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01-09-2012, 12:22 PM
OK, I'll bite. Exactly how is Tarlam stepping on Tebow's right to be protected from State and Federal interference in his religious expression? Tarlam isn't Austria, Alabama or the Department of Agriculture; he is a poster, and is as entitled to his right to be offended by Tebow's statements as Tebow is entitled to make them. What, exactly, does Europe have to do with this disagreement?

Surely you do not think that only Europeans find Tebow's public proclamations of faith tiring?


01-09-2012, 12:25 PM
Tebow has gone out of his way to clearly state that he doesn't believe God is picking winners and losers. He's just thankful for all that his God and his savior has done for him. He feels blessed."What we do with such blessings, that is the true test of a man.".

01-09-2012, 12:35 PM
The shit is just all ridiculous--why would any God pick one football player/team over another? Does Tebow's version of God love Denver more than Pittsburgh? Does his God love the sick children rooting for the Broncos more than the sick children rooting for the Steelers?

Give me a fucking break.

It would seem....yes.

01-09-2012, 12:54 PM
Tebow uses his popularity and publicity, obtained from playing a sport, as a vehicle to repeatedly mention his religion. Is it that unexpected that some people are put off listening to repeated religious references when they are watching a sporting event? Is it so terrible that someone thinks that this might not be the best venue for Tebow to be expressing his religious opinions? Nobody is saying that Tebow does not have the right to say what he does, but some people may find it tiresome. Some people want to enjoy football without being bombarded with religious statements every other sentence. The horror.

Yup. Freedom of expression doesn't protect you from freedom of criticism. Or vice-versa, especially if the critique is mean-spirited.

01-09-2012, 12:54 PM
Harv, he can share all he wants, but in an environment that is fitting. A simple "I am blessed" during an interview regarding the game of football is sufficient and inoffensive. A harmless "I praise Jesus" once in a while? Nobody really gives a toss.

Rodgers has also made it clear that his Lord and Saviour is named Christ. The majority of athletes that believe aren't repulsive with their public articulation. Tebow takes it far too far.

As I clearly stated, it is the amount of sharing that has me utterly repulsed. Too much of a good think is a bad thing. Like water. 3-4 litres a day is a good, healthy thing. 30-40 litres will drown you.

I tend to agree with you. To me, there's a time and a place to prosthelytize. He may be turning people off who may actually be interested in the message he is giving, if given in a different manner. I do believe his heart is in the right place. I don't think I could state it better than Penn. I have family and friends who are not believers. My approach to spread the Word is more subtle, but it would be hard for me to believe what I do and not want my loved ones to hear the message.

01-09-2012, 12:55 PM
I tend to agree with you. To me, there's a time and a place to prosthelytize. He may be turning people off who may actually be interested in the message he is giving, if given in a different manner. I do believe his heart is in the right place. I don't think I could state it better than Penn. I have family and friends who are not believers. My approach to spread the Word is more subtle, but it would be hard for me to believe what I do and not want my loved ones to hear the message.

nice post

01-09-2012, 12:58 PM
nice post

Yeah, it was. And, I agree with Penn L. also, though, I am far from being an atheist.

01-09-2012, 01:15 PM
I agree, there was something very enjoyable in watching Tebow beating Roethlisberger and the vaunted Pittsburgh defense in the playoffs, and it had nothing to do with religion for me either, and nothing to do with dislike for the Steelers (Roethlisberger excepted) either. At the same time, we better HOPE that NE is the end of the road for Tebowmania, otherwise someone is going to have to shoot it.

It was an exciting game. That's what you want in the playoffs. Plus, Steelers have had their share of runs lately. Now if only Brady can get bumped off...

01-09-2012, 01:44 PM
It was an exciting game. That's what you want in the playoffs. Plus, Steelers have had their share of runs lately. Now if only Brady can get bumped off...
Preach it hermano!!! :lol:

Freak Out
01-09-2012, 01:54 PM
Highest rated Wild Card game in the last 24 years.

01-09-2012, 01:59 PM
Highest rated Wild Card game in the last 24 years.

Did anyone mention he had 316 passing yards? Like psalm 3:16?

What you gotta say about that Aussie? :lol:

01-09-2012, 02:23 PM
Did anyone mention he had 316 passing yards? Like psalm 3:16?

What you gotta say about that Aussie? :lol:

For those not fluent "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

It wasn't lost on me when I saw the number. His passing 10/21

Psalm 145 10:21: "10 All you have made will praise you, O LORD; your saints will extol you.

21 My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever"


01-09-2012, 02:52 PM
The whole pro-life ad with his mom during the superbowl a few years ago was definitely pushing an agenda...

01-09-2012, 02:58 PM
The whole pro-life ad with his mom during the superbowl a few years ago was definitely pushing an agenda...

Especially with how vague it ended up being...

01-09-2012, 03:11 PM
Did anyone mention he had 316 passing yards? Like psalm 3:16?

What you gotta say about that Aussie? :lol:

not to be a nitpicker, but it's John 3:16 - as seen in any NFL endzone during the extra point try! :lol: Funny coincidence....

01-09-2012, 03:26 PM
It was an exciting game. That's what you want in the playoffs. Plus, Steelers have had their share of runs lately. Now if only Brady can get bumped off...

Yes, bump the Patriots...but in the AFC championship game!

01-09-2012, 07:00 PM
Oh, spare me! Yeah, Tarlam, is offended. How many times does he need to repeat himself before we get the message?

Tebow is not changing and he will be a player in the league for a long time. It's a situation Tarlam can't control and instead of the histrionics and claiming that Tebow is assaulting him, it's more sensible to come back to reality and move on. Or will this thread overtake the 'Farve' thread as the longest in PR history?

I don't like Hip-Hop, the music, the values, the lyrics, but I don't whine about it constantly. I generally ignore it. I offer you and Tarlam this same advice.

I don't think ignoring it is an option, at least not in the coverage of him. Remember that Thom Brennaman thinks 10 minutes with him will make you a better person.

I don't expect Tebow to change and would be disappointed if he did for the sole purpose of placating people like me or Tarlam that don't agree with his approach.

But it drives me nuts to have his supporters use his beliefs as an tool in dissecting the football game. Just as I don't like analysis that requires reading the coaches mind, trying to draw inferences to his play from his beliefs is mostly an exercise in soft focus biography. Its just as bad when his beliefs become the prism through which each development is seen. He wasn't denied a chance to start earlier because of his beliefs, and the public and pundit disbelief in him as a QB was not a prejudice against an outspoken Christian. Similarly, not all his supporters are supporters hoping to find a spiritual role model having success in a world they deem unfriendly to their beliefs. I am not a fan of his beliefs or public approach to them, but I hope he keeps beating NFL teams left and right.

I much prefer to discuss how his strength and weaknesses cause both problems and opportunities for his opponents.



01-09-2012, 07:02 PM
not to be a nitpicker, but it's John 3:16 - as seen in any NFL endzone during the extra point try! :lol: Funny coincidence....

Trivia question: Rainbow wig guy did not always cite 3:16, do you remember the other citation he used?

Freak Out
01-09-2012, 07:26 PM
I don't care what Tebow says or does off the field. I've never heard him interviewed. Hell...I don't really care that much about what Rodgers says or does off the football field. I listen to a little radio....I read PR and a few other websites...that's it. I choose not to be bombarded by all the BS that the media or Tebowites throw around. It's just not important.

Man oh man....you know the NFL is loving this shit though.

01-09-2012, 07:51 PM
I don't care what Tebow says or does off the field. I've never heard him interviewed. Hell...I don't really care that much about what Rodgers says or does off the football field. I listen to a little radio....I read PR and a few other websites...that's it. I choose not to be bombarded by all the BS that the media or Tebowites throw around. It's just not important.

Man oh man....you know the NFL is loving this shit though.

Good for you! You aren't labile. Neither am I.

I wonder if the NFL would be so chuffed if Tebow's inceesant references to Jesus and God create another Mark David Chapman? Or if his comments provoke a Muslim terrorist cell into attacking an NFL target?

For the record, then I am done with this. My son is on the edge of 17. He says and does things that oftentimes have me barfing in my mouth. Still, I love him to death. I genuinely like Tebow the NFL underdog, the team leader, the win against all odds player. I wish him a great career in the league. I just wish he'd seperate church and sport. He'd be far more endearing to me if he did.

01-09-2012, 07:56 PM
I don't care what Tebow says or does off the field. I've never heard him interviewed. Hell...I don't really care that much about what Rodgers says or does off the football field. I listen to a little radio....I read PR and a few other websites...that's it. I choose not to be bombarded by all the BS that the media or Tebowites throw around. It's just not important.

Man oh man....you know the NFL is loving this shit though.I know the NFL is loving that you said you dont give a shit about Tebow yet here you are posting in this thread.

Sorry but you're the NFL's bitch too.:lol:

01-09-2012, 08:10 PM
Trivia question: Rainbow wig guy did not always cite 3:16, do you remember the other citation he used?

Don't know. I wonder how many people realize why he disappeared from public view:


On September 22, 1992, believing the Rapture was only six days away and having prepared himself by watching TV for 18 hours a day, Stewart began his last "presentation." Posing as a contractor, he picked up two day laborers in downtown LA, then drove to an airport hotel. Taking the men up to a room, he unexpectedly walked in on a chambermaid. In the confusion that followed he drew a gun, the two men escaped, and the maid locked herself in the bathroom. The police surrounded the joint, and Rollen demanded a three-hour press conference, hoping to make his last national splash. He didn't get it. After a nine-hour siege the cops threw in a concussion grenade, kicked down the door, and dragged him away.

About to be given three life sentences for kidnapping, Rollen threw a tantrum in the courtroom and now blames everything on a society that's "bigoted toward Jesus Christ." A cop who negotiated with him by phone during the hotel standoff had a better take on it: "With all due respect, maybe you look at a little bit too much TV."

01-09-2012, 08:44 PM
The whole pro-life ad with his mom during the superbowl a few years ago was definitely pushing an agenda...

You mean this innocuous thing? Wasn't it banned from broadcast because it’s too controversial? Chuckle, chuckle..


01-09-2012, 08:46 PM
The bottom line is that Tim Tebow is happy and a lot of other people aren’t.

And, because he says that his faith is a key source of his happiness, it irks those who reject his belief system and/or consider themselves too smart to have religious faith.

Tim Tebow’s success on the field has nothing to do with his faith. He never claimed it has and this vilifying of whom anyone objectively can see is a decent human being is ridiculous.

The people that are so emotionally insecure to allow themselves to get upset over his brief comments at press conferences and then start to attack him are apparently too dumb or too intolerant to realize that it is the media that they should be targeting and not Tebow.

The narratives and headlines that they supposedly find so offensive are driven by the media. The sport writers and commentators are having a field day with the public and you can bet that they are thrilled that their readership and viewership is going up. I watch the NFL Network and I have been tired of hearing about Tebow for weeks. However, his story is a rich, journalistic gold mine, and these guys are generating interest and making a lot of money for their companies and themselves.

But, of course, a few of these writers are the genuine article - unhappy, high-minded moralists that take offensive to Tebow’s expression of mainstream, evangelical beliefs that have been a part of America’s DNA since its founding. These are the ones who stir the pot of intolerance.

And there’s the rub; Tebow’s comments have not been extreme or excessive to anyone with just a modicum of religious or historic perspective. In reality, to his detractors, Tebow’s major crime is that he is happy and many irreligious people simply are not and wish that he was more like them.

Freak Out
01-09-2012, 09:00 PM
I know the NFL is loving that you said you dont give a shit about Tebow yet here you are posting in this thread.

Sorry but you're the NFL's bitch too.:lol:

You got me there bitch. :)

Freak Out
01-09-2012, 09:03 PM
Tim Tebow is not George Bush......yet. :)

01-09-2012, 09:19 PM
You mean this innocuous thing? Wasn't it banned from broadcast because it’s too controversial? Chuckle, chuckle..


Well - I can't recall any NFL commercial that turned moral/political before - probably have been some - just not any recent ones. Best part of pro football is that it crosses every line from religion/politics/etc. We use football to escape from the seemingly endless need for people to inundate their views on others.

Tebow acted essentially as a sponsor of Focus on the Family - an anti gay, anti porn, anti gambling - group that compares liberals with nazis... Fucking crazy people... As a libertarian, I fundamentally disagree with organizations that Tebow has aligned himself with publicly and don't wish him any success.

Freak Out
01-09-2012, 09:22 PM
Well....maybe he is worse.

01-09-2012, 09:50 PM
Kiwon, in your defense of this athlete you simply ignore what people actually post with such dogmatism, you make yourself look positively stupid, which I am certain you are not. I am fine with your support, but I resent greatly inventing unthruths based on obvious kneekerk reactionism: you label posters as bigots, insecure, intolerant, irreligious, unhappy and, by desciption, conceited and gullible to persuasion by the media.

You've got some nerve.

Christians like you are what turns many people away from the Word. You ought to pray for some guidence; currently, you demonstrate extreme misguidence.

01-09-2012, 11:36 PM
Well - I can't recall any NFL commercial that turned moral/political before - probably have been some - just not any recent ones. Best part of pro football is that it crosses every line from religion/politics/etc. We use football to escape from the seemingly endless need for people to inundate their views on others.

Tebow acted essentially as a sponsor of Focus on the Family - an anti gay, anti porn, anti gambling - group that compares liberals with nazis... Fucking crazy people... As a libertarian, I fundamentally disagree with organizations that Tebow has aligned himself with publicly and don't wish him any success.

I'm a libertarian, but I'm also Christian. That's a pretty serious charge you are making. I don't know anything about them. Are you saying that the group has stated that liberalism is like nazism or are you taking a member's words to paint a broad brush for the group as a whole? I don't know. I'd just like some intellectual honesty. I just went to their website. They seem to be for homosexual tolerance but oppose gay marriage. I personally think the government should get out of the business of marriage. Have civil unions from the government's perspective and leave marriage up to churches, mosques, etc.--without the threat of government interference.

01-09-2012, 11:54 PM
Eh, that's enough for me.

01-09-2012, 11:58 PM
I personally think the government should get out of the business of marriage. Have civil unions from the government's perspective and leave marriage up to churches, mosques, etc.--without the threat of government interference.

I didn't marry in a church, but I value the term "marriage" on my certificate. Making theism a condition of marriage is contradictary to freedom of religion, IMO.

Unless there are laws to distinguish eligdibility for marriage even civil unions become a free for all. What age is legal? How many people may be married to how many husbands/wives at any given time?

With all due respect, the law is required to stipulate these things. It is impractical if not dangerous for the government get out of the business of marriage.

