View Full Version : I've been reading again

10-03-2011, 10:30 AM
Too much. It addles my brain.

10-03-2011, 11:39 AM
"Hop on Pop" will do that to you. I speak from experience.

10-03-2011, 05:28 PM
"Hop on Pop" will do that to you. I speak from experience.

Yup, he needs to switch to Sandra Boynton. Or at least "Green Eggs and Ham."

10-03-2011, 07:18 PM
Try reading "Fox in Socks" to your kids. That addles your brian. See I can't even spell now.

Iron Mike
10-04-2011, 12:08 AM

I think maybe it's time to move on to "The Stinky Cheese Man."

10-08-2011, 06:26 AM
Too much. It addles my brain.

Re-call how your brain worked when you attended University Skin? Then ........ 6 months away fr. University !?

Recommended for all readers:


She's solid ! Read her first book: Series ... Kathleen Mallory 1. Mallory's Oracle (1994) http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/o/carol-oconnell/mallorys-oracle.htm ... and it's follow-up:

2. The Man Who Lied to Women (1995) ... aka ... The Man Who Cast Two Shadows and see what you think.

10-08-2011, 06:33 AM
Too much. It addles my brain.

I highly recommend this author.


Especially his Harry Bosch Series of books. Harry Bosch 'a REAL Man' character.

In the competitions fr. PackerRats I often use this name: Bert Bosch. That originates fr. my fathers name (Bert) Wood and Michael Connelly's excellent Homicide Detective character Hiermonious ' Harry ' Bosch. Ed.


10-08-2011, 09:14 AM
Re-call how your brain worked when you attended University Skin? Then ........ 6 months away fr. University !?

Yeah, I have "university" to thanks for killing all love I had for reading, which was substantial. It's just now I'm learning to love again. Indoctrination does weird things to the brain, even when you resist it.

12-20-2011, 08:31 AM
What is my joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me? What is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched and the impotent, are my masters? What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree and to obey?

How true those words are today.

12-20-2011, 09:35 AM
Anthem. Nice job Equality 7-2521.

12-20-2011, 11:49 AM
We are Equality 7-2521 if they are Solidarity 9-6347.

02-03-2012, 07:48 AM
All caught up on Game of Thrones, which after a wonderful start filled with incest, has been a little dry lately. After I finish all 150 pages of Fight Club, I will need another book. Preferably something good.


02-03-2012, 08:05 AM
Non fiction - (arguably) Scott Bryson's a short history of everything or Guns, Germs and Steel (can't remeber author)
Fiction - Brinn"s uplift saga (sf), Martel's The life of Pi (drama), anything by terry pratchet (comedy).

Freak Out
02-03-2012, 11:12 AM
All caught up on Game of Thrones, which after a wonderful start filled with incest, has been a little dry lately. After I finish all 150 pages of Fight Club, I will need another book. Preferably something good.


I generally read non fiction but got sucked into Game of Thrones. Just started the second book. Have you seen the TV series? I downloaded season one and thought it was a nice production. There are some great HD torrents out there.

02-03-2012, 12:03 PM
I generally read non fiction but got sucked into Game of Thrones. Just started the second book. Have you seen the TV series? I downloaded season one and thought it was a nice production. There are some great HD torrents out there.

Haven't watched the show yet. Probably wait til they run the marathon before the new season. I heard there's lots of boobies.

I remembered that I'll probably be reading Ameritopia next week, so I've got some lead time.

George Cumby
02-05-2012, 11:37 PM
"Choke" by Palahniuk. A bit more twisted than Fight Club.

"World War Z". Max Bloom. The gold standard of Zombie Apocalypse fiction.

"The Road", Cormac McCarthy. If you want to feel like you've been in a fight every time you pick up the book.

"The Terror", Dan Simmons. Really hard to put down. Great character study and blend of genres.

"War". Sebastian Junger does the 'Stan.

"Three Day Road", Joseph Boyden. UpNorth and our other Canadian friends might appreciate this one. Canadian Indian goes to the trenches in WWI and comes back all fucked up.

"Gates of Fire", Steven Pressfield. A must read for any in the warrior class or those wanting to understand the warrior class.

"Born to Run", Christorpher MacDougal. Ditch those running shoes.

"Why We Run", Bernd Heinrich. No shit, we can run down a deer.

Got to the fourth book in the Thrones, saga. Had to put the series down out of a sense of guilt. Too much other reading to do.

02-06-2012, 07:43 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to look into this guns germs and steel stuff, and some of the non-running books from George.

