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View Full Version : IPad and other "tablets"

09-05-2011, 01:47 PM
I need some information about these, and not just the advertizing hype. Can someone help me understand?

1. Comparing a tablet to a smart phone, what can a smart phone do (besides telephone calls) that a tablet can not?

2. I pay a “subscription” of sorts to have internet capabilities with my smart phone. Would I do the same thing for a tablet, or can I connect with a tablet only where there is an open wireless connection like at hotels, coffee shops and such where I can use my laptop or netbook?

09-05-2011, 03:35 PM
From an iPad perspective, here's what is available:
1.) Functionality is pretty much the same, except for specific types of e-zines (e-published magazines built specifically for tablets like the iPad) like The Daily and a whole host of others. Also typing on an iPad is closer to typing on a QWERTY keyboard vs. a smartphone (where you'd enter in text with your thumbs or a just a couple of fingers).

2.) Speaking from purely an iPad perspective, it depends on what version you get. You can get just a Wi-Fi enabled iPad that will work wherever there is a wireless signal available. You also can get a 3G version with a data subscription through AT&T or Verizon. So you can connect to the Internet when you’re not within range of a Wi-Fi network. AT&T's data plan is 2GB/month for $25.00, while Verizon's max is 10GB/month for $80.

09-05-2011, 03:46 PM
Wifi is pretty much every where today other than seemingly airports. Boingo is ridiculous but that's a different topic. Anyway, get the iPad wifi only model. The 3G is probably a waste of money unless you're constantly on the go/commuting on a train for work/etc. I have the wifi version of the iPad 2 for work and it is fantastic as a travel companion. It's so much ligher than my 13" MBP, and better for reading (resolution independence).

All tablets suck for data input. Surely it's not ideal for writing a novel, but for quick data input (I believe FreakOut does this on his job) or for graphic input, you can't beat it. For data consumption, it's a pretty incredible device.

The Android tablets all suck balls. I was looking at a honeycomb tablet at Best Buy and good lord was the OS a mess. The iPad dominates the market in the US. It has something like 90% market share. Apple is manufacturing 25 million iPads for the 4th quarter of this year. That's a disgusting amount!

09-05-2011, 03:55 PM
So if I get a good cell phone, not a so-called smartphone, just something comparable to my old flip phone, and have a tablet, do I have all the capabilities of my current smartphone?

09-05-2011, 04:04 PM
2.) Speaking from purely an iPad perspective, it depends on what version you get. You can get just a Wi-Fi enabled iPad that will work wherever there is a wireless signal available. You also can get a 3G version with a data subscription through AT&T or Verizon. So you can connect to the Internet when you’re not within range of a Wi-Fi network. AT&T's data plan is 2GB/month for $25.00, while Verizon's max is 10GB/month for $80.
That is the same as with our current smartphones, right?

Are there "apps" for tablets like there are for smartphones?

Some of my favorite websites have scaled-down pages on my smartphone. Do I get the scaled-down version on a tablet, or do I get the same one as on my computer?

I REALLY appreciate the help.

09-05-2011, 04:10 PM
Wifi is pretty much every where today other than seemingly airports. Boingo is ridiculous but that's a different topic. Anyway, get the iPad wifi only model. The 3G is probably a waste of money unless you're constantly on the go/commuting on a train for work/etc. I have the wifi version of the iPad 2 for work and it is fantastic as a travel companion. It's so much ligher than my 13" MBP, and better for reading (resolution independence).

All tablets suck for data input. Surely it's not ideal for writing a novel, but for quick data input (I believe FreakOut does this on his job) or for graphic input, you can't beat it. For data consumption, it's a pretty incredible device.

The Android tablets all suck balls. I was looking at a honeycomb tablet at Best Buy and good lord was the OS a mess. The iPad dominates the market in the US. It has something like 90% market share. Apple is manufacturing 25 million iPads for the 4th quarter of this year. That's a disgusting amount!

Ya, I know Wifi is available lots of places, but not while you are traveling in a car, and only at discrete locations when you are up north or in a lot of places in the remote west. Walk out of your hotel, and you have nothing, so a broader access is of interest to me.

Can I have WORD and things like that on a tablet?
Do they have microphones or can I connect one? I use Dragon Naturallyspeaking a lot.

09-05-2011, 04:11 PM
That is the same as with our current smartphones, right?


Are there "apps" for tablets like there are for smartphones?

Yes. However, there are not as many apps for iPad as there are for the iPhone. Facebook, for example, has not released an app for the iPad because you can use there website as you would on a traditional computer. There are a lot of cases like this.