01-10-2012, 12:12 AM
I'm a libertarian, but I'm also Christian. That's a pretty serious charge you are making. I don't know anything about them. Are you saying that the group has stated that liberalism is like nazism or are you taking a member's words to paint a broad brush for the group as a whole? I don't know. I'd just like some intellectual honesty. I just went to their website. They seem to be for homosexual tolerance but oppose gay marriage. I personally think the government should get out of the business of marriage. Have civil unions from the government's perspective and leave marriage up to churches, mosques, etc.--without the threat of government interference.

There are probably a lot of things you could say about Focus on the Family, but homosexual tolerance isn't high on the list, unless an absence of a plan to deport homosexuals to Honduras counts as tolerance. Focus on the Family is one of the many groups that believes in reparative therapy, that is, therapy to cure or treat individuals of their homosexual urges. Should such treatment fail, they recommend celibacy as a possible alternative.

As to comparing liberals to Nazis, that sounds like a statement made by an individual rather than a mission statement. Googling it might help.

01-10-2012, 04:46 AM
Eh, that's enough for me.

Just trying to say that Tebow's 'aw shucks' attitude seems a little 'gay' and the debate needed some alternate points.

Also done with Tebow discussion... didn't mean to steer it this way.

Harv - google Manhattan Declaration and James Dobson (founder of FOTF). To be fair - it was heavily politically motivated (anti Obama) and signed by many Christian right leaders (notably Dobson).

Go Pack

01-10-2012, 06:59 AM
Kiwon, in your defense of this athlete you simply ignore what people actually post with such dogmatism, you make yourself look positively stupid, which I am certain you are not. I am fine with your support, but I resent greatly inventing unthruths based on obvious kneekerk reactionism: you label posters as bigots, insecure, intolerant, irreligious, unhappy and, by desciption, conceited and gullible to persuasion by the media.

You've got some nerve.

Christians like you are what turns many people away from the Word. You ought to pray for some guidence; currently, you demonstrate extreme misguidence.

Completely agree with this, but he rams it down my throat every chance he gets. This is what I find so offensive about an otherwise likable and talented kid.
.................................................. .................................................. ...........

Good for him. I am the least bigoted person anyone could hope to meet. If your deity is a ping pong ball, good for you. Tebow should enjoy his relationship with God without any repercussions, but for the love of God, privately. Having him "share" his relationship with me when a mic is put in front of him is pornographic to my senses. I am keen to listen to his take on the game. I want to hear how he assesses his own performance.

Like I've always said, I admire the kid's talent and up tempo attitude. He's a role model to those who buckle in the face of adversity and he appears to be a genuinely nice kid.

I also have zero problem with the praying on the sidelines or the tebowing after a TD. None whatsoever. I just can't handle 4-6 "thank you, God(s)" in the space of an 8 minute interview and 4 "I am blessed(s)". It makes me vomit in my mouth. Other players and coaches are equally in a close relationship with a deity of their choice and make do with one "thank you, God" and one simple "I am blessed" to round it off.

Tarlam, my posts are reactions to your assertions that somehow Tim Tebow is stalking you and assaulting you with his words. Are you ready to acknowledge that it is you who has overreacted and demonstrated intolerance toward a public figure that you don't know and have never met just because he expresses his faith very naturally in public? And, yes, for many, I think Tebow's happiness and confidence brings out a visceral distain in those who don't have much of either.

Tar, there are plenty of evangelical believers who don't feel completely comfortable with Tebow's approach. But, hey, they are not Tim Tebow. Tebow's a leader and his faith is central to his life and it is the reporters clamoring to put microphones in front of his face. From his perspective, he understands it as an opportunity to share about the God he truly loves. Of course, he is going to speak about the most important relationship in his life. If his life is guided 24/7 by his faith it would only be natural for him to do so.

In time, I think Tebow will learn to self-censer a bit, but that is his choice. He should not be silenced because of other people's insecurities or prejudices. The message of the Gospel, the Good News, is meant to be shared verbally. In fact, it's a command in the Scriptures. However, one has to consider his environment when it comes to receptivity. Tim Tebow is just 24 years old. He will learn to be a better communicator with age and experience. As I said before, his rapid success is a great football story but the faith dimension is being blown out of proportion by the press.

It is the press that is making Tebow into something he is not and distorting who he is. Unfortunately, it is those portrayals that are fanning the flame of religious intolerance that many people carry within them.

01-10-2012, 07:23 AM
To be fair - it was heavily politically motivated (anti Obama) and signed by many Christian right leaders (notably Dobson).

To be more fair, being against Obama doesn't make them politically motivated, no more than you would be considered anti democrat after some guy who happened to be wearing an Obama pin walked up and punched you in the face for no reason and you took issue with that. More likely it makes them concerned for their own liberties.

01-10-2012, 08:11 AM
Tarlam, my posts are reactions to your assertions that somehow Tim Tebow is stalking you and assaulting you with his words. Are you ready to acknowledge that it is you who has overreacted and demonstrated intolerance toward a public figure that you don't know and have never met just because he expresses his faith very naturally in public? And, yes, for many, I think Tebow's happiness and confidence brings out a visceral distain in those who don't have much of either.

Tar, there are plenty of evangelical believers who don't feel completely comfortable with Tebow's approach. But, hey, they are not Tim Tebow. Tebow's a leader and his faith is central to his life and it is the reporters clamoring to put microphones in front of his face. From his perspective, he understands it as an opportunity to share about the God he truly loves. Of course, he is going to speak about the most important relationship in his life. If his life is guided 24/7 by his faith it would only be natural for him to do so.

In time, I think Tebow will learn to self-censer a bit, but that is his choice. He should not be silenced because of other people's insecurities or prejudices. The message of the Gospel, the Good News, is meant to be shared verbally. In fact, it's a command in the Scriptures. However, one has to consider his environment when it comes to receptivity. Tim Tebow is just 24 years old. He will learn to be a better communicator with age and experience. As I said before, his rapid success is a great football story but the faith dimension is being blown out of proportion by the press.

It is the press that is making Tebow into something he is not and distorting who he is. Unfortunately, it is those portrayals that are fanning the flame of religious intolerance that many people carry within them.

You contradict yourself in this post (like all your others) so many times that it's not even funny. In the first paragraph, you claim Tarlam "has overreacted and demonstrated intolerance toward a public figure." Yet, in the second paragraph, you admit that "plenty of evangelical believers don't feel completely comfortable with Tebow's approach." So, are they also, intolerant?

You go on to state that Tebow "will learn to self-censer(sic) a bit." But, I thought Tarlam and even "evangelical believers" were overreacting? Later you add that "the faith dimension is being blown out of proportion by the press." If everyone is overreacting, and the presss is blowing what he says out of proportion, why will Tebow learn to self-censor?

You see it, but you just can't (or won't) acknowledge it--Tebow is bringing it all on himself. When you announce your entrance to the national spotlight by cutting a commercial for a controversial group like "Focus on the Family," you, and your supporters, really can't claim that anyone is blowing your religious intents out of proportion.

01-10-2012, 09:01 AM
It seems a little unfair to criticize Tebow for his beliefs. He thanks Jesus every day of his life. I'm sure he thanks him when he loses as well. It is part of his belief structure. I surely have no problem with the way he handles himself. When he starts giving sermons up there, I might have a problem with it, but until then this is how he believes he is supposed to be. It could be way more over the top. Part of the christian belief is that you should testify in the name of the lord and spread the good news. If you don't like it shut it off, Tebow is a great story and well I love the fact he has kept GB out of the spotlight. Keep up the good work Timmy!

01-10-2012, 09:12 AM
The bottom line is that Tim Tebow is happy and a lot of other people aren’t.
And, because he says that his faith is a key source of his happiness, it irks those who reject his belief system and/or consider themselves too smart to have religious faith.

That is a strawman argument, not to mention a rude and stereotyping opinion.

The bottom line is that [insert poster name here] is secure and happy with his religion and a lot of other people aren't.

And, because he/she is so secure that he says that he doesn't need someone to confirm his beliefs as part of a discussion of a sporting event, it irks those who are not as secure in their belief system and/or consider themselves more morally correct than him.

Get off your high horse. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.

01-10-2012, 09:27 AM
So to go off on a tangent here, studies have shown that most people are happiest when anticipating something. You are excited to go on vacation and the thought of vacation, then complain about the lineups there. You cant wait to open your present then think what is this junk? YOu get so excited for the first kiss from suzy after the movie, then realize she has garlic breath. I am overstating a little, but anticipation makes us happier! Christians wait their whole life anticipating a big reward . . .

So Tebow exploited a defence that was taking away only one part of his game. His OC recongnized this and they won. I can see how the trap was set and give great credit to the Den first half defence for making it possible.

01-10-2012, 10:58 AM
So to go off on a tangent...

water...3-4 litres a day is a good, healthy thing. 30-40 litres will drown you.

It is however enough for a wet T-Shirt contest.

Eh, that's enough for me.


01-10-2012, 12:57 PM
So to go off on a tangent here, studies have shown that most people are happiest when anticipating something.

I'm anticipating death, but it doesn't make me happy.

01-10-2012, 01:11 PM
GBGary that is amazing use of logic right there. You should be a detective or something!

Rand, a happy anticipation is what I am refering to, if you have nothing to look forward to you will have a much bleaker existance. I look forward to GB beating Tebow in the SB this year.

01-10-2012, 01:36 PM
Rand, a happy anticipation is what I am refering to, if you have nothing to look forward to you will have a much bleaker existance. I look forward to GB beating Tebow in the SB this year.

The anticipation of my imminent death will make others happy. Does that count?

Just as I am happy at the prospect of the Giants' demise: O happy dagger!


01-10-2012, 02:36 PM
Wayne was on Twitter last night wondering what the deal was with the Honey Badger and Musberger. He did not yell at anyone to get off his lawn though.

Little Whiskey
01-10-2012, 06:30 PM

Note for Steeler fans heading to Pitt

Freak Out
01-10-2012, 06:33 PM

01-10-2012, 06:35 PM
Note for Steeler fans heading to Pitt

mean but funny. is that the denver airport?

01-10-2012, 08:00 PM
mean but funny. is that the denver airport?
You lame ass idiot.

See that was mean not so funny. This isnt mean at all. Now go collect another participation award!

Little Whiskey
01-10-2012, 08:19 PM
mean but funny. is that the denver airport?


01-10-2012, 08:40 PM

I am sure these guys are professionals, but that aim is horrible.

Side note; a women to whom I am related through marriage had a friend that would pay for her own Spring Break every year by entering and apparently Win/Place/Show in wet t-shirt and bikini contests in Florida. It cannot be an accident that I have yet to meet this apparently former friend.

01-10-2012, 08:40 PM
You lame ass idiot.

See that was mean not so funny. This isnt mean at all. Now go collect another participation award!

wtf are you on about?

01-10-2012, 08:44 PM
I am sure these guys are professionals, but that aim is horrible.

Side note; a women to whom I am related through marriage had a friend that would pay for her own Spring Break every year by entering and apparently Win/Place/Show in wet t-shirt and bikini contests in Florida. It cannot be an accident that I have yet to meet this apparently former friend.

:D believe me, i picked the tamest pic i could (not knowing what was allowed or not).

01-10-2012, 08:48 PM
You lame ass idiot.

See that was mean not so funny. This isnt mean at all. Now go collect another participation award!


Sometimes it helps to just add your own punctuation and edits.

"You lame ass idiot" --> See that was mean and not funny, unlike the airport sign

This (airport sign) isnt mean at all (you are mistaken)

Now go collect another participation award! (and I am calling you a girlie-man [see first line])

01-10-2012, 08:49 PM

It is!

is that the denver airport?

It IS! http://de.flightaware.com/live/flight/UAL648

01-10-2012, 08:59 PM
Sometimes it helps to just add your own punctuation and edits.
Thanks for Whiting the whole thing out. :roll:

01-10-2012, 09:16 PM
Thanks for Whiting the whole thing out. :roll:

Message boards, an imperfect medium.

01-10-2012, 09:18 PM
Thanks for Whiting the whole thing out. :roll:

Gary doesn't speak fluent Mad yet.

01-10-2012, 09:21 PM
It is!

It IS! http://de.flightaware.com/live/flight/UAL648

great parting shot for the pit fans. :D

01-10-2012, 09:26 PM
Gary doesn't speak fluent Mad yet.

not that post anyway. i've got his participation award.

Freak Out
01-11-2012, 03:41 PM

This is how all threads should end.

Freak Out
01-11-2012, 03:48 PM

01-11-2012, 05:45 PM

01-12-2012, 06:43 AM
Mr. Popular: Tebow tops poll of most loved pro athletes

Tim Tebow already is the most polarizing figure in the NFL. For that designation, no survey is necessary. But is he the most popular?

According to ESPN Sports Poll, the answer is yes.

The Broncos quarterback was recognized by 3 percent of Americans surveyed as their favorite active professional athlete, placing him above Kobe Bryant (2 percent), Aaron Rodgers (1.9 percent), Peyton Manning (1.8 percent) and Tom Brady (1.5 percent) in the Top 5.

The December poll included 1,502 interviews from "a nationally representative sample of Americans 12 and older." Since ESPN Sports Poll debuted in 1994, no pro athlete has come close to matching Tebow's rapid rush to prominence.

“To put this in perspective, Tim Tebow rose to the top before the end of his second pro season. It took Tiger Woods three years, LeBron James eight years and Kobe Bryant 11 years,” said Rich Luker, founder and director of the ESPN Sports Poll. “I think we may be at the front end of a new era in sports stars."

It's up to you to decide how much stock to put in this survey. It's worth nothing that according to its website, ESPN Sports Poll is "the standard for sports intelligence in the industry." A bold claim to be sure, but italics certainly amp up the credibility.

If he is as polarizing as Hanzus says it is journalistic neglect not to survey who the least popular athlete is.

01-12-2012, 07:15 AM
Sooo.... a guy who thanks god is barely more lovable than an anal rapist. Got to love American sports idolization.

01-12-2012, 09:57 AM

01-12-2012, 10:02 AM
A poll in which the winner has 3% of the vote doesn't seem real meaningful to me. You can be really unpopular and get 3%. It would be interesting to have a run-off poll among the top 5 and see how if it turns out.

01-13-2012, 11:33 AM
Sooo.... a guy who thanks god is barely more lovable than an anal rapist. Got to love American sports idolization.

Who raped Manning?

01-13-2012, 12:30 PM
A poll in which the winner has 3% of the vote doesn't seem real meaningful to me. You can be really unpopular and get 3%. It would be interesting to have a run-off poll among the top 5 and see how if it turns out.

