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08-17-2006, 10:11 PM
Did you pay for college yourself? If so, how did you manage the debt and get out of it?

Scott Campbell
08-17-2006, 10:28 PM
I had some help, but paid for most of it. I always held a job, and had about $10K in debt when I got done.

08-17-2006, 11:10 PM
Student loan. Just made my last payment two months ago. I've been paying it off ($200+/month) since 1994.

08-17-2006, 11:19 PM
What sort of loans did you guys get?

08-17-2006, 11:19 PM
Student loans. Still paying and will be doing so for a while. Parents helped out a little, but they kept careful track of the expenditure, and I paid them back.

08-17-2006, 11:32 PM
What sort of loans did you guys get?

I think all of mine were/are Stafford Loans. Federal money which you get from filling out the FAFSA.

08-17-2006, 11:34 PM
What sort of loans did you guys get?

It's been so long I barely remember. I think they were Stafford Loans to begin with.

08-18-2006, 12:29 AM
I work and go to school, so I pay for a lot of my tuition. My parnets do help though when I need it. Also, I do get some governemet aid because I come from a one income house hold and that income isn't that big lol.

08-18-2006, 12:53 AM
I worked during my college years and also took out a loan.......luckily it was not a huge loan....paid off in about 5 yrs. I fell into a golden opportunity due to where I lived at the time. First two years I registered through a Jr. college that had a contract set up with a neighboring State to offer classes there. First two years took classes at one of two private colleges where I was paying a fraction of the price per class that my fellow classmates were paying. Last two years transferred out of state to finish my degree. I had great times in college but I was more concerned about getting that degree without having huge debt hanging over my head.

08-18-2006, 06:57 AM
I got the usual loans which I was paying off for a long time (Stafford and SLS), but I also got a couple of Pell Grants. The good news is you don't have to pay them back. The bad news is you have to be dirt poor to get them. Scholarships are something to look into too.

Scott Campbell
08-18-2006, 08:27 AM
What sort of loans did you guys get?

I don't exactly remember either. I think they may have been Stafford. Rate was around 5%.

I remember graduating, and getting the payment coupon book in the mail shortly thereafter.

08-18-2006, 08:34 AM
Paid my own way thru school.

Now for my daughters, here in the great state of New Mex., the have a lottery scholarship program, where if you are a New Mex high school grad, you get 4 years of in state college tuition paid for, great program.

08-18-2006, 04:13 PM
Just finished and got a letter in the mail saying that I was $22,476 in debt. :shock: I'm gonna procrastinate and go to grad school. :lol:

08-18-2006, 04:25 PM
Just finished and got a letter in the mail saying that I was $22,476 in debt. :shock: I'm gonna procrastinate and go to grad school. :lol:

Just what madison needs, another grad student... :wink:

08-18-2006, 04:32 PM
Just finished and got a letter in the mail saying that I was $22,476 in debt. :shock: I'm gonna procrastinate and go to grad school. :lol:

Just what madison needs, another grad student... :wink:

I'm a native, so it doesn't matter.

08-18-2006, 04:36 PM
I'm a naked, so it doesn't matter.


08-21-2006, 12:00 AM
My folks and I had the 50/50 arrangement. I paid for my half by working full time during the summers and taking out student loans. My parents paid for the other half.


08-21-2006, 12:26 AM
I paid my way throught college w/o student loans.

The day I turned 15 1/2 I got my work permit and averaged working 25+ hours per week in the HS year and in the 50-60 hour per week range in the summers. Was very responsible back then and saved my way. Obviously I didn't have much fun at all in high school cause I was working weekends, but I didn't have any college debt after graduating.

08-21-2006, 05:20 AM
What is college?

08-21-2006, 05:55 AM

08-21-2006, 07:43 AM
Did you pay for college yourself? If so, how did you manage the debt and get out of it?


I had a car and expences "the whole nine yards", when I started University. A plan to just get a Teaches Certificate - one full year. Including two Summer Sessions. That would have had to be re-newed after five years, and I was doing well Academically so. . . .

I tried to push for my degree, due to circumstances (in only one to one and a half) more years. Duuuuu !! Ran out of dough and had to apply for a loan.