As of March, there was 65k iPad apps, compared to 100 android tablet apps. As you can see, Android on tablets is not taking off the way it has on phones.

Some of my favorite websites have scaled-down pages on my smartphone. Do I get the scaled-down version on a tablet, or do I get the same one as on my computer?

Yes, sometimes you do. It's really annoying. A lot of sites now check if it's a tablet, or a smart phone based on the browser agent. This will only get better in time, but as it currently stands, yes, you do get the mobile sites sometimes. For what it's worth, the only happens on two of the twenty-seven sites I have book marked on my iPad: Lifehacker and Gizmodo.

Can I have WORD and things like that on a tablet?

Microsoft does not currently make a tablet version of Word, but Apple does have a product called Pages which integrates beautifully with word. With something called "iCloud" coming out very soon, when you save/update a file on your desktop, it will automatically show up on your iPad/iPhone. When you save a file on your iPad/iPhone, the changes will show up on your desktop. This applies to Windows machines in addition to Macs.

Do they have microphones or can I connect one? I use Dragon Naturallyspeaking a lot

They do have built in mics and cameras. You can get a 3rd party mic accessory as well.

So if I get a good cell phone, not a so-called smartphone, just something comparable to my old flip phone, and have a tablet, do I have all the capabilities of my current smartphone?

In theory, yes, but in practice, probably not because you're not going to be able to carry your iPad into all situations like you could with a pocketable iPhone. Having said that, it's a great device, I'm a huge fan of mine and keep it in my backpack whenever I'm not at work. If I'm just walking around the mall or something I don't have it on me, but I do pretty much keep it in my car and take it wherever I take my backpack.

If a smartphone and a tablet are at the same location, will pages load at the same speed on both?

Lots of factors in this. It depends on the CPU/GPU of the device and it's ability to push pixels, it's reception, whether the data was previously cached, etc. Typically the faster the device, the faster it will load stuff. It's a safe bet the tablet will be a tiny bit faster because typically they're getting higher end system on a chip (processors, for all intents and purposes). More than likely the difference will be negligible.

09-05-2011, 04:15 PM
If a smartphone and a tablet are at the same location, will pages load at the same speed on both?

09-05-2011, 04:25 PM
Thanks. I really appreciate the simple basic information. If I understand what each device can do, it is easier to decide which ones I really want to have. I hate trying to discuss this with store clerks, who either don't know or can't dumb it down enough for me to understand half the time. Most can't (or won't) answer a simple question with a simple answer. The last time I went into Best Buy I came out more confused than when I went in.

09-05-2011, 04:38 PM
Thanks. I really appreciate the simple basic information. If I understand what each device can do, it is easier to decide which ones I really want to have. I hate trying to discuss this with store clerks, who either don't know or can't dumb it down enough for me to understand half the time. Most can't (or won't) answer a simple question with a simple answer. The last time I went into Best Buy I came out more confused than when I went in.

Sure thing. I added some answers in after initially answering, so the location question in answered at the bottom of the long set of answers.

09-05-2011, 04:41 PM
Sure thing. I added some answers in after initially answering, so the location question in answered at the bottom of the long set of answers.

Ya, I caught that. It made for a nice question and answer summary the way you did it!

09-05-2011, 05:00 PM
please keep adding more info if you have it partial. i only recently have been thinking about them, but i'm a complete noob in that category

i store near me just had a door buster sale on HP touchpads for 99 bucks. i almost had to go get one, even though hp was dropping their supportat that price it was pretty stupid not to go buy one, but oh well

09-05-2011, 05:07 PM
please keep adding more info if you have it partial. i only recently have been thinking about them, but i'm a complete noob in that category

What do you want to know? I'll answer any questions.

I should note that I never use my iPad at home. If it wasn't free from my company, I don't think I would have bought one as I don't really need one. My 13" laptop is pretty mobile as it is and I code a lot, so it's much better for that.

09-05-2011, 07:30 PM
What do you want to know? I'll answer any questions.

I should note that I never use my iPad at home. If it wasn't free from my company, I don't think I would have bought one as I don't really need one. My 13" laptop is pretty mobile as it is and I code a lot, so it's much better for that.

so you don't see much of an advantage over a decent laptop? i'm one of those people that wants shit, even though i don't need them at all

i mean i have a decent cell phone, a nice laptop, and a nook. do i really even need a tablet?

but they are so damn cool

09-05-2011, 08:00 PM
so you don't see much of an advantage over a decent laptop? i'm one of those people that wants shit, even though i don't need them at all

i mean i have a decent cell phone, a nice laptop, and a nook. do i really even need a tablet?

but they are so damn cool

Depends on your Angry Birds addiction level. I've seen it played on a tablet and it is a lovely thing to behold.

