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View Full Version : Never Thought I'd say it......Go 'boys

12-25-2011, 04:47 AM
Next week, The Cowboys meet the Giants for the Division Title. Too bad it is in New Jersey. Don't know much about romo's injury yet.

The way it's shaping up, the Giants will be coming to Lambeau if they get past the Wild card game for the divisional game. I can't see Detroit beating the Giants at home.

I would dread that scenario. They play outdoors, are tough as nails and know how to win at Lambeau.

We can always hope Atlanta wins one more, since they would have a head to head tiebreaker against the Lions. That would send Them to New Jersey (In the case of a 'boys loss) and the Lions to New Orleans. I like Atlanta against the Giants better than Suh and Stafford. Either way, they are both dome teams.

Go Cowboys!

12-25-2011, 09:36 AM
good thoughts; I"d rather not play the Giants either.

12-25-2011, 10:19 AM
I would take the giants over detroit. Det has a better pass rush and better offense.

King Friday
12-25-2011, 11:05 AM
I don't fear the Lions run game outside of their dome though. In an outdoor environment, I'll take Rodgers and the Packer offense over Stafford and the Lions any day. The Giants pose a greater threat in Lambeau...they have the big physical RBs that can churn out yards in poor weather conditions and are used to playing outdoors. Here is how I would rank our likely competition in terms of who stands the best chance of knocking off Green Bay in Lambeau.

1. Saints
2. 49ers
3. Giants
4. Lions
5. Falcons

I also like sending Detroit to New Orleans for round 1 because it gets rid of one of the potent offenses and one of the teams with a lot of momentum currently. Both of those teams are playing great right now and are hungry...don't really want to have to face both to get to the Super Bowl, since I'm not sure our defense could survive it.

12-25-2011, 11:31 AM
Next week, The Cowboys meet the Giants for the Division Title. Too bad it is in New Jersey. Don't know much about romo's injury yet.

The way it's shaping up, the Giants will be coming to Lambeau if they get past the Wild card game for the divisional game. I can't see Detroit beating the Giants at home.

I would dread that scenario. They play outdoors, are tough as nails and know how to win at Lambeau.

We can always hope Atlanta wins one more, since they would have a head to head tiebreaker against the Lions. That would send Them to New Jersey (In the case of a 'boys loss) and the Lions to New Orleans. I like Atlanta against the Giants better than Suh and Stafford. Either way, they are both dome teams.

Go Cowboys!

I am not really worried about either team in the playoffs.

Eli and Romo can have hot stretches of a game but look at Eli's stats yesterday and for the year.

9-27 for 225 1 TD and 1 INT. Take away the 99 TD that should have been a 10 yard completion but with 2 horrible miss tackles and your QB goes 9-27 for 115 and 1 INT.

How a QB throws for 4,600 yards and barely completes 60% of his passes is mind boggling. Well he has 83 more attempts than AR that would explain why he has more yards.

12-25-2011, 03:07 PM
Good point on the dome, which is why I don't fear NO much, just another shoot out, and if they blitz Arod will benefit. My concern with Det is the third game of any season seems like more of a crap shoot than the first or second.

12-26-2011, 11:21 AM
I don't fear the Lions run game outside of their dome though. In an outdoor environment, I'll take Rodgers and the Packer offense over Stafford and the Lions any day. The Giants pose a greater threat in Lambeau...they have the big physical RBs that can churn out yards in poor weather conditions and are used to playing outdoors. Here is how I would rank our likely competition in terms of who stands the best chance of knocking off Green Bay in Lambeau.

1. Saints
2. 49ers
3. Giants
4. Lions
5. Falcons

I also like sending Detroit to New Orleans for round 1 because it gets rid of one of the potent offenses and one of the teams with a lot of momentum currently. Both of those teams are playing great right now and are hungry...don't really want to have to face both to get to the Super Bowl, since I'm not sure our defense could survive it.

I'm not arguing you, but here is my "fear" list to play:
1. 49ers (beat down running game and tough defense)
2. Giants (bradshaw getting healthy, DL ate us up before)
3. Falcons (Turner might run the ball 50 times in GB, and they are resembling a 2010 GB team that got hot and made a run)
4. Saints (Their offense isn't a lot different than us, but they like speed in the routes, may hurt them on ice)
5. Lions (Their offense just doesn't worry me. not much of a running game, stafford can be a head case. defense could hold us to 17 points though)

12-26-2011, 11:42 AM
How good is the NFC when the Saints probably won't be getting a first round bye? I like how this is setting up.

