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06-06-2011, 11:23 AM
I was looking around other forums, since there is mostly nothing happening here.

At PackersNews.net there have been 28 threads responded to since the beginning of June
In their political forum - which is available to read without joining, I might add, there have been several decent topics covered. Just so so.

At Sports Bubbler, the same cast of characters argue in their off topic threads - available without joining - and their sports threads are worthless.

At football's future, there have been 20 threads added to in June, on the Packer Forum alone.

I'm thinking of moving to FF with Cleft Crusty and/or just completely stopping that - which is pretty much where that is now, probably because it sucks, and I've lost most of my interest in it. I'm looking for some other site for political stuff. The actual political sites are so filled with worthless trolls, that your can't get a good discussion going because you have to wade through the endless hate, and the horrible software - See Townhall.com for examples.

I know that Madtown will be pissed at me for posting this. There are a lot of very bright people who post here and who are really interesting - and these folks will be back big time when football is back - I think, but on the other threads, the discussion is sparse or non-existent. The bottom line is that it's mostly boring here. Am I wrong? What will revive or redeem this place? Most of the people probably won't even see this message as it's hidden behind a wall of secrecy - for what purpose? Maybe people have just gotten lives. I pretty much live on the computer for my work and can have multiple windows open all the time, so maybe I'm just bored/boring. Maybe I just need to get back to work! As Snoopy would say: Bleah!

BTW, my log in timed out writing that worthless crap above, but I copied it just in case. Why does the stupid website log you out after 5-10 minutes. That's totally lame too.

06-06-2011, 11:30 AM
BTW, my log in timed out writing that worthless crap above, but I copied it just in case. Why does the stupid website log you out after 5-10 minutes. That's totally lame too.

Good question. I've had that happen to me a lot recently. I have had some relatively detailed responses or new threads started, then couldn't post them because it logged me out. I don't bother redoing them. It's not worth the double effort.

Scott Campbell
06-06-2011, 12:29 PM
Football talk is tough without football.

06-06-2011, 01:03 PM
You mean hiding this place from the world for a year wasn't the best growth strategy Joe could have implemented?

Hiding the place from search engines for months made sure no new people showed up. Mocking those who used to post here with a "click to enter forums" image with no link lost us a good chunk of regulars. Joe's stupid decisions and mismanagement drove away more. I said it then, and I'll say it again. It's kind of hard to pretend this level of incompetence isn't intentional.

Madtown made a lot of dumb decisions that made this place about as fun as a sock full of public hair. Then Joe came along and burned the sock. In a box. Behind a locked door. With the lights off.

Whatever happened to that shitty forum that guy from here started where they just tried to sell you coffee cups and tee shirts?

Little Whiskey
06-06-2011, 01:19 PM
Whatever happened to that shitty forum that guy from here started where they just tried to sell you coffee cups and tee shirts?

Packeraddicts.com? I think that was Jack's Smirking revenge's website.

Scott Campbell
06-06-2011, 02:24 PM
Whatever happened to that shitty forum that guy from here started where they just tried to sell you coffee cups and tee shirts?

That place was inhumane. They expected me to be nice to people.

06-06-2011, 06:51 PM
I thought packeraddict died. What was that other place where they wanted you to be nice and every topic had its own thread and god help you if you put your post in the wrong forum?

Freak Out
06-06-2011, 07:39 PM
The only reason I come here at all is because of Skinbasket....well...and his puppy

Really....it's the personalities of the posters that keep me reading. There are some very good football posters here as well as some funny/smart know it alls.....but when they continue to leave/get banned.....and nobody replaces them (see above) this place dies a slow boring death.
Harlan, Bigguns, hell....even Partial....they were entertaining as fuck. Who cares if they bombed a few threads every now and again? :)

06-06-2011, 08:25 PM
... a sock full of public hair....

Doesn't this belong in the Weiner thread?

Little Whiskey
06-06-2011, 08:29 PM
I thought packeraddict died. What was that other place where they wanted you to be nice and every topic had its own thread and god help you if you put your post in the wrong forum?

yep, looks like it just died.

Little Whiskey
06-06-2011, 08:32 PM

packerrats not listed. hmmmmmm

06-06-2011, 09:25 PM
We used to be. :-(

easy cheesy
06-06-2011, 09:45 PM
Well... I'm new... and a flittering asswipe... I have fun... I like to think I'm irreverent and relevant at the same time... well just fart in my general direction because I recognize that I am not....

I love coming to this board and reading FYI for political leanings/opinions as well as learning, gleaning and extracting more about the Packers than I EVER would anywhere else. I think this is a FANTASTIC familial board and I am very happy that I have been accepted here. I don't have the history of the members on here, tis true, but I find you to be a very diverse and exciting bunch... just sayin'.... argue amongst yourselves...

06-06-2011, 10:36 PM
Hey Easy Cheesy


:P :lol:

06-07-2011, 07:13 AM
Well... I'm new... and a flittering asswipe... I have fun... I like to think I'm irreverent and relevant at the same time... well just fart in my general direction because I recognize that I am not....

I love coming to this board and reading FYI for political leanings/opinions as well as learning, gleaning and extracting more about the Packers than I EVER would anywhere else. I think this is a FANTASTIC familial board and I am very happy that I have been accepted here. I don't have the history of the members on here, tis true, but I find you to be a very diverse and exciting bunch... just sayin'.... argue amongst yourselves...



06-07-2011, 08:56 AM
EC has been a great addition. But adding one unique and engaging member while losing several dozen others doesn't bode well long term. Maybe Madtown can take Joe to court in California claiming something about the violation of our human rights. They love that shit out there. See Foreskin Man.

06-07-2011, 01:01 PM
i thought i was the only one so i didn't want to say anything, but i'm clearly not alone. i use to come to the site 2 or 3 times an hour. now i drop in maybe once every few days just out of habit to see if there is anything new going on. there never is :(

the no football thing doesn't help matters, but that doesn't seem to be affecting other packer sites.

this site was just left in the desert for dead with no food or water, you could see this coming from a mile away

06-07-2011, 01:16 PM
Ok, time to come clean.

I was Joe, or better phrased, HALF of Joe. Madtown was the other half. Until 5/20/2011 in the middle of the night, when for inexplicable reasons, Madtown changed the password on the Joe account, and also changed the password on this account. It took me two weeks to figure out how to change it, and then it was just a fluke. I’ve called him once every day since, trying to get an explanation, but as some of you who know Madtown might suspect, those calls have not been returned.

At this point, I really don’t know why he’s done what he did. My best guess is that he intends to ride back in here like the savior on the white horse and save you all from the evil Joe. Just a guess though, I really have no idea what he’s planned. I also have no idea how long this post will last. But for those of you who get to read it, at least you’ll know the truth.

Many of you watched Madtown melt down several years back. Trust me when I tell you, that maintaining this place is a thankless job. He was doing the bulk of it by himself, and burn out doesn’t even come close to describing it. He reached out to me, and we concocted this scheme to keep the place running. At that point, he really couldn’t continue by himself.

I had no interest in the software aspect of this whole thing. I have no idea how to do it, and little to no motivation to learn it. What I was willing to do was to keep accounts activated, read the posts, answer the pm’s & emails and deal with all the administrative bull. Zool has stated on here before what a PITA it is, but it’s necessary, and someone had to do it, and Madtown couldn’t any more.

Let’s face it, there are about a dozen folks here that I couldn’t stand. Complicating things further, they couldn’t stand me either. Putting me in charge of that stuff wouldn’t have worked. So, in came Joe. If you read the bio correctly, you’ll see that it’s a combination of me and Madtown. The posting was 95% me, and the ideas were a conglomeration of both of us, but largely his vision.

Trying to be “partners” with him is the most frustrating experience I’ve ever had. The first year, I largely spend begging him to initially upgrade the software and the old stuff was so outdated it almost didn’t run any longer. Later, it was switched to begging him to implement the new software.

I think we started this in April 2009, I finally gave up and bought the Vbulletin suite myself in December 2009, and then begged him to implement it, finally going live in November 2010.

When you don’t have the password to upload files to the server, there is only so much you can do.

To those of you doubting me at this point, I only ask you to remember how long the homepage was down, and how many months it took to get a link to the forum. Even I could have put a link to the old forum. But if you cannot upload a page to the server, what can you do? Beg. And that’s what I did.

Was I perfect? Oh, hell no. You sit there trying to figure out what to do and there are no clear answers. You’ve got a small group of folks, who are active posters that want to express themselves in any manner they choose. If they want to insult someone and their opinions, well, so be it. If that person doesn’t like it, tough. Then you’ve got another group of folks that want to tell you what they think, any time they choose, with absolutely NO criticism of their opinion regardless of how stupid it might be.

Oil and water. No? You can’t balance that.

So I tried to control it the best I could. Clearly didn’t work either. You create a Favre thread to mitigate the damage, just one example, and get mixed results. Some of the other things I tried, I got no results. Or bad ones.

If you guys recall, I, as Joe, posted a sticky in the Packer forum one day asking those without an account to email me and tell me why they didn’t want to join us. I got 12 replies that all pretty much said the same thing. They were worried that if they offered their opinion, they’d get brutally criticized. 12 isn’t a large sample size, but it was what I had to work with. And there was some legitimacy to that.

Look at the early replies to Waldo56. Brutal. Was the guy always right? Hell no. Was he crazy? No. He was a good poster. We drove him away. Then you read what happened to Woodbuck and Partial. You can certainly say that they brought it on themselves, and that’d be true, but why would you register here? So, I tried to move that stuff to the Garbage Can, or at least the Romper Room. That clearly didn’t work, and that was my decision.

Let’s talk about Partial for a moment. He was my friend. I met him, and liked him. But I banned him. I got pm’s and emails from Madtown for months. “You gotta get rid of him”. “We can’t move on without him”. On and on. I agreed with him, but tried everything I could think of first and finally was left with no other options. Partial was a good guy, but jeez you can only take so much.

So I banned him, WITH MADTOWN’S FULL SUPPORT. I have over 75 emails from partial after I banned him. In the span of 30 days. The vast majority were threatening. I reached out to one member privately and asked what I should do. I got some counsel back from an attorney that this person knew, and got some very good advice, which I implemented and the problem stopped. But now, I read Madtown ask if he should bring him back. I know what happened. That’s why I think he’s trying to come in here as the savior.

Maybe all of you will let him. I have no idea. Maybe he’ll fix what ails this place. I have no idea about that either.

In any event, there are a few folks here that I know, whom I have misled about whether or not I was still involved with Madtown. I apologize to each of you for that. In the end, that’s why Joe didn’t post very much. It was too difficult to keep the personalities separate.

Kudos go out to Justin Harrell, who was the only guy (I believe) to figure it out. I think in the end, Joe talked him out of his opinion, but he got it. Or at least, he was the only one to make the accusation. Congrats Justin. There is one other person who can confirm that what I’ve told you is true. They can speak up if they wish, or forever remain silent. It’s entirely up to them.

My time here is done. Some of you will be happy about that. Enjoy. I’ll miss this place, and miss my involvement in it. At the end of the day, I was just trying to make it better, and keep it going. And I truly loved being here and being a participant. My self assessment is that it didn’t go very well, certainly not as well as I had hoped. Hopefully now that I’m out of the way, it’ll go better.

I’ll answer questions if you have any, until Madtown logs in and sees this and either deletes it or bans the retailguy account. Since I trusted him, I don’t have a backup account so I’ll have no other way to even read this. If this remains but you get no replies, that’s why.

Those of you who have my email address, I invite you to contact me if you wish.

Thanks all.

06-07-2011, 01:32 PM
The End has cometh.
R.I.P. Packerrats.
It was good to have known you.

06-07-2011, 01:37 PM
wow, just wow. thanks for coming clean RG

yup snoopy, i think you're right

although i can see how mad could completely blow up, it is a thankless job running a site

06-07-2011, 01:52 PM
Well, for fuck's sake, leaving now will just ruin the fun. I don't know why people feel the need to excuse themselves after drama. It's what built this place.

FWIW, I always had the strong suspicion this was the case, just unsure how many people were at the helm, but as long as "Joe" didn't act like a cocksucker, I was fine playing along. But then Joe did kind of act like a cocksucker, no offense. And the place went to shit with the software and the non-updates. In other words, kind of the worst of both halves of Joe. I think we should draw and quarter Joe in the town square.

What it comes down to is that I'm not sure anyone even cares enough to care anymore. There's not enough of us left to care. I just want the motherfucking 12 pound turkey thread back.

Anyway, if Madtown can separate his persona from that of the forum, and not try to play god with everyone's relationships here, I think this place would be fine. Bring back the damned. If they want to be retarded again, then send them away again. What else could happen to this place to make it worse? People came once, they'll come again, if they're allowed to and know the place exists anyway.

Oh, and thanks for being honest retail. It does cast the two of you in a pretty creepy light, but at least you can still call yourself a man. If you really are one, anyway. If not, then I'm sure you're a dandy woman. And I guess you have to get extra credit for liking Partial. That isn't an easy attribute to have ingrained in your soul.

06-07-2011, 01:54 PM

06-07-2011, 01:57 PM
End schmend. This is just another new beginning to a place that rose from the ashes of a burning bag of dog shit. Madtown's obviously crazier than a busload of Venezuelan whores on a week long speed run, but I don't think that matters anymore. Those of us who are left have endured the worst of his inept insanity and he's only more lovable for it.

06-07-2011, 02:01 PM
Well, for fuck's sake, leaving now will just ruin the fun. I don't know why people feel the need to excuse themselves after drama. It's what built this place.

FWIW, I always had the strong suspicion this was the case, just unsure how many people were at the helm, but as long as "Joe" didn't act like a cocksucker, I was fine playing along. But then Joe did kind of act like a cocksucker, no offense. And the place went to shit with the software and the non-updates. In other words, kind of the worst of both halves of Joe. I think we should draw and quarter Joe in the town square.

What it comes down to is that I'm not sure anyone even cares enough to care anymore. There's not enough of us left to care. I just want the motherfucking 12 pound turkey thread back.

Anyway, if Madtown can separate his persona from that of the forum, and not try to play god with everyone's relationships here, I think this place would be fine. Bring back the damned. If they want to be retarded again, then send them away again. What else could happen to this place to make it worse? People came once, they'll come again, if they're allowed to and know the place exists anyway.

Oh, and thanks for being honest retail. It does cast the two of you in a pretty creepy light, but at least you can still call yourself a man. If you really are one, anyway. If not, then I'm sure you're a dandy woman. And I guess you have to get extra credit for liking Partial. That isn't an easy attribute to have ingrained in your soul.

Let's clarify one thing. I'm not trying to post some kind of goodbye drama. I said goodbye and believe I'm gone, because we both know madtown. You really think he's gonna let me stay? I'd stay if I could. But I doubt that's an option.

I agree with you about a lot of what you said. I screwed up plenty. But so did Madtown. If you don't have software that works well, if you don't have ongoing maintenance, or a homepage that works, you can't be listed in google.

In the end, I feel like I betrayed my friend. But then again, I didn't change the password in the middle of the night, and didn't steadfastly refuse for over 3 weeks to return a phone call. So, I feel bad, but not as bad as I'd feel if I'd been the other guy.

And yes, I'm a guy. Flog me in the town square all you wish. I'm not completely to blame, but I've done my fair share and certainly deserve a flogging.

06-07-2011, 03:05 PM
Let's clarify one thing. I'm not trying to post some kind of goodbye drama. I said goodbye and believe I'm gone, because we both know madtown. You really think he's gonna let me stay? I'd stay if I could. But I doubt that's an option.

I agree with you about a lot of what you said. I screwed up plenty. But so did Madtown. If you don't have software that works well, if you don't have ongoing maintenance, or a homepage that works, you can't be listed in google.

In the end, I feel like I betrayed my friend. But then again, I didn't change the password in the middle of the night, and didn't steadfastly refuse for over 3 weeks to return a phone call. So, I feel bad, but not as bad if I'd feel if I'd been the other guy.

And yes, I'm a guy. Flog me in the town square all you wish. I'm not completely to blame, but I've done my fair share and certainly deserve a flogging.

All I can say is that I believe this place can flourish again if simply left alone for the most part and restored to it's original glory and principles. We won't get everyone back, but there's an astounding number of people who still come here simply for each other's company, both friendly and adversarial. With a few new folks every now and again, we would be just as well off as any other place. Better once we get some folks into the tits and ass room.

However, If madtown murders you or your online persona, I firmly believe I won't be alone in finally abandoning this place and finding a feminine hygiene forum to contribute to. If he has any sense left in that pot addled head, he'll use this as a chance to return to our roots instead of a chance to burn the place to the ground out of spite. And yes, that means allowing pictures of lesbians kissing in the romper room.

06-07-2011, 03:11 PM
And yes, that means allowing pictures of lesbians kissing in the romper room.

How about pictures of lesbians kissing in the kitchen or in the bedroom?. Should those be allowed, too?

06-07-2011, 03:17 PM
Ok, time to come clean.

I was Joe, or better phrased, HALF of Joe. Madtown was the other half.

I, for one, am appalled and insulted that someone would come on here and pretend to be someone else. How low can you stoop?


Shamrockfan, er... I mean Patler! :oops:

06-07-2011, 03:33 PM
I, for one, am appalled and insulted that someone would come on here and pretend to be someone else. How low can you stoop?


Shamrockfan, er... I mean Patler! :oops:

oh quit with all the bullshit, tank

06-07-2011, 03:48 PM
All I can say is that I believe this place can flourish again if simply left alone for the most part and restored to it's original glory and principles. We won't get everyone back, but there's an astounding number of people who still come here simply for each other's company, both friendly and adversarial. With a few new folks every now and again, we would be just as well off as any other place. Better once we get some folks into the tits and ass room.