09-05-2011, 08:31 PM
Depends on your Angry Birds addiction level. I've seen it played on a tablet and it is a lovely thing to behold.

its pretty high

but if you have google chrome you get to play some of it for free

09-05-2011, 08:45 PM
What do you mean? I've never paid to play Angry Birds???

09-05-2011, 10:01 PM
Yes. However, there are not as many apps for iPad as there are for the iPhone. Facebook, for example, has not released an app for the iPad because you can use there website as you would on a traditional computer. There are a lot of cases like this.

http://www.slashgear.com/ios-apps-65...-100-02137192/ (http://www.slashgear.com/ios-apps-65000-vs-android-3-0-honeycomb-apps-at-100-02137192/)

As of March, there was 65k iPad apps, compared to 100 android tablet apps. As you can see, Android on tablets is not taking off the way it has on phones.

This is really blatently dishonest.

In March of 2011, there were about 150k apps in the android market. Yes, a very small number written "specifically" for the tablet, but what was infrequently reported by the mass media, and our local apple groupie, is that the vast majority of the android apps would run just fine on the tablet. Some had screen issues, but most operated just fine.

Today, there are roughly 300k apps in the android market, vs about 400k in the app store. So, android is catching up.

I had considered buying an ipad for some flight planning software that I could use, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I may wait for the software to be ported over and buy an android tablet. Reading the cheerleading for the IPAD makes me want to buy an android tablet just to poke partial in the eye...

Oh, if you need a GPS on your tablet, buy the 3g version. The WIFI version doesn't have one. You can add an external for about 100 bucks though if you already have WIFI.

The 10.1 version of the samsung tablets are supposed to be really nice. Prices are still a bit high for me, but, unlike apple, the android prices will fall faster and the feature set will continue to improve in the process....

I think every new IPAD should come with a screen saver of partial's head giving IPAD facts in bubble quotes, just like in the cartoons.

09-05-2011, 10:32 PM
This is really blatently dishonest.

In March of 2011, there were about 150k apps in the android market. Yes, a very small number written "specifically" for the tablet, but what was infrequently reported by the mass media, and our local apple groupie, is that the vast majority of the android apps would run just fine on the tablet. Some had screen issues, but most operated just fine.

Today, there are roughly 300k apps in the android market, vs about 400k in the app store. So, android is catching up.

I had considered buying an ipad for some flight planning software that I could use, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I may wait for the software to be ported over and buy an android tablet. Reading the cheerleading for the IPAD makes me want to buy an android tablet just to poke partial in the eye...

Oh, if you need a GPS on your tablet, buy the 3g version. The WIFI version doesn't have one. You can add an external for about 100 bucks though if you already have WIFI.

The 10.1 version of the samsung tablets are supposed to be really nice. Prices are still a bit high for me, but, unlike apple, the android prices will fall faster and the feature set will continue to improve in the process.... I think every new IPAD should come with a screen saver of partial's head giving IPAD facts in quotes, just like in the cartoons.

It's not dishonest. That's how many tablet optimized apps there were at that given time. There aren't very many more in my understanding because the Android tablet adoption ratio is horrible. Note I didn't overstate the amount of iPad apps, because a multi-faceted tablet app and a full screen phone app are very different beasts in terms of user experience. I haven't ran a phone application on an Android tablet, but on an iPhone, it will run in a letterbox mode that is but a small fraction of the screen. It's quite frankly really a very bad experience. Running the native tablet app is infinitely better from a usability perspective as you'll have UIs optimized for the form factor, etc.

Part of the problem with the Android tablets is they wanted to go with a 16.9 screen widescreen screen ratio. On computers, this is considered more ergonomic. With the tablets, this pretty much means that the tablet isn't useable in portrait mode, which is a HUGE deal, in my opinion. Basically every review of the Android tablets so far comments about how this is a bad thing.

It's iPad. Not IPAD.

The software may or may not get ported. I wouldn't bank on it. Android tablet adoption is ridiculously poor. What reason is there to expect this to change? The only reason people used to buy Android phones in America is because the carrier may not have had the iPhone. Look at ATT Android adoption for info on this. Now that the iPhone will be on all carriers in the US, it will absolutely "take care" of the Android problem. Since iPad is available on most carriers and the best selling version is the wifi only model, it's quite evident to me that Apple will continue to dominate this market. As a business man and developer, I wouldn't pursue making tablet software for Android right now. To the point of the iPad, I have four published iPad apps bringing in coin daily.