12-26-2011, 11:58 AM
Here's my order, starting with the teams I fear most:
1) Giants (Great pass rush, plays outdoors, excellent running game)
2) Falcons (Great running back that can get it done outdoors)
3) 49ers (Alex Smith doesn't scare me at all, but their defensive line and Gore could spell disaster)
4) Lions (For some reason, they find a way to win)
5) Saints (I would fear them in New Orleans, but with Brees small hands...he'll struggle to throw in bad weather)
6) Cowboys (No running game, no offensive line, no secondary)

12-26-2011, 12:46 PM
Well the list of teams to fear is growing every week. Tar has added the Giants to the 49ers and Saints. Maybe we should put together a wish list of teams we would be willing to play? :wink:

The only team I fear is our squad of injured. If Pickett and either Bulaga/Clifton can play and play well in the playoffs, then we will be discussing who to fear in the AFC.

12-26-2011, 02:26 PM
Well the list of teams to fear is growing every week. Tar has added the Giants to the 49ers and Saints.

I don't really fear any of the dome teams at the Frozen Tundra, nor do I fear Smith there. The teams that scare me most are the Packers D (great catch PB!) and the Giants, for reasons mentioned.

If Pickett and either Bulaga/Clifton can play and play well in the playoffs, then we will be discussing who to fear in the AFC

I hope we have this discussion, PB!

12-26-2011, 04:04 PM
How good is the NFC when the Saints probably won't be getting a first round bye? I like how this is setting up.

It's looking very good for Green Bay. Can any or all of the teams beat them in Lambeau? Probably. Will they? Most likely not. They've been very good in their big games this year, especially at home.

12-26-2011, 04:07 PM
It's looking very good for Green Bay. Can any or all of the teams beat them in Lambeau? Probably. Will they? Most likely not. They've been very good in their big games this year, especially at home.

They beat Atlanta, Detroit, and New York on their turf. New Orleans at Lambeau in much better weather was a tough game. I've been impressed by the Niners, the only playoff team they haven't faced, but I don't think they match up all that well against GB.

George Cumby
12-26-2011, 04:25 PM
Yes, most of those teams pose some problems. But none of them are un-flawed. All are very beatable. Especially at home on the Tundra.

12-26-2011, 05:44 PM
good thoughts; I"d rather not play the Giants either.

If the Giants have Osi, Tuck and Pierre-Paul healthy, they're no different than 2007 when they had Strahan and a young Osi/Tuck combo. The Packers, Patriots and Saints absolute worst matchup would be a healthy Giants team. Eli Manning is incredibly underrated IMO. They scare the shit out of me. Another week without Osi. . . . Boy, I hope they lose before he gets healthy. No other team in the league has three elite pass rushers. Every one of those guys is Clay Matthews caliber.

Harlan Huckleby
12-26-2011, 05:52 PM
I would dread that scenario. They play outdoors, are tough as nails and know how to win at Lambeau. Dread? Why do we watch football if not for entertainment, and there is nothing more entertaining than seeing the packers rise to challenge of a tough opponent. The packers will be favored in every game, how safe do you need it?

I just can't understand the fear of losing. Its dissapointing, but nobody comes and repossesses your car. I don't want the Packers to advance by luck of the draw, I want them to play and beat the best. Its only a game on TV.

Harlan Huckleby
12-26-2011, 05:59 PM
but with Brees small hands...he'll struggle to throw in bad weather


12-26-2011, 06:52 PM

tell me i'm wrong?

12-26-2011, 07:00 PM
. Dread? Why do we watch football if not for entertainment [...]Its only a game on TV.

You obviously are not an NFL owner, so wouldn't expect you to understand.

12-26-2011, 07:07 PM
Maybe we should put together a wish list of teams we would be willing to play.

Good idea! I feel good about the Bucs, Jags, Raiders, Bills and Browns. Everyone else will exploit all our weaknesses! ;/

Harlan Huckleby
12-26-2011, 08:18 PM
tell me i'm wrong?

I don't believe Brees would be (arguably) the best NFL passer the last several years if small hands were an issue. Not buying your scouting report.

12-26-2011, 08:18 PM
Good idea! I feel good about the Bucs, Jags, Raiders, Bills and Browns. Everyone else will exploit all our weaknesses! ;/

What about the Chiefs? ;)