However, If madtown murders you or your online persona, I firmly believe I won't be alone in finally abandoning this place and finding a feminine hygiene forum to contribute to. If he has any sense left in that pot addled head, he'll use this as a chance to return to our roots instead of a chance to burn the place to the ground out of spite. And yes, that means allowing pictures of lesbians kissing in the romper room.

Well, yeah, I understand. I was always looking for the happy medium but never found it. The cynical part of me doesn't think it exists.

But really, when you have a very long term member who has contributed a bunch around here saying that occasionally he reads PR with his 8 year old daughter on his lap, he has to be very careful where he strays, and asks politely that the definition we all agreed to, be adhered to, is that really an unreasonable request?

On the flip side, not being able to post the pic can occasionally really derail the discussion too.

Just isn't so easy when you're "that guy" making the call as to what is OK and what isn't.

I guess the good news is, this time, I'm really useless to move anything. ;)

06-07-2011, 03:49 PM
I, for one, am appalled and insulted that someone would come on here and pretend to be someone else. How low can you stoop?


Shamrockfan, er... I mean Patler! :oops:

Now, if Greenday would really come out of the closet, we'd all have a clean slate. ;)

06-07-2011, 04:09 PM
Blue Dog, Blue Dog, wherefore art thou?

It would be SO much fun if he chimed in...

06-07-2011, 04:15 PM
Blue Dog, Blue Dog, wherefore art thou?

It would be SO much fun if he chimed in...

I'll try to send him an e-mail, but I think he hates me.

Freak Out
06-07-2011, 04:47 PM
I'll twitter Partial a cockshot and see if he still wants back.

Harlan Huckleby
06-07-2011, 04:54 PM
I don't hate you, Skinbasket, I hate your sins, which are many and egregious.

Skinbasket summoned me here for commentary, but I can't follow this movie. Joe is Madtown, who is really retailguy's alterego? I was promised a "bomb", Retailguy being the strong-but-silent guy Joe is more of a cap pistol.

I do miss Madtown, maybe it is hostage syndrome or something.

06-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Damn, ask and you shall receive.

Little Whiskey
06-07-2011, 06:18 PM
Now all we need is partial and Tyronne to post in this thread.

06-07-2011, 07:09 PM
I'm telling you people, you go to work for 10 stinking hours and all hell breaks loose! This is way better than Weinergate.

06-07-2011, 07:49 PM
I don't hate you, Skinbasket, I hate your sins, which are many and egregious.

Skinbasket summoned me here for commentary, but I can't follow this movie. Joe is Madtown, who is really retailguy's alterego? I was promised a "bomb", Retailguy being the strong-but-silent guy Joe is more of a cap pistol.

I do miss Madtown, maybe it is hostage syndrome or something.

You promise a guy a little shaved balls action and it's like a motherfucking bat signal.

06-07-2011, 07:51 PM
Seemed like a good time to rehash this bit of packerrat lore...

Freak Out
06-07-2011, 09:20 PM

Cleft Crusty
06-07-2011, 09:51 PM
I, for one, am appalled and insulted that someone would come on here and pretend to be someone else. How low can you stoop?


Shamrockfan, er... I mean Patler! :oops:

No one is allowed to have two log ins, or post under an assumed name

Scott Campbell
06-07-2011, 09:55 PM
I don't hate you, Skinbasket, I hate your sins, which are many and egregious.

Skinbasket summoned me here for commentary, but I can't follow this movie. Joe is Madtown, who is really retailguy's alterego? I was promised a "bomb", Retailguy being the strong-but-silent guy Joe is more of a cap pistol.

I do miss Madtown, maybe it is hostage syndrome or something.

Good to see you Harlan! I'm glad you're not dead.

But on the flip side, you're not dead.

06-07-2011, 10:17 PM
Ok, time to come clean....

Retail, you are on my ignore list, so I had un-ignore you to find this treasure. So Madtown freaks and you - even though you don't know what you're doing - take over. Geezus that explains everything......at least it explains this:


06-07-2011, 10:26 PM
How about pictures of lesbians kissing in the kitchen or in the bedroom?. Should those be allowed, too?


Honestly, I'm pretty surprised by this and didn't see any of this; with that being said anybody who knows me will accuse me of being a helpless...aka...ignorant optimist about the entire world so I had to figure Joe was a dude who just bought this and went forward and never thought about questioning anything regardless of what occured.

Regardless, the forum often bounces back from conflict; the problem right now is there isn't one dam good football thing to discuss in the world. That's why I'm not posting much. This place won't die unless somebody pulls the plug and hopefully nobody ever does.

There is just no football news

I'm more interested in hearing what investors like Scott Campbell and Patler things about the future of Apple, Google, LinkedN, Broadcom, and Nividia than I am discussing football........cuz there is nothing to discuss

06-07-2011, 10:27 PM
Seemed like a good time to rehash this bit of packerrat lore...

reminds me of the funniest sequence in Packerrats history - Harlan posts his pic and SC IMMEDIATELY posts it as his avatar. Took me hours to recover from the coffee that shot out my nose.

God help me, I even miss Harlan. I was looking for his lonely countenance when I was in Madison last summer for an aging meeting. Could have added 20 years to your life if I could have slipped you some super-resveratrol.

06-07-2011, 10:52 PM
It's all good!

What doesn't break us will only make us stronger! :)

Lets get back to our roots and have fun again!!

As long as everyone gets off my ass about supporting Favre I will be my old happy, fun self again hahaha ;)

06-07-2011, 10:56 PM
Retail, you are on my ignore list, so I had un-ignore you to find this treasure. So Madtown freaks and you - even though you don't know what you're doing - take over. Geezus that explains everything......at least it explains this:

Yup, there's a lot here to find fault with.

The pic you posted was the homepage issued with Vbulletin. Once we figured out how to operate it, those canned stories got removed and replaced with actual articles. But, the homepage wasn't the priority, nor was the garbage can, which took weeks to figure out. Sometimes change is painful. This software was very different than the old stuff was. some stuff was easier to figure out and some of it wasn't. In this case, we used the furnished articles to get the layout right and then we put up our content.

Hope you didn't have to unblock me to read this, but if you did, I understand.

06-07-2011, 11:02 PM
It's all good!

What doesn't break us will only make us stronger! :)

Lets get back to our roots and have fun again!!

As long as everyone gets off my ass about supporting Favre I will be my old happy, fun self again hahaha ;)

OK, I'll stop getting on your ass......or wait.............get off your ass :)

Now let's talk about your hottie London Girlfriend instead !!

Little Whiskey
06-07-2011, 11:06 PM
where is mazzin when you need a good unity thread. think she might be prego again?

06-07-2011, 11:13 PM
where is mazzin when you need a good unity thread. think she might be prego again?

Mazzin is hot

06-07-2011, 11:14 PM
OK, I'll stop getting on your ass......or wait.............get off your ass :)

Now let's talk about your hottie London Girlfriend instead !!

B you pre-vert!! lol gotta love u! Look though my friends list on facebook and see if you can pick her out...lol BTW, she's my friend, not my G/F! I know it hurts, but stay strong man! :)

Little Whiskey
06-07-2011, 11:15 PM
Mazzin is hot

or tank ......or partial........or tank and partial.

06-07-2011, 11:17 PM
Y'all like dem hot boyz, eh? :)

06-07-2011, 11:21 PM
It's all good!

What doesn't break us will only make us stronger! :)

Lets get back to our roots and have fun again!!

As long as everyone gets off my ass about supporting Favre I will be my old happy, fun self again hahaha ;)

flash us, then we might get off your ass

06-07-2011, 11:22 PM
Mazzin is hot

yeah she is, even if it is patial, the chick in the mazzin pics is smoken

06-07-2011, 11:27 PM
flash us, then we might get off your ass

I would but with this new forum I don't know how to post pics anymore.....DAMN!!!

06-07-2011, 11:34 PM
I would but with this new forum I don't know how to post pics anymore.....DAMN!!!


06-08-2011, 12:39 AM
I would but with this new forum I don't know how to post pics anymore.....DAMN!!!

just post them on FB and I'll collect emails to forward to everybody

06-08-2011, 06:31 AM
Just click the little button that looks like a picture. Then insert the url. Imagine that B is completely computer illiterate but is willing to help you out with this one...lol.

06-08-2011, 06:46 AM
the problem right now is there isn't one dam good football thing to discuss in the world. That's why I'm not posting much. This place won't die unless somebody pulls the plug and hopefully nobody ever does.

There is just no football news

Actually, there are things to discuss, such as:

Continued news on the lockout
Fox picking the Packers as the best NFL organization (QB+head coach+coaching+front office+ facilities, etc.)
The expansion proposals for more seating at Lambeau
Should the Packers have player organized practices?
How will the Packers handle success, be a "dynasty" or a "fart in the wind" as Wolf said
Packers decision to go private with their ring ceremony
Ted Thompson vs. Ron Wolf
Vic Ketchman, a good addition or not?
Driver's softball game
Driver's recent mention about the HOF, could it happen for him?
What may happen with the Packer roster (in the past we had in depth discussions on this)
The draft picks
The promotion of Elliot Wolf
Aaron Kampman's recent interview
The new "Steelers' Rule", as it is becoming known
Ohio State

Some of these have been the subjects of threads, but they have gotten little traffic. Things always slow in the summer, but, for whatever reason, this place has died this summer. Maybe without the various camps, most of us just aren't thinking much about the Packers.

06-08-2011, 08:02 AM
Yup, there's a lot here to find fault with.

The pic you posted was the homepage issued with Vbulletin. Once we figured out how to operate it, those canned stories got removed and replaced with actual articles. But, the homepage wasn't the priority, nor was the garbage can, which took weeks to figure out. Sometimes change is painful. This software was very different than the old stuff was. some stuff was easier to figure out and some of it wasn't. In this case, we used the furnished articles to get the layout right and then we put up our content.

Hope you didn't have to unblock me to read this, but if you did, I understand.

Actually, I blocked you because we were like oil and water there for a while and it made sense just not to read your posts. My admiration for you has gone way up - you tried to help a friend in need, even though you were technically outmatched. If only you could have found (still could find?) some techie help, this place might recover. For a brief time there, when I thought I was going to get shit canned from my appointment, I had a friend who was going to help me revive Cleft Crusty and offer to help with the website. If he's still interested, I might put him up to it, but he has to get through a tough stretch with his business before he can think of anything else. The shitty economy is wreaking havoc with a lot of lives, including his and mine.

I hope you don't stop looking for someone to help you with the software. I would think that if you fix some of those problems, the site will recover...

06-08-2011, 08:31 AM
Actually, I blocked you because we were like oil and water there for a while and it made sense just not to read your posts. My admiration for you has gone way up - you tried to help a friend in need, even though you were technically outmatched. If only you could have found (still could find?) some techie help, this place might recover. For a brief time there, when I thought I was going to get shit canned from my appointment, I had a friend who was going to help me revive Cleft Crusty and offer to help with the website. If he's still interested, I might put him up to it, but he has to get through a tough stretch with his business before he can think of anything else. The shitty economy is wreaking havoc with a lot of lives, including his and mine.

I hope you don't stop looking for someone to help you with the software. I would think that if you fix some of those problems, the site will recover...

Well, right now I can't do anything but read and post. When Madtown reads this thread, I probably won't even be able to do that. I did solicit some help at one point, and was even willing to pay them, but he wouldn't give me a username and password for them to log in. Vbulletin also provides an install service which I'd have paid for also, but again, same result. So, it is what it is.

I did learn quite a bit about how to work vbulletin. But I really have no interest in learning how to install it, or configure the main template. There is probably some specific name for it, but essentially it controls the "look and feel", colors, backgrounds, etc. No clue there.

Would I do it again? Probably. But I'm not going through this middle of the night bullshit again. No reason, no communication. Nothing. It's really ridiculous if you ask me. I've got no idea what pissed him off this time, and little respect for how he's handled it. But that's just me.

06-08-2011, 09:16 AM
Ok, time to come clean.

I was Joe, or better phrased, HALF of Joe. Madtown was the other half.

Thanks, RG. That story was a mix between a WWF storyline and a '24' episode.

So what comes next?

06-08-2011, 09:20 AM
Well, this certainly is the "thread of the year".

I like the "bucket brigade" spirit in this line of thought.

I pretty much knew that "Joe" was one of the old hands, but I really thought Freak or Zool was the most likely candidate. Keep PR going. We've had more than 9 lives and can weather one more storm.

It's good to see some of the old posters, even that scurrilous Blue Dog.

06-08-2011, 09:23 AM
Thanks, RG. That story was a mix between a WWF storyline and a '24' episode.

So what comes next?

No idea. I don't think that part has been written yet. We can either get Vince McMahon to fill us in, or wait until Madtown shows up. Currently, I'm out of it, and probably about 4 feet out on a 6 foot plank in a boat on the Nile river.

06-08-2011, 09:23 AM
Well, this certainly is the "thread of the year".

I like the "bucket brigade" spirit in this line of thought.

I pretty much knew that "Joe" was one of the old hands, but I really thought Freak or Zool was the most likely candidate. Keep PR going. We've had more than 9 lives and can weather one more storm.

It's good to see some of the old posters, even that scurrilous Blue Dog.

Gee, I thought it was you. Or Tarlam. :)

06-08-2011, 09:26 AM
Check your email, pal.

06-08-2011, 09:27 AM
Check your email, pal.

Spartacus, I replied.

06-08-2011, 09:29 AM
No idea. I don't think that part has been written yet. We can either get Vince McMahon to fill us in, or wait until Madtown shows up. Currently, I'm out of it, and probably about 4 feet out on a 6 foot plank in a boat on the Nile river.

From some of Mad's posts, you can tell he knows that he needs to do something. He either needs to get back into it and run it seriously or seriously hand it off to someone who really wants to develop it. Unfortunately, it's very likely that he isn't willing and there is no interested party to hand off to....

I appreciate his and your efforts. I hope they're not in vain. There was a heyday for PR that would be cool to see come again. Clefty might be persuaded to take a cocktail of ritalin and opioid peptides, to start writing incisive columns again, if there were a vibrant PR to write for....

06-08-2011, 09:36 AM
From some of Mad's posts, you can tell he knows that he needs to do something. He either needs to get back into it and run it seriously or seriously hand it off to someone who really wants to develop it. Unfortunately, it's very likely that he isn't willing and there is no interested party to hand off to....

I appreciate his and your efforts. I hope they're not in vain. There was a heyday for PR that would be cool to see come again. Clefty might be persuaded to take a cocktail of ritalin and opioid peptides, to start writing incisive columns again, if there were a vibrant PR to write for....

thanks for that. Sincerely.

I do believe that the day to day programming needs to be handed off. If it is, there isn't that much work. We're 5 versions behind on the software again. We're running 4.0.8 and the current version is 4.1.3. as I understand it, the problem is that the afore mentioned "style template" has to be adjusted each time the upgrade is done, or something like that. Some type of changes have to be manually recreated each time you update. I guess it's a PITA, but again, it's over my head.

Next, we'd need moderators to help. One person can't read everything. Well, right now you can, but that's not good. But the biggest need is folks to 'market' the new site. That'll take a bunch of folks not only posting, but getting out there to get folks. Bretsky did that, a while back, but we'd need more than him.

But first, someone needs the keys to the kingdom, and a promise that they won't get swiped off the nightstand at 2am.

Freak Out
06-08-2011, 01:46 PM
So what's the Packer Rats rally point if we have to evacuate this place? Is it still the Swedish bestiality site?

06-08-2011, 01:57 PM
thanks for that. Sincerely.

I do believe that the day to day programming needs to be handed off. If it is, there isn't that much work. We're 5 versions behind on the software again. We're running 4.0.8 and the current version is 4.1.3. as I understand it, the problem is that the afore mentioned "style template" has to be adjusted each time the upgrade is done, or something like that. Some type of changes have to be manually recreated each time you update. I guess it's a PITA, but again, it's over my head.

Next, we'd need moderators to help. One person can't read everything. Well, right now you can, but that's not good. But the biggest need is folks to 'market' the new site. That'll take a bunch of folks not only posting, but getting out there to get folks. Bretsky did that, a while back, but we'd need more than him.

But first, someone needs the keys to the kingdom, and a promise that they won't get swiped off the nightstand at 2am.

I never understood getting rid of the moderators, and always figured 'Joe' was some sort of Kyle Shanahan-like control freak. This place seemed to run quite well like that for a while.

Tech help? I've seen enough tech-savyness here to know there's help available from posters. Myself included.

One question that's bothering me about your initial post: if your password was changed, how did you get it back?

06-08-2011, 02:37 PM
So what's the Packer Rats rally point if we have to evacuate this place? Is it still the Swedish bestiality site?

Probably premature to talk about evacuation. I believe that Madtown plans to carry on without me. He's been logging in about once a week since he deactivated me. (you can see that from your personal page, btw, and you don't need to be logged in to do it either).

It'll probably be only me looking in from the outside.

06-08-2011, 02:51 PM
I never understood getting rid of the moderators, and always figured 'Joe' was some sort of Kyle Shanahan-like control freak. This place seemed to run quite well like that for a while.

Tech help? I've seen enough tech-savyness here to know there's help available from posters. Myself included.

One question that's bothering me about your initial post: if your password was changed, how did you get it back?

If you had moderator access on the old software you could see IP addresses. If the moderators were allowed to continue, then they could match up the IP's for Joe to me and Madtown. That wouldn't have worked very well.

Yes, plenty of help was/is available. I hope that gets used. We damn sure need it. Some of the help I tried to get was from folks here.

I had 3 accounts, (well 4 actually), Joe, administrator, retailguy and a test account called packer fan in tx. We shared administrator on the old software, but when we created the new forum, it worked better to have a new created account because of the way vbulletin imported things. So, that's how Joe was born. They were supposed to be merged, but that hasn't happened yet.