I read World War Z a long time ago and thought it sucked monkey butthole. That was later confirmed when I saw it had become a Brad Pitt Hollywood project. It took a very popular genre that was still languishing in the confines of the readership of nerdy young men and survivalists, and turned it into a more widely accessible, but also much more boring, meandering through highly recognizable zombie territory. I could forgive the former if the story had evolved the genre at all, but it didn't, instead relying on all the old standards and making for a poor representation to the larger market. But, like a lot of other folks with very limited options at the airport, I fell for the sexy cover and the promise of zombies, so paint me just as guilty for its "success."

Nutz gave me a zombie book afterward. So I read it and it was better, if not just a touch more juvenile in style, but much more interesting. So I read the second book, and was ready for the 3rd. Look it up on Amazon, and find out the author was totally and completely dead. Thanks nutz. At least he left some notes behind, so someone else is going to finish the series with the blessing of the late Z.A. Recht. The books are called the Morningstar Saga. Also, this other series, Day by Day Armageddon, is just as entertaining, but not without it's own narrative issues. Nutz might have given me that one too, or maybe I just saw it at the back of the other one. Either way, if you're looking for zombie fiction, I would go to either of those again before I would ever pick World War Z back up.

Deputy Nutz
02-06-2012, 12:36 PM
I just finished the Hunger Game series. Pretty good, and I know it is found in the teen section, but it isn't really written for teens. It has a lot of adult content.

James Wesley Rawles came out with a new book taking place at the same time as his first work of fiction "Patriots". This one is called "Survivors". It is about the economic collaspe of the US and how to survive. I have only read a small sample but it is good. If you like fiction like this he is one of the better writers in the genre.

Also read "One Second After", same situation about an EMP attack of the United States, but this one is pretty sad a lot of people die, a horror story of what would happen if the grid shuts down. A bit over blown in terms of the effect of an EMP attack.

02-11-2012, 09:14 AM
Hunger Games is no more adult than the Moon books with vampires and werewolfs and crack whores with "throbbing holes." That being said, I did read all three books, whereas I couldn't make it through the second vampire book.

I am reading Survivors now. It's okay. A little sparse and disjointed with no real opportunity to care about the characters. But it passes time. I did just order Forrest Griffins book based off the first few pages, so that'll be next.


Before I tell you how the world will end, there are some things that you
need to do to prepare yourself. Since you are currently reading a book on
the apocalypse written by a professional fi ghter who’s suffered some pretty
serious head trauma, I’m assuming that you have some mental impairments
of your own. You’re not a full-blown moron, but you have trouble
with simple things like walking without tripping, wiping your butt, counting,
and, most importantly, reading. I will not judge you because I am well
versed in moron, and we’re in this together. However, it is quite possible
that it will take you several years to read this book from start to finish,
making it important that we start your training before I supply you with
the various end-of-the-world scenarios and tell you what to expect. Just
trust me that all this stuff will come in handy.

02-11-2012, 04:50 PM
Mister B. Gone by clive barker
The Screw Tape Letters by c s lewis

Both have demon themes that aren't teen friendly and very good reads.

Deputy Nutz
02-11-2012, 08:21 PM
I read Forest Griffins book and it was fucking funny, really fucking funny. I don't know if it will save your life, but at least you will have something interesting to read when the "Shit goes Down!"

Deputy Nutz
02-11-2012, 09:26 PM
I read Patriots several times because it was informative on prepping, but I totally agree with SB about character development, and the fact that they had everything they needed, but it didn't make mention on how much all of their shit actually cost, and how long it would take to accumulate it all. It seemed to all come too easy to them.

02-12-2012, 08:30 AM
Just got done with the Fourth Procedure.
Thrilling novel over 500 pages; Ziggy would just love it.

Row vs Wade with a Supreme being pregnitized by his surgeon.


02-12-2012, 10:36 AM
Mister B. Gone by clive barker

I used to read Clive Barker in grade school on the bus. Some people thought I was a nerd. Anyway, it's been hard to return to his work since puberty, but that's more of a me thing. That, and I was never really that interested in the whole spy super agent whatever genre. I think the last one I read was about a ship frozen in an iceberg. Oh, nevermind, that was Clive Cussler. Who the fuck is Clive barker?

02-12-2012, 11:12 AM
A lot of his work is in the horror genre. This one is as well. Not scary but creepy.

02-15-2012, 03:43 PM
I'm finally almost done with with Survivor book, and I'll never forgive nutz for it. It's just a guy with poor writing skills showing off all the stuff he knows about random survivalist/military/foreign culture topics and adding made up names next to them followed by "thought," "remembered," or "knew." It is terrible. I might send the author hand written hate mail, it's so bad.

