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Little Whiskey
10-10-2011, 08:25 AM
Fall is in the Air (except this weekend! 85 is not fall!) and its time to get our butts into the field. this thread is about hunting animals, not hippies.

Bow season started for us a few weeks back. Work has been crazy busy, so I haven't been able to sit much in my stand.

Deer camp is right around the corner and work isn't allowed to get in the way of that week!

Let me hear your stories.

Deputy Nutz
10-10-2011, 04:54 PM
First off we have some big news on our property, my father and mother in law finally put a road through their propert which will make getting to hunting stands that much easier. Next spring we will plant the entire road in clover or alphalfia which will make a nice foot plot through the entire property.

Little Whiskey
10-10-2011, 09:34 PM
How much land do you guys hunt? our group has just briefly mention buying land to hunt. the problem is tradition. they've hunted this spot since late 40's. I'm not sure what devolopements we might do this year.

10-10-2011, 11:53 PM
I'd still like someone to hunt that groundhog stalking me!! Saw him the other day in my backyard and he's fatter than ever!

Deputy Nutz
10-11-2011, 07:14 AM
How much land do you guys hunt? our group has just briefly mention buying land to hunt. the problem is tradition. they've hunted this spot since late 40's. I'm not sure what devolopements we might do this year.

We have two properties that we hunt. The first one that we are transitioning to is my father in law's property. It is about 85 acres, mostly hillsides because it is down in the valley. The other one we used to hunt more is my grandmother in law's property. She used to have 275 acres but she sold most of it. It is down to 80 acres. We transitioned to valley because we now veiw that as our property and want to put the time and energy into it rather than something that could be sold.

10-11-2011, 11:46 AM
So I spent about 8 hours in a baited tree stand with my father in law over the weekend. We baited for bear, there is some scat and it looked promising.

All we saw was a big bull moose. Where we are (close to my ranch just about mile north in the valley) you need a draw to get a moose. I looked at this big tasty moose for like 6 hours. AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!

On the other hand it is elk time and some one spotted a big heard about 3 miles away!

Deputy Nutz
10-11-2011, 12:03 PM
You are a lucky man. Moose, bear, elk and deer. We have to draw tags for bear in Wisconsin but no moose, and the Elk herd we introduced to Wisconsin keeps getting eaten by the wolf pack we introduced. I hate wolves.

Little Whiskey
10-11-2011, 12:09 PM
I hate wolves.

Gut shots work wonders!

10-11-2011, 01:55 PM
You are a lucky man. Moose, bear, elk and deer. We have to draw tags for bear in Wisconsin but no moose, and the Elk herd we introduced to Wisconsin keeps getting eaten by the wolf pack we introduced. I hate wolves.

Thank you for saying that, we feel lucky as well. My father in law has berksire hogs, mix it with elk and that is amazing sausage!

we dont have much for wolves, but tons of coyote's. Good target pratice.

Little Whiskey
10-11-2011, 05:41 PM
we have an elk heard but its a draw. from what i understand, once you draw the tag the you walk over to where they are and shoot one. they are almost tame

Freak Out
10-11-2011, 06:29 PM
Don't hate on the wolves..I'd rather see them than not.

I got two moose this year with my neighbor....two much for us but we always give some away.
Always see bear but never shoot them...unless they are coming for me that is.

I may go shoot blacktail in Kodiak next month....not sure yet. If not it's Caribou up north.

Little Whiskey
10-11-2011, 07:03 PM
Freak, what does an out of state tag cost?

Freak Out
10-12-2011, 02:01 AM
Freak, what does an out of state tag cost?


Non resident is required to have a guide in most situations. That's the big cost for out of staters.

Deputy Nutz
10-12-2011, 03:32 PM
Go get your guide license.

Freak Out
10-12-2011, 04:05 PM
I can get my assistant license again pretty easy. I know a master who would let me work off his if need be....just not enough time anymore.

Little Whiskey
10-12-2011, 04:46 PM
are you a fishing "guide" too?

Deputy Nutz
10-13-2011, 04:23 PM
Guide us motherfucker

Freak Out
10-13-2011, 11:53 PM
We can work something out. I've often though about a "Packerrat Alaska Fishing Adventure"....do it late enough and we could hunt as well.

Deputy Nutz
10-14-2011, 07:52 AM
Sure that would be a great time.

10-14-2011, 08:10 AM
Just read this thread and Boy Ohh Boy do I ever miss the hunt. I have a 125 acre farmland mixed woodlot back home in HOYT, Sunbury County , New Brunswick that the family hunts on. We've taken some healthy Bucks off that property and we also get a chance at Moose, Black Bear, Birch Partridge and Woodcock. Lots of rabbits but we leave them alone. My younger sister is very good at taking bucks and she has two lovely mounts in the hall of our home in Saint John, New Brunswick.

