View Full Version : February, 29th

01-06-2012, 11:23 PM
This year, the 29th of February falls on a Wednesday. A work day for the average salary paid pleb.

What does that mean? Robbery, that's what. Employers get an extra day's service for nought. It has no impact for workers paid hourly.

The poor executive that had to suffer through all the college parties, the same one that now has a med-high 5-6 figure salary from which the highest of taxes in the land are deducted, that executive that has been given extra responsibility to maintain his/her company car, that very same executive that oftentimes returns home to the family bosom with insidious jetlag after weeks of entertaining clients with no regard for their own livers will now be forced into the charitable donation of an extra working day.

In a career that will spand 32 or more years, these poor creatures will donate nearly 2 working weeks on account of the planetory system.

No wonder there is so much coronary disease among them!