Deputy Nutz
02-16-2012, 11:04 AM
Did you learn anything? I wasn't suggesting reading material for your college lit class. Sometimes you can be pretty uptight.

02-16-2012, 11:24 AM
So I finished it. The only "story" is the last 10 pages. Then there's no ending. The 330 page lead-up wasn't really worth it.

I wouldn't say I learned anything because, as you pointed out, it seems everyone just happens to have the items they need. The brothers are an excellent representation of wikipedia. They know everything, and talk about it like a textbook with reckless abandon to anyone they meet. I think there were other characters, but basically the only thing they accomplished, outside of providing the author a one dimensional placard to spew his marginally useful vomit of information, was to open a store or walk from one place to another.

The only useful info boiled down to: own a gun, ammunition, magazines, and lots of silver and gold. Maybe some batteries and seeds if you want to be a farmer. The rest involved making things that most people would blow themselves up in under 2 minutes trying to make.

Deputy Nutz
02-16-2012, 03:38 PM
That pretty much sums it up. Nice Job!

George Cumby
02-17-2012, 08:20 AM
The only useful info boiled down to: own a gun, ammunition, magazines, and lots of silver and gold. Maybe some batteries and seeds if you want to be a farmer.

"... a gun"? Fuck that, should the apocalypse come, you'll want three guns, maybe four. A reliable hand-gun, something you can reach out and touch someone with and a shotgun. As a luxury, a .223.

What about some goats? Meat and milk on the hoof. Lots of tools. What about a horse? Back in the day, no-one fucked with the cavalry.

Shit, if a brain-dead retard like griffith can write a book, so should I.

Little Whiskey
02-17-2012, 10:07 AM
".... What about a horse? Back in the day, no-one fucked with the cavalry.


Horses eat alot. it may cut into your own food reserves.

Deputy Nutz
02-17-2012, 10:54 AM
Horses eat weeds and brush. Pretty close to goats

Little Whiskey
02-17-2012, 12:18 PM
I assumed the appocolypse would have rendered most vegitation useless. even to horses and goats.

Little Whiskey
02-17-2012, 12:18 PM
Also, I haven't seen too many stick, (ie brush) eating horses.

Freak Out
02-17-2012, 06:56 PM
I will miss reading this guys stuff.....RIP.


02-18-2012, 06:45 AM
"... a gun"? Fuck that, should the apocalypse come, you'll want three guns, maybe four. A reliable hand-gun, something you can reach out and touch someone with and a shotgun. As a luxury, a .223.

Yeah, well in this Survivors books, it just so happened that half the people either built their own fully automatic assault rifles as kids or their father did and hid them in the wall. Forrest apparently keeps a gun in every room and carries at all times. And has a few buried in the woods.

What about some goats? Meat and milk on the hoof. Lots of tools. What about a horse? Back in the day, no-one fucked with the cavalry.

Tools are great for your home base, but too heavy for a bug out bag. Especially one that has ammo, food, and other essentials in it. I've got a reversible screwdriver and a flip pliers in my set.

Shit, if a brain-dead retard like griffith can write a book, so should I.

That's one of his themes.

Deputy Nutz
02-19-2012, 04:16 PM
I assumed the appocolypse would have rendered most vegitation useless. even to horses and goats.

You get a Planet Killer type appocolypse I simply don't give a a fuck anymore. We had horses on our property simply to keep the vegetation down. You wouldn't believe the shit this things would eat, basically if it was green, they ate it.

02-19-2012, 07:49 PM
You get a Planet Killer type appocolypse I simply don't give a a fuck anymore. We had horses on our property simply to keep the vegetation down. You wouldn't believe the shit this things would eat, basically if it was green, they ate it.