I own a second smaller property of about 50 acres that we can hunt ducks on as it has ponds.Good for Black Ducks and nearby we hunt jakes Pond and that's grea in mid to late November for Broadbill Duck hunting.The hair stands up ll over when a flock of those babies drops down on the decoys from high in the sky. It rivals the sond in the movie Top Gun as the screem in like a jet airplane.

My sister is oneof the funniest women on the planet and I've witnessed her telling that story of that Buck stalk and kill at some kitshen parties and it's the funniest thing I've ever witnessed. A hilarious story the way she sets it down, I come fron a long line of rur people bot sides s hunting and fishing is in my blood. The opening day of duck hunting is way better in terms of excitemrnt than any Childrens Christmas RE: excitement. I always loved opening day fr Ducks and one had to be patient RE: Deer and geting your Buck. My family avoids shooting Doe's and that's frowned upon RE: the Game Pop. health of our property and surrounding area. We hunt Bucks scientifically and from a stand (brother and sister mostly) or in my case still hunting. I love the Fall unt as it allows one loads of time to catch up on needed rest. Nothing like a nap in the bush or near a waterfall is best.

Preservation and proper forest management for the health of the herd.

Jacker's should be lynched. I hate low life stinking rotten no gamesmanship rotten to the core slime bucket 'Jackers'. There the perverts of bad taste in terms of hunting practises. If your a fricken Jacker don't ever post me with some defense of your stinking ways. I'll curse you to HELL.

10-14-2011, 09:47 AM
We can work something out. I've often though about a "Packerrat Alaska Fishing Adventure"....do it late enough and we could hunt as well.

I have always wanted to fish for Salmon. Also Grayling, I have heard they have the best fight.

Freak Out
10-14-2011, 10:50 AM
A poacher?

Freak Out
10-14-2011, 10:52 AM
I have always wanted to fish for Salmon. Also Grayling, I have heard they have the best fight.

Chinook and Coho have the best fight....Rainbow trout are jumpers...Grayling...not so much. Fun to catch...but not great fighters. The world record is right at 5 pounds.

Little Whiskey
10-14-2011, 11:03 AM
Chinook and Coho have the best fight....Rainbow trout are jumpers....

we can catch all of them in Lake Michigan.......pick something else!

Freak Out
10-14-2011, 03:05 PM
Halibut...Black and Ling Cod....Salmon Shark.

Little Whiskey
10-14-2011, 03:33 PM
yup, can't catch those in Lake Michigan.

Little Whiskey
10-14-2011, 03:35 PM
I had a discussion with a tree hugger about "free range". At dinner she ordered an dish that claimed to contain "free range chicken". I then proceeded to order free range halibut, even though the menu didn't call it free range. She then asked me how i was sure it was truely "free range".

10-14-2011, 06:43 PM
Don't stick your dick in a tree huger, splinters hurt.

10-16-2011, 08:14 AM
Don't stick your dick in a tree huger, splinters hurt.

Worse than that and contact ! The appearance of tatoo's on yer ass from all that cheap $Dollar Store$ magic marker ink undried on their protect the tree' s protest signs.

Little Whiskey
10-19-2011, 07:55 AM
I just read an article that Wisconsin's Earn a Buck has been removed. Now nutz doesn't have to pass on that Monster Buck on opening morning because he hasn't shot his doe yet. I wonder how this will effect heard mgmt.

10-19-2011, 09:35 AM
I just read an article that Wisconsin's Earn a Buck has been removed. Now nutz doesn't have to pass on that Monster Buck on opening morning because he hasn't shot his doe yet. I wonder how this will effect heard mgmt.

Herd management? Has WI ever had effective herd management? They talk about it a lot, and enact rules said to be for it, but it seems the actual effect differs from the intended effect more often than not.

Deputy Nutz
10-19-2011, 12:55 PM
The deer numbers have dropped in our area significanty due to the hard winters and the earn a buck. We have a lot of poor families in our area and they need the meat. We also have a shit load of assholes that shoot the shit out of anything when they go into the woods, or from their cars. I am glad they took earn a buck off the menu. It was frustrating, I am the type that will shoot a doe if I see one, but not early opening morning, I will wait until the afternoon or Sunday to shoot a doe

10-20-2011, 02:51 PM
Still no Bear, another cold 6 hours in the stand. Saw a coyote, missed the bastard.