You have to have a unique email address for each one. On 5/20/2011 when I tried to log in, all the passwords were changed. When you fail to log in, you can "click here" to reset your password, but you have to type in an email address. When I tried to reset the Joe password, that email address had been changed, to something only Madtown knows. The email address used to be administrator@packerrats.com which was my email address. That's now the old administrator account, which I can now log into after resetting the password, but no admin/moderator rights are left on that account. I didn't realize this until a few days ago, that i could reset it. Next, my retailguy password was changed, and my main email address, which it was set up with, was no longer active in the database. What I didn't realize was that my hotmail account was actually tied to retailguy. I don't use that email address often, and truthfully, I don't know whether or not Madtown changed it, or I did and forgot. But, once I realized it, I was able to reset my password.

Packer fan in tx was used as a test account to test things like rights, how the main page was viewable, etc. I had used retailguy until one day when mraynrand had tried to block me and I was testing moderator access that day. You can't block a moderator and he got a message stating that retailguy was a moderator. He pm'ed Joe about it, so I tried to explain, and then stopped testing things with retailguy's account as it was too risky. That's when the new test account was born.

Hope that makes sense.

06-08-2011, 03:42 PM
I had used retailguy until one day when mraynrand had tried to block me and I was testing moderator access that day. You can't block a moderator and he got a message stating that retailguy was a moderator. He pm'ed Joe about it, so I tried to explain, and then stopped testing things with retailguy's account as it was too risky. That's when the new test account was born.

Hope that makes sense.

That was weird. I wondered why "Joe" had set you up as a moderator. I always figured "Joe" was Madtown, just so he could avoid being harassed as Madtown.

I don't think you should be worried about Mad cutting you off completely, unless there's something more I don't know about. You helped him out. The site needs an engaged owner, it's that simple. Either that person exists, or not. The sooner that person takes over the better. All the other stuff is details. If there's a leader who cares about the site, and has the time to invest in it, it will flourish. I hope Mad - and you - find that person. Otherwise it's blogging on the Pup-Peroni website for me. I'm not following Freak or Skin to that Swedish site.

06-08-2011, 03:42 PM

06-08-2011, 03:52 PM
That was weird. I wondered why "Joe" had set you up as a moderator. I always figured "Joe" was Madtown, just so he could avoid being harassed as Madtown.

I don't think you should be worried about Mad cutting you off completely, unless there's something more I don't know about. You helped him out. The site needs an engaged owner, it's that simple. Either that person exists, or not. The sooner that person takes over the better. All the other stuff is details. If there's a leader who cares about the site, and has the time to invest in it, it will flourish. I hope Mad - and you - find that person. Otherwise it's blogging on the Pup-Peroni website for me. I'm not following Freak or Skin to that Swedish site.

A similar thing happened with Thunder Dan. He noticed the "green square" above retailguy's avatar. There is some strange rating system that I could never figure out how to get working properly. The moderators can rate posts. I clicked on one of retailguys posts once and the green square showed up. If you hover on it it says "retailguy is on a distinguished road". there's a bunch of different levels. He pm'ed me about it. so I told him retailguy had volunteered his account for testing purposes. which really wasn't a lie when you think about it... anyway, I could never figure out how to get rid of "negative ratings", so I never let it go live. Negative ratings around here would've been a disaster.

I hope you're right about madtown. We shall see.

06-08-2011, 04:01 PM
Negative ratings around here would've been a disaster.

I would have strived for the lowest rating possible

06-08-2011, 04:07 PM
Actually, there are things to discuss, such as:

Continued news on the lockout
Fox picking the Packers as the best NFL organization (QB+head coach+coaching+front office+ facilities, etc.)
The expansion proposals for more seating at Lambeau
Should the Packers have player organized practices?
How will the Packers handle success, be a "dynasty" or a "fart in the wind" as Wolf said
Packers decision to go private with their ring ceremony
Ted Thompson vs. Ron Wolf
Vic Ketchman, a good addition or not?
Driver's softball game
Driver's recent mention about the HOF, could it happen for him?
What may happen with the Packer roster (in the past we had in depth discussions on this)
The draft picks
The promotion of Elliot Wolf
Aaron Kampman's recent interview
The new "Steelers' Rule", as it is becoming known
Ohio State

Some of these have been the subjects of threads, but they have gotten little traffic. Things always slow in the summer, but, for whatever reason, this place has died this summer. Maybe without the various camps, most of us just aren't thinking much about the Packers.

Yes...and no.

All of the things you mention are certainly 'football related' but not football per say. Not everyone is as interested in the minutia of the enterprise as you are.

Other items would be difficult to discuss. How much can we say about draft picks since we don't get to see them on the field? I guess we could try and dig up more college tape. Should the player's organize practices? They aren't, not much we can say or do about that.

The Steeler rule? About as interesting as the 'Tuck Rule' or the 2 man 'wedge' (how can two people make a wedge?). Not to mention if there's no football, doesn't much matter what the rules say about how you're supposed to play, does it?

We could talk about the lockout, but even that doesn't have a lot to be said about it. Both sides are (remarkably) closed lipped about it!

I understand what you're saying Patler, it's just that we need real, actual football to get interested in these side stories!

06-08-2011, 04:20 PM
I would have strived for the lowest rating possible

lol - case closed.

Deputy Nutz
06-08-2011, 04:54 PM
I respect Ratail for being honest about all of this, but Retail should have known from everyone else that has ever worked with Madtown on this forum what a complete cocksucker he is, and his sickening levels of power rage. Retail, we weren't all fucking liars, and you now got the biggest end of the dildo. Your fault as much as anyone. Madtown is a dirtball that has created this forum because he got off on the power and ran it into the ground several times because he is a control freak, but unfortunately he is a lazy ass control freak.

It would have been a great idea if he just sold the fucking thing to somebody that actually wanted to run it and run it effeciently(Ziggy).

This whole "Joe" idea was stupid, and Retaill you have had issues in the past as a moderator, your conservatism never fit this purpose of this forum. It was supposed to be about free expression, but instead someone wanted to mainstream this forum. If that was the point then I would have thought JSONLINE was just fine.

This was supposed to be an outlaw forum. not a place where a grown man sits and reads with his 8 year old daughter. If you wanted that then the we just could have stayed at that crazy ass religous forum.

Partial was a tard, Bigguns was a tard, but neither needed to be thrown out and Madtown wanted them gone because he was paranoid, as usual.

The bottom line, this is a fucking online forum about the Packers, it shouldn't be this difficult. Some people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.

Another move in the long line of Madtown's power trip.

06-08-2011, 05:20 PM
...About as interesting as ... the 2 man 'wedge' (how can two people make a wedge?)

Two of us used to give out wedgies all the time in Jr. High School. It's not that hard.

Oh, you said 'wedge.'

06-08-2011, 05:20 PM
I respect Ratail for being honest about all of this, but Retail should have known from everyone else that has ever worked with Madtown on this forum what a complete cocksucker he is, and his sickening levels of power rage. Retail, we weren't all fucking liars, and you now got the biggest end of the dildo. Your fault as much as anyone. Madtown is a dirtball that has created this forum because he got off on the power and ran it into the ground several times because he is a control freak, but unfortunately he is a lazy ass control freak.

It would have been a great idea if he just sold the fucking thing to somebody that actually wanted to run it and run it effeciently(Ziggy).

This whole "Joe" idea was stupid, and Retaill you have had issues in the past as a moderator, your conservatism never fit this purpose of this forum. It was supposed to be about free expression, but instead someone wanted to mainstream this forum. If that was the point then I would have thought JSONLINE was just fine.

This was supposed to be an outlaw forum. not a place where a grown man sits and reads with his 8 year old daughter. If you wanted that then the we just could have stayed at that crazy ass religous forum.

Partial was a tard, Bigguns was a tard, but neither needed to be thrown out and Madtown wanted them gone because he was paranoid, as usual.

The bottom line, this is a fucking online forum about the Packers, it shouldn't be this difficult. Some people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.

Another move in the long line of Madtown's power trip.

Nutz - thanks for the comments. I certainly never said you all were crazy. I understood what could happen when I agreed to do this. I don't understand why he did what he did, but I hope I'll get to understand that one day.

I was always striving for balance. You're right, I'm not an outlaw, and never will be one, but I for one, never understood why outlaw behavior couldn't take place in the garbage can. I spent a lot of time trying to keep the outlaw stuff out of the packers room, and the outlaw photos out of the romper room. That's it. I always believed that was a fair compromise. I certainly understand that you didn't agree, and that's ok by me.

Yeah, I had some problems here, but so did a bunch of other folks, I think for the most part, all of us got along fairly well.

You did this mod thing for quite a while, you know better than anyone it isn't easy or rewarding. We each draw individual lines, that's why a bunch of us, is always better than one of us. Ziggy's a great person, and I agree she should be involved...

06-08-2011, 05:20 PM
This was supposed to be an outlaw forum. not a place where a grown man sits and reads with his 8 year old daughter. If you wanted that then the we just could have stayed at that crazy ass religous forum.

Partial was a tard, Bigguns was a tard, but neither needed to be thrown out and Madtown wanted them gone because he was paranoid, as usual.

The bottom line, this is a fucking online forum about the Packers, it shouldn't be this difficult. Some people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.

+1 or so

Deputy Nutz
06-08-2011, 05:30 PM
I am not saying that I agreed with a pair of titties in the romper room, we all understood where those belonged, but when you removed the kissing lesbo's you drew the line in the sand that wasn't in agreement with the folks of the forum.

The funny thing about your twelve people you polled, was that if they would have joined any other forum they would be ignored for their first 1000 posts. We at least include them in the conversations. God be hung on a cross, if you get your feelings hurt on a football forum on the interweb.

06-08-2011, 06:52 PM
I'm thankful to whoever keep the forum going; I'm thankful for Mad to start it and RG and Mad to try to find a way to continue keeping it going. Hopefully it'll surive just fine long term and everybody will still stay around

06-08-2011, 07:40 PM
I respect Ratail for being honest about all of this, but Retail should have known from everyone else that has ever worked with Madtown on this forum what a complete cocksucker he is, and his sickening levels of power rage. Retail, we weren't all fucking liars, and you now got the biggest end of the dildo. Your fault as much as anyone. Madtown is a dirtball that has created this forum because he got off on the power and ran it into the ground several times because he is a control freak, but unfortunately he is a lazy ass control freak.

It would have been a great idea if he just sold the fucking thing to somebody that actually wanted to run it and run it effeciently(Ziggy).

This whole "Joe" idea was stupid, and Retaill you have had issues in the past as a moderator, your conservatism never fit this purpose of this forum. It was supposed to be about free expression, but instead someone wanted to mainstream this forum. If that was the point then I would have thought JSONLINE was just fine.

This was supposed to be an outlaw forum. not a place where a grown man sits and reads with his 8 year old daughter. If you wanted that then the we just could have stayed at that crazy ass religous forum.

Partial was a tard, Bigguns was a tard, but neither needed to be thrown out and Madtown wanted them gone because he was paranoid, as usual.

The bottom line, this is a fucking online forum about the Packers, it shouldn't be this difficult. Some people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.

Another move in the long line of Madtown's power trip.
If we have that much a problem we can deal with it at the next PackerRats poster game. Dont be a bitch and not show up like the second one.

Other then that I agree. This place use to be an outlaw forum. I didn't ban Partial or Bigguns. The only true member I ever zapped for good was Tank and even then I didnt want to.

06-08-2011, 07:57 PM
Retail speaks lots of truths. Only thing I can say is BS is the banning thing. The savior thing also. And I didnt freak out like he described it. What I did was go to him as a friend cuz I was burned out, badly. I would like to see any of you do all this shit for no profit, in fact $$ lost. I got tired, so fucking what. As for Retail, he is a friend on and offline and banning him isnt even a consideration. Retail - I changed jobs and got that cell took away. I know I could have contacted you but I just hadnt got to it with lots of shit going on lately. I am relieved you have brought this all to light. We are cool my brother.

See what RG didn't and doesn't understand is that is exactly what this place needs. That is what it took to get Harlan back on here. That is what you sick MFers feed off of so think whatever the fuck of me but dont think I wasnt try to get this place back up. I left it in his hands as "Joe" and it never took off. We tried and now is the time to go back. By go back I mean be what Nutz says, an "outlaw forum", the wild West of the football forum world. A place where you can say what you want. The conservative shit just isnt me and if something didnt change the place will die. A change of employment has me back at a desk again and once I am trained I will have time to spend on this place. I want us to work together RG but you have to let up (Bigguns is coming back).

So you are all either with me or against me (fuck Barnett I been saying that since JSO) and the show is going on. The gates of Hades will be open for business. Dont fucking enter if the fire is too hot.

06-08-2011, 08:16 PM
(Thread moved to the main forum, it's getting serious :-))

Mad, I guess most of us don't say it enough but thanks for keeping the forum up and running. Most of the time it's like an online bar scene from Starwars but hey everybody's got to be somewhere.

Thanks for letting us hang out here.

06-08-2011, 08:20 PM
I don't hate you, Skinbasket, I hate your sins, which are many and egregious.

Skinbasket summoned me here for commentary, but I can't follow this movie. Joe is Madtown, who is really retailguy's alterego? I was promised a "bomb", Retailguy being the strong-but-silent guy Joe is more of a cap pistol.

I do miss Madtown, maybe it is hostage syndrome or something.
Whats up you fucking bitch?? Please tell me you are coming back. I swear I will let you burn the ants.

06-08-2011, 08:22 PM
(Thread moved to the main forum, it's getting serious :-))

Mad, I guess most of us don't say it enough but thanks for keeping the forum up and running. Most of the time it's like an online bar scene from Starwars but hey everybody's got to be somewhere.

Thanks for letting us hang out here.
Thanks man but what you are doing is what dumbasses like Nutz think I want. It's not. What I want is for everyone to fucking know when to draw the line and not have to be babysitted. That's bullshit to have to deal with.

Who the fuck wants to be a mod, not admin, moderator?

06-08-2011, 09:00 PM

06-08-2011, 09:24 PM

I already activated his shit. Partials too.

Iron Mike
06-08-2011, 09:40 PM
Wasn't this the dude that started Christian Encourager???


06-08-2011, 10:30 PM


I take it your new job isn't as an ESL teacher.

06-08-2011, 11:27 PM
I'm thankful to whoever keep the forum going; I'm thankful for Mad to start it and RG and Mad to try to find a way to continue keeping it going. Hopefully it'll surive just fine long term and everybody will still stay around

I'll 2nd that:)

06-08-2011, 11:49 PM

Honestly, I'm pretty surprised by this and didn't see any of this; with that being said anybody who knows me will accuse me of being a helpless...aka...ignorant optimist about the entire world so I had to figure Joe was a dude who just bought this and went forward and never thought about questioning anything regardless of what occured.

Regardless, the forum often bounces back from conflict; the problem right now is there isn't one dam good football thing to discuss in the world. That's why I'm not posting much. This place won't die unless somebody pulls the plug and hopefully nobody ever does.

There is just no football news

I'm more interested in hearing what investors like Scott Campbell and Patler things about the future of Apple, Google, LinkedN, Broadcom, and Nividia than I am discussing football........cuz there is nothing to discuss

Agreed. I blame the inactivity on no football. Things were fine around Super Bowl and draft time. I'll be around more when football is back.

06-08-2011, 11:51 PM
Actually, there are things to discuss, such as:

Continued news on the lockout
Fox picking the Packers as the best NFL organization (QB+head coach+coaching+front office+ facilities, etc.)
The expansion proposals for more seating at Lambeau
Should the Packers have player organized practices?
How will the Packers handle success, be a "dynasty" or a "fart in the wind" as Wolf said
Packers decision to go private with their ring ceremony
Ted Thompson vs. Ron Wolf
Vic Ketchman, a good addition or not?
Driver's softball game
Driver's recent mention about the HOF, could it happen for him?
What may happen with the Packer roster (in the past we had in depth discussions on this)
The draft picks
The promotion of Elliot Wolf
Aaron Kampman's recent interview
The new "Steelers' Rule", as it is becoming known
Ohio State

Some of these have been the subjects of threads, but they have gotten little traffic. Things always slow in the summer, but, for whatever reason, this place has died this summer. Maybe without the various camps, most of us just aren't thinking much about the Packers.

Honestly, that ain't a lot. I don't care much about most of the things, and the things I do care about have been beaten to death. :)

06-09-2011, 01:10 AM
Continued news on the lockout - I'm tired of the lockout
Fox picking the Packers as the best NFL organization (QB+head coach+coaching+front office+ facilities, etc.) - Of course
The expansion proposals for more seating at Lambeau - I'm sure everybody is all for it--especially since the Packers are going to pay for it.
Should the Packers have player organized practices? - I don't think it matters much either way
How will the Packers handle success, be a "dynasty" or a "fart in the wind" as Wolf said - We'll see. Let's hope for the former.
Packers decision to go private with their ring ceremony - Don't care much one way or the other
Ted Thompson vs. Ron Wolf - Wolf for now, but Thompson could surpass him with a good 4-5 year run
Vic Ketchman, a good addition or not? - I like him
Driver's softball game - Good to see it was a sellout
Driver's recent mention about the HOF, could it happen for him? - Highly Unlikely
What may happen with the Packer roster (in the past we had in depth discussions on this)
The draft picks
The promotion of Elliot Wolf
Aaron Kampman's recent interview
The new "Steelers' Rule", as it is becoming known
Ohio State - I don't want to talk about it

Freak Out
06-09-2011, 01:36 AM
When you get trained you'll have more time to spend on the forum? :) nothing like productivity :) glad your back motherlicker.

06-09-2011, 04:01 AM
I threw out a list of POSSIBLE thread topis off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more. I could not care less if they are not the most exciting to each and every one of you. I couldn't care less if some of you are tired of one or the other topic, or if you have no interest in some. I wasn't trying to find topics that each of you would be chomping at the bit to comment on.

