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View Full Version : Bike Questions

07-05-2011, 12:21 AM
I've been getting into biking a lot lately. I have a few questions about road biking.

I've been biking 15 miles or so 3x per week.

I'm looking to add the following items to my road bike set-up.

1. A much more comfortable saddle. My current seat is horrible, and I rode on a friend's that was much more comfortable, so I know these things exist. I would like something on the less expensive end that is very comfy. I wear padded underwear when I bike, but it is still pretty sore if I want to go two days in a row.

2. I would like one of those bike computers that calculate speed, distance traveled, etc. I would like to get a decent, reliable set-up but I don't think I need too many bells and whistles.

3. Are bike clips standard? I have a set of clip pedals, but don't have any shoes for them. Will any shoes that support clips work?

Any recommendations/suggestions on the three topics? Thanks!


The clipless pedals that I have (not currently using obviously) are the Wellgo WPD-823.

This link seems to be implying they follow the Shimano standard, so that sounds like a good thing.

Any shoe recommendations?

07-05-2011, 02:31 AM
I don't ride the bike myself, but since I'm from Belgium and 80% of the people are pretty much obsessed by it, I feel obliged to reply.

The saddle is really up to your own preference & body type. Some guys like the big comfortable saddle while others prefer the super small ones. There's not one "ideal" saddle for everyone; even in the tour de france you see a lot of different types & brands and these guys have access to all possible equipment. It's a matter of trying different types and seeing what fits you best. Saddle ache is part of riding bikes I have always been told, although it should diminish if you train more. Some guys use special gels for this, but I don't know if you are a big fan of rubbing ointments on your arse. To each his own. But for rides of less than 1 hr as the ones you are doing, it might be a bit over the top.

For the bike computers, the old types that calculate speed & distance with a sensor on your wheel are no longer used here. It's all GPS now. Garmin is a popular brand for this, and it allows you to upload your data and analyze it afterwards. Again, if you are only riding 15 miles however this might be a bit too expensive for what you use it for. If you're not planning on riding more than 15 miles, I would just go with the good old stopwatch and google earth for distance calculation :)