Little Whiskey
10-20-2011, 07:42 PM
we are starting our annual deer camp meetings. really just an excuse to drink beer and discuss the dinner menu. the next time we get together is to pack then a week at camp. then unpack. then I don't see those SOB's for another 12 months! damn deer camp is great! a bunch of guys you see once a year, but act like your close neighbors. Sadly the oldest guy isn't going with us. he's 90. one of the founders of the camp.

Little Whiskey
10-20-2011, 07:43 PM
I shot and missed the latest ground hog in my back yard. 50yrds with a slug.

10-20-2011, 08:50 PM
Still no Bear, another cold 6 hours in the stand. Saw a coyote, missed the bastard.

In New Brunswick we tree stand hunt Black Bear at night. The Spring Bear hunt is very popular with American Sports. Yea those damn coyotes are for some reason jumping before the trigger is squeezed.

Deputy Nutz
10-20-2011, 09:22 PM
we are starting our annual deer camp meetings. really just an excuse to drink beer and discuss the dinner menu. the next time we get together is to pack then a week at camp. then unpack. then I don't see those SOB's for another 12 months! damn deer camp is great! a bunch of guys you see once a year, but act like your close neighbors. Sadly the oldest guy isn't going with us. he's 90. one of the founders of the camp.

A couple of years back an old timer that used to party with us the nght before opening day decided he had enough. He was 87 and just didn't want to make the trip any more. We were sad at his complete failure in the game we call life. He was so close to passing and being a success but he then goes and blows off deer camp.

10-20-2011, 09:22 PM
Wait. Aren't bears settling in for hibernation about now?

10-20-2011, 09:49 PM
Wait. Aren't bears settling in for hibernation about now?

Not if you can shoot em.

10-20-2011, 11:33 PM
we are starting our annual deer camp meetings. really just an excuse to drink beer and discuss the dinner menu. the next time we get together is to pack then a week at camp. then unpack. then I don't see those SOB's for another 12 months! damn deer camp is great! a bunch of guys you see once a year, but act like your close neighbors. Sadly the oldest guy isn't going with us. he's 90. one of the founders of the camp.
I bet you guys even have a big bonfire huh?


10-21-2011, 04:38 PM
I still have never understood the point to that.

10-21-2011, 04:43 PM
Wait. Aren't bears settling in for hibernation about now?

Just finiodhing their version of late night munchies. Still a couple of weeks, but all the farmers are done work now so it is my harvest time. Looks like no bear sausage this yera (also its not all that great, its just cool to eat)

10-21-2011, 11:36 PM
Just finiodhing their version of late night munchies. Still a couple of weeks, but all the farmers are done work now so it is my harvest time. Looks like no bear sausage this yera (also its not all that great, its just cool to eat)

Tastes good, just can't eat it. When you flash them bear sausage into the fat in that there caste iron frying pan yaa need a good pair of goggles and a hose to keep the tears down.

10-21-2011, 11:41 PM
I bet you guys even have a big bonfire huh?


Dem hunters arn't fixin' to Jack are they?

Little Whiskey
10-25-2011, 06:50 PM
I got one tonight! ground hog that is. little Mf-er was living under the bridge over the creek in my back yard. I hit him at 25yrds with #4 shot. I finished him off with a couple loads of #6 at point blank. he's lucky the slug i fired at him the other day missed. he got to experience 2 extra days on this earth. He is now laying on the other side of the creek waiting for the coyote's to feast!!

10-25-2011, 07:22 PM
I got one tonight! ground hog that is. little Mf-er was living under the bridge over the creek in my back yard. I hit him at 25yrds with #4 shot. I finished him off with a couple loads of #6 at point blank. he's lucky the slug i fired at him the other day missed. he got to experience 2 extra days on this earth. He is now laying on the other side of the creek waiting for the coyote's to feast!!

Jheezze Man ! Are CONGRATULATIONS in order? Now ...what will you ever do on Groundhog Day!?

Little Whiskey
10-25-2011, 07:40 PM
I like snow. Thats why i shot 'em.

10-25-2011, 08:23 PM
I like snow. Thats why i shot 'em.

Ohh... alrighty then.

Good thing you don't live in Muskoka, Ontario. If you shot a groundhog that might have been 'Groundhog Wllie'; then your ass would be grass. That's a Capitol Offense in Muskoka, Ontario. SERIOUS injury to groundhogs is NOT tolerated.... and ...did you hold a groundhog hunting license?

10-25-2011, 09:34 PM
Not going hunting, but had some decent walleye fishing in the Eagle River area last week. Pan-fried walleye was worth putting up with the 30 MPH winds on Thursday.