There was a time when this board could simply discuss anything football or Packer related in the off-seasons, like a discussion between friends over a beer. Not everyone participated in every topic, but at least a few would in one, then others in another. Almost any topic would generate a page or two of responses. It didn't matter what the topic was. It didn't matter how insignificant it was.

Now, apparently, a topic isn't "worthy" unless it is critical to the Packers and of interest to everyone. We have some who find it necessary to police the topics. Maybe it dates back to the Favre issue and those who felt it their duty to jump on anyone who mentioned his name in a thread other than the Favre thread.

My list was examples of possible thread topics. It certainly wasn't an exhaustive list, nor one generated with any thought or research. I didn't expect to debate the list, but the fact that we are debating it highlights what has changed on here, and not for the better. Quite frankly, its not worth the effort of starting a topic in the Packer forum anymore.

You can blame it on the lockout if you want, but I don't honestly believe the lockout is the problem because I think the same attitude existed during the season, quite frankly. I think we have all become too familiar with each other, while at the same time too impersonal hiding behind our monitors.

06-09-2011, 04:25 AM

Continued news on the lockout - I'm tired of the lockout Then don't comment about it. Do all threads have to interest YOU? :lol:

Fox picking the Packers as the best NFL organization (QB+head coach+coaching+front office+ facilities, etc.) - Of course Fox just goes with the winners. Where were the Packers on their list in previous years?

The expansion proposals for more seating at Lambeau - I'm sure everybody is all for it--especially since the Packers are going to pay for it. But which proposal do you like the best? There are three.

Should the Packers have player organized practices? - I don't think it matters much either way I don't either, yet McCarthy seems to think the Packers should have some, from a recent article, anyway.

How will the Packers handle success, be a "dynasty" or a "fart in the wind" as Wolf said - We'll see. Let's hope for the former. Sure, but I thought the last SB champs would have a longer run than they did. After all, they had a young QB who was among the best in the league. All they needed was to keep the cupboard reasonably stocked around him. I think it was Wolf's biggest blemish, not taking advantage of having Favre beyond those two SB appearances.

Packers decision to go private with their ring ceremony - Don't care much one way or the other I don't either, but apparently some (maybe just some in the media) seem to think it is wrong. Should it be open to stockholders? After all. they are the owners? :lol:

Ted Thompson vs. Ron Wolf - Wolf for now, but Thompson could surpass him with a good 4-5 year run A second SB win would certainly go a long way. I think they are close.

Vic Ketchman, a good addition or not? - I like him I don't, and I can't put my finger on why I don't. Something just disinterests me so far.

Driver's softball game - Good to see it was a sellout Apparently, the biggest crowd ever.

Driver's recent mention about the HOF, could it happen for him? - Highly Unlikely I agree. I was surprised to see him comment as if it is a real possibility.

What may happen with the Packer roster (in the past we had in depth discussions on this)
The draft picks
The promotion of Elliot Wolf
Aaron Kampman's recent interview
The new "Steelers' Rule", as it is becoming known

Ohio State - I don't want to talk about it For the most part, I don't either. But I wonder if the bevy of transgressions being investigated (O.S., USC, TN, SC, etc.) will foster change and recognition of what college football really has become?


See, Harvey, there are topics that can be discussed!! :lol:

06-09-2011, 05:32 AM

If he returns, he might get banned by the country in 2012


06-09-2011, 05:32 AM

06-09-2011, 09:34 AM
Wasn't this the dude that started Christian Encourager???


Damn, I wonder? Same handle, but not a terribly unique one.

06-09-2011, 12:18 PM
Just wondering, btw, why this is in here instead of the Romper Room? Dunno why we want to air our dirty laundry in the public forum. Right now the forum page says 67 viewing, 11 members and 56 guests, although most of those 'guests' are probably members that aren't logged in.

06-09-2011, 12:53 PM
i don't know mad and RG, the whole "joe" thing seems like a lot of unnessesary drama to me. we all know something was up. who the hell buys and pays for an interweb forum that they've never been to or posts on? we all kind of figured it was one of us.

just tell us mad is burned out and RG is taking over, most of us would have been fine with it as long as the site kept running

i for one don't post anymore on here because i'm completely turned off by the nfl right now and the whole labor squable. fuck the NFL

06-09-2011, 12:54 PM
i don't know mad and RG, the whole "joe" thing seems like a lot of unnessesary drama to me. we all know something was up. who the hell buys and pays for an interweb forum that they've never been to or posts on? we all kind of figured it was one of us.

just tell us mad is burned out and RG is taking over, most of us would have been fine with it as long as the site kept running

i for one don't post anymore on here because i'm completely turned off by the nfl right now and the whole labor squable. fuck the NFL

Tony Oday
06-09-2011, 01:51 PM
I still come to this site at least once a day and WAY more during the year...


Scott Campbell
06-09-2011, 02:21 PM
reminds me of the funniest sequence in Packerrats history - Harlan posts his pic and SC IMMEDIATELY posts it as his avatar.

I thought it was pretty funny too - till somebody asked if that was really me. Ouch.

Scott Campbell
06-09-2011, 02:25 PM
One time I made a post comparing the Madtown to Joe transition to the Packers transition from Forrest Gregg to Lindy Infante.

And then it mysteriously disappeared.

06-09-2011, 02:27 PM
One time I made a post comparing the Madtown to Joe transition to the Packers transition from Forrest Gregg to Lindy Infante.

And then it mysteriously disappeared.

So did Lindy Infante

get louder at lambeau
06-09-2011, 02:30 PM
I would like to see any of you do all this shit for no profit, in fact $$ lost.

I'm doing the same exact thing with (REMOVED) and (REMOVED) Quit being such a fucking pussy. You made a good site, and it will survive pretty much on it's own if you and retail don't fuck it up with your respecitve doucheynesses. That's the beauty of forums- they almost run themselves.

You have a colorful bunch of jsonline rejects who supply the content, which is to say good Packers/football talk, arguments, creative language/insults, etc. That's what it's all about, not you two drama queens. All you have to do is keep the software up, and maybe in very RARE occasions moderate something.

If you are moderating frequently, you are fucking it up. If you feel the need to make secondary accounts to hide who you are when you are moderating, you are fucking it up. If you use your silly admin accounts to scold people who argue with you, as one of you little-dicked morons have done to me at least once, then you are a pussy, and are fucking it up. If you ban some of your most active posters, you are fucking it up.

Just let the site be what it's gonna be. Stay out of the drama. Let people settle their own shit, and if they can't handle it, then THEY can leave, not whoever hurt their little feelings. Don't encourage tattling, and don't ban people unless you REALLY feel like you have to- as in almost never. You made a good site, Madtown. One of the better Packer forums out there. Congrats. Now stop fucking with it.

Just my unsolicited opinion, but I'm right, dammit.

Scott Campbell
06-09-2011, 02:46 PM

Great post.

06-09-2011, 03:32 PM
I'm doing the same exact thing with (REMOVED) and(REMOVED).

Is that yours? That's a pretty good forum. Mad could take a few pointers from you

get louder at lambeau
06-09-2011, 04:21 PM
Is that yours? That's a pretty good forum. Mad could take a few pointers from you

Yeah, that's my PG rated site. Thanks. I like this place too though. Good conversation here with some funny shit. It sucks that guys like Tyrone get banned though, since they give the place a little action. I think it's usually a mistake to ban people, unless they are just a gigantic pain in the ass.

My other site, (REMOVED), is getting really slow like this place lately. Probably slower. I think people will come back when football starts up, so I'm not too worried about it. I haven't been trying to recruit people for years now, so both sites might be getting a little neglected that way, but they'll be OK. Maybe someday I'll actually spend some time on them, but they're just forums, so fuck it.

06-09-2011, 07:09 PM

DP - "There's a grounder to the second baseman, he flips to the shortstop for one and throws on to first to complete the 4-6-3 DP. That's two quick outs here in the bottom of the seventh."

06-09-2011, 10:05 PM
I'm doing the same exact thing with (REMOVED) and (REMOVED) Quit being such a fucking pussy. You made a good site, and it will survive pretty much on it's own if you and retail don't fuck it up with your respecitve doucheynesses. That's the beauty of forums- they almost run themselves.

You have a colorful bunch of jsonline rejects who supply the content, which is to say good Packers/football talk, arguments, creative language/insults, etc. That's what it's all about, not you two drama queens. All you have to do is keep the software up, and maybe in very RARE occasions moderate something.

If you are moderating frequently, you are fucking it up. If you feel the need to make secondary accounts to hide who you are when you are moderating, you are fucking it up. If you use your silly admin accounts to scold people who argue with you, as one of you little-dicked morons have done to me at least once, then you are a pussy, and are fucking it up. If you ban some of your most active posters, you are fucking it up.

Just let the site be what it's gonna be. Stay out of the drama. Let people settle their own shit, and if they can't handle it, then THEY can leave, not whoever hurt their little feelings. Don't encourage tattling, and don't ban people unless you REALLY feel like you have to- as in almost never. You made a good site, Madtown. One of the better Packer forums out there. Congrats. Now stop fucking with it.

Just my unsolicited opinion, but I'm right, dammit.Did I ask your fucking opinion? Who are you? This topic is between members of this forum not shits who try to promote their fucking forum. You dont have shit to say in what goes on here. I dont go to your spot and tag it. Dont fucking do it here or expect to bounce. People here do things the http://PackersRats.com way.

06-09-2011, 10:08 PM
Is that yours? That's a pretty good forum. Mad could take a few pointers from you
If you see them why cant you tell me?

06-09-2011, 10:12 PM
Maybe someday I'll actually spend some time on them, but they're just forums, so fuck it.
Thats the difference between you and me. I give a fuck about this place. Been posting with many here for almost a decade. I have time again and intend to spend it well.

Harlan Huckleby
06-09-2011, 10:27 PM
Whats up you fucking bitch?? Please tell me you are coming back. I swear I will let you burn the ants.

heee heee heee. I do think about you quite often, every time I make eye contact with a Mexican guy who seems mild and harmless, I think about what could be lurking beneath the surface.

This forum does have the best characters anywhere. I think I might be punched out, like an old boxer. Are you really going to resucitate Tyrone? Good.

06-09-2011, 10:29 PM
i don't know mad and RG, the whole "joe" thing seems like a lot of unnessesary drama to me. we all know something was up. who the hell buys and pays for an interweb forum that they've never been to or posts on? we all kind of figured it was one of us.

just tell us mad is burned out and RG is taking over, most of us would have been fine with it as long as the site kept running

i for one don't post anymore on here because i'm completely turned off by the nfl right now and the whole labor squable. fuck the NFL
I was burned out and needed a break.

So you gonna fucking stay here or not?

06-09-2011, 10:31 PM
heee heee heee. I do think about you quite often, every time I make eye contact with a Mexican guy who seems mild and harmless, I think about what could be lurking beneath the surface.

This forum does have the best characters anywhere. I think I might be punched out, like an old boxer. Are you really going to resucitate Tyrone? Good.
Ahh, Lucifer rises from the bowels of the Earth.

Tyrone is already activated.

06-09-2011, 10:56 PM
Tyrone is already activated.

His people just contacted me, and he will only return if you get the "blushing face" and "rolling eyes" thingys activated. Without these, he says he is not able to properly convey his points

06-09-2011, 11:01 PM
Never mind.

06-09-2011, 11:04 PM
Just wondering, btw, why this is in here instead of the Romper Room? Dunno why we want to air our dirty laundry in the public forum. Right now the forum page says 67 viewing, 11 members and 56 guests, although most of those 'guests' are probably members that aren't logged in.

Probably because it's the most interesting thing happening in all of football right now. Just a guess.

06-09-2011, 11:04 PM
His people just contacted me, and he will only return if you get the "blushing face" and "rolling eyes" thingys activated. Without these, he says he is not able to properly convey his points
:roll: :oops: Just click on [more] in the advanced screen.

And if that dont work I can get a dime piece.

06-09-2011, 11:07 PM
Just wondering, btw, why this is in here instead of the Romper Room? Dunno why we want to air our dirty laundry in the public forum. Right now the forum page says 67 viewing, 11 members and 56 guests, although most of those 'guests' are probably members that aren't logged in.
Fuck!! The ratings havent been that good in a while!!


Maybe Harlan will drop the bomb and finally admit he likes his sausage on the vine.

06-10-2011, 07:15 AM
Never mind.


06-10-2011, 08:54 AM
What a joke!

Calls into question the wonderful predict the 2010 records thread where RG says we're going to go 16-0 and then goes off the deep end. Joe then steps in a says its OK (or something to that effect. But I can't find the thread to see if that is really how it happened). Then RG admits he was purposefully stirring up shit. Then PMs to Joe had riduculous answers. Of course I can't find the thread because the search function doesn't work.

It's backhanded shit like this that destroys forums. This is why I left for a month in December after shitty PM responses from Joe, which are now painfully clear.

I'll come back and post in gameday threads I'm sure and a little bit here or there but fuck it.

Mad, I haven't even met you face-to-face but consider you a friend. You should have told everyone you were burnt out. We all understand that. If you get up to Lambeau I'll buy you a beer. Just PM me.

06-10-2011, 09:42 AM
Holy Christ on the Christmas Cross, what did I get myself into. This is some serious sowing circle shit. You guys have more Drama than TNT.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 10:07 AM
Holy Christ on the Christmas Cross, what did I get myself into. This is some serious sowing circle shit. You guys have more Drama than TNT.

I'd like to say this was a lockout phenomenon. I really would.

06-10-2011, 10:22 AM
What a joke!

Calls into question the wonderful predict the 2010 records thread where RG says we're going to go 16-0 and then goes off the deep end. Joe then steps in a says its OK (or something to that effect. But I can't find the thread to see if that is really how it happened). Then RG admits he was purposefully stirring up shit. Then PMs to Joe had riduculous answers. Of course I can't find the thread because the search function doesn't work.

It's backhanded shit like this that destroys forums. This is why I left for a month in December after shitty PM responses from Joe, which are now painfully clear.

I'll come back and post in gameday threads I'm sure and a little bit here or there but fuck it.

Mad, I haven't even met you face-to-face but consider you a friend. You should have told everyone you were burnt out. We all understand that. If you get up to Lambeau I'll buy you a beer. Just PM me.

"And tell us, how did this negatively affect your life?"

Seriously now. Is this such a terrible thing to happen to you? This won't destroy this forum. This forum was built on assfuckery like this. The only mistake they made is not following my advice to the letter. I told madtown to convince everyone that he had sold the forum to a black guy. It was the height of Obamamania, and no one, NO ONE, was going to question a black guy on his qualifications, decisions, or nationality. Imagine the beautiful work retail could have done with the race card in his pocket as Coaltrain Joe!

06-10-2011, 10:31 AM
Seriously now. Is this such a terrible thing to happen to you? This won't destroy this forum. This forum was built on assfuckery like this. The only mistake they made is not following my advice to the letter. I told madtown to convince everyone that he had sold the forum to a black guy. It was the height of Obamamania, and no one, NO ONE, was going to question a black guy on his qualifications, decisions, or nationality. Imagine the beautiful work retail could have done with the race card in his pocket as Coaltrain Joe!

You might have been able to pull this off, or perhaps Tyrone in a seriously demented way, but me? No chance. I couldn't act black in front of a firing squad.

The whole ThunderDan saga is a really bad miniseries that would be canceled after about 90 minutes. It is three years in the making, and is best left swept under the rug in the corner with that pink elephant no one else is talking about.

06-10-2011, 10:32 AM
:roll: :oops: Just click on [more] in the advanced screen.

And if that dont work I can get a dime piece.

I think it works on Chrome and maybe some versions of IE. It doesn't work on Firefox, except when you create a new post.

06-10-2011, 10:45 AM
If you see them why cant you tell me?

Sorry... I like having the non-football forums visible to the general public. I don't know how it works, but it was easier to find some of these other forums with google searches for Packer blogs/forums

I personally like a wide-open forum. The multiple Favre threads didn't bother me. Mixing in OT threads with football stuff doesn't bother me. Personal insults doesn't bother me. Threads that descend into two or so posters bickering doesn't bother me - I'll just make a new thread or something. Harlan bothers me. Bigguns bothers me. Hoosier bothers me. But they made me want to post more. Based on what other people have written in the past, it just seems as thought there are certain people who can't take the heat of a heated debate/discussion/shouting match. Granted, if all you have are insulting posts, that's a problem. I've seen this make other sites close to unreadable, but mostly once people ID the trolls, they know how to avoid them. In general, the tolerance level for nasty posts, and disagreeable posters should be higher. The only thing that should get someone banned long term/permanently would be the violation of the privacy rule.

06-10-2011, 10:52 AM
"And tell us, how did this negatively affect your life?"

Seriously now. Is this such a terrible thing to happen to you? This won't destroy this forum. This forum was built on assfuckery like this. The only mistake they made is not following my advice to the letter. I told madtown to convince everyone that he had sold the forum to a black guy. It was the height of Obamamania, and no one, NO ONE, was going to question a black guy on his qualifications, decisions, or nationality. Imagine the beautiful work retail could have done with the race card in his pocket as Coaltrain Joe!

Let's see.

RG and I have never been able to stand each other. So what, I can ignore him. Or at least I learned to. Kind of like after Partial and I banged heads in the "Swish" thread.

Then Joe PMs me and says he talked to RG and RG agreed to stay clear but still response to a large majority of my posts. RG personally attacks me and I point this out to Joe and nothing.

I get an e-mail from admin saying I'm on double secret probation for 2 weeks for telling packerbacker1234 that he's sad that the Vikings lost and that they wouldn't make the playoffs so he wouldn't be able to watch more Favre games. Then Joe goes off on me because I PMed back and said RG is probably behind all of this (the green indicator next to his name lit up) and packerbacker1234 really will be sad that he won't see more BF games. (Not a personal attack but the truth) It was then that I was pretty sure that there was a RG/Joe connection and I never PMed him again or responded directly to RG no matter how many times he entered a thread.

