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05-09-2012, 12:55 PM
No I am not going to be no stinking mod. Skin is determined I will give him that. I just don't think it is fair to keep these posters away from my greatness. I am a man of the people.
Sad to hear but alas you speak the truth, your public awaits.....

05-09-2012, 01:27 PM
No I am not going to be no stinking mod. Skin is determined I will give him that. I just don't think it is fair to keep these posters away from my greatness. I am a man of the people.

What the fuck am I determined to do?

Deputy Nutz
05-09-2012, 04:17 PM
You keep your fucking mouth shut!!! I am doing the speaking for us from now on.

05-09-2012, 04:38 PM
I am doing the speaking for us from now on.

Fine by me.

Deputy Nutz
05-09-2012, 04:50 PM
Go fix me a chicken pot pie.

Cheesehead Craig
05-09-2012, 04:52 PM
Go fix me a chicken pot pie.

Per the original rules of the Meadow, since Skin has conceded the argument to Deputy Nutz, Nutz does get to claim his reward by having Skin make him a chicken pot pie.

Without rules, the Meadow would simply delve into chaos.

05-09-2012, 05:25 PM
You keep your fucking mouth shut!!! I am doing the speaking for us from now on.

Craig, you think domestic violence rules needs to be made?

05-09-2012, 06:25 PM
Good manners and good taste don't live in your head. They live in the social world around you. You have been making long, sincere, well-meaning posts describing how you are a decent person and that you want to reconcile with others. The problem is that people don't want to hear it. It is repetitive, uncomfortable, unnecessary. Therefore, in the social world, rather than in your own internal logic, you are behaving with very bad manners and bad taste.

I think you are a very decent person, and maybe you are very smart. It is not decent or smart to keep trying to convince others you are decent and smart.

You need to stop, completely and immediately, lecturing others about peace and harmony. It is not producing peace and harmony, which surely you can see. It is only defending yourself and reassuring yourself. This is narcissistic, not genuinely doing anything positive for people around you. Since you are in fact a very genuine & decent person, then you need to walk-the-walk and STOP talking about yourself.

I know this is true. But you have to ACT on this by doing the hardest thing of all: step back and honestly observe how your behavior is affecting people people. Listen to the feedback.

Some people here think you are an asshole. I sure don't, and many others want to accept you into the family here. Even the ones who hate you, like Joemailman, will be back to accepting & appreciating you as a quirky uncle from the nord if you will just shut up a little bit. Well, a lot, you have been spamming the forum in unsuccessful attempt to salve the awful pain of rejection you are undoubtably feeling.

AND here's my unsolicited advice to others: if somebody is bugging you, just try the ignore list. I put Woody on ignore because he was getting on my nerves, it really works marvelously, as Romney would say. I can't resist a train wreck, poked my nose back in here to deliver my Dr. Phil speech. I'm sure I will remove Woody from my ignore list after this kerfuffle dies down.

I'll accept the Free Therapy. Getting all that and being IGNORED at the same time.


Cheesehead Craig
05-09-2012, 07:23 PM
Craig, you think domestic violence rules needs to be made?

For those 2? It's like our own 50 Shades of Grey.

05-09-2012, 08:45 PM
For those 2? It's like our own 50 Shades of Grey.

You are so gay.

05-09-2012, 08:46 PM
Go fix me a chicken pot pie.

I hope from frozen is fine.

05-09-2012, 11:04 PM
I hope from frozen is fine.

I think he meant from scratch. Got any chickens around?

05-10-2012, 06:23 AM
I think he meant from scratch. Got any chickens around?

I would make a mom joke here, but then Madtown would ban me.

Harlan Huckleby
05-10-2012, 08:16 AM
1 chicken, plucked & cubed
1 ounce pot, destemmed
1 can cream o mushroom soup
1 decent joke, inserted here, help

05-10-2012, 08:33 AM
I'll accept the Free Therapy. Getting all that and being IGNORED at the same time.


Harlan how can you justify analyzing me and then offering me remedial therapy and just up and toss me to 'the mean streets'?

Isn't that what you do by IGNORING me Harlan? I believe it's Scott Campbell's point is that to IGNORE is 'a cope out'. I see his point but in certain cases it is a solid strategy.

If you even imagine you could stick to placing me on IGNORE. How credible are you as 'an amature therapist' that ignores observation of your client and necessary follow-up. As a measure to speed up your remedial training. To just how and what to post at Packerrats?

I believe we should be able to express a defense at Packerrats with a manner of conduct that is sensable Harlan.

My concern is overwhelming me Harlan. How will I manage without you? How could you so cruelly leave me 'to the dogs'? ***

Hey Harlan this does not come as any surprize to you. You fricken well know me here man. I'm a BIG BOY and as tough as they come. I learned this a long time ago. I'll always end up fighting my own fight. I'll always have to smile at the results. I'll not ever choose to fight 'a losing line'.

That's sanity Harlan.

Your damn right I'm bright. If GOD granted you through the parents and geneology I was blesed with!? Should you ever abuse your gifts? Please Harlan.

Don't attempt to use any penny games to discredit my intelligence. Don't act the fool as I have always had your back or supported you whenever your ass was being bitten.

My intelligence...'that fact' doesn't have to do with anything downgraded as narcissistic or any other bullshit propaganda trumped up CRAP. As much as 'it's a fact of life' and woodbuck27. I do not wear a mask here or anywhere else ...never did.

We're 'off track' Harlan !! This has never been about me or you or any individual here as a member of Packerrats.