Deputy Nutz
10-25-2011, 10:17 PM
Deeranddeerhunting.com has a really awesome forum.

Little Whiskey
10-25-2011, 11:01 PM
O...did you hold a groundhog hunting license?

if you decide to take up residency under my bridge without permision, I have all the license i need to shoot you. I gave him a warning shot earlier this week. you would have thought that would have been enough.

10-26-2011, 10:51 AM
if you decide to take up residency under my bridge without permision, I have all the license i need to shoot you. I gave him a warning shot earlier this week. you would have thought that would have been enough.

So when I was a kid I once shot a gopher (like a chipmunk but lives in the ground if you dont know what a gopher is) with a 12 gauge slug from about 10 feet away. I ran up to see what was left and got covered in a fine red mist. Very vivid memory, the air tasted like a penny. all I found was a bit of skin and the tail.

Little Whiskey
10-26-2011, 11:02 AM
A gopher is bigger than a chipmunk. Are you thinking of a ground squirel? I always thought a gopher and a ground hog where the same animal. kinda like a partridge and a grouse.

Little Whiskey
10-26-2011, 11:03 AM
...update on the ground hog. his carcas was gone this morning. a coyote ate well last night.

10-26-2011, 02:10 PM
Not going hunting, but had some decent walleye fishing in the Eagle River area last week. Pan-fried walleye was worth putting up with the 30 MPH winds on Thursday.

mmmm mmmm ... nice thoughts there. Yummy !

10-26-2011, 02:11 PM
Deeranddeerhunting.com has a really awesome forum.

Not sure I can believe that but all the same... WOW! Cool info. Deputy.

Thanks (-:

10-26-2011, 02:13 PM
if you decide to take up residency under my bridge without permision, I have all the license i need to shoot you. I gave him a warning shot earlier this week. you would have thought that would have been enough.

Yaa. It was a stupid groundhog and bad for the gene pool anyway.

Nice work Little Whiskey. After you shot the sucker the first time couldn't you have just jumped on him and maybe beat him to death with your cane?

10-26-2011, 02:20 PM
A gopher is bigger than a chipmunk. Are you thinking of a ground squirel? I always thought a gopher and a ground hog where the same animal. kinda like a partridge and a grouse.

I think gopher and ground squirrel are the same, ground hogs are like prarie dogs, kinda like a bowling ball size.

10-27-2011, 01:52 AM
I think gopher and ground squirrel are the same, ground hogs are like prarie dogs, kinda like a bowling ball size.

Tiny Game:

A Groundhog: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog

A Ground Squirrel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_squirrel

A Gopher: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher

A Prairie dog: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prarie_dog

Really Tiny Game: (-:

A Chipmunk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chipmunk

10-27-2011, 02:03 AM
Not sure I can believe that but all the same... WOW! Cool info. Deputy.

Thanks (-:

I just checked out:


Yes Deputy Nutz. A very cool site. Thanks again.

10-27-2011, 02:06 AM
Deeranddeerhunting.com has a really awesome forum.


I just checked out:


Yes Deputy Nutz. A very cool site. Thanks again.

Little Whiskey
11-08-2011, 05:59 PM
The trailer is loaded and ready to go. the gun has been sighted in. I'm now getting the rest of my gear gathered up. We leave Friday night and don't come home until next saturday. its my weeklong christmas!

Deputy Nutz
11-09-2011, 07:45 AM
Are you in Michigan? WI season starts next weekend.

Little Whiskey
11-09-2011, 05:55 PM
Are you in Michigan? WI season starts next weekend.

Yep, we hunt the UP. just outside of Iron Mountain.

11-09-2011, 08:04 PM
Yep, we hunt the UP. just outside of Iron Mountain.

Hey . Don't breath a word of where your going. Especially in 'Hunting Season'. Didn't you catch the movie??

Little Whiskey
11-20-2011, 11:53 AM
We just got back from Camp last night. The freezer will be full shortly. We only had 4 guys in camp, but had 3 deer hanging. 2 doe and a 5pnt.

Iron Mike
11-20-2011, 12:02 PM
Hey . Don't breath a word of where your going. Especially in 'Hunting Season'. Didn't you catch the movie??


11-20-2011, 12:10 PM
Yep, we hunt the UP. just outside of Iron Mountain.

ah, my old stomping grounds

11-20-2011, 04:59 PM
I killed a centipede in my basement today. It was disgusting!!

11-20-2011, 05:33 PM
I killed a centipede in my basement today. It was disgusting!!

Buck or a Doe?

11-20-2011, 05:52 PM
I killed a centipede in my basement today. It was disgusting!!

you gonna have the head mounted?