Now I learn that all 3 are pretty much the same person. Nothing terrible happened to me. The above just completely taints my view of this site. That's all.

Like I said, I'll post once in a while and will post in the gameday threads.

06-10-2011, 10:55 AM
What a joke!

Calls into question the wonderful predict the 2010 records thread where RG says we're going to go 16-0 and then goes off the deep end. Joe then steps in a says its OK (or something to that effect. But I can't find the thread to see if that is really how it happened). Then RG admits he was purposefully stirring up shit. Then PMs to Joe had riduculous answers. Of course I can't find the thread because the search function doesn't work.

It's backhanded shit like this that destroys forums. This is why I left for a month in December after shitty PM responses from Joe, which are now painfully clear.

I'll come back and post in gameday threads I'm sure and a little bit here or there but fuck it.

Mad, I haven't even met you face-to-face but consider you a friend. You should have told everyone you were burnt out. We all understand that. If you get up to Lambeau I'll buy you a beer. Just PM me.

Here's my question - did it really bother so much that Retail went off the deep end that you had to PM "Joe." I thought Retail was out of his mind, but I told him so right in that thread. You knew he was stirring up shit. So when I got the reprimand from "Joe" I just put ole' "Retail" on the "Ignore" list. LOL. Who cares? Were you scarred for life by your negative Packerrats experience? I wasn't. Just move on. You have good things to post, why get hung up on BS like "Joe" or "Retail" stirring the pot?

06-10-2011, 10:57 AM
I get an e-mail from admin saying I'm on double secret probation for 2 weeks for telling packerbacker1234 that he's sad that the Vikings lost and that they woun't make the playoffs so he wouldn't be able to watch more Favre games.

If this is true, this is the lame-ass stuff I'm talking about. No one should get in trouble with "Joe" or "Retail" for bantering with a Favre/Viking fan. It's an internet forum for crissakes.

06-10-2011, 11:06 AM
Here's my question - did it really bother so much that Retail went off the deep end that you had to PM "Joe." I thought Retail was out of his mind, but I told him so right in that thread. You knew he was stirring up shit. So when I got the reprimand from "Joe" I just put ole' "Retail" on the "Ignore" list. LOL. Who cares? Were you scarred for life by your negative Packerrats experience? I wasn't. Just move on. You have good things to post, why get hung up on BS like "Joe" or "Retail" stirring the pot?

Well, it didn't bother me. Dan thinks I "can't stand him". I don't know the guy. Don't really care if I ever get to know him. But the PM's were ludicrous.

When he asked Joe for retail to back off. I did. Wide berth. Did I respond to his posts? Sure. On questions of substance, I'd ask. I disagree with the insulting stuff.

But here's the rub. And it isn't going to ever change. When he first joined, no one knew anything about him. One day he was pontificating in FYI, I believe, about Obama and the economy. I found it ridiculous then, and still do today. I recommended a macro/micro economics class at the local community college. And all hell broke loose.

That was followed over the next few months with tax advice, telling one poster that social security taxes were filed on the front page of the 1040, and something else, I don't remember. I jumped in to correct those, and admittedly probably did dig a bit at Dan. His response was to go into this long winded/detailed explanation of how he helped one of his clients wind up with a lower overall effective rate than a minimum wage earner on a w2. That's like comparing a hummer to a volt. Any accountant who has spent 10 minutes in a tax class understands that the most undesirable way to earn a living from a tax standpoint is to work on a w2.

After about 3 months of this BS, I apologized to Dan regarding the econ class recommendations. But he won't accept it, so nothing changes, or ever will change. Like I said, it's better swept under the rug.

You referred to us as Oil/water. That was true, for a period. This one will still be in effect (from his vantage) when the next ice age sweeps in and kills us all.

06-10-2011, 11:08 AM
If this is true, this is the lame-ass stuff I'm talking about. No one should get in trouble with "Joe" or "Retail" for bantering with a Favre/Viking fan. It's an internet forum for crissakes.

here's where I wish the search feature worked. I don't know what "double secret probation is". As I recall the comments were personally insulting to 1234. He complained, I clicked a link which sent a generic message to Dan telling him to knock it off. That's it. It was a non event that resulted in about a dozen pm's going round the world talking about everything but making the point in the manner he did.

06-10-2011, 11:13 AM
If this is true, this is the lame-ass stuff I'm talking about. No one should get in trouble with "Joe" or "Retail" for bantering with a Favre/Viking fan. It's an internet forum for crissakes.

Originally Posted by Joe
Dear ThunderDan,

You have received a warning at PackerRats.com.

Insulted Other Member(s)


There was no need for this.

"I know you are sad that the Vikings are out of the playoff picture."

TD again: Yup, it's true.

06-10-2011, 11:18 AM
Well, it didn't bother me. Dan thinks I "can't stand him". I don't know the guy. Don't really care if I ever get to know him. But the PM's were ludicrous.

When he asked Joe for retail to back off. I did. Wide berth. Did I respond to his posts? Sure. On questions of substance, I'd ask. I disagree with the insulting stuff.

But here's the rub. And it isn't going to ever change. When he first joined, no one knew anything about him. One day he was pontificating in FYI, I believe, about Obama and the economy. I found it ridiculous then, and still do today. I recommended a macro/micro economics class at the local community college. And all hell broke loose.

That was followed over the next few months with tax advice, telling one poster that social security taxes were filed on the front page of the 1040, and something else, I don't remember. I jumped in to correct those, and admittedly probably did dig a bit at Dan. His response was to go into this long winded/detailed explanation of how he helped one of his clients wind up with a lower overall effective rate than a minimum wage earner on a w2. That's like comparing a hummer to a volt. Any accountant who has spent 10 minutes in a tax class understands that the most undesirable way to earn a living from a tax standpoint is to work on a w2.

After about 3 months of this BS, I apologized to Dan regarding the econ class recommendations. But he won't accept it, so nothing changes, or ever will change. Like I said, it's better swept under the rug.

You referred to us as Oil/water. That was true, for a period. This one will still be in effect (from his vantage) when the next ice age sweeps in and kills us all.

I'm pretty certain Dan is one of those on-line Turbo Tax consultants who told me I could establish an LLC with a dog as the owner and that I could write off all my milkbone purchases as business expenses. The IRS agent that garnisheed my wages disagreed.

06-10-2011, 11:20 AM
but this brings up a good point. dealing with people complaining about you (me). I dealt with just a couple. You and Dan. Neither could possibly go well in the aftermath of this. It looks staged and insincere and couldn't look any differently. Think what you will, I can't change your mind.

But, when search is fixed, go back over the last two years and try to find digs at Dan. They don't exist. I did ask questions, and I did question logic. But never again, after I apologized did I take a personal dig. I don't like his politics and think he's dead wrong. I questioned his logic plenty, and would continue that today. I think that's different. Maybe some of you will disagree. No idea.

06-10-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm pretty certain Dan is one of those on-line Turbo Tax consultants who told me I could establish an LLC with a dog as the owner and that I could write off all my milkbone purchases as business expenses. The IRS agent that garnisheed my wages disagreed.

Actually, I think he's good at what he does. He works for a guy I went to college with, I think. But no accountant is an "expert" at all kinds of taxes. Hell, I've been doing them for over 20 years. I still contract out most c corps and all trust returns. Can I do them? Sure. Can others do them better? Yup.

I've done 10k individual returns, and probably half that in scorps, llc's and sole props. When I see something not right, I'll say something.

Based on what I know about his firm, he's probably much better with c corps than I am, and I could probably do a base 1040 in half the time. It's just a different focus.

06-10-2011, 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Joe
Dear ThunderDan,

You have received a warning at PackerRats.com.

Insulted Other Member(s)


There was no need for this.

"I know you are sad that the Vikings are out of the playoff picture."

TD again: Yup, it's true.

I don't see this as insulting. I've taken crap far worse than this from Bears fans for 6 years of Favre late season debacles. I either ignore them or remind them about Rex Grossman. People need to have thicker skins for crissakes.


06-10-2011, 11:26 AM
I think it works on Chrome and maybe some versions of IE. It doesn't work on Firefox, except when you create a new post.

Listen to the man, it works fine in FF. Hit Reply, bang Advanced, hammer More and all of them are available. :!:

06-10-2011, 11:28 AM
Listen to the man, it works fine in FF. Hit Reply, bang Advanced, hammer More and all of them are available. :!:

I don't have a "more" button. where is it?

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Joe
Dear ThunderDan,

You have received a warning at PackerRats.com.

Insulted Other Member(s)


There was no need for this.

"I know you are sad that the Vikings are out of the playoff picture."

TD again: Yup, it's true.



06-10-2011, 11:36 AM
RG and I have never been able to stand each other. So what, I can ignore him. Or at least I learned to. Kind of like after Partial and I banged heads in the "Swish" thread.

Then Joe PMs me and says he talked to RG and RG agreed to stay clear but still response to a large majority of my posts. RG personally attacks me and I point this out to Joe and nothing.

I get an e-mail from admin saying I'm on double secret probation for 2 weeks for telling packerbacker1234 that he's sad that the Vikings lost and that they wouldn't make the playoffs so he wouldn't be able to watch more Favre games. Then Joe goes off on me because I PMed back and said RG is probably behind all of this (the green indicator next to his name lit up) and packerbacker1234 really will be sad that he won't see more BF games. (Not a personal attack but the truth) It was then that I was pretty sure that there was a RG/Joe connection and I never PMed him again or responded directly to RG no matter how many times he entered a thread.

Now I learn that all 3 are pretty much the same person. Nothing terrible happened to me. The above just completely taints my view of this site. That's all.

Like I said, I'll post once in a while and will post in the gameday threads.

I don't know how you feel at all. Retail and I have always been great friends of like mind.

Yeah, madtown and retail have made some terrible decisions. At least they're owning up to it now. And this forum is made of sperm, blood, and mistakes with a hint of regret.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 11:39 AM
Yeah, madtown and retail have made some terrible decisions.

Harlan never would have made any mistakes. Just sayin.

06-10-2011, 11:42 AM
I don't know how you feel at all. Retail and I have always been great friends of like mind.

If anyone was entitled to hold a grudge it was you and me. I've given it up. Thank you for doing the same. No more from me, ever.

Yeah, madtown and retail have made some terrible decisions. At least they're owning up to it now. And this forum is made of sperm, blood, and mistakes with a hint of regret.

This just screams for an NSFW photo of some spanking session, but I will resist.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 11:42 AM
I personally learned a lot from this entire exercise - like how to still torture the shit out of Woody without saying anything overtly offensive.

06-10-2011, 11:43 AM


That was my creed. NEVER give 'em what they want! :evil:

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 11:48 AM
Well somebody listened to all the complainers, or there wouldn't have been all the bannings.

I guess we now know that banning isn't the answer.

06-10-2011, 11:49 AM
I'm pretty certain Dan is one of those on-line Turbo Tax consultants who told me I could establish an LLC with a dog as the owner and that I could write off all my milkbone purchases as business expenses. The IRS agent that garnisheed my wages disagreed.

Don't dish the dirt on me like that. I'll have to drop my billable rate to $125/hour now. I think you would have been OK if you hadn't peed on his leg and bitten him.

06-10-2011, 11:52 AM
Well somebody listened to all the complainers, or there wouldn't have been all the bannings.

I guess we now know that banning isn't the answer.

That would be me. Yes, I listened. Sometimes I took action and sometimes I didn't. I'm sure those I didn't take action for will be around to remind me shortly.

I'll take my penance.

06-10-2011, 12:06 PM

When things get boring as hell, PR becomes the most interesting Packer forum in the world!

Mad got burned out on running the forum and figured out a ruse to get away from it for a bit. RG agreed to play along and took the charge while acting as “Joe” (Blow?) phantom owner/administrator.

Who can blame either one of ‘em? Hell, I burned out from just posting and took a whole season off. I wasn’t ragged at anybody or had any huge feuds with posters. I just had a bellyful of the Favre/draft posts. That shit didn’t interest me, so I took a break. Everybody needs to focus on the real world and take time off every once in awhile.

I’ve always felt running one of these small forums is one of the most taxing tasks in the world. For the time, money, and resources expended managing a football or other special interest forum, the admin could run little business site that would actually make that person some jing. Not much, but a helluva lot more than running a Packer forum gets ya.

I’ve long pondered how to help the people that run Rats. I don’t wanna be a moderator, an admin (I’d fuck that up) or a cheerleader or any of that shit. I also agree with Mad that it’s bullshit to sell ads, or sell coffee mugs, or give away mouse pads. (PackerAddict already made abject fools of themselves trying to pull that one off). I long ago came to the conclusion that I didn’t really know how to help, but would as long as it didn’t require any time, effort or money on my part.

We need a Packer forum with all the personalities, viewpoints, and opinions of the cast of characters that we have on here. Sometimes posters become such insane douchebages that it is maddening. Partial and Ty were such pains in the balls that it was ridiculous. What can you do with wackjobs like that? If you are the admin, you can’t hit the ignore button.

Maybe I’ll put in for one of the multiple Identity jobs. I’d like to get in a fight with Ty as one personality, then ban his ass as “Miguel”, Mad’s asshole cousin from Guadalajara, who has recently purchased the site.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Let’s keep this joint running. I make no promises of anything, but I vote let’s keep it runnin’.

06-10-2011, 12:27 PM
or give away mouse pads. (PackerAddict already made abject fools of themselves trying to pull that one off).

I missed a free mousepad?! Fuck! I was hoping now that I live near you, you could be my southern nutz. Now... I don't know... I'm just... very very disappointed.

Anyway, anyone else here watch this show Real Housewifes in New York? There's this woman on there that I think is named Kelly. And she is fucking looney. Stupid crazy. Mostly stupid, but also crazy. Maybe too stupid to realize she's crazy or the other way around, but there is something wrong with her. But in a very specific way that reminded me a lot of a couple of posters, but mostly Partial, but with boobs... then again, maybe it was the hair. I digress. Now I kind of forgot what I was talking about. Something about people expecting to be able to say whatever kind of crazy shit they want and if anyone disagreed, that was basis for personal attacks, outrage, sobbing, and general protected vaginal activity. Harlan was guilty of that too, but mostly as a proxy for other "victims." "Protecting" these people ended up causing a lot more harm than anything else, because everyone else is expected to play along with their craziness. Don't do that. Whoever is going to make these decisions.

06-10-2011, 12:27 PM
Jesus doesn't like this double post outbreak.

06-10-2011, 12:29 PM
Speaking of which, can we have images as signatures again?

06-10-2011, 12:30 PM
I don't see this as insulting. I've taken crap far worse than this from Bears fans for 6 years of Favre late season debacles. I either ignore them or remind them about Rex Grossman. People need to have thicker skins for crissakes.

Maybe, but I happen to agree with TD on this. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I've butted head with RG in these forums (some time ago, pre-Joe) and would've been pretty pissed off if I'd been reprimanded for doing so by the admin, only to later find out he was the admin.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 01:00 PM
Did I ask your fucking opinion? Who are you? This topic is between members of this forum not shits who try to promote their fucking forum. You dont have shit to say in what goes on here. I dont go to your spot and tag it. Dont fucking do it here or expect to bounce. People here do things the http://PackersRats.com way.

Goddamn you're a bitchy little girl, Madtown. I've been a member of this forum for almost 2 years, and people are surprised to hear that I run Packer forums. Does that sound like I've been promoting my forums? And you're queer enough to actually remove the names of them in my post two years later? When I just complimented your site and didn't advise anyone to switch or check my sites out? What a fucking pussy you are. Holy shit. I knew you were a bitch, but wow.

You can feel free to come to my sites an advocate for Packerrats. I'm not that way. You wouldn't be the first. My sites will survive on their own merits, and if they don't, then oh well. I don't get all bent out of shape if someone mentions another website. Seriously, feel free. Your stupid bullshit has been losing you members for years, so you could use the help, and my site-that-cannot-be-named-here is more active than this one by quite a bit, year round. I honestly don't mind.

I go to four Packer forums, personally, because I like to discuss the Packers. I have mentioned and linked to Packerrats on both of my sites before. Like I said, it's a good site, even if you and retail are desperately trying to fuck it up with your own personal drama and power trips. It's a good site despite all your bullshit. Your threat of banning me "for promoting my site" is a cute little reminder of how you idiots are fucking this site up. Over-sensitive, defensive, power tripping retards trying to kill a good site. That sucks. Oh, and I know you didn't ask, that's why I said, "Just my unsolicited opinion, but I'm right, dammit." Look up "unsolicited" if you need to.

Just how stupid is your shit? Check this shit out, one PM from each of the secret identities you little comic book pussies made up to hide behind-

From "Joe" this January-

You have received an infraction at PackerRats.com

Dear get louder at lambeau,

You have received an infraction at PackerRats.com.

Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
Keep your personal biases out of your responses.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Did I really write "This is my favorite joke is..."?? I'm getting dumber and dumber. Next thing you know, I'll start agreeing with Retail.
All the best,

This one is from "administrator" in January of 2010-


Need to ask you to "tone it down". It isn't your job to "shake the shit" out of idiots. Find other ways to make your point without calling folks idiots and swearing at them. Even if they're wrong, they are entitled to their opinions, and entitled not to be belittled.

I think it was probably retail both times, because it seems like he was the one I was probably arguing with. Pussy-ass shit, plain and simple, to use fake accounts like that. I think everyone here would agree.

Anywho, the point of my post, which one of your members thought was a "great post", while another said you could take pointers from me, but that you only got butthurt by, was that you are making your job harder by being such a controlling pussy. Just let it run itself, and stay out of the way, and maybe you won't get burnt out by it. You are making it harder than it needs to be, and you are holding the forum back with your bullshit and secret pussy shit. You are being a drama queen, and then bitching that you got burnt out by all the drama. Go figure.