Not to mention the poll is bound to include a large number of Americans that barely follow sports at all. I'd be interested in see how he ranks with regular sports fans vs. people that only know of Tebow because he makes for a good discussion on talk shows and the local or national news.

01-13-2012, 01:07 PM
Sooo.... a guy who thanks god is barely more lovable than an anal rapist. Got to love American sports idolization.


Freak Out
01-13-2012, 02:42 PM

01-13-2012, 02:49 PM

01-13-2012, 08:20 PM

:tup: sure...


Freak Out
01-13-2012, 08:25 PM
:tup: sure...


Fuck that. I click the link and get a Newt add? Now that's disturbing. :)

01-13-2012, 08:26 PM
Fuck that. I click the link and get a Newt add? Now that's disturbing. :)

dammit. guess i gotta fix it.

fixed! (delete that link in your post so no one will click it please.)

Freak Out
01-13-2012, 08:27 PM
dammit. guess i gotta fix it.

Ha ha....damn adds on youtube anyway.

Freak Out
01-13-2012, 08:31 PM
Man....Ron Paul slamming Newt.

Crazy video btw Gary.

01-13-2012, 08:38 PM
Man....Ron Paul slamming Newt.

Crazy video btw Gary.

rand asked for it.

01-13-2012, 09:26 PM

Hilarious! You'd think Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor.

01-13-2012, 09:31 PM
Crazy video btw Gary.

Wow. Just wow. I love it - such a tight rythem section. Good musos!

01-13-2012, 10:53 PM
If Tebow has a successful career, this thread may surpass the Brett thread in number of posts.

01-13-2012, 10:55 PM

For the game at Buffalo, it was Charlottesville, Va., blue-chip high school QB Jacob Rainey, who lost his leg after a freak tackle in a scrimmage. Tebow threw three interceptions in that Buffalo game and the Broncos were crushed 40-14.

"He walked in and took a big sigh and said, 'Well, that didn't go as planned,'" Rainey remembers. "Where I'm from, people wonder how sincere and genuine he is. But I think he's the most genuine person I've ever met."

There's not an ounce of artifice or phoniness or Hollywood in this kid Tebow, and I've looked everywhere for it.

Take 9-year-old Zac Taylor, a child who lives in constant pain. Immediately after Tebow shocked the Chicago Bears with a 13-10 comeback win, Tebow spent an hour with Zac and his family. At one point, Zac, who has 10 doctors, asked Tebow whether he has a secret prayer for hospital visits. Tebow whispered it in his ear. And because Tebow still needed to be checked out by the Broncos' team doctor, he took Zac in with him, but only after they had whispered it together.

And it's not always kids. Tom Driscoll, a 55-year-old who is dying of brain cancer at a hospice in Denver, was Tebow's guest for the Cincinnati game. "The doctors took some of my brain," Driscoll says, "so my short-term memory is kind of shot. But that day I'll never forget. Tim is such a good man."

This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk to teammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.

Isn't that a huge distraction?

"Just the opposite," Tebow says. "It's by far the best thing I do to get myself ready. Here you are, about to play a game that the world says is the most important thing in the world. Win and they praise you. Lose and they crush you. And here I have a chance to talk to the coolest, most courageous people. It puts it all into perspective. The game doesn't really matter. I mean, I'll give 100 percent of my heart to win it, but in the end, the thing I most want to do is not win championships or make a lot of money, it's to invest in people's lives, to make a difference."

So that's it. I've given up giving up on him. I'm a 100 percent believer. Not in his arm. Not in his skills. I believe in his heart, his there-will-definitely-be-a-pony-under-the-tree optimism, the way his love pours into people, right up to their eyeballs, until they believe they can master the hopeless comeback, too.

Remember the QB who lost his leg, Jacob Rainey? He got his prosthetic leg a few weeks ago, and he wants to play high school football next season. Yes, tackle football. He'd be the first to do that on an above-the-knee amputation.

Hmmm. Wonder where he got that crazy idea?

"Tim told me to keep fighting, no matter what," Rainey says. "I am."

01-13-2012, 11:39 PM
He's a really nice guy by the sounds of it. I've never said anything else.

01-14-2012, 12:57 AM
Hilarious! You'd think Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor.


01-14-2012, 10:00 AM
CMon now, how you live in the bay area and you dont even know how to post a pic?

When you are making a post there is a icon on the toolbar http://packerrats.com/images/editor/insertimage.png that you click on and from there you can paste the link to the image and it will display in the post like this:


Iron Mike
01-14-2012, 10:04 AM
:tup: sure...


Cheese time!!!


01-14-2012, 10:07 AM
Man I love that version! Isnt it from a Day of the Dead remake?

01-14-2012, 11:46 AM
Cheese time!!!


http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:forums.corvetteforum.com/get/images/smilies/lol.gif that's hilarious! a lounge-lizard version. can't you just see bill murray sitting at the piano!?

01-14-2012, 12:00 PM
When you are making a post there is a icon on the toolbar http://packerrats.com/images/editor/insertimage.png that you click on and from there you can paste the link to the image and it will display in the post like this:

Thanks. :$

03-19-2012, 11:31 PM

Broncos not expecting much in Tim Tebow trade

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 19, 2012, 1:17 PM EDT

03-20-2012, 05:18 AM
At least it qualms the Tebow hysteria...till creaky Peyton breaks his neck.


03-20-2012, 07:06 AM
Talking heads said Tebow would be a good backup for Arod...

Don't they realize we typically draft QBs when we have an elite one - or keep an aging, grizzled vet on board. Last thing GB needs is Tebow imo.

03-20-2012, 07:30 AM
Talking heads said Tebow would be a good backup for Arod...

Don't they realize we typically draft QBs when we have an elite one - or keep an aging, grizzled vet on board. Last thing GB needs is Tebow imo.

Sometimes ESPN does no thinking other than looking for a roster opening. They need to talk about something.

Scott Campbell
03-20-2012, 07:39 AM
I'm open to anything that helps our running game.

03-20-2012, 07:42 AM
I just posted this on PFT as much as I dislike reducing this thought to writing, we should always have one of the best back ups in light of Rodgers concussion history. I think of Aikman retiring as a result, but the league will not allow things to get that far these days. Just sayin'

03-20-2012, 08:30 AM
I just posted this on PFT as much as I dislike reducing this thought to writing, we should always have one of the best back ups in light of Rodgers concussion history. I think of Aikman retiring as a result, but the league will not allow things to get that far these days. Just sayin'

Realistically the Packers are 'ONLY' as good as the quality of Aaron Rodger's backup.

Cheesehead Craig
03-20-2012, 08:35 AM

03-20-2012, 08:38 AM
If Tebow has a successful career, this thread may surpass the Brett thread in number of posts.

So it's back on page one. I felt with the Bronco's addition of Peyton Manning 'the TEBOW THREAD' needed a revival.

I had to go back to about page eight to find it. The Favre thread?

I wonder how deep in our Archives that thread is. (-:

WOW! The weather here has been amazing. It was close to 74 Degree F (24 Celcius) here yesterday and great for yard work.

Mae and I got so much done and it looks great this morning.

It's forcast to go to 25 Degree Celcius Wed. and Thurs. That's 77 Degrees F. Amazing. (-:

03-20-2012, 08:45 AM
CMon now, how you live in the bay area and you dont even know how to post a pic?

When you are making a post there is a icon on the toolbar http://packerrats.com/images/editor/insertimage.png that you click on and from there you can paste the link to the image and it will display in the post like this:


Thanks Mad. Now I can get up to speed with everyone else here on the Jukebox thread in Romper Room. Post fancy. Conform.

I trust you more pleased with the Free Agency thread. It just makes good sense and sure cut down on my work. (-:

03-20-2012, 08:49 AM
Talking heads said Tebow would be a good backup for Arod...

Don't they realize we typically draft QBs when we have an elite one - or keep an aging, grizzled vet on board. Last thing GB needs is Tebow imo.

Tebow is the same as a rookie QB. Neither know how to play QB at this level yet. With AR starting you have the luxury of bringing Tebow along as a QB same as we did with Flynn. Same as we'd do with any other QB. Tebow seems coachable at least. I wouldn't be opposed to the move so long as the compensation was appropriately low, and he were stashed below Graham Harrell on the depth chart until he learns how to throw a football at an NFL level with NFL consistency.

03-20-2012, 08:52 AM
Cheese time!!!



Disturbed 'Down With Your Sickness'....Music with your morning coffee. How to end a good relationship.

Wow! That's wild decibles !!

03-20-2012, 09:29 AM
Twitter world is now convincing itself that Tebow has a good shot to go to the Packers. Mort, Schefter and Wilde are all on board that T2 and M3's praise in advance of last year's draft is evidence of interest.

They always forget their own rules; never trust anything anyone says right before the draft.

03-20-2012, 09:43 AM
Twitter world is now convincing itself that Tebow has a good shot to go to the Packers. Mort, Schefter and Wilde are all on board that T2 and M3's praise in advance of last year's draft is evidence of interest.

They always forget their own rules; never trust anything anyone says right before the draft.

Tyler Dunne summarized it quite well on the JSO Packers blog. After acknowledging that both TT and MM praised Tebow before the draft, and might generally want to work with him. he stated:

The Packers brass frowns upon distractions of all kinds. They don't roll the dice on polarizing veterans and they usually steer clear of bombastic personalities. Of course, Tebow is neither. This is completely different. But even with the league's MVP under center here, the Tebow bandwagon would follow. Maybe McCarthy likes Tebow, but he likes his team being a well-oiled, distraction-free machine more. They're not going to invite madness.
The Packers are much more likely to quietly use a draft pick on a more conventional quarterback fit for this offense.


Old School
03-20-2012, 09:52 AM
I like Tim Tebow, but not in Green Bay. The last thing we need is the winter HQ of the circus moving to town. We have enough problems/challanges this year.

03-20-2012, 09:52 AM
Tyler Dunne summarized it quite well on the JSO Packers blog. After acknowledging that both TT and MM praised Tebow before the draft, and might generally want to work with him. he stated:


Dunne is playing it straight. Both Wilde and Silverstein (esp. Wilde) were posting credulous Tweets about Mort and Schefter saying the Packers would be interested. Wilde had Mort on his rdio show. Now Wilde and Spoon are stunned this has caused an uproar. Reap what you sow boys.

Sometimes I think writers and reporters are not aware of their own business model.

03-20-2012, 10:04 AM
I don't see Tebow ending up in Green Bay. That contract is prohibitive if you're not going to give him any chance to start whatsoever (and we're not) and what incentive does he have to take a paycut, when there's probably a QB poor team that will pay him most or all of it, and that team will actually give him an incentive to play. If you get traded to a team like Green Bay, you can hold the clipboard for a year for $1.1m, and you can force a trade or a release by being unwilling to reduce by 80% or more the $6m you're due in the 2013 season.

The only way I see Tebow in Green Bay is if he's cut, clears waivers, and gets lukewarm interest as a free agent and TT signs him for cheap.

03-20-2012, 10:06 AM
Twitter world is now convincing itself that Tebow has a good shot to go to the Packers. Mort, Schefter and Wilde are all on board that T2 and M3's praise in advance of last year's draft is evidence of interest.

They always forget their own rules; never trust anything anyone says right before the draft.

This is so funny. Tebow in Green Bay. He took the BRONCOS to the playoffs. One packer fan (maybe rightfully so). Has him at number three in the depth chart. Funnier things have happened but Tebow and Packers.


03-20-2012, 11:41 AM
I don't see Tebow ending up in Green Bay. That contract is prohibitive if you're not going to give him any chance to start whatsoever (and we're not) and what incentive does he have to take a paycut, when there's probably a QB poor team that will pay him most or all of it, and that team will actually give him an incentive to play. If you get traded to a team like Green Bay, you can hold the clipboard for a year for $1.1m, and you can force a trade or a release by being unwilling to reduce by 80% or more the $6m you're due in the 2013 season.

The only way I see Tebow in Green Bay is if he's cut, clears waivers, and gets lukewarm interest as a free agent and TT signs him for cheap.

Even in that scenario, he is far more valuable to other franchises than to the Packers or Patriots. The only way I can see it happening is if he lobbies to go to an already stocked franchise and accepts a backup role and contract. But there will be at least one suitor offering him starting money (Jacksonville), if not more.

03-20-2012, 11:48 AM
Even in that scenario, he is far more valuable to other franchises than to the Packers or Patriots. The only way I can see it happening is if he lobbies to go to an already stocked franchise and accepts a backup role and contract. But there will be at least one suitor offering him starting money (Jacksonville), if not more.

News today reveals 'he want to go home'. Somewhere in Florida. Jacksonville? He'll sell the joint out.

03-20-2012, 12:00 PM
Tebow is a team player, but to go from starting QB to backup / change of pace is asking alot. In our offence he would take on a halfback role, which could work well as he has great hands (so i've read). I hope the people around him encourage him to be a starter somewhere.

03-20-2012, 12:21 PM
Jacksonville? He'll sell the joint out.

Maybe for the first couple of games, but if the Jags keep losing with Tebow at the helm (which is a distinct possibility) then they'll stop coming. I think the Jags would be better served focusing on "improving their team."

03-20-2012, 01:16 PM

Ten off-radar potential destinations for Tebow

Posted by Mike Florio on March 19, 2012, 9:36 PM EDT

Comment woodbuck27:

The GREEN BAY Packers are not one of the teams listed in this story.

Cheesehead Craig
03-20-2012, 01:23 PM
Maybe for the first couple of games, but if the Jags keep losing with Tebow at the helm (which is a distinct possibility) then they'll stop coming. I think the Jags would be better served focusing on "improving their team."

Absolutely. He had the benefit of an outstanding defense in Denver to carry him while the offense struggled. Not so much in Jax.

03-20-2012, 01:51 PM

Green Bay floated as a Tim Tebow destination

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 20, 2012, 8:17 AM EDT

03-20-2012, 02:19 PM
Tebow would be an upgrade ... over Rich Campbell.

Let a team that needs a circus take him.

03-20-2012, 02:28 PM

Tim Tebow tells friends he’s not surprised, hopes to play in Florida

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 20, 2012, 11:12 AM EDT

03-20-2012, 03:00 PM
from Sportsline:

I'm told five to six teams have called the Broncos and that the number might be higher. The compensation being discussed is a low-round draft pick, a person familiar with the situation said. This source believes Tebow will be traded for a fifth- or sixth-round pick.

Unbelievable. I feel for guy - I hate the term 'respect' but he is being incredibly disrespected. Yes, he's supposed to be a professional, but he has to be hurt by this treatment.