That wasn't the big problem then.

Talk about burnout/overload? I register'd for nine courses in the second year's Fall Session. Not the plan.

I was at a University away from the woman I loved (her in a bad depresion) as her daughter was killed by a drinking driver, in May of the first year. A year where I did 15 courses and my TEACHER's Practicum (Internship). I did extremely well throughout that first year, despite enormous stress. Superman all speed ahead. . .

In Sept. of the second Fall term, the Campus Medicle Nurse told me to go home for at least a week or Ten days, because I was suffering burnout and medicle stress.She was nice and said " I was completely run down". I was acting less than prudently, pushing the envelope.

Also she advised me to get on a program of Stress relieving Vitamin B.Remember that Partial.

It took three years to get a full degree. I did have over a dozen extra credits, as I was awarded the highest Experience Credit (42) of any student in the history of the Education Institution.

My last term was only 4 courses and I was bored to death. :mrgreen:

It really pays off Partial, to work part time, so you can eat well. Don't neglect yourself. That will get you.

Many University students are in a state of neglect. They waste money socializing ( partying ) I am guilty of that also. my friends at University were almost half my age. One of them is still my BEST friend of 20 years.

I'm the most fun to hang with - still am. People talk about having fun and i yaaaauuunnn. Most people don't have a clue what living life and fun means. Young men always gravitate to me. I can't deal with stuck in the mud boring, (flat) set in their ways, ultra - concervative males. Blaaaaa !!The living DEAD!


Now if you are somehow managing on a mimimum Government Guranteed Student Loan fr. a Financial Institution and (not working part time) keep that LOAN as LOW as possible.

When you get out with your Diploma/Degree pay that sucker off, ASAP.

Put that LOAN behind you as a top priority.

Don't - DON"T - run it up and punch it out - ASAP.

GOOD LUCK, Partial. :mrgreen:

08-21-2006, 10:17 AM
Paid it 100%.

First year was covered by high school job savings and scholarships.

Second/Third year covered mainly by grants (parents weren't rich) and loans (Stafford).

Worked 100+ hours/week in the my last two summers selling books door-door, made a ton a cash (believe it or not) - had enough money to not work during school, graduate early/ontime, party my ass off and not 'need' the loans. Since the interest rate was so low (not really anymore), I took every loan someone would give me (essentially cheap money).

I'm still paying the min on my loans but only have like $5K left.

08-21-2006, 10:40 AM
Paid it 100%.

First year was covered by high school job savings and scholarships.

Second/Third year covered mainly by grants (parents weren't rich) and loans (Stafford).

Worked 100+ hours/week in the my last two summers selling books door-door, made a ton a cash (believe it or not) - had enough money to not work during school, graduate early/ontime, party my ass off and not 'need' the loans. Since the interest rate was so low (not really anymore), I took every loan someone would give me (essentially cheap money).

I'm still paying the min on my loans but only have like $5K left.

Your a smart young MAN.I really wish YOU every sucess you will get Fosco33.

jack's smirking revenge
08-21-2006, 11:22 AM
Partial soccer scholarship, family help for my first three years of college. Once I quit the team, I had to take on student loans for the last two years and work 30-40 hours a week while going to school full-time (trivia for you: anyone in GB remember the old Sentry grocery store on Main Street, right down from Kroll's? I was a manager there for a few years in the mid-90s).

The cost was so hefty those last two years that I'm still paying it off and don't think that bill will EVER go away.


jack's smirking revenge
08-21-2006, 11:25 AM
Paid my own way thru school.

Now for my daughters, here in the great state of New Mex., the have a lottery scholarship program, where if you are a New Mex high school grad, you get 4 years of in state college tuition paid for, great program.

THAT is an AMAZING benefit. Kudos to New Mexico for recognizing the value of education. Wish more states were like that!


08-21-2006, 03:59 PM
Go to jail for a year, then you will get all the assistance you need.

jack's smirking revenge
08-21-2006, 04:45 PM
Go to jail for a year, then you will get all the assistance you need.

And I'll come out buffed, re-educated and loosed.... what a deal!