Or, just keep being a pussy, ban me for hurting your feelings, and lose yet another regular poster. Your call. Mraynrand and your boy retail have both expressed that they expect you to continue to be a bitch to them for speaking the truth, so why would anyone expect any different out of you? You have created your own legacy. Good luck with that. ;)

06-10-2011, 01:22 PM
I missed a free mousepad?! Fuck! I was hoping now that I live near you, you could be my southern nutz. Now... I don't know... I'm just... very very disappointed.

Anyway, anyone else here watch this show Real Housewifes in New York? There's this woman on there that I think is named Kelly. And she is fucking looney. Stupid crazy. Mostly stupid, but also crazy. Maybe too stupid to realize she's crazy or the other way around, but there is something wrong with her. But in a very specific way that reminded me a lot of a couple of posters, but mostly Partial, but with boobs... then again, maybe it was the hair. I digress. Now I kind of forgot what I was talking about. Something about people expecting to be able to say whatever kind of crazy shit they want and if anyone disagreed, that was basis for personal attacks, outrage, sobbing, and general protected vaginal activity. Harlan was guilty of that too, but mostly as a proxy for other "victims." "Protecting" these people ended up causing a lot more harm than anything else, because everyone else is expected to play along with their craziness. Don't do that. Whoever is going to make these decisions.

Skin, you goofball.

I didn't get or want a fucking mousepad. It was NO Mo Moss and JSR that started an outlaw forum because they had a hissy (supposedly) with this place. Actually, both those two wanted to make money off a Packer Forum. They hoped to sell ads and geegaws from their site to make bucks. It was a lame idea and a a lamer site.

Don't lament cause you didn't get a mousepad, No Mo never delivered on the shit he promised all the stupid posters.

As far a censorship, that deal goes round and round. I think everything should be open and let it rip, etc. But man, when you get a cat like Partial, it's tough. That kid had the brains of a lake fly and the stamina of a bull moose. He'd get locked onto some foolish shit that pissed everybody off and just wouldn't let go.

You almost have to ban a goof like that, otherwise the Forum will grind to a halt.

Oh yeah, Louder, turn down the volume on your yap, willya?

06-10-2011, 01:25 PM
.......but mostly Partial, but with boobs... .

I thought Partial had boobs; didn't that picture get one of you in trouble with Sybil? Weren't they saggy too?

06-10-2011, 01:33 PM
Personal insults doesn't bother me.

Hey Billy Bob, I think the word is "don't."


get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 01:37 PM
Oh yeah, Louder, turn down the volume on your yap, willya?

Sorry, just responding in kind to Der Fuhrer's post. Feel free to skip over it, like I do with many of the other long winded ones.

06-10-2011, 01:38 PM
We need to make sure Google recognizes us as an official home for CPA spats......it will great.


06-10-2011, 01:47 PM
I don't even remember the last time I checked this site. This is some good shit :drma:

Life's been fricken busy - now on the East Coast for awhile. Months are flying by. If they don't let the Pack go to see Obama - I'm gonna be pissed as I could walk to the fricken white house now.

Madtown - you crazy motherfucker. We should have a reward system where you can only get an eighth when you update this forum. I'll pay for the sack if it stops people from bitching.

RG - nice job, man. It is a thankless job. I liked 'Joe'.

And honestly, I don't know or really care what the software forum would do. It was hard as hell in creating articles, organizing who, editing and all that. Maybe just open up who can post to the main page and put the terms of service as 'at your own risk lest public flogging for being a fucking idiot'.

As a libertarian, I like the personal responsibility angle a lot. If we start getting a bunch of trolls and shitty posts - still have to do clean-up. As long as people are cool with knowing shit can/will get deleted, they have no ground to bitch.

The multiple login thing is a tough one. At JSO, it was annoying as fuck. I, for one, like the single login unless you want to have an alter ego (and then only MTP or whoever runs this place) can grant. Then MTP - you can keep some fun secrets on the masses. Mexicans rule.

Other than that - going against the flow of forums is a good strategy.

06-10-2011, 01:55 PM
Sorry, just responding in kind to Der Fuhrer's post. Feel free to skip over it, like I do with many of the other long winded ones.

You had four "pussy's" in your post.

I believe Skin has set the limit to two "pussy's" per insult post.

Try to plan your actions accordingly.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 02:02 PM
As far a censorship, that deal goes round and round. I think everything should be open and let it rip, etc. But man, when you get a cat like Partial, it's tough. That kid had the brains of a lake fly and the stamina of a bull moose. He'd get locked onto some foolish shit that pissed everybody off and just wouldn't let go.

You almost have to ban a goof like that, otherwise the Forum will grind to a halt.

I'd just keep changing the offensive posts to something ridiculous until he figured it out on his own.

Boy, I'd be one shitty mod.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 02:02 PM
You had four "pussy's" in your post.

I believe Skin has set the limit to two "pussy's" per insult post.

Try to plan your actions accordingly.

Well, I don't see how I could have gotten by with any less than four. Maybe if I switched some of them out for "vagina" or "twat"?

06-10-2011, 02:13 PM
We need to make sure Google recognizes us as an official home for CPA spats......it will great.


Good one. Another drama show canceled half way through an episode....

06-10-2011, 02:15 PM
I don't even remember the last time I checked this site. This is some good shit :drma:

Life's been fricken busy - now on the East Coast for awhile. Months are flying by. If they don't let the Pack go to see Obama - I'm gonna be pissed as I could walk to the fricken white house now.

Madtown - you crazy motherfucker. We should have a reward system where you can only get an eighth when you update this forum. I'll pay for the sack if it stops people from bitching.

RG - nice job, man. It is a thankless job. I liked 'Joe'.

And honestly, I don't know or really care what the software forum would do. It was hard as hell in creating articles, organizing who, editing and all that. Maybe just open up who can post to the main page and put the terms of service as 'at your own risk lest public flogging for being a fucking idiot'.

As a libertarian, I like the personal responsibility angle a lot. If we start getting a bunch of trolls and shitty posts - still have to do clean-up. As long as people are cool with knowing shit can/will get deleted, they have no ground to bitch.

The multiple login thing is a tough one. At JSO, it was annoying as fuck. I, for one, like the single login unless you want to have an alter ego (and then only MTP or whoever runs this place) can grant. Then MTP - you can keep some fun secrets on the masses. Mexicans rule.

Other than that - going against the flow of forums is a good strategy.

Thanks for that. I appreciate it. I got more wrong, probably, than I got right, but for better or worse I guess.

welcome back, you've been missed.

06-10-2011, 02:15 PM
I don't even remember the last time I checked this site. This is some good shit :drma:

Life's been fricken busy - now on the East Coast for awhile. Months are flying by. If they don't let the Pack go to see Obama - I'm gonna be pissed as I could walk to the fricken white house now.

Madtown - you crazy motherfucker. We should have a reward system where you can only get an eighth when you update this forum. I'll pay for the sack if it stops people from bitching.

RG - nice job, man. It is a thankless job. I liked 'Joe'.

And honestly, I don't know or really care what the software forum would do. It was hard as hell in creating articles, organizing who, editing and all that. Maybe just open up who can post to the main page and put the terms of service as 'at your own risk lest public flogging for being a fucking idiot'.

As a libertarian, I like the personal responsibility angle a lot. If we start getting a bunch of trolls and shitty posts - still have to do clean-up. As long as people are cool with knowing shit can/will get deleted, they have no ground to bitch.

The multiple login thing is a tough one. At JSO, it was annoying as fuck. I, for one, like the single login unless you want to have an alter ego (and then only MTP or whoever runs this place) can grant. Then MTP - you can keep some fun secrets on the masses. Mexicans rule.

Other than that - going against the flow of forums is a good strategy.

Thanks for that. I appreciate it. I got more wrong, probably, than I got right, but for better or worse I guess.

welcome back, you've been missed.

06-10-2011, 02:18 PM
Skin, you goofball.

I didn't get or want a fucking mousepad. It was NO Mo Moss and JSR that started an outlaw forum because they had a hissy (supposedly) with this place. Actually, both those two wanted to make money off a Packer Forum. They hoped to sell ads and geegaws from their site to make bucks. It was a lame idea and a a lamer site.

Don't lament cause you didn't get a mousepad, No Mo never delivered on the shit he promised all the stupid posters.

As far a censorship, that deal goes round and round. I think everything should be open and let it rip, etc. But man, when you get a cat like Partial, it's tough. That kid had the brains of a lake fly and the stamina of a bull moose. He'd get locked onto some foolish shit that pissed everybody off and just wouldn't let go.

You almost have to ban a goof like that, otherwise the Forum will grind to a halt.

Oh yeah, Louder, turn down the volume on your yap, willya?

I'm going to steal the bolded part. FANTASTIC. You should write more. Hilarious and accurate at the same time.

06-10-2011, 02:20 PM
I'd just keep changing the offensive posts to something ridiculous until he figured it out on his own.

Boy, I'd be one shitty mod.

I never thought of that. I think we'd have seen the guy die of a coronary. But it would have been interesting.

FWIW - you'd have probably done a better job than me. In any event, it would have been more entertaining.

06-10-2011, 02:21 PM
I thought Partial had boobs; didn't that picture get one of you in trouble with Sybil? Weren't they saggy too?

but mostly Partial, but with boobs... then again, maybe it was the hair.

If it weren't for your rabid breast fixation, you would have seen this was addressed.

Speaking of breasts, can we get a bouncing breasts emoticon? Damn handy, that.

06-10-2011, 02:37 PM
That kid had the brains of a lake fly and the stamina of a bull moose.

I'm going to steal the bolded part. FANTASTIC. You should write more. Hilarious and accurate at the same time.

I thought the same thing.

Problem was, he had an entirely different vision of himself (and his dimepeice, from what I hear) than everyone else did. And not just his on-line persona. His posts insisting he was 6'2" and had the arm of a hall-of-famer were highly entertaining to some of us who seemed to come away with a different impression. Out of his respect for his privacy, I wouldn't say what those impressions were, just that it wasn't that.

But let's not make this about bashing Partial, at least until he shows up. If retail's lifted the court order...

06-10-2011, 02:40 PM
I thought the same thing.

Problem was, he had an entirely different vision of himself (and his dimepeice, from what I hear) than everyone else did. And not just his on-line persona. His posts insisting he was 6'2" and had the arm of a hall-of-famer were highly entertaining to some of us who seemed to come away with a different impression. Out of his respect for his privacy, I wouldn't say what those impressions were, just that it wasn't that.

But let's not make this about bashing Partial, at least until he shows up. If retail's lifted the court order...

I have no vote, and understand that the sentence has been commuted.

06-10-2011, 02:59 PM
Well, I don't see how I could have gotten by with any less than four. Maybe if I switched some of them out for "vagina" or "twat"?

Well, according to the young Black Kids at the gym, "sissy ass bitch" has eclipsed 'pussy' as the male urban insult.

So whip a couple of them on him.

Course, it might not work on a Mexican.

06-10-2011, 04:43 PM
Hey Billy Bob, I think the word is "don't."


MMmmm hmmmm, I rekin'


06-10-2011, 04:46 PM
I personally learned a lot from this entire exercise - like how to still torture the shit out of Woody without saying anything overtly offensive.

And you eventually turned him away from the Dark Side. "There is good in you, Woodbuck, Brett Favre has not driven it from you fully. Let go of your hate..."

06-10-2011, 04:52 PM
I think it works on Chrome and maybe some versions of IE. It doesn't work on Firefox, except when you create a new post.:oops:

Yes it does.:taunt::pc:

06-10-2011, 04:53 PM
Maybe, but I happen to agree with TD on this. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I've butted head with RG in these forums (some time ago, pre-Joe) and would've been pretty pissed off if I'd been reprimanded for doing so by the admin, only to later find out he was the admin.

I was going to let this go by, but think I need to address it. Your point is fair, and you're entitled to have it.

None of us are perfect, and I'm certainly not. But this forum has been around for 5 years, and I'd been a moderator for about 4 of those years. So there are lots of potential items that you can point to and say "that guy screwed up again". Sometimes you'll be correct, and sometimes you'll be whining and sniveling.

In the above cases, you're looking at a snapshot in time. It is ONE post. I rarely yelled at someone for ONE offense. Usually, these things built for days and weeks. Without the benefit of hindsight, I don't remember the circumstance, and even using search, you won't have the whole background that could have been going on for days, or weeks.

In any event, it's my record, and if you find fault with it, that's actually just fine with me. We've had about 600k posts here, so however you want to do the math, that's a lot of potential for error. So, if a few dozen of these complaints show up, or hell, even a hundred, I'll be fine with it. 999 out of 1,000 times you make the right call. That one time? Sometimes you fuck it up pretty good.

A good thing with Joe, that I personally liked - When no one knew I was Joe, I was able to post here and give my opinion and even get into an argument sometimes. No one pulled the "moderator" card. You know, when I post something, someone tells me I'm an idiot, I respond, and they trot out the "You can't talk that way to your posters when you're a moderator!" line. Even though the whole debate had zero to do with moderating. I didn't miss that, AT ALL.

06-10-2011, 04:59 PM

Yes it does.:taunt::pc:

Could someone send me a screen shot of that "more" field? I swear I don't see it.

06-10-2011, 04:59 PM
I leave for a few months, and all hell breaks loose.

There's probably too much anxiety about lack of posting going on. As someone said, football forums need football. I've been over at Football's Future, and it's pretty dead there too.

06-10-2011, 05:17 PM

When things get boring as hell, PR becomes the most interesting Packer forum in the world!

Mad got burned out on running the forum and figured out a ruse to get away from it for a bit. RG agreed to play along and took the charge while acting as “Joe” (Blow?) phantom owner/administrator.

Who can blame either one of ‘em? Hell, I burned out from just posting and took a whole season off. I wasn’t ragged at anybody or had any huge feuds with posters. I just had a bellyful of the Favre/draft posts. That shit didn’t interest me, so I took a break. Everybody needs to focus on the real world and take time off every once in awhile.

I’ve always felt running one of these small forums is one of the most taxing tasks in the world. For the time, money, and resources expended managing a football or other special interest forum, the admin could run little business site that would actually make that person some jing. Not much, but a helluva lot more than running a Packer forum gets ya.

I’ve long pondered how to help the people that run Rats. I don’t wanna be a moderator, an admin (I’d fuck that up) or a cheerleader or any of that shit. I also agree with Mad that it’s bullshit to sell ads, or sell coffee mugs, or give away mouse pads. (PackerAddict already made abject fools of themselves trying to pull that one off). I long ago came to the conclusion that I didn’t really know how to help, but would as long as it didn’t require any time, effort or money on my part.

We need a Packer forum with all the personalities, viewpoints, and opinions of the cast of characters that we have on here. Sometimes posters become such insane douchebages that it is maddening. Partial and Ty were such pains in the balls that it was ridiculous. What can you do with wackjobs like that? If you are the admin, you can’t hit the ignore button.

Maybe I’ll put in for one of the multiple Identity jobs. I’d like to get in a fight with Ty as one personality, then ban his ass as “Miguel”, Mad’s asshole cousin from Guadalajara, who has recently purchased the site.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Let’s keep this joint running. I make no promises of anything, but I vote let’s keep it runnin’.

You're freakin' kidding me, right? You're a goddamn football genius and you don't know how to help?

06-10-2011, 05:20 PM
I leave for a few months, and all hell breaks loose.

There's probably too much anxiety about lack of posting going on. As someone said, football forums need football. I've been over at Football's Future, and it's pretty dead there too.

No, it was dead the whole time you were gone. All hell broke loose in anticipation of your return. It's like a reunion in this thread. Is there like an RSS feed for forum drama or something?

06-10-2011, 05:23 PM
Could someone send me a screen shot of that "more" field? I swear I don't see it.

Hit Go Advanced and look about an inch below the group of icons to the right of the text box.

06-10-2011, 05:23 PM
I was down in the Rat Cave when my Rat Phone started flashing, and I knew Harlan and 007 were back.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 05:28 PM
I was down in the Rat Cave when my Rat Phone started flashing, and I knew Harlan and 007 were back.

I thought we agreed not to use "Harlan" and "flashing" in the same sentence anymore.

06-10-2011, 05:47 PM
I always wondered why Joe was wearing a mask in his avatar. But, who is that behind the mask?

06-10-2011, 05:48 PM
Hit Go Advanced and look about an inch below the group of icons to the right of the text box.

Nothing there. See my email.

06-10-2011, 06:28 PM
Nothing there. See my email. Maybe there's something wrong in your settings 'cause it's not supposed to look like that.

06-10-2011, 07:21 PM
Goddamn you're a bitchy little girl, Madtown. I've been a member of this forum for almost 2 years, and people are surprised to hear that I run Packer forums. Does that sound like I've been promoting my forums? And you're queer enough to actually remove the names of them in my post two years later? When I just complimented your site and didn't advise anyone to switch or check my sites out? What a fucking pussy you are. Holy shit. I knew you were a bitch, but wow.

You can feel free to come to my sites an advocate for Packerrats. I'm not that way. You wouldn't be the first. My sites will survive on their own merits, and if they don't, then oh well. I don't get all bent out of shape if someone mentions another website. Seriously, feel free. Your stupid bullshit has been losing you members for years, so you could use the help, and my site-that-cannot-be-named-here is more active than this one by quite a bit, year round. I honestly don't mind.

I go to four Packer forums, personally, because I like to discuss the Packers. I have mentioned and linked to Packerrats on both of my sites before. Like I said, it's a good site, even if you and retail are desperately trying to fuck it up with your own personal drama and power trips. It's a good site despite all your bullshit. Your threat of banning me "for promoting my site" is a cute little reminder of how you idiots are fucking this site up. Over-sensitive, defensive, power tripping retards trying to kill a good site. That sucks. Oh, and I know you didn't ask, that's why I said, "Just my unsolicited opinion, but I'm right, dammit." Look up "unsolicited" if you need to.