I didn't like Elway before, and am sick and tired of pictures of him with that stupid spray on tan and dark sunglasses. His treatment of Tebow is over the top. Has he said a word about his through all this??? The guy who was under center when they beat the Steelers in the playoffs?

03-20-2012, 03:06 PM
from Sportsline:

Unbelievable. I feel for guy - I hate the term 'respect' but he is being incredibly disrespected. Yes, he's supposed to be a professional, but he has to be hurt by this treatment.

I didn't like Elway before, and am sick and tired of pictures of him with that stupid spray on tan and dark sunglasses. His treatment of Tebow is over the top. Has he said a word about his through all this??? The guy who was under center when they beat the Steelers in the playoffs?

Doesn't paint him in a very flattering light. Especially since his last public words a few weeks ago were that Tebow deserves a chance to start. We have no way of knowing if they have spoken privately since.

But signing Manning kinda drowns all that out, which was probably part of the idea. If Manning gets hurt again, expect people to revisit it.

03-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Doesn't paint him in a very flattering light. Especially since his last public words a few weeks ago were that Tebow deserves a chance to start. We have no way of knowing if they have spoken privately since.

But signing Manning kinda drowns all that out, which was probably part of the idea. If Manning gets hurt again, expect people to revisit it.

On this issue and Elways up and down treatment of Tim Tebow. I feel for Tim Tebow.

Elway isn't looking good over this young man's treatment especially given what he did to get the BRONCOS into the playoffs and beyond; defeating the Steelers which had to surprize any astute NFL fan.

If Tim Tebow is hurt. He deserves to be 'just that'.

I hope he gets another opportunity somewhere in the NFL.

03-20-2012, 04:08 PM

Jets consider trading for Tim Tebow

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 20, 2012, 3:00 PM EDT

03-20-2012, 04:09 PM

Broncos next on Tracy Porter’s free agent tour

Posted by Evan Silva on March 20, 2012, 3:00 PM EDT

03-20-2012, 04:22 PM

Peyton says he’d like to play with Tebow

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 20, 2012, 3:47 PM EDT

comment: woodbuck27

political Correctness ... http://www.tentmaker.org/Quotes/political_correctness_quotes.html

03-20-2012, 05:08 PM

Dolphins reportedly not interested in Tim Tebow

Posted by Josh Alper on March 20, 2012, 4:54 PM EDT

03-20-2012, 07:12 PM
who the hell would want tebow and the jesus brigade that comes with him?

you would HAVE to start him, no matter how shitty he plays, or the bible fuckers will throw a fit

he's a coach and GM killer IMO

King Friday
03-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Tebow = upgrade over Ryan Grant

03-20-2012, 09:36 PM
who the hell would want tebow and the jesus brigade that comes with him?

you would HAVE to start him, no matter how shitty he plays, or the bible fuckers will throw a fit

he's a coach and GM killer IMO

agreed. you need to throw in the anti-jesus brigade drama in the mix too. heard the broncos hated all the ancillary attention he brought.

03-20-2012, 09:54 PM
who the hell would want tebow and the jesus brigade that comes with him?

you would HAVE to start him, no matter how shitty he plays, or the bible fuckers will throw a fit

he's a coach and GM killer IMO

God would strike them down. You think God wants Tebow starting for his favorite team after he sent us Aaron Rodgers?

03-20-2012, 10:16 PM
Ahem....anyone notice that the guy sold a ton of merchandise for the Broncos, helped them to unexpectedly win their division and then led them as they accomplished one of the most memorable victories in the history of their franchise?

The likelihood is that whatever team signs Tebow, their revenue goes up. The NFL is a business, first and foremost, and Denver profited handsomely from Tebow, on and off the field. Any portrayal of Tebow as some kind of cancer is ridiculous.

Objectively, he's been a winner at every level of football, and for his two years in the pros, he's already had remarkable success. Tebow deserves a chance to show what he can do on the field, especially after further coaching and development in the off-season. Maybe he flames out, but whatever team signs him can do so knowing that he will represent the organization well as they count their money made from him on the way to the bank.

03-20-2012, 11:07 PM
Tebow = upgrade over Ryan Grant

Brilliant idea.

MM want to improve OUR running game.This young man can certainly run. I'm just concerned about the option pass play.

03-20-2012, 11:08 PM
Ahem....anyone notice that the guy sold a ton of merchandise for the Broncos, helped them to unexpectedly win their division and then led them as they accomplished one of the most memorable victories in the history of their franchise?

The likelihood is that whatever team signs Tebow, their revenue goes up. The NFL is a business, first and foremost, and Denver profited handsomely from Tebow, on and off the field. Any portrayal of Tebow as some kind of cancer is ridiculous.

Objectively, he's been a winner at every level of football, and for his two years in the pros, he's already had remarkable success. Tebow deserves a chance to show what he can do on the field, especially after further coaching and development in the off-season. Maybe he flames out, but whatever team signs him can do so knowing that he will represent the organization well as they count their money made from him on the way to the bank.

Yes and nice post.

03-20-2012, 11:32 PM
It would take care of some of our short yardage issues.

03-20-2012, 11:45 PM
Out of all the teams in the league where Tim Tebow could go, if he wants to advance his career, Green Bay would be the place that would help him become all he can become IMO. 3 years here, his arm would be stronger, his fundamentals will be worlds stronger. His understanding of offense would be through the roof.

I'm a Tebow fan. I know this is cliche, but he finds a way. Expand his game a little and I think he could be a hell of a QB. I would not mind one bit if we traded a 3rd round pick for Tim Tebow. He's still a two year project, but he can come in and chicken scramble his way to wins as is. If he came here, I wouldn't be shocked if 3 years down the road, he's signing a deal bigger than the one Flynn just signed.

It seems like the QB position is one where good coaching makes a huge difference and Tim Tebow is a guy who would benefit even more than most from it.

03-20-2012, 11:52 PM

Jaguars discussing Tebow; Jets’ interest is “legitimate”

Posted by Evan Silva on March 20, 2012, 6:52 PM EDT

03-21-2012, 12:16 AM

Report: Jaguars have “serious interest” in Tebow

Posted by Mike Florio on March 20, 2012, 10:05 PM EDT

03-21-2012, 12:27 AM

Antonio Cromartie wanted no part of Tebow in November, or now

Posted by Mike Florio on March 20, 2012, 11:40 PM EDT

03-21-2012, 12:30 AM

Four teams in the mix for Tebow

Posted by Mike Florio on March 21, 2012, 1:11 AM EDT

Comment woodbuck27:

Four teams currently are in the running: the Jaguars, the Jets, the Packers, and an unknown (for now) candidate.

03-21-2012, 12:30 AM
Tebow to the Jags makes more sense because of the draw he would be there. I don't think it would benefit his career the most, but he'd be back near his home.

DeMeco Ryans traded to the Eagles for a 4th round pick. What happened to him?

03-21-2012, 06:51 AM
Seriously, I absolutely cannot believe that TT would have interest in Tebow - absolutely flummoxed.

03-21-2012, 06:55 AM
I would give one of our 4th round compensatory picks for Tebow, considering our back-up situation, Tebow's ability to win, and the likelihood a 4th rounder ends up as one of our first cuts this fall. All you godless bastards worried about his "religious" following can suicide yourselfs and burn in hell. So the guy doesn't assrape meth head prostitutes and send pictures of his wrinkled cock to ladies like your other sports heroes. Instead he spends time with church groups and kids dying of cancer. Oh the horror! Get over it.

03-21-2012, 07:00 AM
You can't trade a compensatory pick, Skin. Even if he gives you a Tebowner.

03-21-2012, 07:36 AM
Tebow to the Jags makes more sense because of the draw he would be there. I don't think it would benefit his career the most, but he'd be back near his home.

DeMeco Ryans traded to the Eagles for a 4th round pick. What happened to him?

I think he went into some sudden decline with a change in the Texans defensive scheme; but I'll check that. I'm not totally sure but the Eagles have to be very pleased to acquire this player for the middle of their linebackers core. He's got talent.

OK Harvey here it is:

From: http://blog.chron.com/ultimatetexans/2012/03/texans-to-trade-linebacker-demeco-ryans-to-eagles-for-draft-pick/

It’s a win-win situation. Ryans gets to play middle linebacker in the Eagles’ 4-3. And the Eagles are a Super Bowl contender.

Ryans, a seven-year veteran, was not suited to be a one-down player in the Texans’ 3-4. His role was diminished. He was removed every time the Texans went to their nickel defense.

03-21-2012, 07:48 AM
Out of all the teams in the league where Tim Tebow could go, if he wants to advance his career, Green Bay would be the place that would help him become all he can become IMO. 3 years here, his arm would be stronger, his fundamentals will be worlds stronger. His understanding of offense would be through the roof.

I'm a Tebow fan. I know this is cliche, but he finds a way. Expand his game a little and I think he could be a hell of a QB. I would not mind one bit if we traded a 3rd round pick for Tim Tebow. He's still a two year project, but he can come in and chicken scramble his way to wins as is. If he came here, I wouldn't be shocked if 3 years down the road, he's signing a deal bigger than the one Flynn just signed.

It seems like the QB position is one where good coaching makes a huge difference and Tim Tebow is a guy who would benefit even more than most from it.

Green Bay would be good move for Tebow so he could take advantage of our QB school but would Tebow be a good move for GB? I don't know if we need the media circus that is following this kid around.

03-21-2012, 09:15 AM
They can't make an effort to sign Wells, but are considering Tebow. The only reason this makes sense is because TT is to stupid to put a good line around Rodgers, so they will need a decent back up when he goes down.

03-21-2012, 09:22 AM
They can't make an effort to sign Wells, but are considering Tebow. The only reason this makes sense is because TT is to stupid to put a good line around Rodgers, so they will need a decent back up when he goes down.

By "make an effort to sign Wells" do you really mean ---"give Wells whatever he asked for"---?

03-21-2012, 09:29 AM
They can't make an effort to sign Wells, but are considering Tebow. The only reason this makes sense is because TT is to stupid to put a good line around Rodgers, so they will need a decent back up when he goes down.

1. I think we should have paid for Wells. The question is would he stay.
2. TT is NOT stupid. He is one of the best GM's in the league and no one, no one is perfect. To me Wells was a mistake, however anyone who has gone two for two 1st round to the oline does not undervalue line play. With Wells we had a top 5 ine because of the efforts of TT. I will wait and see how EDS / FA fills Wells' shoes.

MM QB school would be great for Tebow, and I think we could trade a 4th (non comp pick) to get him. However I think the Jag's will out bid us. We dont play Denver this year so that helps our position, but I still think he goes to the Jags.

03-21-2012, 09:37 AM
By "make an effort to sign Wells" do you really mean ---"give Wells whatever he asked for"---?

No I think he means that Ted Thompson for whatever reason didn't make a decent or even marginally close to market value offer to Scott Wells. Scott Wells did all he could for the Green Bay Packers.

He was respected by linemates. Respected and ranked number one on the Packer OL by his own HC, Mike McCarthy.Mike McCarthy couldn't even imagine Scott Wells being unsatisfied in Green Bay.

Why? would he? Scott Wells was an every day come to work and get it done player and a Pro Bowl Center.

Mike McCarthy was surprized that Scott Wels might go elsewhere..but.... if the market afforded him and his Family more money and he said clearly the Scott Wells was certainly entitled and justified in making his best deal or leave Green bay to do that.

This spin that Scott Wells 'had a chip on his shoulder is washed out trumped up irrelevant spin to make TT look good or absolved of any mismanagement of the Scott Wells departure. That is for certain and a nice try but a NO.

Was TT talking to MM at that time RE: Scott Wells? From MM's reaction that Wells might actually depart Green bay does that seem so to you Patler?

HC = left hand...GM = right hand

Was the right hand talking to the left hand RE: anything Scott Wells?

Did Ted thompson care?

It surely seems to me that Scott Wells teammate (Lang cared). It sure seems to me that MM cared.

What on earth do you not agree with in my analysis Patler. Let's pin this down please.

03-21-2012, 09:41 AM
You can't trade a compensatory pick, Skin. Even if he gives you a Tebowner.

Oh Jesus on a stick! Our regular 4th then. Does it really matter? Sometimes I just want to murder you and suck the marrow from your detail oriented bones.

03-21-2012, 09:42 AM
They can't make an effort to sign Wells, but are considering Tebow. The only reason this makes sense is because TT is to stupid to put a good line around Rodgers, so they will need a decent back up when he goes down.

I'm going to put a line around you. Your neck. And pull it tight until you go down.

03-21-2012, 09:47 AM
Out of all the teams in the league where Tim Tebow could go, if he wants to advance his career, Green Bay would be the place that would help him become all he can become IMO. 3 years here, his arm would be stronger, his fundamentals will be worlds stronger. His understanding of offense would be through the roof.

I'm a Tebow fan. I know this is cliche, but he finds a way. Expand his game a little and I think he could be a hell of a QB. I would not mind one bit if we traded a 3rd round pick for Tim Tebow. He's still a two year project, but he can come in and chicken scramble his way to wins as is. If he came here, I wouldn't be shocked if 3 years down the road, he's signing a deal bigger than the one Flynn just signed.

It seems like the QB position is one where good coaching makes a huge difference and Tim Tebow is a guy who would benefit even more than most from it.

Ted Thompson has to really want him and sell coming to Green Bay over Florida... NO! I don't see that happening. Sometimes you might just need to look busy. Just kiddin' 'of course'.

I see Jacksonville showing more entusiasm for Tim Tebow than as I know him. Ted Thompson could ever muster. Sorry but that is just the TRUTH as I've observed our GM in terms of recruiting FA's. TT has too little experience there by design.

03-21-2012, 09:59 AM
god damnit

03-21-2012, 10:01 AM
Oh Jesus on a stick! Our regular 4th then. Does it really matter? Sometimes I just want to murder you and suck the marrow from your detail oriented bones.

Wow, that's WAY better than a Yo' Mamma joke! :rs:

03-21-2012, 10:29 AM
What on earth do you not agree with in my analysis Patler. Let's pin this down please.

By and large everything you wrote is completely irrelevant in that it ignores the basic fundamental of salary cap roster building - you can't always pay everyone what they want, or even what they are "worth" on the open free agent market.

I have been saying for the last couple years that the Packers were approaching the same situation they had in the mid and late '90s. Enough good young players needing to be re-signed that reliable old ones and/or some young ones looking for second contracts will be lost. That is the way salary caps are supposed to work and do work. Teams that continually find good players don't get to keep all of them as long as they might like to.

