expense, and to the extreme detriment of his life. Something tells me he got tired of fighting and made up his mind to jump into the abyss and there isn't going to be much that can save him.

03-09-2011, 10:22 AM
Charlier Sheen is a scumbug lowlife who is clearly losing his mind. He should go overdose in a corner somewhere and go away...

Been there, done that. Winner!

Dying is for losers. Winners live on as extras in zombie movies!

Deputy Nutz
03-09-2011, 11:22 AM
I fucking love Charlie Sheen more than my own wife and kids. That crazy sonabitch is gonna get Major League 3 made, so suck on those hairy balls CBS. Charlie Sheen is even cool enough to call into the Dan Patrick show. He just called today in fact.

Nobody is as fucking awesome as Charlie Sheen. He should just stay away from all of his fake ass friends and hos

Freak Out
03-09-2011, 11:43 AM
If the guy wants to party with the bitches and do a bunch of drugs who cares....it's a free country....oops.

Deputy Nutz
03-09-2011, 12:08 PM
He knows how to get the most out of life.

03-09-2011, 01:56 PM
I love him, too, but I can't condone some of the things he's allegedly done. I just hope he doesn't end up like another of my faves: John Belushi.

PA Pack Fan
03-09-2011, 02:02 PM
I don't think anyones knockin him because he likes to party, it's because he's downright fucking looney! haha

Probably did a wee bit more coke then he should have!

03-09-2011, 02:23 PM
I don't think anyones knockin him because he likes to party, it's because he's downright fucking looney! haha

Probably did a wee bit more coke then he should have!

Well, he allegedly held a knife to his wife's throat and when they came on took his kids รก la reality TV, just sayin'. As far as I know, he's not a child molesterer and he's by no means a lost cause.

Anyway, having some posters wishing he'd OD is a bit odd in my book, to put it politely.

03-09-2011, 02:33 PM
That crazy sonabitch is gonna get Major League 3 made

Or not, as of Feb 25th...

James G. Robinson says he won’t make Major League 3 with Charlie Sheen, not after the trouble he had when he cast Lindsay Lohan in Georgia Rule. Without Charlie, the film is sure to be a “turd that opens on a tugboat” rather than “a smash...”

“Obviously with Major League 3 there’s a huge part written for Charlie’s character … but after dealing with Lindsay Lohan on ‘Georgia Rule,’ I can speak for someone who has experienced the difficulties of working with an actor dealing with addiction.”

“I won’t go through that again. If Charlie doesn’t straighten up … I unfortunately can’t put him in the movie.”

And it's not like things have gotten better since then. Looks like Emilo will have to dye his hair and fill in for him.

03-09-2011, 03:11 PM
Or not, as of Feb 25th...

And it's not like things have gotten better since then. Looks like Emilo will have to dye his hair and fill in for him.

Sounds like Robinson would make an excellent facilitator to get Charlie into rehab and psychotherapy. Only Sheen can play that role to its fullest potential for box office sales, IMO. So there's a genuine shared interest.

One of the problems addicts face when accepting help is the psychological debt associated with it. That's what it was for me, so I refused help for years from family and friends. According to my therapists that is second only to admitting you actually can't solve your own problems. Especially true with senior managers (he writes, raising his hand).

Finally, the patient actually has to want help for themself. Doing it for your kids, spouse, job, image whatever won't do it.

Most people think it's admitting you have a problem is the hard part. Well, it is and it isn't. It isn't difficult admitting it to yourself; it's difficult admitting it to others, because then the expectation is to fix it immediately. But, you know, the strategy has worked so well for so long, so it aint broke, no need to fix it.

Scott Campbell
03-09-2011, 04:50 PM
Charlie reminds me of a certain part time poster here who continually insisted he was "winning" while Ted was losing. Only Charlie is more lucid, and has better command of the English language.

Deputy Nutz
03-10-2011, 05:08 PM
Fuck that shit, Charlie is fucking professional. He keeps his work and personal life seperate. Don't believe the shit coming out of CBS's pie hole.

How are they gona bust Willie out of the pokey?

03-10-2011, 05:23 PM
this guy has fucking lost it, plain and simple

thats fine, i hate 2.5 men, mostly because i think sheen is a terrible tv actor. oh look he slept with another chick, laugh track. oh look his brother is a nerd, laugh track. oh look the kid is a fat loser that can't act, laugh track

sheen can't act, he plays one part over and over again, the character in men at work is the same one from hot shots, and the same one in major league, and the same one from 2.5 men. his schtick was funny 20 years ago, now its old and pathetic

he needs to OD, or get an STD and die and go away. how the hell has he not already?

Deputy Nutz
03-10-2011, 07:04 PM
Red, I hope you burn in a hellish wreck. Don't speak ill of Sheen. Between you and me, how you just charactized Charlie Sheen, poorly I might add, you could say for 95% of the actors in Hollywood.

Explain his unbelievable acting in Platoon? Explain how awesome he was in Wall Street? You can't because talent like that can't be explained.

some people just don't OD, they are the ones that know their limits, and rarely go beyond. Charlie's limits are limitless

Little Whiskey
03-10-2011, 07:49 PM
you forgot his role in Young Guns. the only one to stand up to billy the kid.

Little Whiskey
03-10-2011, 07:50 PM
........besides Pat Garrett. unless you believe Young Guns II

Deputy Nutz
03-10-2011, 07:58 PM
Pat Garrett shot him in the back, hardly standing up to him

Little Whiskey
03-10-2011, 09:07 PM
i thought that was a hoax. pat garrett helped billy fake his death and let him live out his days in the new mexico dessert as brushy bill.

also, charlie sheen aka dick was shot by a man on the shitter. of course it was a ramshackled outhouse that bullets could not penetrate.

03-10-2011, 09:34 PM
Sheen was shot on the shitter?

03-10-2011, 09:38 PM
Sheen was shot on the shitter?

quick, put that on twitter!

03-10-2011, 10:00 PM
you forgot his role in Young Guns. the only one to stand up to billy the kid.

same character as all the others except he used a poorly executed southern accent

yes he was good in platoon and wall street. its amazing, he was good in the 2 movies where he wasn't trying to ham it up to get a laugh every 2 seconds

Freak Out
03-10-2011, 10:58 PM
I betcha sheen is bangin skank and doin lines right now.....hell ya.

Deputy Nutz
03-11-2011, 02:14 PM
Charlie Sheen's demeanor and movements on these tv talk shows reminds me of Michael J. Fox with Parkinsons

Scott Campbell
03-11-2011, 02:51 PM
Explain his unbelievable acting in Platoon? Explain how awesome he was in Wall Street? You can't because talent like that can't be explained.

I figured that "mediocre" explains it as well as any word.

03-11-2011, 03:41 PM
I figured that "mediocre" explains it as well as any word.

How about "very good cast carrying a mediocre actor". I'll use that as an explanation for anything he's considered good in.

2.5 men is a perfect example of the ails of TV. That show blows more goats than Nutz on an ether binge.

Deputy Nutz
03-15-2011, 11:20 PM
I love ether!