Just how stupid is your shit? Check this shit out, one PM from each of the secret identities you little comic book pussies made up to hide behind-

From "Joe" this January-

This one is from "administrator" in January of 2010-

I think it was probably retail both times, because it seems like he was the one I was probably arguing with. Pussy-ass shit, plain and simple, to use fake accounts like that. I think everyone here would agree.

Anywho, the point of my post, which one of your members thought was a "great post", while another said you could take pointers from me, but that you only got butthurt by, was that you are making your job harder by being such a controlling pussy. Just let it run itself, and stay out of the way, and maybe you won't get burnt out by it. You are making it harder than it needs to be, and you are holding the forum back with your bullshit and secret pussy shit. You are being a drama queen, and then bitching that you got burnt out by all the drama. Go figure.

Or, just keep being a pussy, ban me for hurting your feelings, and lose yet another regular poster. Your call. Mraynrand and your boy retail have both expressed that they expect you to continue to be a bitch to them for speaking the truth, so why would anyone expect any different out of you? You have created your own legacy. Good luck with that. ;)First off, you are more then welcome run your mouth here and to attend the PackerRats Poster game (if there is a game to go to) this year and let me know how much of a bitch I am. Until then you aint banned unless you do what you where told wasnt cool. Thank you for the invite to piss on your carpet but that is not how I do it. I am not a fan of banning or else everyfuckingbody would be gone (I hate White people). Run your shit your way I will run mine my way. I think PackerRats is doing fine and will get better. Your site is more busy huh? I doubt it and besides, you have stupid Whiteys, mine are smart.

Dont try to convince me to not care about this bitch because it aint happening. You can keep not loving your forum(s) if you like. I should actually be paying these crackas that post here for providing me with a great group to be racist against. I could never get away with this shit offline.

But other than that why dont you let us discuss OUR site so we can fix the piece shit. So maybe you should be right and back off.

06-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Whats up Foscoerelli? You damn wop. Can you whack someone for me?

Man, this has brought out big hitters like you and KY. Joemailman was actually delivering the mail until today.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 07:47 PM
Run your shit your way I will run mine my way.

I got the feeling you burned out last time because you got a little too full of yourself and your shit. The posters here are not your shit.

If you run this site the way you're supposed to, nobody can poach posters. If anything, the cross promotion of sites could be beneficial for both.


06-10-2011, 08:04 PM
If it weren't for your rabid breast fixation, you would have seen this was addressed.

Speaking of breasts, can we get a bouncing breasts emoticon? Damn handy, that.


06-10-2011, 08:15 PM
What the hell is going on and why the hell didn't anyone call me??? The first thing I'm gonna do is tell Tyrone to kiss my ass, then I'm gonna welcome the ass hole back because he adds some flavor...that flavor may have a hint of shit, but it's still flavor. I'm glad all this is out in the open now. I like this place with Madtown running it. By the way...since we're all coming clean here...how about we all come clean on our secret posting names? Freak Out...are really Sheepshead? ;)

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 08:59 PM
First off, you are more then welcome run your mouth here and to attend the PackerRats Poster game (if there is a game to go to) this year and let me know how much of a bitch I am. Until then you aint banned unless you do what you where told wasnt cool. Thank you for the invite to piss on your carpet but that is not how I do it. I am not a fan of banning or else everyfuckingbody would be gone (I hate White people). Run your shit your way I will run mine my way. I think PackerRats is doing fine and will get better. Your site is more busy huh? I doubt it and besides, you have stupid Whiteys, mine are smart.

Dont try to convince me to not care about this bitch because it aint happening. You can keep not loving your forum(s) if you like. I should actually be paying these crackas that post here for providing me with a great group to be racist against. I could never get away with this shit offline.

But other than that why dont you let us discuss OUR site so we can fix the piece shit. So maybe you should be right and back off.

Yes, my site IS busier than yours. By a lot. It was mentioned as being busier than yours in the second sentence of the original post in this thread. Oh no! Mraynrand typed the name of my site! You better run and go censor that, before someone sees it. He also mentioned Football's Future and Sports Bubbler. Holy shit, your sheep are gonna get out of their pen! Run, Madtown, run! Close the gate! Hurry!

You act like your posters didn't come from another forum and like you somehow own them. What a sad little joke of an admin you are. I have over 1000 posts over about two years on this site, and I haven't been promoting shit. Read what I wrote that got up your ass, and explain to me how that comes off as promoting my sites. Please. Is it an English as a Second Language thing? I can respect that, as long as you're smarter in your first language. Maybe in Spanish you sound like less of a stupid douche. If I was going to try to lure some good posters over, I could just as easily do it by PMing them (assuming your power trip doesn't include reading people's PMs, of course). Anybody here ever get any PMs from me? Anybody? (crickets) I like Packerrats, Madtown. I'm not trying to fuck with it. This group is good together. Funny and dysfunctional. Quit being so fucking paranoid and controlling.

You don't like banning people? Where did everybody go then? Why did your personal bitch retailguy say he figured you would ban him for outing your dumb little shared secrets earlier in this thread? Where's Tyrone Bigguns? You didn't ban him? Why did you threaten to ban me within the last 24 hours for a totally bullshit reason? Your words don't seem to match your actions.

You talk about how much you love this site in a topic about how shitty of a job you are doing and how you got burned out running it and gave it to pretend moderators piloted by retailguy. Good one. That's like saying you only beat your girlfriend because you love her so much. Great posters here like Patler, pbmax, Fritz, Tarlam, swede, etc. and you can't find a decent moderator? Fuck, Skinbasket would make a better mod than retail.

06-10-2011, 09:02 PM
I asked you to let us talk about the issues of our forum. I dont give a fuck about your shit forum. What part of that dont you get? You have no say because you own a forum if not you would, bottom line, final warning.

06-10-2011, 09:11 PM


And I'd have thought you'd have been in the Hall of Fame with these warnings :)

06-10-2011, 09:12 PM
Friday Night Lights didn't tape on Direct TV
now my Friday's all f'cked up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was my weekly football

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:12 PM
I asked you to let us talk about the issues of our forum. I dont give a fuck about your shit forum. What part of that dont you get? You have no say because you own a forum if not you would, bottom line, final warning.

Oh for fucks sake. Quit being so god damned paranoid. Everybody here visits multiple Packer forums. Why don't you try and work out a cross promotion deal?

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:13 PM
And I'd have thought you'd have been in the Hall of Fame with these warnings :)

I have all the commemorative frames, and ZILCH to put in them.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 09:18 PM
I asked you to let us talk about the issues of our forum. I dont give a fuck about your shit forum. What part of that dont you get? You have no say because you own a forum if not you would, bottom line, final warning.

Look at yourself. Pathetic. 90% plus of what I wrote was about this forum, just responding to your post. You're a joke. A total joke.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:18 PM
And we wonder why membership is down while our fucking goodwill ambassador is constantly screaming "HEY YOU KIDS, GET OFF OF MY LAWN".

06-10-2011, 09:18 PM
Oh for fucks sake. Quit being so god damned paranoid. Everybody here visits multiple Packer forums. Why don't you try and work out a cross promotion deal?
Do want to, dont need to. Are you willing to help here?

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:19 PM
Look at yourself. Pathetic. 90% plus of what I wrote was about this forum, just responding to your post. You're a joke. A total joke.

So after you two get done measuring dicks, would you consider cross promoting?

06-10-2011, 09:26 PM
It was a tie but he is hella ugly so he never gets to use

Unless you want to help with this place dont expect to be involved in those kind of decisions.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 09:27 PM
So after you two get done measuring dicks, would you consider cross promoting?

If you want to post something about Packerrats, feel free. I'm not worried about reciprocation. That was all just your admin's meth-induced paranoia, nothing more. He has to scratch until he gets those bugs out, so I'm sure he'll try to pretend I'm breaking his faggoty little rule.

06-10-2011, 09:31 PM
If you want to post something about Packerrats, feel free. I'm not worried about reciprocation. That was all just your admin's meth-induced paranoia, nothing more. He has to scratch until he gets those bugs out, so I'm sure he'll try to pretend I'm breaking his faggoty little rule.
Wow your a big MFer talking all that shit on the keyboard. I would like to see you talk all this shit anywhere else besides your own forums and be allowed to stay. Run your mouth like that, cuz you can.

Oh and dont forget to go to the posters game.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:32 PM
If you want to post something about Packerrats, feel free. I'm not worried about reciprocation. That was all just your admin's meth-induced paranoia, nothing more. He has to scratch until he gets those bugs out, so I'm sure he'll try to pretend I'm breaking his faggoty little rule.

I had something a little more ambitious in mind. You said it before - you both serve different niches. There's some overlap, but it's not like people can't find other Packer sites anyway.

So figure out a mission statement for each of the sites, and then provide links for people who want to check out something a little different.

PackerRats mission statement could be something like "PackerRats - for the discrimating fan of the green and gold that enjoys the occasional train wreck and movies that barely kept their R rating."

Madtown could provide links here to your sites for folks that need something more PG rated. And the links need to be prominently displayed in the forums, or it's not worth doing at all.

Everybody wins.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:33 PM
Wow your a big MFer talking all that shit on the keyboard. I would like to see you talk all this shit anywhere else besides your own forums and be allowed to stay. Run your mouth like that, cuz you can.

Oh and dont forget to go to the posters game.

Could you please shut the fuck up for 10 god damned minutes.

06-10-2011, 09:35 PM
Yes, my site IS busier than yours. By a lot. It was mentioned as being busier than yours in the second sentence of the original post in this thread. Oh no! Mraynrand typed the name of my site! You better run and go censor that, before someone sees it. He also mentioned Football's Future and Sports Bubbler. Holy shit, your sheep are gonna get out of their pen! Run, Madtown, run! Close the gate! Hurry!

You act like your posters didn't come from another forum and like you somehow own them. What a sad little joke of an admin you are. I have over 1000 posts over about two years on this site, and I haven't been promoting shit. Read what I wrote that got up your ass, and explain to me how that comes off as promoting my sites. Please. Is it an English as a Second Language thing? I can respect that, as long as you're smarter in your first language. Maybe in Spanish you sound like less of a stupid douche. If I was going to try to lure some good posters over, I could just as easily do it by PMing them (assuming your power trip doesn't include reading people's PMs, of course). Anybody here ever get any PMs from me? Anybody? (crickets) I like Packerrats, Madtown. I'm not trying to fuck with it. This group is good together. Funny and dysfunctional. Quit being so fucking paranoid and controlling.

You don't like banning people? Where did everybody go then? Why did your personal bitch retailguy say he figured you would ban him for outing your dumb little shared secrets earlier in this thread? Where's Tyrone Bigguns? You didn't ban him? Why did you threaten to ban me within the last 24 hours for a totally bullshit reason? Your words don't seem to match your actions.

You talk about how much you love this site in a topic about how shitty of a job you are doing and how you got burned out running it and gave it to pretend moderators piloted by retailguy. Good one. That's like saying you only beat your girlfriend because you love her so much. Great posters here like Patler, pbmax, Fritz, Tarlam, swede, etc. and you can't find a decent moderator? Fuck, Skinbasket would make a better mod than retail.

Good grief, I was trying to let your drivel go, but you've got this so fucked up I've got no choice.

Go back and read my original post. Study it carefully because you've completely fucked up anything resembling creative license.

I never said one word about Tyrone. Not one. I talked about PARTIAL.

Tyrone disappeared because he posted like you do. It was all "I KNOW EVERY GOD DAMN THING IN THE WORLD AND NO DUMBFUCKER LIKE YOU CAN TELL ME ANYTHING".

As KY said, eventually, pushing ignore didn't work. So, I clicked the little check box that said "BAN USER". I did it. My call. My decision. And I still think I was right.

Madtown didn't ban anyone. It was a strength and a weakness. It is what makes him loveable around here, and probably what makes me a lot less lovable. When I became Joe, this place was much different than it is now. You couldn't read a thread in the Packers room without some asshole pontificating about how much he knew and how stupid everyone else was. Often that was Bigguns. OFTEN.

then the stupid fucker chased Snake and partial all over the fucking place, killing thread after thread and discussion after discussion. Snake couldn't shake it off. Partial, hell, he couldn't even compete OR shutup. So I took care of the problem. I DID IT. And I don't regret it. The upside wasn't worth the downside at least to me.

06-10-2011, 09:35 PM
Could you please shut the fuck up for 10 god damned minutes.
Fuck you Judas, you have said what you need to say. I am asking you to refrain and allow this thread to be about any issue posters of this forum have.

06-10-2011, 09:36 PM
Friday Night Lights didn't tape on Direct TV
now my Friday's all f'cked up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was my weekly football

I miss DirecTV. Fucking building out here only allows comcast. User interface is crap, their HD is weak and channel guide is super disorganized. In Cali, the weather was NEVER an issue w/ signal quality so maybe that's why nobody bitches more here.

Only redeeming quality is this ondemand feature with 'catch-up' - basically watch any show without worring about recording.

FYI - no FNL tonight (not that I've ever seen the show - just went to NBC and it was an off week). I got used to no cable for a month and was shocked at how easy it was to watch TV online.

I'm gonna seriously miss NFL Ticket - and likely become a Sunday-alcoholoic at the bar arguing with dumbass Skins fans. At least I can just point to the SB win... nuf said.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:37 PM
Fuck you Judas, you have said what you need to say. I am asking you to refrain and allow this thread to be about any issue posters of this forum have.

Yeah, god forbid I triple membership.

Oh well. It's your funeral.

06-10-2011, 09:40 PM
Yeah, god forbid I triple membership.

Oh well. It's your funeral.
Oh forgive me for calling you Judas, I should have said Moises. Since you will bring everyone.

Feel free to piss on my grave when you leave the cemetery.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:42 PM

That sounds like your Mexican cousin that runs the junk yard.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 09:44 PM
Ok Madtown, I've teed this thing up so that not even you could fuck it up.

You're welcome.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 09:51 PM
Good grief, I was trying to let your drivel go, but you've got this so fucked up I've got no choice.

Go back and read my original post. Study it carefully because you've completely fucked up anything resembling creative license.

I never said one word about Tyrone. Not one. I talked about PARTIAL.

Tyrone disappeared because he posted like you do. It was all "I KNOW EVERY GOD DAMN THING IN THE WORLD AND NO DUMBFUCKER LIKE YOU CAN TELL ME ANYTHING".

As KY said, eventually, pushing ignore didn't work. So, I clicked the little check box that said "BAN USER". I did it. My call. My decision. And I still think I was right.

Madtown didn't ban anyone. It was a strength and a weakness. It is what makes him loveable around here, and probably what makes me a lot less lovable. When I became Joe, this place was much different than it is now. You couldn't read a thread in the Packers room without some asshole pontificating about how much he knew and how stupid everyone else was. Often that was Bigguns. OFTEN.

then the stupid fucker chased Snake and partial all over the fucking place, killing thread after thread and discussion after discussion. Snake couldn't shake it off. Partial, hell, he couldn't even compete OR shutup. So I took care of the problem. I DID IT. And I don't regret it. The upside wasn't worth the downside at least to me.

OK, so you banned Tyrone. I guess that makes you an even shittier mod and Madtown a slightly less shitty admin. Fair enough. You're too thin skinned to be a mod, as you showed by abusing your admin account "power" to threaten people you pissed you off. Sorry, Madtown, I guess that one was your bitch's fault and not yours, at least not directly.

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you talk about mentioning Partial and not Tyrone, retail. I think you misread me somehow, because I don't know what you're saying there. I only mentioned you as you being afraid that Madtown would ban you for outing your shared secrets about the bullshit admin accounts. You said that, didn't you? And I think you said that he changed your password or some shit? Am I confused on that?

06-10-2011, 09:53 PM
Mad - I still say you can delete whatever the hell you want - and just put it as part of TOS. You're the one paying the bills and could turn the lights out whenever. We don't own any content (however priceless it may be). I'd say if someone came here and constantly trolled with threads about some other forum - I'd be annoyed (and understand why you'd be too). In a casual posting about other sites, I guess I wouldn't care. Just me though.

Scott - you are a master of 'death by a 1000 cuts' and certainly know how to push buttons. And I fucking love it. Not that it matters, but Moses in spanish bible is literally Moises. But then I picture Moises Alou - you know, the Cubs player who used to piss on his hands. Stupid chicago pros.

06-10-2011, 09:54 PM
Retail, your problem is with me, fuck responding to this fool.

I treated you bad man and I apologize. How can we work together still?

06-10-2011, 09:56 PM
Retail, your problem is with me, fuck responding to this fool.

I treated you bad man and I apologize. How can we work together still?

You make the call. I'm open to anything but "fluffer". lol

06-10-2011, 09:56 PM
Mad - I still say you can delete whatever the hell you want - and just put it as part of TOS. You're the one paying the bills and could turn the lights out whenever. We don't own any content (however priceless it may be). I'd say if someone came here and constantly trolled with threads about some other forum - I'd be annoyed (and understand why you'd be too). In a casual posting about other sites, I guess I wouldn't care. Just me though.

Scott - you are a master of 'death by a 1000 cuts' and certainly know how to push buttons. And I fucking love it. Not that it matters, but Moses in spanish bible is literally Moises. But then I picture Moises Alou - you know, the Cubs player who used to piss on his hands. Stupid chicago pros.Man you know I fucking hate to be deleting shit. But damn some of these MFer push it too far fucking with people. Appreciate your support.

That MFer SC probably just calls every Mexican "Pedro".

06-10-2011, 10:02 PM
we need some hot Latina gals in here; Mad, when are you going to take care of this ??? I don't have your suave charm

06-10-2011, 10:04 PM
OK, so you banned Tyrone. I guess that makes you an even shittier mod and Madtown a slightly less shitty admin. Fair enough. You're too thin skinned to be a mod, as you showed by abusing your admin account "power" to threaten people you pissed you off. Sorry, Madtown, I guess that one was your bitch's fault and not yours, at least not directly.