TT made an offer to Wells that fit within the Packers' salary cap planning. Wells chose not to accept it, so he left. It does not mean he was right and TT was wrong, it just means they could not agree on a price. It's no different than buying a house. If you offer what you can afford to pay for a house you want, and the seller chooses not to accept your offer, you look for a different house that fits within your budget, and the seller looks for a different buyer with more money to spend.

It's really just a simple business transaction. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not. This year, it worked with Finley but not with Wells. I said all season they would probably be able to keep only one of them, not both. Initially I figured it would be Finley that they would lose, but once I heard the low franchise number for TEs, I thought it more likely they would keep Finley.

It amazes me that fans who have followed successful teams in fixed salary cap sports still get upset and look to place blame on the team when good players are lost. Yet, that same scenario happens over and over again. Good GMs earn their keep by how they control the impact of those losses of good players. It doesn't mean immediately finding players just as good to step in for the ones who left. Sometimes it is achieved by retaining or acquiring players at other positions to improve those positions instead.

03-21-2012, 10:32 AM
Ted Thompson has to really want him and sell coming to Green Bay over Florida... NO! I don't see that happening. Sometimes you might just need to look busy. Just kiddin' 'of course'.

I see Jacksonville showing more entusiasm for Tim Tebow than as I know him. Ted Thompson could ever muster. Sorry but that is just the TRUTH as I've observed our GM in terms of recruiting FA's. TT has too little experience there by design.

I think your view of the results and probable outcome is pretty good. The reasoning, I'm not so sure. Thompson doesn't get desperate very often. He seems to use price vs play as one of his core decision making tools and doesn't seem to get overly excited for many players to the point where he's the highest bidder in UFA.

If each person is given 100 dollars, the guy who finds the best prices can have the most goods. It seems like Thompson isn't so concerned about one spot as he is with the whole picture. It seems like he wants the most talent possible and knows restricted free agents or guys a year early like Jennings, Rodgers, Sitton and Tramon get far better value. By having all of these guys for under value, we can afford more players around them.

Patience seems like a virtue for a GM. Whether I have the exact reason or not can be debated, whether it's true or not can be debated. In the words of Thompson, the proof is ultimately in the pudding. We'll see how much success Thompson has and ultimately, that's his mark. Why exactly, we can argue it, but you seem less credible when you criticize one of the most successful GM's in football. Odds are, you don't know. Odds are, he does.

03-21-2012, 10:51 AM
I think your view of the results and probable outcome is pretty good. The reasoning, I'm not so sure. Thompson doesn't get desperate very often. He seems to use price vs play as one of his core decision making tools and doesn't seem to get overly excited for many players to the point where he's the highest bidder in UFA.

If each person is given 100 dollars, the guy who finds the best prices can have the most goods. It seems like Thompson isn't so concerned about one spot as he is with the whole picture. It seems like he wants the most talent possible and knows restricted free agents or guys a year early like Jennings, Rodgers, Sitton and Tramon get far better value. By having all of these guys for under value, we can afford more players around them.

Patience seems like a virtue for a GM. Whether I have the exact reason or not can be debated, whether it's true or not can be debated. In the words of Thompson, the proof is ultimately in the pudding. We'll see how much success Thompson has and ultimately, that's his mark. Why exactly, we can argue it, but you seem less credible when you criticize one of the most successful GM's in football. Odds are, you don't know. Odds are, he does.

HI JH nice to see you here.

I'm not criticizing TT and anything RE: a possible acquisition of Tim Tebow. I'm merely going by how I observe TT's style as he goes about possibly acquiring a certain player. Of course i do not have the advantage of observing TT up close and personal and as a fan I'm not able to judge TT as he tasks his duties.

I'm not criticising TT and anything negative as TT does his job overall.

He certainly did alot that helped enable us win another Super Bowl.

What I have trouble with is TT's manner...his entusiasm and openness RE: his plan and focus on that as he goes about being the Packer GM.

I cannot criticize a man that has his hands tied in terms of CAP space and what's truly available to him to make a signing possible. Given the fact of OUR CAP space why then? Ever consider certain acqisitions.

Isn't that a waste of time and if I'm missing something in this regard? School me please. Thanks. (-:


03-21-2012, 10:57 AM
It looks like Tebow will join the Evil Jet Empire.


That will be a total fuck-up and end Ryans reign.

03-21-2012, 10:59 AM
It's no different than buying a house. If you offer what you can afford to pay for a house you want, and the seller chooses not to accept your offer, you look for a different house that fits within your budget, and the seller looks for a different buyer with more money to spend..

This is a good analogy. If you spend too much on the house, you can't buy all the other things you want - or might want in the future. Like if you need to spend more on a luxury sedan (Rodgers), or a Dodge Challenger (Finley), or a year or two of the kid's college (Jennings), you won't have the money left over. AND, if you paid more for a house than it's worth, you're going to lose when you sell it. THe analogy kinda breaks down there, but I think you might get the point. Let's hope however, that the Packers don't replace Wells with something with a leaky basement and termites.

03-21-2012, 11:01 AM
It looks like Tebow will join the Evil Jet Empire.


That will be a total fuck-up and end Ryans reign.

Tebow in NYC is like Paul at the Areopagus!

03-21-2012, 11:06 AM
By and large everything you wrote is completely irrelevant in that it ignores the basic fundamental of salary cap roster building - you can't always pay everyone what they want, or even what they are "worth" on the open free agent market.

I have been saying for the last couple years that the Packers were approaching the same situation they had in the mid and late '90s. Enough good young players needing to be re-signed that reliable old ones and/or some young ones looking for second contracts will be lost. That is the way salary caps are supposed to work and do work. Teams that continually find good players don't get to keep all of them as long as they might like to.

TT made an offer to Wells that fit within the Packers' salary cap planning. Wells chose not to accept it, so he left. It does not mean he was right and TT was wrong, it just means they could not agree on a price. It's no different than buying a house. If you offer what you can afford to pay for a house you want, and the seller chooses not to accept your offer, you look for a different house that fits within your budget, and the seller looks for a different buyer with more money to spend.

It's really just a simple business transaction. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not. This year, it worked with Finley but not with Wells. I said all season they would probably be able to keep only one of them, not both. Initially I figured it would be Finley that they would lose, but once I heard the low franchise number for TEs, I thought it more likely they would keep Finley.

It amazes me that fans who have followed successful teams in fixed salary cap sports still get upset and look to place blame on the team when good players are lost. Yet, that same scenario happens over and over again. Good GMs earn their keep by how they control the impact of those losses of good players. It doesn't mean immediately finding players just as good to step in for the ones who left. Sometimes it is achieved by retaining or acquiring players at other positions to improve those positions instead.

What you present here makes such good sense.I agree with you .

What I have a problem with is any spin that Scott Wells was hell bent to get out of a Packer jersey because of any disenchanted attitude. Based on his previous history as a Packer since he was drafted . That Scott Wells left Green Bay primarily because of any negativity in terms of his handling by Packer administration or coach's.

That Scott Wells maintained a negative attitude or ...as one might opinion..' have a chip on his shoulder' doesn't play. That opinion has no strength given al we know of Scott WEll Green Bay Packer.

That 'he left because he had a chip on his shoulder' implys that Scott Wells was leaving us no matter what..... based on some grudge. To take such opinion disregards TRUTH.It might even be characterized as defensive all together of Ted Thompson.

Get rid of that and we get to the TRUTH

I see too much support for the argument that Scott Wells left us because TT didn't offer him the money it would take to keep him as our center. That the Free Agent market offered Scott Wells more might have been made moot if TT had decided to resign him at a mutually agreeable price.

I agree that without more CAP space that TT had his hands tied RE: signing his starting TE and Center. We might argue .Why didn't TT clear more CAP space. I have to believe that TT has a plan and agenda based in his plan. Scott Wells didn't fit into the whole of that plan. Scott Wells was made expendable by TT's plan.

I refuse to swollow that Scott Wells left the Green Bay Packers because he had a chip on his shoulder.

03-21-2012, 11:11 AM
Tebow in NYC is like Paul at the Areopagus!

Nah. Tebow will try to be cool. He'll give Cromartie a pack of rubbers and teach Rex Ryan different ways of pronouncing "Fuck".

The guy will be like a chaplain in prison.

03-21-2012, 11:26 AM
a jet huh!?

03-21-2012, 11:48 AM
It looks like Tebow will join the Evil Jet Empire.


That will be a total fuck-up and end Ryans reign.

that is just awesome. they already have a QB controversy because sanchez sucks. and its already a media circus there

Cheesehead Craig
03-21-2012, 11:56 AM
@JayGlazer Breaking news: Ny Jets have just traded a 4th round pick for Tim Tebow

03-21-2012, 12:05 PM
@JayGlazer Breaking news: Ny Jets have just traded a 4th round pick for Tim Tebow

A three popcorn post!



03-21-2012, 12:29 PM

03-21-2012, 12:43 PM
I cannot criticize a man that has his hands tied in terms of CAP space and what's truly available to him to make a signing possible. Given the fact of OUR CAP space why then? Ever consider certain acqisitions.

Isn't that a waste of time and if I'm missing something in this regard? School me please. Thanks. (-:


Because UFA's get more than they are worth and Ted can get more talent for less money by drafting well and resigning his own players, especially the core ones before their contracts expire. See AR, GJ, Sitton and Tramon. Overpaying means underperforming.

It's not a take/take (get better at no loss) It's a give/take. Give up more talent for less talent. Considering everyone gets the same amount to spend, those who get the most for their money are the best teams.

The NFL is fickle. One injury and your season is done. Rather than go for broke on one season, TT seems to accumlate the most talent over time so he has many chances to win.

If you notice, it's working out pretty well. As long as TT is here, we should be one of teh best, if not the best team in the league.

03-21-2012, 12:50 PM
@JayGlazer Breaking news: Ny Jets have just traded a 4th round pick for Tim Tebow

They just extended Sanchez. I'm surprized at this move but ESPN's Merril Hoge got me thinking that Tim Tebow might end up in a Jet jersey.


Video: Tebow's fit with the Jets

March, 20, 2012
Mar 20 ... 8:25 PM ET

03-21-2012, 01:03 PM
Oh Jesus on a stick! Our regular 4th then. Does it really matter? Sometimes I just want to murder you and suck the marrow from your detail oriented bones.

Suck the marrow out of my detail-oriented bones? That sounds kinda sexy, Skin, but I'm not gay. But wait, I'd be dead anyway, so would it matter to me? Would my soul cringe as I looked down on you from above as you marrow suck? Or would my soul not care because it wouldn't be attached to my body any more, or would my soul decide that marrow sucking is not gay, and anyway are matters of gaiety no longer relevant to a soul unattached to a body?

I'm so confused. All this over a fourth round pick and Timmy Tebow.

03-21-2012, 01:05 PM
Nah. Tebow will try to be cool. He'll give Cromartie a pack of rubbers and teach Rex Ryan different ways of pronouncing "Fuck".

The guy will be like a chaplain in prison.

I am unfamiliar with both prisons and chaplains. Do chaplains in prison also service the prisoners?

03-21-2012, 01:08 PM
Nah. Tebow will try to be cool. He'll give Cromartie a pack of rubbers and teach Rex Ryan different ways of pronouncing "Fuck".

The guy will be like a chaplain in prison.

In New York!!

Tim Tebow.... in a certain circle......

Like the return of J.C.

03-21-2012, 01:17 PM
Earlier, Patler and I worried teams were being far too rational and making doing regular business difficult.

I am not so worried anymore. The Jets are loons.

Its going to look great for half a season as no one will be able to pin down what they are doing with two QBs and two different offenses. But once it gets figured out they will not be able execute efficiently enough to out perform a prepared defense.

But it will be must see TV all season long.

03-21-2012, 01:27 PM
Earlier, Patler and I worried teams were being far too rational and making doing regular business difficult.

I am not so worried anymore. The Jets are loons.

Its going to look great for half a season as no one will be able to pin down what they are doing with two QBs and two different offenses. But once it gets figured out they will not be able execute efficiently enough to out perform a prepared defense.

But it will be must see TV all season long.

Are you describing 'a circus'? 2 Rings.

03-21-2012, 02:51 PM
Evidently there is an issue withn the Tim Tebow trade to the New York Jets and at the end of the day he might still be a BRONCO.

This so called trade was announced prematurely. There are matters involved including $Big Money back to Denver$ and a draft pick or contingencies that need NFL Head office approval. This trade as it was NOT approved may be in violation of league policy.

Denver needs all the money it can get to pay Peyton Manningn No !

It's the NFL that has made this ruling of money back.

03-21-2012, 03:45 PM

Jets’ trade for Tebow hits a snag, could be voided, Rams may get him

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 21, 2012, 3:26 PM EDT

03-21-2012, 03:59 PM
Earlier, Patler and I worried teams were being far too rational and making doing regular business difficult.

I am not so worried anymore. The Jets are loons.

Its going to look great for half a season as no one will be able to pin down what they are doing with two QBs and two different offenses. But once it gets figured out they will not be able execute efficiently enough to out perform a prepared defense.

But it will be must see TV all season long.

...and all is right with the world after all!

- New Orleans is hanged, drawn and quartered.
- SF torches its relationship with last years starting QB, a guy who reportedly lacks a little confidence anyway, and they do it for a last minute long shot to get an old beat-up QB.
- The Texans with a darn good defense can't find a way to hang on to their best player, then practically give away their leader to the shock of his team mates.
- The Bears trade for a guy who might be suspended, and if he isn't could do something new to be suspended, and this is supposed to fix what ails them.
- The 'Skins lose 1/4 of one years salary cap (actually, a little more)
- The Jets keep on being the Jets. Every move or attempted move (Manning) just creates more turmoil.
- Detroit commits an ungodly sum to a WR, and they had cap issues even without it.
- Miami proves itself to be a place no one wants to go to.
- John Elway provides ample reasons for players to mistrust what they are told.

....and those are just off the top of my mind.

What was our concern again? That spoiled rich boys would actually start taking care of their toys? Not a chance.

03-21-2012, 05:25 PM
Ahem....anyone notice that the guy sold a ton of merchandise for the Broncos, helped them to unexpectedly win their division and then led them as they accomplished one of the most memorable victories in the history of their franchise?

The likelihood is that whatever team signs Tebow, their revenue goes up. The NFL is a business, first and foremost, and Denver profited handsomely from Tebow, on and off the field. Any portrayal of Tebow as some kind of cancer is ridiculous.