11-20-2011, 09:58 PM
you gonna have the head mounted?

You offering to mount her head?

11-21-2011, 08:17 PM
Buck or a Doe?

lol how do u know?

They have to be the grossest things ever!!!! Well.............tied with spiders!!!

11-21-2011, 08:18 PM
you gonna have the head mounted?

ick, I doubt there was a head left. I wacked it with my trusty broom and then flushed it down the toilet.

11-21-2011, 08:18 PM
You offering to mount her head?



11-21-2011, 09:15 PM
You offering to mount her head?




11-21-2011, 09:23 PM



Good god you need to get laid.

11-21-2011, 09:27 PM
Good god you need to get laid.

Who doesn't ???? :) :) :)

11-21-2011, 09:36 PM
you two offering?

Deputy Nutz
11-22-2011, 07:25 AM
Got back from camp yesterday. on Sunday I killed a 4 pointer that was just barely a 4 pointer, infact I thought it was a doe, then I shot and mortally wounded two does about an hour later. So I bagged three deer, we totaled 4 deer.

Little Whiskey
11-22-2011, 07:59 AM
3 Deer in 2 days. wow, they must be as thick where you hunt! I only saw 7 deer in the week that I was at camp. the doe I shot was from a group of 3 that were on my bait pile. the buck was from another group of 3 as he was chasing two doe when he decided to turn and walk toward my stand.

11-22-2011, 09:31 AM
I miss hunting this year. Last week I drove home and saw 2 moose, about 15 deer and a coyote. That is in 6 miles.

Deputy Nutz
11-22-2011, 11:57 AM
3 Deer in 2 days. wow, they must be as thick where you hunt! I only saw 7 deer in the week that I was at camp. the doe I shot was from a group of 3 that were on my bait pile. the buck was from another group of 3 as he was chasing two doe when he decided to turn and walk toward my stand.

In two days I saw 8 deer. Two of them were small bucks. We have a very good deer population in the CWD zone, so I have unlimited tags. I shot both doe when they were running in the same group in some thick briars and trash trees. I didn't think I got any of them but When I went into the area that I shot at them to check for blood I didn't see any blood, only a doe looking at me, she took off when I brought my rifle up. I let her die before going back to look for her and then tracking her we found another dead doe, so I hit both of them. They were far from clean kills both shots too far back on the body, I don't like messy kills, but oh well. One of the does was like 5.5 years old and was the biggest doe I had ever seen much bigger than the 1.5 year old buck that I shot. I dragged the buck down the road by myself before I even gutted it, I had to have a buddy help me drag the doe out of the woods. The other doe was maybe a 1.5 year old, small maybe 70 pounds gutted.

Little Whiskey
11-22-2011, 02:15 PM
Gut shots are no fun!

Doe tags are done via a lottery in the county that we hunt. 1000 tags were available with 1040 applicants. one guy from our group didn't get a doe tag.

both shots were pretty well placed. Both took out the heart. Both dropped where they stood. the Doe kicked a bit more than the buck, but I also took out the back of her shoulder. Someone else had shot at the buck. he had a bullet wound on the front of his chest that cut thru the hide but didn't hit any muscle. When we cut that deer up he some yellow shit on that shoulder under the skin. needless to say I threw alot of that dude to the coyotes.

Deputy Nutz
11-22-2011, 03:57 PM
I destroyed the front shoulder on the buck I shot. I blew away the lungs, but the heart remained completely intact. In fact I ripped it out of the chest cavity and rolled it to my father.

Little Whiskey
11-22-2011, 04:12 PM
On the buck that I shot, as the bullet passed thru the deer it sucked part of the lungs into the exit wound!

Do you butcher your own deer or do you take them to a processor?

11-23-2011, 06:17 PM
I got a 6 point with my bow. I wasn't for sure if I had hit him because he acted fine. I went and retrieved my arrow and it looked like mud on it, but after further examination...it was stomach contents. It was getting dark and I didn't want to push a gut shot deer so I went back the next morning. I tracked him 100 yards from where I shot him.

Freak Out
11-23-2011, 09:00 PM
I butcher all my game....moose, caribou, black tail...it matters not. I do take some to a local butcher and have hot dogs made though. I have ground a fucking shitload of moose meat over the years. :)

11-23-2011, 11:35 PM
I butcher all my game....moose, caribou, black tail...it matters not. I do take some to a local butcher and have hot dogs made though. I have blew a fucking shitload of moose meat over the years. :)

Fixed, ol' buddy. Happy Thanksgiving, you moose dick sucker you!

Deputy Nutz
11-25-2011, 02:22 PM

No I don't butcher anything.