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you talk about mentioning Partial and not Tyrone, retail. I think you misread me somehow, because I don't know what you're saying there. I only mentioned you as you being afraid that Madtown would ban you for outing your shared secrets about the bullshit admin accounts. You said that, didn't you? And I think you said that he changed your password or some shit? Am I confused on that?

Trying to talk with you is pointless from my perspective. But I'll give it one shot.

Yep, I believed that he'd ban me for disclosing this. But not for the reasons you think. I believed that because he's a loyal guy. Typically he gives loyalty and he expects it. I believed he would think I breached it by going public with this. But he didn't. I was wrong. He understood. Again - it's why most folks love him. It's called a QUALITY.

If you'd stop preaching and learn to read, study and understand, you might get it. But you don't. Because you're too damn busy talking and preaching. It's why you really don't fit in here. We're a band of misfits. But we get each other.

Let me tell you something. If Madtown called me tomorrow, and said "I need help", I'd be on the next flight. there are probably about a dozen non-family folks on the earth that I'd do that for.

So, if he wants tyrone here, I'll deal with it. If it becomes a problem, and I have license from him, and the forum to deal with it, I will. No problem. I do not miss those "thread trashing days". Yes, the traffic is lighter, but so is the grief.

06-10-2011, 10:08 PM
I thought everyone was leaving, but after posting I saw they were all trying to work it out, so I'll delete my post.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 10:20 PM
Trying to talk with you is pointless from my perspective. But I'll give it one shot.

Yep, I believed that he'd ban me for disclosing this. But not for the reasons you think. I believed that because he's a loyal guy. Typically he gives loyalty and he expects it. I believed he would think I breached it by going public with this. But he didn't. I was wrong. He understood. Again - it's why most folks love him. It's called a QUALITY.

If you'd stop preaching and learn to read, study and understand, you might get it. But you don't. Because you're too damn busy talking and preaching. It's why you really don't fit in here. We're a band of misfits. But we get each other.

Let me tell you something. If Madtown called me tomorrow, and said "I need help", I'd be on the next flight. there are probably about a dozen non-family folks on the earth that I'd do that for.

So, if he wants tyrone here, I'll deal with it. If it becomes a problem, and I have license from him, and the forum to deal with it, I will. No problem. I do not miss those "thread trashing days". Yes, the traffic is lighter, but so is the grief.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think you've gotten in more fights than I have since I joined here. No? I even got along with Tyrone just fine, despite his brash demeanor. You couldn't, so you banned him like the bitch you are.

The main people I have had problems with on this site have been you and your slavemaster. Both of you have had problems with plenty of other people here too, so maybe you actually share some of the blame and it's not all me? And not all Tyrone, and not all every other guy you've argued with on here? Maybe? No? Probably just all me, huh?

Fuck you, you sneaky little pussy. I get to make fun of you when you admit you pulled bullshit like that. You suck.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 10:23 PM
I have a suggestion for the site, that maybe one of you other posters can forward to Madtown, since I don't get a say because I have my own site-

Get moderators who actually get along WELL with people. I'd nominate Patler and pbmax, if I had a say. But I don't.

06-10-2011, 10:26 PM
I have a suggestion for the site, that maybe one of you other posters can forward to Madtown, since I don't get a say because I have my own site-

Get moderators who actually get along WELL with people. I'd nominate Patler and pbmax, if I had a say. But I don't.
Just shows you dont know shit about PR or its posters. Both of them are great guys. Thats why neither of them would want to do that shit. We are a family here, regardless of how fucked up it is.

06-10-2011, 10:31 PM
I have all the commemorative frames, and ZILCH to put in them.

Can I? Can I? Just this once?

06-10-2011, 10:39 PM
I thought everyone was leaving, but after posting I saw they were all trying to work it out, so I'll delete my post.

you kidding ? This is the type of shit that brings the best out in PR; we will keep living on !!!!

06-10-2011, 10:48 PM
I thought the same thing.

Problem was, he had an entirely different vision of himself (and his dimepeice, from what I hear) than everyone else did. And not just his on-line persona. His posts insisting he was 6'2" and had the arm of a hall-of-famer were highly entertaining to some of us who seemed to come away with a different impression. Out of his respect for his privacy, I wouldn't say what those impressions were, just that it wasn't that.

But let's not make this about bashing Partial, at least until he shows up. If retail's lifted the court order...

Meant to comment further on P.

Partial was going on once about how big and bad he was. Nutz posted that when he saw Partial at the poster game, Nutz thought Partial was "a midget person".

Partial should be allowed back in.

After we pants him & make him run a guantlet.

Then, he's square & all that shit.

06-10-2011, 10:59 PM
I can say I don't much like the back and forth between Mad and GLAL, but it won't make me leave. GLAL, I like some things on your forum, but it's a little stale - not a lot of personality. Here, guys like Mad, Skin, and SC have personality for twenty posters. I like SCs cross-fertilization strategy, but what do you expect from a guy with (at least) three wives. Finally, I humbly suggest easing off on the name-calling you pernicious bastards.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 11:24 PM
I can say I don't much like the back and forth between Mad and GLAL, but it won't make me leave. GLAL, I like some things on your forum, but it's a little stale - not a lot of personality. Here, guys like Mad, Skin, and SC have personality for twenty posters. I like SCs cross-fertilization strategy, but what do you expect from a guy with (at least) three wives. Finally, I humbly suggest easing off on the name-calling you pernicious bastards.

I'd respond, but Madtown would ban me. He gave me my "final warning" (envision air quotes) about talking about that topic, because of all the "promoting" (again) I've been doing. I mostly agree with you on that though. Suffice it to say that's a result of being a PG site.

Sorry about the obnoxiousness between me and the swell guys who run this shit, but when someone tries to act like a tough guy over the interwebs like Madtown, it's hard not to talk shit to him. And retail, well, he deserves whatever he gets and more for the bullshit he pulled as a mod, IMO. What a class act. Fuck, they don't even get along with each other. I'll try to tone it down a little for everybody else's sake though.

get louder at lambeau
06-10-2011, 11:24 PM
I can say I don't much like the back and forth between Mad and GLAL, but it won't make me leave. GLAL, I like some things on your forum, but it's a little stale - not a lot of personality. Here, guys like Mad, Skin, and SC have personality for twenty posters. I like SCs cross-fertilization strategy, but what do you expect from a guy with (at least) three wives. Finally, I humbly suggest easing off on the name-calling you pernicious bastards.

I'd respond, but Madtown would ban me. He gave me my "final warning" (envision air quotes) about talking about that topic, because of all the "promoting" (again) I've been doing. I mostly agree with you on that though. Suffice it to say that's a result of being a PG site.

Sorry about the obnoxiousness between me and the swell guys who run this shit, but when someone tries to act like a tough guy over the interwebs like Madtown, it's hard not to talk shit to him. And retail, well, he deserves whatever he gets and more for the bullshit he pulled as a mod, IMO. What a class act. Fuck, they don't even get along with each other. I'll try to tone it down a little for everybody else's sake though.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 11:27 PM
Can I? Can I? Just this once?

That's what they all said, and now I have 7 wives.

Scott Campbell
06-10-2011, 11:33 PM
That MFer SC probably just calls every Mexican "Pedro".


get louder at lambeau
06-11-2011, 12:19 AM
Just shows you dont know shit about PR or its posters. Both of them are great guys. Thats why neither of them would want to do that shit. We are a family here, regardless of how fucked up it is.

Maybe if being a mod didn't involve sneaking around playing make believe bullshit, great guys like them would want to be mods. Other sites have great guys as mods. There are a lot of great guys on this site who might give it a shot, if you can avoid being a dickhead to work with.

06-11-2011, 12:33 AM
I was going to let this go by, but think I need to address it. Your point is fair, and you're entitled to have it.

None of us are perfect, and I'm certainly not. But this forum has been around for 5 years, and I'd been a moderator for about 4 of those years. So there are lots of potential items that you can point to and say "that guy screwed up again". Sometimes you'll be correct, and sometimes you'll be whining and sniveling.

In the above cases, you're looking at a snapshot in time. It is ONE post. I rarely yelled at someone for ONE offense. Usually, these things built for days and weeks. Without the benefit of hindsight, I don't remember the circumstance, and even using search, you won't have the whole background that could have been going on for days, or weeks.

In any event, it's my record, and if you find fault with it, that's actually just fine with me. We've had about 600k posts here, so however you want to do the math, that's a lot of potential for error. So, if a few dozen of these complaints show up, or hell, even a hundred, I'll be fine with it. 999 out of 1,000 times you make the right call. That one time? Sometimes you fuck it up pretty good.

A good thing with Joe, that I personally liked - When no one knew I was Joe, I was able to post here and give my opinion and even get into an argument sometimes. No one pulled the "moderator" card. You know, when I post something, someone tells me I'm an idiot, I respond, and they trot out the "You can't talk that way to your posters when you're a moderator!" line. Even though the whole debate had zero to do with moderating. I didn't miss that, AT ALL.

You might think your record is good, but the truth is you're pretty much an unmitigated asshole. And by your response, make that a self-righteous unmitigated asshole.

You don't remember the argument with me because you end up arguing with everyone. I remember, because, although I registered for this site the first day it was up I've had exactly one (1) (un) argument. With you.

06-11-2011, 07:54 AM
Whatever anyone may think about certain decisions made by Mad and Retail, the fact is they've somehow managed to keep this crazy place going for over 5 years. That is no small feat in such a free-wheeling forum. There is dialogue allowed in here which makes this site the most interesting, and sometimes most maddening Packer site out there. None of us have some inherent right to be here, and although I sometimes leave for a while, I'm glad they've kept this place going. I've met both Mad and Retail in person, and found neither to be an asshole, much less an unmitigated, self-righteous asshole. This despite the fact that I had made unfair comments about one of them on the forum prior to meeting them.

06-11-2011, 09:17 AM
You might think your record is good, but the truth is you're pretty much an unmitigated asshole. And by your response, make that a self-righteous unmitigated asshole.

You don't remember the argument with me because you end up arguing with everyone. I remember, because, although I registered for this site the first day it was up I've had exactly one (1) (un) argument. With you.
You are right, RG is an asshole on here. That is why I got love for him. That is also part of why he was made admin and later "Joe" to run the place. I felt like I needed a ying to my yang, a balance between good and evil, someone who could pull the plug where I could not. While I didnt control what RG said or did as "Joe" I take complete responsibility for anything that has happened.

Every since Father Harlan gave life to PackerRats, and everyone moved from JSO (Thank you Upnorth for CE but it was always just a stop on our trip home) I have felt responsibility to the forum and it's posters. I am not the kind of person that can be cold towards anyone I had conversations with for years even online. Yeah those emotions might be happy or angry or worse but they are always real. Yeah I have steered the ship wrong at times but it still floats and I hope me trying to fix things proves I give a fuck.

It is not the working on forum stuff that is discouraging it is the constant balancing of being a poster and admin. It is like being a cop and partying with a bunch a MFers doing coke and you cant have none. I want to party too but how can I enforce rules when I want to break them? That is why Joe came to be. I didnt have anything to do with posters from an admin stance. RG's hand would be stricter than mine, I could speak freely as a poster without the stigma of admin. That's is why I when I got a chance to post (Im always reading, its good shit) I would go off Charlie Sheen style because it was like back at JSO. Even then people would spit stuff in my face from when I was admin.

So really the question needing answer is how do I run this place and still get to participate? I really dont want to decide someones fate, so maybe we can get a jury for that? Maybe we can have a 3 strikes system? Issue minor penalties for minor offense? Fuck I dont know, because Im a dirty cop.

06-11-2011, 09:21 AM
Maybe if being a mod didn't involve sneaking around playing make believe bullshit, great guys like them would want to be mods. Other sites have great guys as mods. There are a lot of great guys on this site who might give it a shot, if you can avoid being a dickhead to work with.
You dont get it huh? I know Patler and PBMax. They would not want to be an admin. This comes from years of posting not from saying "oh that guy would be great!".

Again your advice is not wanted but you are still welcome to come to the PackerRats posters game.

06-11-2011, 10:29 AM
You are right, RG is an asshole on here. That is why I got love for him. That is also part of why he was made admin and later "Joe" to run the place. I felt like I needed a ying to my yang, a balance between good and evil, someone who could pull the plug where I could not. While I didnt control what RG said or did as "Joe" I take complete responsibility for anything that has happened.

Every since Father Harlan gave life to PackerRats, and everyone moved from JSO (Thank you Upnorth for CE but it was always just a stop on our trip home) I have felt responsibility to the forum and it's posters. I am not the kind of person that can be cold towards anyone I had conversations with for years even online. Yeah those emotions might be happy or angry or worse but they are always real. Yeah I have steered the ship wrong at times but it still floats and I hope me trying to fix things proves I give a fuck.

It is not the working on forum stuff that is discouraging it is the constant balancing of being a poster and admin. It is like being a cop and partying with a bunch a MFers doing coke and you cant have none. I want to party too but how can I enforce rules when I want to break them? That is why Joe came to be. I didnt have anything to do with posters from an admin stance. RG's hand would be stricter than mine, I could speak freely as a poster without the stigma of admin. That's is why I when I got a chance to post (Im always reading, its good shit) I would go off Charlie Sheen style because it was like back at JSO. Even then people would spit stuff in my face from when I was admin.

So really the question needing answer is how do I run this place and still get to participate? I really dont want to decide someones fate, so maybe we can get a jury for that? Maybe we can have a 3 strikes system? Issue minor penalties for minor offense? Fuck I dont know, because Im a dirty cop.

we can take you right out of the decision making process? how bout we elect as a forum 3 or 5 people every few months or so that can watch over things and decide what to do in a tough situation? we can be our own judge, jury and executioner. police ourselves? and if someone goes on a power trip, he can be voted out the next time.

this can keep mad out of doing any dirty work where he can just be a poster, and pay for this shit, at least until he gets banned for being a prick.

no one person could then just go nuts and start banning folks either

just an idea

06-11-2011, 10:58 AM
So really the question needing answer is how do I run this place and still get to participate? I really dont want to decide someones fate, so maybe we can get a jury for that? Maybe we can have a 3 strikes system? Issue minor penalties for minor offense? Fuck I dont know, because Im a dirty cop.

Ok, I'll throw my ideas out there.

I propose the following:

A Systems Administrator
Head Moderator for each forum
Three Member Rat Council
Front Page Website Facilitator
Packer Forum Discussion Champion
Marketing/Reciprocal Link Promoter
A Forum Administrator (not a moderator)

Systems Administrator - The person that oversees the design and construction of the website. This will involve working with a minimum of 2 volunteers who will implement said changes. The systems admin will have complete discretion regarding look, feel and functionality of this website. My Pick - Madtown Packer. (2 open volunteer slots)

Head Moderator for each forum - These people will regulate topics, determine appropriateness and pass out any needed infractions. Their decisions to relocate posts or censor posts will be final. I recommend that the leader of the rat council will serve as head moderator of the Packers forum, and the two other members will act as Packer forum moderators. (My picks listed later)

Romper Room Moderator - My pick - Deputy Nutz
FYI Moderators - Should be two, one from each persuasion - My picks - Mraynrand & Hoosier
Other Forums - (Light Traffic) - My Pick - Bretsky

Three member Rat Council - These folks will serve as moderators for the Packers forum, but they will also handle all poster relations and decisions. These folks will make the decision to ban membership and their decisions will be final. I suggest a leader and two members.

Leader - My Pick - Guiness
Members - My Picks - GrnBay007, Skinbasket

Front Page Website Facilitator - This person will have complete control of the content placed on the main page. Volunteers can write articles, but user posts & blogs can also serve as front page material as they choose. As many folks as are interested can volunteer to assist.

My pick - MJ Ziggy

Packer Forum Discussion Champion - This person is responsible to engage the membership in talking Green Bay Packer football, year round. They can start challenging topics, or serve as a frequent commentator to encourage discussion of other users posts.

My Pick - Patler

Marketing/Reciprocal Link Promoter - This person will work with other forum websites, other websites, and off internet relations to promote the existence of and the popularity of the PackerRats community. A number of volunteers can assist in this area.

My Pick - Scott Campbell

Bloggers - These people will maintain Packer related blogs by writing articles, or promoting other posters material as appropriate. We can have a maximum of 10 volunteer bloggers.

My Picks - Vince, KY Pack, Bretsky

Forum Administrator - This person is only responsible for user activation, email response, user group maintenance, and all the other miscellaneous functions (non membership decision making). This person will implement any rat council decision related to membership, but will have no voice in the actual decision.

My Pick - Retailguy

A couple of other notes. The marketing role and the front page design are very difficult to do without some money available to them.

With regard to marketing, I recommend that we create a fund that users can make a donation to, but is also supplemented by banner ads, ONLY FOR FOLKS THAT ARE NOT LOGGED IN. This software supports that functionality, and disclaimers can and should be placed that the ads will disappear immediately upon logging in under your user name. Banner ads should NEVER be visible to logged in membership.

With regard to the front page, I have found a couple of image website that allow the use of paid, copyrighted images. In the beginning, fees are nominal, and I would commit to funding these images myself for the 1st year. After that, hopefully membership will be such that another revenue stream will be found to continue this. We can, of course, use our own, user donated, copyright legal images where appropriate.

I have not spoken with ANY of these people, and I have no current decision making authority. These are my recommendations, and I invite your comments.

06-11-2011, 11:02 AM
FYI - I have suspended louderatlambeau because of one reason and one reason only. He owns another site so his shit stirring and BS are not ok when it comes to us discussing our forum. Once this is settled he will be taken off his time out and welcome back as a poster. I know this wont be viewed favorably but it is the kind of fucked up decisions that have to be made.

06-11-2011, 11:21 AM
That is a great structure RG but will it be able to happen? BTW MJZiggy will also be taking care of marketing/promotion stuff.