Objectively, he's been a winner at every level of football, and for his two years in the pros, he's already had remarkable success. Tebow deserves a chance to show what he can do on the field, especially after further coaching and development in the off-season. Maybe he flames out, but whatever team signs him can do so knowing that he will represent the organization well as they count their money made from him on the way to the bank.

I agree that calling him a cancer is too strong. But with such a wave pf public support that depends lightly on on field accomplishments, I think its fair to say he is a walking distraction. And its nothing he is doing directly. Its what he represents. It brings a whole new wave of pressure to a team game that prefers distractions be minimized.

In some ways, its a matter of familiarity. Teams know how to deal with a diva WR or a report of a failed drug test. They don't know what to do with a savior (football related only).

In a way, his experience mirrors Doug Flutie, America's Midget.

03-21-2012, 05:27 PM
Are you describing 'a circus'? 2 Rings.

Well yes, indirectly. But that is not why I want to watch. I like anything that forces teams to do something different. And Tebow has that effect. Its good for the game to have a small revolution every now and again.

In some ways, Tebow's full effect will not be felt until the current generation of assistants get to take Tebow tape and plays and create a new generation of plays from those play ideas.

03-21-2012, 05:29 PM
I am unfamiliar with both prisons and chaplains. Do chaplains in prison also service the prisoners?

Same deal, but in prison you buy an indulgence with cigarettes or other considerations.

03-21-2012, 06:39 PM
...and all is right with the world after all!

- New Orleans is hanged, drawn and quartered.
- SF torches its relationship with last years starting QB, a guy who reportedly lacks a little confidence anyway, and they do it for a last minute long shot to get an old beat-up QB.
- The Texans with a darn good defense can't find a way to hang on to their best player, then practically give away their leader to the shock of his team mates.
- The Bears trade for a guy who might be suspended, and if he isn't could do something new to be suspended, and this is supposed to fix what ails them.
- The 'Skins lose 1/4 of one years salary cap (actually, a little more)
- The Jets keep on being the Jets. Every move or attempted move (Manning) just creates more turmoil.
- Detroit commits an ungodly sum to a WR, and they had cap issues even without it.
- Miami proves itself to be a place no one wants to go to.
- John Elway provides ample reasons for players to mistrust what they are told.

....and those are just off the top of my mind.

What was our concern again? That spoiled rich boys would actually start taking care of their toys? Not a chance.

I feel better about Ted's lack of free agency action regarding Scott Wells now.

And of course, being from the Motor Shitty, my favorite item on the list is the Lions' mortgaging of the future for a wide receiver. Suh, Stafford, and Nate Burleson re-negotiated their contracts to create the room. My guess is that none took a pay cut, but took a deferment that will pay them more down the road. Add to that the mini-spending spree they've been on (Stephen Tulloch for five years, I think, at around four mill a year), and other signings, and I don't see how the Lions can keep it going down the road. To me, they've set themselves up for a small window of opportunity - maybe the next two or three years? After that, it's katy bar the door.

03-21-2012, 07:03 PM
I agree that calling him a cancer is too strong. But with such a wave pf public support that depends lightly on on field accomplishments, I think its fair to say he is a walking distraction

Tebow is respected and popular DUE TO his success on the field. And he earned the attention, and scrutiny, in the NCAA's toughest conference by winning two national championships and setting 5 NCAA, 14 Southeastern Conference, and 28 University of Florida statistical records.

.................................................. .................................................. ..............................
Passing Rushing
Season GP Rating Att Comp Pct Yds TD INT Sack Att Yds TD
2006 14 201.7 33 22 66.7 358 5 1 0 89 469 8
2007 13 172.5 350 234 66.9 3,286 32 6 13 210 895 23
2008 14 172.4 298 192 64.4 2,747 30 4 15 176 673 12
2009 14 155.6 304 213 70.1 2,895 21 5 25 217 910 14
Totals 55 176.0 985 661 67.1 9,286 88 15 53 692 2947 57
.................................................. .................................................. ............................

If he had been a flop on the field in college then no one would have known or cared about him. Last season, his talent and that popularity got him a chance to play and he made the most of that opportunity. And then, his further success made him even more popular.

I don't get the revisionism. Last year happened. It's a fact. His team had success on the field with him as the starting QB and he made a ton of money for his club. Success is a distraction? Distraction from what, losing? His team finished 8-8 and made the playoffs. They did not finish 1-15.

People need to examine why they have a logical disconnect between the Broncos success last season and crediting Tebow as a football player. It's obvious that a lot of it stems from their dislike of Tebow as an outspoken Christian athlete and their rejection of beliefs that he holds precious. If he was a Madden character with no personality and silent about his faith then their reaction to him would be different. But he's not a video game figure or silent about faith and that elicits reponses ranging from outright bigotry to the subtle discrediting of him as a professional football player. Objective reality says that Tebow was successful last year. It's time to just accept that fact. He may fail from this point forward, but last year was a good year for Tebow as a second year pro football player.

03-21-2012, 07:23 PM
Kiwon, some people think Tebow got too much of the credit. He engineered some great comebacks, but in 6 of his 11 starts, the Broncos scored less than 20 points. The Broncos scored more ppg in the games that Orton started than they did in the games that Tebow started. Tebow did a good job of not turning the ball over, but was also helped by the fact that the Broncos defense, which was injury riddled early, played better as the season wore on. Tebow had some great moments, but was wildly inconsistent. I think his admirers tend to overrate him, and his detractors tend to underrate him.

03-21-2012, 07:30 PM
Tebow is respected and popular DUE TO his success on the field. And he earned the attention, and scrutiny, in the NCAA's toughest conference by winning two national championships and setting 5 NCAA, 14 Southeastern Conference, and 28 University of Florida statistical records.

.................................................. .................................................. ..............................
Passing Rushing
Season GP Rating Att Comp Pct Yds TD INT Sack Att Yds TD
2006 14 201.7 33 22 66.7 358 5 1 0 89 469 8
2007 13 172.5 350 234 66.9 3,286 32 6 13 210 895 23
2008 14 172.4 298 192 64.4 2,747 30 4 15 176 673 12
2009 14 155.6 304 213 70.1 2,895 21 5 25 217 910 14
Totals 55 176.0 985 661 67.1 9,286 88 15 53 692 2947 57
.................................................. .................................................. ............................

If he had been a flop on the field in college then no one would have known or cared about him. Last season, his talent and that popularity got him a chance to play and he made the most of that opportunity. And then, his further success made him even more popular.

I don't get the revisionism. Last year happened. It's a fact. His team had success on the field with him as the starting QB and he made a ton of money for his club. Success is a distraction? Distraction from what, losing? His team finished 8-8 and made the playoffs. They did not finish 1-15.

People need to examine why they have a logical disconnect between the Broncos success last season and crediting Tebow as a football player. It's obvious that a lot of it stems from their dislike of Tebow as an outspoken Christian athlete and their rejection of beliefs that he holds precious. If he was a Madden character with no personality and silent about his faith then their reaction to him would be different. But he's not a video game figure or silent about faith and that elicits reponses ranging from outright bigotry to the subtle discrediting of him as a professional football player. Objective reality says that Tebow was successful last year. It's time to just accept that fact. He may fail from this point forward, but last year was a good year for Tebow as a second year pro football player.

That is a fair point, his successes have contributed significantly. If he was just a try hard guy, the coverage would look more like the annual campaign to name a non-Division 1 player the Heisman Trophy winner.

However, he both reaches a demo that does not regularly watch Denver Bronco football and he is celebrated far wider than other young successful college QBs. Cam Newton hasn't pulled the state of Alabama (or Mississippi) into watching the Panthers, Tebow has that impact and I think Newton outplayed him. When the hue and cry for Tebow starting in Week 4-5, Tebow was a completely unknown, awkward NFL QB commodity. The Broncos are used to pressure over the QB position (Elway to Griese to Plummer to Cutler to Orton), they got for more pressure than is typical.

None of this group has carried around their own fan base like Tebow 2 years out of college: John Elway (better early pro), Dan Marino (insanely better pro), Peyton Manning (4 better college years, no Championship), Vinny Testaverde, Matt Leinart, Colt McCoy, Doug Flutie (might be the closest), Steve Young, McMahon, Ty Detmer, Tommie Frazier, Troy Aikman or Vince Young. All had comparable successes. Some were better than Tebow. Only Flutie seemed to carry the goodwill of college in the pros for a significant period of time. Perhaps Jim Kelly had some of this, though he was like a carrot dangling from a stick while he was in the USFL taunting the Bills fans, rather than riding on his Miami rep.

03-21-2012, 08:53 PM
I didn't quite follow the bouncing ball with the $5million that was changing hands?

Initially, the Jets were going to pay the Broncos back the $5mil salary advance, but the NFL said no, so now they're paying half of it? Is that right?

I thought money changing hands during player trades was strictly against the rules?

03-22-2012, 08:09 AM
No I think he means that Ted Thompson for whatever reason didn't make a decent or even marginally close to market value offer to Scott Wells. Scott Wells did all he could for the Green Bay Packers.

He was respected by linemates. Respected and ranked number one on the Packer OL by his own HC, Mike McCarthy.Mike McCarthy couldn't even imagine Scott Wells being unsatisfied in Green Bay.

Why? would he? Scott Wells was an every day come to work and get it done player and a Pro Bowl Center.

Mike McCarthy was surprized that Scott Wels might go elsewhere..but.... if the market afforded him and his Family more money and he said clearly the Scott Wells was certainly entitled and justified in making his best deal or leave Green bay to do that.

This spin that Scott Wells 'had a chip on his shoulder is washed out trumped up irrelevant spin to make TT look good or absolved of any mismanagement of the Scott Wells departure. That is for certain and a nice try but a NO.

Was TT talking to MM at that time RE: Scott Wells? From MM's reaction that Wells might actually depart Green bay does that seem so to you Patler?

HC = left hand...GM = right hand

Was the right hand talking to the left hand RE: anything Scott Wells?

Did Ted thompson care?

It surely seems to me that Scott Wells teammate (Lang cared). It sure seems to me that MM cared.

What on earth do you not agree with in my analysis Patler. Let's pin this down please.

Great, informative post as usual, your changing my opinion of Canadians;)

03-22-2012, 08:15 AM
I'm going to put a line around you. Your neck. And pull it tight until you go down.

Would you like my address, I think that constitutes a threat. I would love to be the first to put Wisconsin's Castle Doctrine to use. Would you prefer I use a .40, .45, or my favorite a mix of double ought buckshot and slugs?

03-22-2012, 09:48 AM
I think his admirers tend to overrate him, and his detractors tend to underrate him.

I agree, but most of the exaggerations and distortions come from his detractors that cannot emotionally separate Tebow the football player from Tebow the Christian athlete. They're bigoted and lose their ability to be objective.

For example, this idiot sportswriter in NYC that says the signing of Tebow threatens women's access to contraception and threatens to turn back the clock on LGBT people 30-40 years? It's lunacy.

03-22-2012, 10:07 AM
That is a fair point, his successes have contributed significantly. If he was just a try hard guy, the coverage would look more like the annual campaign to name a non-Division 1 player the Heisman Trophy winner.

However, he both reaches a demo that does not regularly watch Denver Bronco football and he is celebrated far wider than other young successful college QBs. Cam Newton hasn't pulled the state of Alabama (or Mississippi) into watching the Panthers, Tebow has that impact and I think Newton outplayed him. When the hue and cry for Tebow starting in Week 4-5, Tebow was a completely unknown, awkward NFL QB commodity. The Broncos are used to pressure over the QB position (Elway to Griese to Plummer to Cutler to Orton), they got for more pressure than is typical.

None of this group has carried around their own fan base like Tebow 2 years out of college: John Elway (better early pro), Dan Marino (insanely better pro), Peyton Manning (4 better college years, no Championship), Vinny Testaverde, Matt Leinart, Colt McCoy, Doug Flutie (might be the closest), Steve Young, McMahon, Ty Detmer, Tommie Frazier, Troy Aikman or Vince Young. All had comparable successes. Some were better than Tebow. Only Flutie seemed to carry the goodwill of college in the pros for a significant period of time. Perhaps Jim Kelly had some of this, though he was like a carrot dangling from a stick while he was in the USFL taunting the Bills fans, rather than riding on his Miami rep.

How is Tim Tebow responsible for the reactions of other people? He's a 24-year old man trying to play a game at the next level (with decidely mixed results, btw).

He's not a Svengali or a Hitler with a media spin machine manipulating minds. Fans are responsible for themselves and fickle as anything (c.f. Packer Rats - "Brett Farve" and "Fire Ted Thompson" threads).

03-22-2012, 10:42 AM
I agree, but most of the exaggerations and distortions come from his detractors that cannot emotionally separate Tebow the football player from Tebow the Christian athlete. They're bigoted and lose their ability to be objective.

Could not the inverse be said as well?

03-22-2012, 12:14 PM
How is Tim Tebow responsible for the reactions of other people? He's a 24-year old man trying to play a game at the next level (with decidely mixed results, btw).

He's not a Svengali or a Hitler with a media spin machine manipulating minds. Fans are responsible for themselves and fickle as anything (c.f. Packer Rats - "Brett Farve" and "Fire Ted Thompson" threads).

I said he is not directly responsible. My post questioned why the Jets would bring this on themselves when there are already serious questions about their current starter. It gives them another QB needing development and the vast majority of snaps. A time share arrangement will hold both back.

Signing Tebow is not like signing a vet for backup. He needs work and development even if you are going to run the spread. And it looks like the Jets will only do that part time.

That is poor roster management unless you are convinced one will win out (its possible they are, but the contract extension and then subsequent signing argue otherwise). Then you get to add increased visibility, scrutiny and pressure. Its seems seriously counterproductive.

03-22-2012, 12:18 PM
I agree, but most of the exaggerations and distortions come from his detractors that cannot emotionally separate Tebow the football player from Tebow the Christian athlete. They're bigoted and lose their ability to be objective.

For example, this idiot sportswriter in NYC that says the signing of Tebow threatens women's access to contraception and threatens to turn back the clock on LGBT people 30-40 years? It's lunacy.

There have been plenty of Christian athletes and many very public in their faith on and off the field. Many of them have been adored. The Packers have had several very visible ones. There is a dimension here that is different with Tebow.

Where is the article that maintained Tebow affects access to contraception?

03-22-2012, 01:10 PM
Tebow is not as innocent as Kiwon seems to be advocating. Among other things, was his advertisement with his mom with the tagline "Celebrate Family - Celebrate Life." It overtly refers to his mom's decision not to have an abortion and their views on the subject.

To argue that Tebow bears no responsibility for things he publicly advocates is disingenuous.