09-05-2011, 10:34 PM
so you don't see much of an advantage over a decent laptop? i'm one of those people that wants shit, even though i don't need them at all

i mean i have a decent cell phone, a nice laptop, and a nook. do i really even need a tablet?

but they are so damn cool

It depends what you're doing. If you're on the road a lot, the iPad is great. If you're going to be using it to post on the forums frequently, for example, a laptop such as the 11" MacBook Air (the sexiest, most user friendly, and most travel friendly laptop in the world!) would be a better alternative. Then again, it is twice the price.

As a shareholder, I would advocate buying one, but as a friend, I would question whether you need it. I doubt you'll use it much given your current arsenal of electronics.

I should reiterate that the MacBook Air doesn't get anywhere near the love it should here. I'm pretty sure (I haven't looked it up recently) that it's the best selling notebook in the world. It's ridiculously thin yet built like a tank, it's very light but firm and sturdy, is blazing fast since it has an SSD, and now the processor is quite respectable. For 1000 bucks, this is an absolute steal of a machine. I have a workstation type desktop for coding, and this machine would be the absolute perfect compliment for my computing needs. Will definitely be selling mine and GFs two MacBook Pros and replacing them with MBAs soon enough.

Freak Out
09-06-2011, 01:55 AM
I bought an HP tablet for $99 before they went bye bye....nice piece of hardware and OS....to bad HP killed it.

I like my IPad..but It does have issues.

09-06-2011, 09:05 AM
If you have a smart phone that can be used as a WiFi hot spot, that's ideal.

The OS is still far superior IMO on the iPad. That alone gives it the bump for me. Its smooth and written for a very specific set of hardware so they can optimize the shit out of it. Kids figure it out easily at 4 years old.

09-06-2011, 09:59 AM
If you have a smart phone that can be used as a WiFi hot spot, that's ideal.

Used with my laptop, I presume?
Why is that "ideal"?

09-06-2011, 10:47 AM
Used with my laptop, I presume?
Why is that "ideal"?

You're already paying for a data plan on the smartphone so if you have no WiFi available you use the hot spot. Then you save the money on the data plan for the tablet.

iPad's battery life is better and the OS runs faster than the androids in my experience.

Freak Out
09-06-2011, 11:05 AM
I used my Google Nexus one to tether my IPad. :)

09-06-2011, 11:23 AM
You're already paying for a data plan on the smartphone so if you have no WiFi available you use the hot spot. Then you save the money on the data plan for the tablet.

So why would that be any better than not having a smartphone and paying for a dataplan for the tablet?

I am considering replacing my smartphone with a unit that actually functions well as a telephone!!

09-06-2011, 11:32 AM
So why would that be any better than not having a smartphone and paying for a dataplan for the tablet?

I am considering replacing my smartphone with a unit that actually functions well as a telephone!!

Oh I skimmed your stance on the viability of the smart phone as an actual phone. In that scenario I guess I'd get the Verizon iPad. I've become very anti AT&T lately.

Are you wanting to do actual work on your tablet or use it to replace/enhance the smart phone capabilities?

09-06-2011, 11:44 AM
Are you wanting to do actual work on your tablet or use it to replace/enhance the smart phone capabilities?

Actually, both.

I currently have a smartphone and an Asus netbook that I use for "light" work. If I will be doing heavy work while traveling I bring my laptop. I really dislike my smartphone, but obviously some of the capabilities it offers are kind of nice. My netbook is getting a bit old and beaten up, plus it needs a new battery.

I was thinking of scrapping the netbook, replacing the smartphone with a phone I like better as a phone and getting a tablet for the "light work" days and to fill the void of the smartphone features I might like.

09-06-2011, 01:58 PM
You're already paying for a data plan on the smartphone so if you have no WiFi available you use the hot spot. Then you save the money on the data plan for the tablet.

iPad's battery life is better and the OS runs faster than the androids in my experience.

That's good advice.

In related news, I have a remote for my remote, so I never have to get up:

New Remote Control Can Be Operated By Remote
FEBRUARY 5, 1997 | ISSUE 31•04
TOKYO—Television watching became even more convenient this week with Sony's introduction of a new remote-controlled remote control.

The new device, which can be controlled via remote control through the use of a second remote control unit, will replace older models that needed to be held in the hand to be operable...