So I was at my parent's house this weekend. Shooting with my dad, wife, and lastly, the brother-in-law. The stallion gets excited, runs around, slides into his gate and breaks it open, without our knowledge. After firing the last of my 40S&W into a hand drawn target of a woman wearing a peace shirt, I remove my ear protection and immediately hear a car driving up the driveway. I'm thinking one of us just shot someone through the woods, so I tell my worthless BIL that if we're in trouble, I'm going to tell them he was shooting. He didn't get the joke. Anyway, some huge assed woman gets out in a puff, saying there's a horse running down the highway. I told her we'd take care of it, so while I safely store the weapons, my BIL relates the message to the rest of the family, failing to relay the info about which direction the horse is in. We assemble our quick strike team, which means my mom and sister take the ATV and I tell my BIL we should go too, in their honda. Stop at the barn, grab a halter and a couple lead ropes.... My sister and mom go the wrong way. So my BIL says, don't worry, my sister has her fucking iPhone. So after a mile or so, we find a half dozen cars pulled over herding a horse off the highway. Call my sister... no answer. Tell my worthless BIL to call her while I jump from the moving car with a rope like a cowboy. The horse ran away, several times, much to the delight of all the country bumpkins. I have no idea how my brother in law felt, because he never got out of the car. After a mile long chase through a cemetery and a couple yards and farms, and with the help of a stranger with cowboy boots that weren't just for show, my 7 month pregnant sister and I corner the horse in a yard and latch him up, while my brother in law is still in the car. So My mom and I walk the horse the mile plus back to the farm while my disabled dad, BIL, and pregnant sister drive three vehicles - two cars and an ATV, back. After depositing said shit-faced fucktard animal back in his pen, guess how many vehicles were waiting for us. None. So we walk up the hill to the house. Guess how many of the casings were picked up. None. Guess how much of the shooting shit was put back. None. After cleaning up, it was nice to find them all watching some fucking HGTV show on redecorating someone's fucking kitchen in the house.

To sum up. Before and after an apocalypse, in-laws and horses are worth jack piss.

Cleft Crusty
02-19-2012, 10:02 PM
That sounds like a twisted sort of Steinbeck novel - with it's own version of the bittersweet, ironic ending.

02-20-2012, 07:14 AM
Make sure they eat well and keep good meat on the bone.

Deputy Nutz
02-20-2012, 10:29 AM
So I was at my parent's house this weekend. Shooting with my dad, wife, and lastly, the brother-in-law. The stallion gets excited, runs around, slides into his gate and breaks it open, without our knowledge. After firing the last of my 40S&W into a hand drawn target of a woman wearing a peace shirt, I remove my ear protection and immediately hear a car driving up the driveway. I'm thinking one of us just shot someone through the woods, so I tell my worthless BIL that if we're in trouble, I'm going to tell them he was shooting. He didn't get the joke. Anyway, some huge assed woman gets out in a puff, saying there's a horse running down the highway. I told her we'd take care of it, so while I safely store the weapons, my BIL relates the message to the rest of the family, failing to relay the info about which direction the horse is in. We assemble our quick strike team, which means my mom and sister take the ATV and I tell my BIL we should go too, in their honda. Stop at the barn, grab a halter and a couple lead ropes.... My sister and mom go the wrong way. So my BIL says, don't worry, my sister has her fucking iPhone. So after a mile or so, we find a half dozen cars pulled over herding a horse off the highway. Call my sister... no answer. Tell my worthless BIL to call her while I jump from the moving car with a rope like a cowboy. The horse ran away, several times, much to the delight of all the country bumpkins. I have no idea how my brother in law felt, because he never got out of the car. After a mile long chase through a cemetery and a couple yards and farms, and with the help of a stranger with cowboy boots that weren't just for show, my 7 month pregnant sister and I corner the horse in a yard and latch him up, while my brother in law is still in the car. So My mom and I walk the horse the mile plus back to the farm while my disabled dad, BIL, and pregnant sister drive three vehicles - two cars and an ATV, back. After depositing said shit-faced fucktard animal back in his pen, guess how many vehicles were waiting for us. None. So we walk up the hill to the house. Guess how many of the casings were picked up. None. Guess how much of the shooting shit was put back. None. After cleaning up, it was nice to find them all watching some fucking HGTV show on redecorating someone's fucking kitchen in the house.

To sum up. Before and after an apocalypse, in-laws and horses are worth jack piss.

Maybe if you had invited your able bodied friend to come out shooting yesterday you would have had an actual usefull member of your party. But your rant does make some valid points about the people you want to wait out the appocalypes with. I do believe we have room for you and your family at our retreat. Since I will be in charge I can invite anyone I want, and kill anyone I want. It comes with the territory.

02-22-2012, 09:08 AM
Maybe if you had invited your able bodied friend to come out shooting yesterday you would have had an actual usefull member of your party. But your rant does make some valid points about the people you want to wait out the appocalypes with. I do believe we have room for you and your family at our retreat. Since I will be in charge I can invite anyone I want, and kill anyone I want. It comes with the territory.

I had to leave you out of this visit so I can come molest you next weekend without too many questions. But yes, I believe you would have been a better cowboy partner than the one I had.