03-22-2012, 01:53 PM
To argue that Tebow bears no responsibility for things he publicly advocates is disingenuous.

When you find someone who makes this argument, you will be ready for them.

03-22-2012, 02:23 PM
When you find someone who makes this argument, you will be ready for them.

Smart ass. :) Maybe I am missing the point of the discussion but this was what I read:

he is celebrated far wider than other young successful college QBs.

How is Tim Tebow responsible for the reactions of other people?

Insert my response here, with the minor jump in logic being that what he advocates relates, at least in part, to why he is being "celebrated far wider than other young successful college QBs."

03-22-2012, 02:37 PM
Smart ass. :) Maybe I am missing the point of the discussion but this was what I read:

Insert my response here, with the minor jump in logic being that what he advocates relates, at least in part, to why he is being "celebrated far wider than other young successful college QBs."

fair enough

03-22-2012, 05:29 PM

Special 10-pack: The Tebow trade

Posted by Mike Florio on March 22, 2012, 1:18 AM EDT

03-22-2012, 05:31 PM

Report: Jets promised Drew Stanton they wouldn’t add another QB

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 22, 2012, 6:16 AM EDT

03-22-2012, 05:44 PM

Report: Drew Stanton wants out of New York

Posted by Mike Florio on March 22, 2012, 10:56 AM EDT

03-22-2012, 05:46 PM

NFL Network (http://blogs.nfl.com/category/nfl-network/)
Sapp, Porter show little support for a Tebow trade (http://blogs.nfl.com/2012/03/19/little-support-for-a-tebow-trade/)

By NFL.com Staff (http://blogs.nfl.com/author/nflstaff/) |

Published: March 19th, 2012 | Tags: Tim Tebow (http://blogs.nfl.com/tags/tim-tebow/), Denver Broncos (http://blogs.nfl.com/tag/denver-broncos/), Joey Porter (http://blogs.nfl.com/tag/joey-porter/), Warren Sapp (http://blogs.nfl.com/tag/warren-sapp/)

Warren Sapp Blasts Tebow

http://blogs.nfl.com/2012/03/19/little-support-for-... (http://blogs.nfl.com/2012/03/19/little-support-for-a-tebow-trade/?module=HP11_headline_stack)

03-22-2012, 05:49 PM

Mike Tannenbaum offers more about Tim Tebow’s role with Jets

Posted by Josh Alper on March 22, 2012, 12:11 PM EDT

03-22-2012, 07:54 PM
I agree, but most of the exaggerations and distortions come from his detractors that cannot emotionally separate Tebow the football player from Tebow the Christian athlete. They're bigoted and lose their ability to be objective.

Could not the inverse be said as well?

Yes, it could be said.......without any legitimate evidence to prove the point.

03-22-2012, 09:22 PM
My only problems with Tebow are the fan base that thinks he's a miracle worker or amazed he had some minor success. He's a Heisman athlete, champion, D1 QB drafted in the 1st round. The commercial with his mom, in my opinion, was unnecessary. And the organization is openly anti-gay and anti-choice. THAT makes his support of that org divisive.

Anyone else with those credentials would be EXPECTED to win (and play lights out).

He is a below average passer and presents defenses' challenges with his scrambling and ability to run. Have to give him credit for leadership and will to win.

I just don't get the aw shucks movement. Dude was a 1st rd pick that got dumped for the essentially a 4th round pick.

Now he'll be a backup and a likely distraction for a huge media market.


03-22-2012, 10:03 PM
Yes, it could be said.......without any legitimate evidence to prove the point.

I saw no evidence to support your original point about your supposed knowledge of all tebow detractors. Why the double standard? :)

03-22-2012, 11:55 PM
I said he is not directly responsible. My post questioned why the Jets would bring this on themselves when there are already serious questions about their current starter. It gives them another QB needing development and the vast majority of snaps. A time share arrangement will hold both back.

Signing Tebow is not like signing a vet for backup. He needs work and development even if you are going to run the spread. And it looks like the Jets will only do that part time.

That is poor roster management unless you are convinced one will win out (its possible they are, but the contract extension and then subsequent signing argue otherwise). Then you get to add increased visibility, scrutiny and pressure. Its seems seriously counterproductive.

"This" is a human being and I guess they signed Tebow because Burnell is 150 years old. Tebow will be a backup. I don't think there's any question about it, unless the Jets want to try TT at FB or TE.

I think Tebow could help the locker room and maybe push Sanchez to improve, but who's knows? It's the Jets.

I don't care a wit about the Jets, Sexy Rexy "Toe Sucker" Ryan, or their dysfunctional band of overpaid brothers. If Tebow can thrive in that environment, with a NY media that will be gunning for him, he really is a great man.

I would, however, like to see him "coached up" for a couple of years and then observe him as a starter. It would be fascinating to know if his innate athleticism could be shaped to the point where he fits the NFL's working defintion of a starting QB. That definition is changing quickly, though, with the addition of the likes of Cam Newton and RG3.

03-23-2012, 12:02 AM
I saw no evidence to support your original point about your supposed knowledge of all tebow detractors. Why the double standard? :)

Okay, here's your proof of how irrational religious bigotry clouds one's ability to reason and casually misrepresent the truth:

Tebow is not as innocent as Kiwon seems to be advocating. Among other things, was his advertisement with his mom with the tagline "Celebrate Family - Celebrate Life." It overtly refers to his mom's decision not to have an abortion and their views on the subject.

To argue that Tebow bears no responsibility for things he publicly advocates is disingenuous.


03-23-2012, 02:28 AM
Well Tebow and Arod in GB would have given us the top 2 jersey sellers...now we have to settle for just #1...Goddammit! ;-)

03-23-2012, 04:28 AM
Well Tebow and Arod in GB would have given us the top 2 jersey sellers...now we have to settle for just #1...Goddammit! ;-)

Yeah, that's right. GB would have become "America's Team" for sure. Tebow would be fine as a #2 or #3 and MM would have been creative and flexible enough to install some plays for him. Tebow would enjoy Green Bay, learn from the best QB in football and the Packers would profit from having him.

But his rookie contract became more substantial due to hitting performance escalators and rather pricey for a backup. Like a lot of people, I am puzzled that the Jets wanted him that badly. I wonder if the Jets might not have a plan to use him again in another trade. Who knows?

03-23-2012, 04:36 AM
Yeah, that's right. GB would have become "America's Team" for sure. Tebow would be fine as a #2 or #3 and MM would have been creative and flexible enough to install some plays for him. Tebow would enjoy Green Bay, learn from the best QB in football and the Packers would profit from having him.

But his rookie contract became more substantial due to hitting performance escalators and rather pricey for a backup. Like a lot of people, I am puzzled that the Jets wanted him that badly. I wonder if the Jets might not have a plan to use him again in another trade. Who knows?

Naw...Tebow would be AROD insurance...Jets r retarded giving CrapChize the extension...His own teammates think he's an emo bitch.

03-23-2012, 07:07 AM
Okay, here's your proof of how irrational religious bigotry clouds one's ability to reason and casually misrepresent the truth:

What I posted about that ad came directly from several articles on the subject. I guess that makes me bigoted and emotional in your book.

Even if we assume that I'm "bigoted" and can't "emotionally separate" that doesn't even come close to proving that most of his detractors are the same.

Your posting style is abrasive and often seeks to degrade and belittle ("bigoted") those that don't agree with your position. You dismissed another poster's point by saying there's no proof when you can't possible prove your counterpoint without having first conducted a nationwide poll.

Don't call me a bigot you jackass. You don't know what I believe on the subject.

03-23-2012, 07:56 AM
Calm down, people. Let's get this thread back on track:

Would you do Tebow's mom?

03-23-2012, 08:04 AM
Would you do Tebow's mom?

Even if you ignore the Nancy Reagan smile, that is just way too much makeup.

03-23-2012, 08:51 AM
"This" is a human being and I guess they signed Tebow because Burnell is 150 years old. Tebow will be a backup. I don't think there's any question about it, unless the Jets want to try TT at FB or TE.

I think Tebow could help the locker room and maybe push Sanchez to improve, but who's knows? It's the Jets.

I don't care a wit about the Jets, Sexy Rexy "Toe Sucker" Ryan, or their dysfunctional band of overpaid brothers. If Tebow can thrive in that environment, with a NY media that will be gunning for him, he really is a great man.

I would, however, like to see him "coached up" for a couple of years and then observe him as a starter. It would be fascinating to know if his innate athleticism could be shaped to the point where he fits the NFL's working defintion of a starting QB. That definition is changing quickly, though, with the addition of the likes of Cam Newton and RG3.

Unfortunately for Tebow he is a young man who desperately needs decent QB coaching and I seriously doubt he'll get it in NY.

03-23-2012, 08:56 AM
What I posted about that ad came directly from several articles on the subject. I guess that makes me bigoted and emotional in your book.

Even if we assume that I'm "bigoted" and can't "emotionally separate" that doesn't even come close to proving that most of his detractors are the same.

Your posting style is abrasive and often seeks to degrade and belittle ("bigoted") those that don't agree with your position. You dismissed another poster's point by saying there's no proof when you can't possible prove your counterpoint without having first conducted a nationwide poll.

Don't call me a bigot you jackass. You don't know what I believe on the subject.

I just don't get why folks get all excited about him and his religion. What in the hell does his religion have to do with how he plays football? He does get a lot of attention for a kid that isn't a good QB, probably because of his success in college. He does find a way to pull games out of his ass, I'll give him that. Otherwise I don't give a rip and I almost feel sorry for him. NY is gonna eat him up alive.

03-23-2012, 09:12 AM
"This" is a human being and I guess they signed Tebow because Burnell is 150 years old. Tebow will be a backup. I don't think there's any question about it, unless the Jets want to try TT at FB or TE.

I think Tebow could help the locker room and maybe push Sanchez to improve, but who's knows? It's the Jets.

I don't care a wit about the Jets, Sexy Rexy "Toe Sucker" Ryan, or their dysfunctional band of overpaid brothers. If Tebow can thrive in that environment, with a NY media that will be gunning for him, he really is a great man.

I would, however, like to see him "coached up" for a couple of years and then observe him as a starter. It would be fascinating to know if his innate athleticism could be shaped to the point where he fits the NFL's working defintion of a starting QB. That definition is changing quickly, though, with the addition of the likes of Cam Newton and RG3.

"This" is a predictable media circus. Denver's front office and coaching staff were besieged into starting him at 1-4. There is simply a disconnect between this kind of fan reaction and a team that hired a broken down veteran QB at an astronomical price to allow them to escape having him as their starter. The Denver staff thought so much of his chances in 2011 that he was the 3rd string QB. It was a horrible situation for him and it is to his enormous credit he made hay in the middle of this tornado. But so persuaded by that playoff caliber performance were the Broncos that they bought a Manning lottery ticket.

There is no question Denver wanted no part of him as Fox and Elway did not sign up for a franchise running that offense. Once McDaniels was gone, Tebow's biggest supporter was out of the picture. McDaniels and Tebow may yet have the last laugh as no one knows whether Elway knows what he is doing and Fox's best years are well behind him. Denver's GM is far from proven as well.

On to the Jets: now we seem to be having an argument about next to nothing. Tebow wasn't hired just to be a backup. He will be their wildcat QB and 3rd down option if early stories out of the Jets are true. A backup would need to run the same offense as the starter, Tebow will have his own package. They should keep a third guy to backup Sanchez, but it would need to be a short term deal as Tebow's contract escalates in 13 and 14. The Jets offense looks like the Steelers with Slash Stewart (with Miller and Tomczak) before he took over as starter. Its a mess for a developing QB.

Just think about how you divide practice time between the two and you can imagine the trouble they will have.

The locker room issue is another argument for the Jet's dysfunction. The last guy who called out the team about that problem was summarily dismissed as a problem himself after the team claimed he exaggerated. Then Ryan confessed he was the problem. Now they are admitting there is a problem in the locker room. Which is it and does anyone have any confidence the Jets are in any position to solve it?

There was a report Tebow was offered a choice, but that doesn't mesh with objections the two destination spots had with accepting his contract payback to the Broncos. If the Broncos wanted to do Tebow a favor, he would either have gone to a team that wanted to run an spread offense for him or send him to the Packers or Patriots or Saints where he would have gotten world class instruction.

The Broncos were not willing to commit to Tebow. And the Jets might well be unable to. Tebow's advisors should have made a public stink and forced the Broncos hand about trading him somewhere more favorable.

03-23-2012, 09:18 AM
I just don't get why folks get all excited about him and his religion. What in the hell does his religion have to do with how he plays football? He does get a lot of attention for a kid that isn't a good QB, probably because of his success in college. He does find a way to pull games out of his ass, I'll give him that. Otherwise I don't give a rip and I almost feel sorry for him. NY is gonna eat him up alive.

His faith doesn't have much of anything to do with his play on the field, or it has a lot to do with his play. It depends on your personal views. There have been comments on how his faith seems extend his fan base to people that do not normally follow football very close, which is not all his fault, but he does make a conscious choice to be more vocal/demonstrative about his faith than many other athletes.

The Jets already had a QB controversy on a team that was showing signs of fracturing. Now they don't have a clear path forward and have the look of a runaway train. Hmm, perhaps they are going the -- wrong way on a one-way track -- seems like they should be getting somewhere... That song will be in my head all weekend now.

03-23-2012, 09:19 AM
"This" is a predictable media circus. Denver's front office and coaching staff were besieged into starting him at 1-4. There is simply a disconnect between this kind of fan reaction and a team that hired a broken down veteran QB at an astronomical price to allow them to escape having him as their starter. The Denver staff thought so much of his chances in 2011 that he was the 3rd string QB. It was a horrible situation for him and it is to his enormous credit he made hay in the middle of this tornado. But so persuaded by that playoff caliber performance were the Broncos that they bought a Manning lottery ticket.

There is no question Denver wanted no part of him as Fox and Elway did not sign up for a franchise running that offense. Once McDaniels was gone, Tebow's biggest supporter was out of the picture. McDaniels and Tebow may yet have the last laugh as no one knows whether Elway knows what he is doing and Fox's best years are well behind him. Denver's GM is far from proven as well.

On to the Jets: now we seem to be having an argument about next to nothing. Tebow wasn't hired just to be a backup. He will be their wildcat QB and 3rd down option if early stories out of the Jets are true. A backup would need to run the same offense as the starter, Tebow will have his own package. They should keep a third guy to backup Sanchez, but it would need to be a short term deal as Tebow's contract escalates in 13 and 14. The Jets offense looks like the Steelers with Slash Stewart (with Miller and Tomczak) before he took over as starter. Its a mess for a developing QB.

Just think about how you divide practice time between the two and you can imagine the trouble they will have.

The locker room issue is another argument for the Jet's dysfunction. The last guy who called out the team about that problem was summarily dismissed as a problem himself after the team claimed he exaggerated. Then Ryan confessed he was the problem. Now they are admitting there is a problem in the locker room. Which is it and does anyone have any confidence the Jets are in any position to solve it?

There was a report Tebow was offered a choice, but that doesn't mesh with objections the two destination spots had with accepting his contract payback to the Broncos. If the Broncos wanted to do Tebow a favor, he would either have gone to a team that wanted to run an spread offense for him or send him to the Packers or Patriots or Saints where he would have gotten world class instruction.

The Broncos were not willing to commit to Tebow. And the Jets might well be unable to. Tebow's advisors should have made a public stink and forced the Broncos hand about trading him somewhere more favorable.

This is what could well end up being so sad about this entire affair. Like I said above, I feel sorry for Tebow (But not the Jets. That is one sorry franchise and I'll shed no tears when that bunch implodes.).

03-23-2012, 10:06 AM
Well, there are still legs on the report that Tebow picked the Jets. One report says he thinks Sanchez can be had and the starting spot be claimed.


If he can do that decisively, then many of the roster construction/offensive scheme issues can be eliminated.

03-23-2012, 10:47 AM
Maybe this will help soothe all those who cry about all dem filthy Messicans taking hard working American's jobs. :lol:

03-23-2012, 01:06 PM
Get yours now:


03-23-2012, 02:12 PM
Apparently Tebow hasn't been introduced because the trade did not go through due to a technicality in his contract. Is this the $5million thing again, or something else???

Bring in the clowns!
da-da-dada-da-da, da-da-dada-da-da


03-23-2012, 02:59 PM
Tebow's advisors should have made a public stink and forced the Broncos hand about trading him somewhere more favorable.

Ari Fleisher was available

03-23-2012, 03:05 PM
You know what would be the best??? If Tebow would not sign the re-written contract, the deal fell through and he somehow ended up an FA!!! :drma:

03-23-2012, 03:13 PM
My favorite line of all the posts is this one, from PB: "...or send him to the Packers or Patriots or Saints where he would have gotten world class instruction."

It's been a little while since Packer fans could see the franchise described in this manner...back to Holmgren days.

03-23-2012, 04:13 PM
My favorite line of all the posts is this one, from PB: "...or send him to the Packers or Patriots or Saints where he would have gotten world class instruction."

It's been a little while since Packer fans could see the franchise described in this manner...back to Holmgren days.

http://media.scout.com/Media/Image/28/288841m.jpgI don't like you

03-23-2012, 06:22 PM
Is that the ball boy?

Why don't you like the ball boy?

03-24-2012, 04:50 AM
"This" is a predictable media circus. Denver's front office and coaching staff were besieged into starting him at 1-4. There is simply a disconnect between this kind of fan reaction and a team that hired a broken down veteran QB at an astronomical price to allow them to escape having him as their starter. The Denver staff thought so much of his chances in 2011 that he was the 3rd string QB. It was a horrible situation for him and it is to his enormous credit he made hay in the middle of this tornado. But so persuaded by that playoff caliber performance were the Broncos that they bought a Manning lottery ticket.

There is no question Denver wanted no part of him as Fox and Elway did not sign up for a franchise running that offense. Once McDaniels was gone, Tebow's biggest supporter was out of the picture. McDaniels and Tebow may yet have the last laugh as no one knows whether Elway knows what he is doing and Fox's best years are well behind him. Denver's GM is far from proven as well.

On to the Jets: now we seem to be having an argument about next to nothing. Tebow wasn't hired just to be a backup. He will be their wildcat QB and 3rd down option if early stories out of the Jets are true. A backup would need to run the same offense as the starter, Tebow will have his own package. They should keep a third guy to backup Sanchez, but it would need to be a short term deal as Tebow's contract escalates in 13 and 14. The Jets offense looks like the Steelers with Slash Stewart (with Miller and Tomczak) before he took over as starter. Its a mess for a developing QB.

Just think about how you divide practice time between the two and you can imagine the trouble they will have.

The locker room issue is another argument for the Jet's dysfunction. The last guy who called out the team about that problem was summarily dismissed as a problem himself after the team claimed he exaggerated. Then Ryan confessed he was the problem. Now they are admitting there is a problem in the locker room. Which is it and does anyone have any confidence the Jets are in any position to solve it?

There was a report Tebow was offered a choice, but that doesn't mesh with objections the two destination spots had with accepting his contract payback to the Broncos. If the Broncos wanted to do Tebow a favor, he would either have gone to a team that wanted to run an spread offense for him or send him to the Packers or Patriots or Saints where he would have gotten world class instruction.

The Broncos were not willing to commit to Tebow. And the Jets might well be unable to. Tebow's advisors should have made a public stink and forced the Broncos hand about trading him somewhere more favorable.

Nice long post and very interesting pbmax. Thanks for the effort.

03-24-2012, 04:51 AM
Get yours now:


MUCHO Sales !!!

AND >>>

'Jesus Loves Me' Cellular Ring Tones... become rampantly popular, in 'of all places' ... New York City.

03-26-2012, 08:38 PM
NO! NO! Not another Tebow press conference!! His first as a Jet...

What's that right-wing religious kook going to say this time? (Oh yeah, he sucks as a football player too. That's why they pay him a lot of money.)

He starts, "First and foremost...." :roll: Oh, here it comes, 'my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, blah,blah,blah.' Why can't the NFL shut this guy up? Why does this guy have to be a good person AND actually take his faith seriously? Why can't he be a hypocrite like most of us? It's SO offensive!

Oh well, here comes the psycho babble, "...I want to thank the Broncos for my time in Denver..."

:whaa: What? No reference to Jesus Christ??!! Tim Tebow HAS TO mention Jesus Christ at the start of EVERY press conference!! It's part of the deal that he made with Satan. That's what every insincere, fake-outraged, Christophobic writer and sports fan told me.

Oh no, now I don't know what to believe! Should I take my poster of Tebow on the Cross off my wall?

Tebow's been such a bad boy. He's going to get points taken away from him in Sunday School this week. He'll have to visit with three dying cancer patients tomorrow to make up for this omission.

Oh, the confusion!, the confusion!

Why can't life be easy and just follow along with the sterotypes? Why must people have to think for themselves and make their own value judgments rather than listening to the fears and ill-informed opinions of the ignorant?

Com'on, Tim, give me some hope again!! Can you at least pray in tongues a little while on camera?

03-26-2012, 11:09 PM
I would be more worried, if I was a Jet fan, that the presumptive backup QB is having a press conference at all. Tebow said it was the team's idea and he had to do what his bosses asked.

The circus has come to town.

Does anyone have any clear idea how the Jets were chosen yet? Tebow's camp claimed last week that they had no choice, but he seemed to back off this in the press conference. The Broncos said he was given a choice as did the Jags (and they announced he choose not to go there). But in his remarks, he said the Bronco's had a list of teams who offered similar terms and asked him what he thought.

“They said ‘We have a few teams that are interested, similar deals,’ and he was very gracious to ask me what I thought,” Tebow said Monday of his conversations with the Broncos last week. “I told him I would love to be a Jet, and I told him that, also, the Jaguars are my hometown and whatever was best for them. He said the same for me. Ultimately they had my contract, they had all the power, but he listened to me and what I had to say. It was very gracious of them because they didn’t have to do that. They could have just done whatever but he listened to me and talked to me and I told him I would love to be a Jet.”

So they handed him a list of teams offering acceptable terms and asked him what he thought? Does anyone else read it that way? Or did he mention the Jags without actually saying he was OK with being traded there?

Freak Out
03-27-2012, 01:36 AM
Wait....a Muslim owns the Jags right...? Tebow would never work for a Muslim. Holy War! Wait a sec.....is the guy a Hindu? Polytheism is just as bad.

Cheesehead Craig
03-27-2012, 08:43 AM
I loved the "excited" counter from the press conference ESPN showed last night. 43 times he said he was excited to be with the Jets.

03-27-2012, 10:04 AM
I would be more worried, if I was a Jet fan, that the presumptive backup QB is having a press conference at all. Tebow said it was the team's idea and he had to do what his bosses asked.

The circus has come to town.

Does anyone have any clear idea how the Jets were chosen yet? Tebow's camp claimed last week that they had no choice, but he seemed to back off this in the press conference. The Broncos said he was given a choice as did the Jags (and they announced he choose not to go there). But in his remarks, he said the Bronco's had a list of teams who offered similar terms and asked him what he thought.

So they handed him a list of teams offering acceptable terms and asked him what he thought? Does anyone else read it that way? Or did he mention the Jags without actually saying he was OK with being traded there?

I have a question. Who is Tim Tebow's agent? Can't we get the story straight from him? Based on the press conference, it sure sounded like TT would have been thrilled to end up in Jacksonville.

03-27-2012, 11:08 AM
NO! NO! Not another Tebow press conference!! His first as a Jet...

What's that right-wing religious kook going to say this time? (Oh yeah, he sucks as a football player too. That's why they pay him a lot of money.)

He starts, "First and foremost...." :roll: Oh, here it comes, 'my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, blah,blah,blah.' Why can't the NFL shut this guy up? Why does this guy have to be a good person AND actually take his faith seriously? Why can't he be a hypocrite like most of us? It's SO offensive!

Oh well, here comes the psycho babble, "...I want to thank the Broncos for my time in Denver..."

:whaa: What? No reference to Jesus Christ??!! Tim Tebow HAS TO mention Jesus Christ at the start of EVERY press conference!! It's part of the deal that he made with Satan. That's what every insincere, fake-outraged, Christophobic writer and sports fan told me.

Oh no, now I don't know what to believe! Should I take my poster of Tebow on the Cross off my wall?

Tebow's been such a bad boy. He's going to get points taken away from him in Sunday School this week. He'll have to visit with three dying cancer patients tomorrow to make up for this omission.

Oh, the confusion!, the confusion!

Why can't life be easy and just follow along with the sterotypes? Why must people have to think for themselves and make their own value judgments rather than listening to the fears and ill-informed opinions of the ignorant?

Com'on, Tim, give me some hope again!! Can you at least pray in tongues a little while on camera?

Awesome candor courtesy of 'a long time associate' of many Packerrats. Commentary on Tim Tebow :

a) Why can't he be a hypocrite like most of us? It's SO offensive!

b) Oh no, now I don't know what to believe! Should I take my poster of Tebow on the Cross off my wall?

c) Why must people have to think for themselves and make their own value judgments rather than listening to the fears and ill-informed opinions of the ignorant?

and ...... your favourite Kiwon quote from above is ?

03-27-2012, 11:31 AM
I have a question. Who is Tim Tebow's agent? Can't we get the story straight from him? Based on the press conference, it sure sounded like TT would have been thrilled to end up in Jacksonville.

I don't know who his agent is. But the quotes I saw were quite limited about his enthusiasm for Jacksonville. Were there other statements he made about it?

The thinking is that faced with a choice between the Jets and Jacksonville, he choose the Jets because they seemed unified in wanting him aboard. Jacksonville had the owner driving the process through a front office who were described as reluctant. They had already declined to draft him.

03-27-2012, 12:11 PM
I don't know who his agent is. But the quotes I saw were quite limited about his enthusiasm for Jacksonville. Were there other statements he made about it?

The thinking is that faced with a choice between the Jets and Jacksonville, he choose the Jets because they seemed unified in wanting him aboard. Jacksonville had the owner driving the process through a front office who were described as reluctant. They had already declined to draft him.

pbmax Tim Tebow's agent is Jimmy Sexton.


There's this:


I've been following this story and it seemed to me that tim Tebow expresed a certain interest in playing in Florida. That fact simply makes sense given his past. I'm not sure why? his landing on his feet as an NFL QB again in the NY Jets organization is an issue.

It seems to me that Tim Tebow is and should be a very happy camper to be signed to 'a NY Jet' contract. Given the status of Mark Sanchez and his position to have to defend against anonomous Jet player allegations of his less than complete competence last season. Tim Tebow may realistically hope that he'll be a NO. 1 QB with the New York Jets.

His preference of Jag's over Jets is now moot.

03-27-2012, 01:23 PM


03-28-2012, 07:56 PM

Revis says Jets’ locker room is in “disarray”

Posted by Mike Florio on March 28, 2012, 2:43 PM EDT

03-29-2012, 10:54 AM

D’Brickashaw Ferguson: Jets locker room is getting better

Posted by Josh Alper on March 29, 2012, 11:35 AM EDT

Freak Out
06-08-2012, 06:08 PM
Well it sounds like Ryan has started worshiping Tebow's feet....how long before he names him starter?

06-08-2012, 07:56 PM

06-08-2012, 08:26 PM
Well it sounds like Ryan has started worshiping Tebow's feet....how long before he names him starter?
Haha!! Best post of the offseason!!!

06-08-2012, 10:23 PM
Well it sounds like Ryan has started worshiping Tebow's feet....how long before he names him starter?

I heard personal peticures were part of his signing bonus. Ryan likes that personal touch with his players ya know.

03-16-2015, 02:13 PM
Tebow visiting the Eagles. Crazy Genius Chip Kelly might just have to drop the Genius label...pending facts/future results, of course.

Tony Oday
03-16-2015, 02:43 PM
Tebow visiting the Eagles. Crazy Genius Chip Kelly might just have to drop the Genius label...pending facts/future results, of course.

Never hurts to have God on your side ;)

03-16-2015, 03:41 PM
and now they saw the cluster fuck that tebow brought to the team and have now decided they don't want him

03-16-2015, 04:25 PM
Sanchez just had to go "Oh no, not again!" lol

03-16-2015, 04:30 PM

D’Brickashaw Ferguson: Jets locker room is getting better

Posted by Josh Alper on March 29, 2012, 11:35 AM EDT

A ... Back To The Future Check.

I was reading this thread backwards.

03-16-2015, 04:55 PM
Well, honestly they don't have enough QB's. Bradford, Sanchez, Matt Barkley, GJ Kinne (whoever that is), and possibly Tebow. Perhaps Chip has convinced Tebow to play another position?

03-17-2015, 11:36 AM

03-17-2015, 09:19 PM
Sanchez just had to go "Oh no, not again!" lol

Sanchez probably wanted him. With the Jets Sanchez was great at 3 and out, direct snap to protector (tebow) for a first down, sanchez 2 downs, no gain, Tebow wildcat for a first down. Sanchez with only play of drive....3 yard TD pass to TE.