02-22-2012, 12:14 PM

02-22-2012, 03:27 PM

Freak Out
02-22-2012, 06:31 PM
So I was at my parent's house this weekend. Shooting with my dad, wife, and lastly, the brother-in-law. The stallion gets excited, runs around, slides into his gate and breaks it open, without our knowledge. After firing the last of my 40S&W into a hand drawn target of a woman wearing a peace shirt, I remove my ear protection and immediately hear a car driving up the driveway. I'm thinking one of us just shot someone through the woods, so I tell my worthless BIL that if we're in trouble, I'm going to tell them he was shooting. He didn't get the joke. Anyway, some huge assed woman gets out in a puff, saying there's a horse running down the highway. I told her we'd take care of it, so while I safely store the weapons, my BIL relates the message to the rest of the family, failing to relay the info about which direction the horse is in. We assemble our quick strike team, which means my mom and sister take the ATV and I tell my BIL we should go too, in their honda. Stop at the barn, grab a halter and a couple lead ropes.... My sister and mom go the wrong way. So my BIL says, don't worry, my sister has her fucking iPhone. So after a mile or so, we find a half dozen cars pulled over herding a horse off the highway. Call my sister... no answer. Tell my worthless BIL to call her while I jump from the moving car with a rope like a cowboy. The horse ran away, several times, much to the delight of all the country bumpkins. I have no idea how my brother in law felt, because he never got out of the car. After a mile long chase through a cemetery and a couple yards and farms, and with the help of a stranger with cowboy boots that weren't just for show, my 7 month pregnant sister and I corner the horse in a yard and latch him up, while my brother in law is still in the car. So My mom and I walk the horse the mile plus back to the farm while my disabled dad, BIL, and pregnant sister drive three vehicles - two cars and an ATV, back. After depositing said shit-faced fucktard animal back in his pen, guess how many vehicles were waiting for us. None. So we walk up the hill to the house. Guess how many of the casings were picked up. None. Guess how much of the shooting shit was put back. None. After cleaning up, it was nice to find them all watching some fucking HGTV show on redecorating someone's fucking kitchen in the house.

To sum up. Before and after an apocalypse, in-laws and horses are worth jack piss.

Horse is good eating.

02-23-2012, 07:22 AM
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391954_2613577430125_1575724732_3838768_441851999_ n.jpg

02-23-2012, 07:44 AM
Horses eat alot. it may cut into your own food reserves.

Horse's eat a LOT, but would not cut into your personal food directly, only indirectly by limiting your other animals food. If vegetation runs low for your grazing animals you might have to be willing to eat the horse first. If it didn't run low they can do a lot of work.

03-09-2012, 12:15 PM
So I'm taking a break from the survivalist genre and taking a nice slow stroll though Bandits of the Marsh again.


It's actually a nice lesson in how men will behave without women telling them what to do.

04-02-2012, 10:34 AM
So, I made the mistake of recommending this Shades of Grey series to my wife. Basically socially acceptable smut since it's written by a woman. She read all of them in 2 weeks and now expects me to do the same so I can pick up some tips on how to more efficiently and effectively sexually dominate her. The man character is an absurd caricature of the collective feminine fantasies of what a man should be, and the woman is his sex slave, an extreme play off traditional sex roles that women still like despite all their talk about equality and whatnot. Just sounds like she expects me to do more work in the bed than I already do. I already get leg and/or ass cramps half the time I have sex as it is.

04-02-2012, 01:27 PM
And I thought I was a pussy for complaining about the intestinal cramps I get from eating my own cooking.

04-03-2012, 06:48 AM
I'm can still remember when I realized "ravish me," was actually code for, "do all the work."

Freak Out
04-03-2012, 01:04 PM
As a teen I read John Normans Gor series....I loved the male dominated society he described in the novels and was immensely disappointed when I realized that in fact...it was all fiction. :) For the most part that is......


George Cumby
04-03-2012, 10:28 PM
Just finished "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter". I am now stoopider for the experience.

Don't waste your time. It's not BAD, it's just not very good. I finished it solely out of stubborness.

George Cumby
04-03-2012, 10:31 PM
As a teen I read John Normans Gor series....I loved the male dominated society he described in the novels and was immensely disappointed when I realized that in fact...it was all fiction. :) For the most part that is......


I read the Tarzan books to about #20, or so. Lots of heaving, savage breasts. Titillating to a 13 year old.......

04-04-2012, 01:03 PM
I read the Tarzan books to about #20, or so. Lots of heaving, savage breasts. Titillating to a 13 year old.......

Every generation's had their own Chun Li.