Let's try to FOCUS on something other than who hates me, or 'anything me'. I don't care about nonsence. If some member hates me at Packerrats that's their problem NOT mine or OURS man.

Let's get to Packerrats and how we can help Mad.

What's the FOCUS of this thread Harlan?

I believe in a place called 'The Meadow'.

A place of greater understanding for members at Packerrats.

A place without hostility... as hostility serves nothing.

05-10-2012, 08:40 AM
Scott Campbell was obviously the problem in this equation. I'm so glad he was driven off so we can enjoy a much more meaningful experience here.

Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!

Harlan Huckleby
05-10-2012, 08:45 AM
Harlan how can youn justify analyzing me and rhen offering me remedial therapy and just up and tossing me to 'the mean streets'? I owe you nothing. I offer you advice because I think you are a decent person. You ignore my advice, your perogative. Goodbye.

Harlan Huckleby
05-10-2012, 08:48 AM
Scott Campbell was obviously the problem in this equation.
Not a black/white situation. SC has made several situations worse. I agree with you that his loss would be disappointing.

05-10-2012, 08:57 AM
Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!

Marie Callendars makes a good frozen.

05-10-2012, 09:03 AM
That's kind of the problem. Meanwhile, it looks like we just lost another great poster or two. No offense to you as a person, but that's not exactly a desirable outcome if I were trying to run a forum.

Wait ..who did we lose? I respect you Man what are you imagining?

We didn't lose anyone SkinBasket. Why would you imagine such a thing?

The last thing we need now at Packerats is to lose one single member.

I do NOT believe that's the TRUTH. I certainly stand opposed to that if it's a fact. We need all of our members. We also need to grow.

Sometimes hard measures must be melded out for a better outcome to be inspired. If your referring to Scott Campbell and myrayrand I'm wondering where they are but I believe that soon we will have them both back here posting the best they can.

05-10-2012, 09:07 AM
Scott Campbell was obviously the problem in this equation. I'm so glad he was driven off so we can enjoy a much more meaningful experience here.

Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!

"Scott Campbell was obviously the problem in this equation. I'm so glad he was driven off ...." Skinbasket

Ohh you of so little faith. (-: and that's OK 'my fellow'.

SkinBasket that isn't likely 'the case' MAN.

05-10-2012, 09:13 AM
Not a black/white situation. SC has made several situations worse. I agree with you that his loss would be disappointing.

Hey Harlan you and I have had good doses of Scott Campbell and had to handle him; but 'no way' would either of us want to see that member NOT at Packerrats.

I noted in his profile that he elected 'deceased' as his location. That's Scott Campbell humour.

Scott Campbell is just doing his thing now. He will be back as BIG as ever. So will myrayrand.

I sincerely know that will be. It's a 'no brainer'.

05-10-2012, 09:26 AM
I owe you nothing. I offer you advice because I think you are a decent person. You ignore my advice, your perogative. Goodbye.

I do not ignore anyone's advice that I respect. You damn well know I've always endeavoured to respect you as I owe anyone that respect on a fair shake basis Harlan.

Sudddenly your acting even too strange for me to figure out. I mean WTF Harlan.

I read your analysis and advice to me and I slept on it and I will certainly NOT ignore it. Was all you wrote relevant to me? Hardly Sir..... Sorry buddy but ..NO!

I refuse to accept 'a false implication of me in any terms related to a mentle illness or personality disorder'.

That characterization of me is not at all the TRUTH Harlan. Can you 'just' get that? What good does such banal pegging do anyway for any society? Gee it's so easy. You don't have a proper response so you simply IGNORE a person or label him/her. Yup I can't get that person to do exactly what I want. So that person is CRAZY. We all do it at times and each time we get there...... we're wrong.

That's 'excuse me for once'... 'FUCKING CRAP' in the highest regard.

See what you and I are engaged in Harlan:

Your a bright guy Harlan. Isn't what you and I are doing now.

Reflecting 'exactly to more less'.... as 'the Meadow' should function?

To allow a meeting of two minds...to work out the only thing that's usually necessary for any relationship to survive.

A compromise. (-; Am I reaching you with decent sense Harlan?

05-10-2012, 09:38 AM
Scott Campbell was obviously the problem in this equation. I'm so glad he was driven off so we can enjoy a much more meaningful experience here.

Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!

Read this please and try to RELAX. It's 10:20 AM Eastern Time Skinbasket.

Currently Active Users
There are currently 188 users online (http://packerrats.com/online.php?). 22 members and 166 guests

Most users ever online was 381, 01-16-2012 at 12:50 AM.

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Harlan Huckleby (http://packerrats.com/member.php?5-Harlan-Huckleby)
HarveyWallbangers (http://packerrats.com/member.php?8-HarveyWallbangers)
hoosier (http://packerrats.com/member.php?341-hoosier)
JustinHarrell (http://packerrats.com/member.php?60-JustinHarrell)
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Packers4Glory (http://packerrats.com/member.php?518-Packers4Glory)
Pugger (http://packerrats.com/member.php?794-Pugger)
run pMc (http://packerrats.com/member.php?363-run-pMc)
Scott Campbell (http://packerrats.com/member.php?16-Scott-Campbell)
sharpe1027 (http://packerrats.com/member.php?301-sharpe1027)
SkinBasket (http://packerrats.com/member.php?15-SkinBasket)
Sparkey (http://packerrats.com/member.php?75-Sparkey)
ThunderDan (http://packerrats.com/member.php?815-ThunderDan)
Tony Oday (http://packerrats.com/member.php?46-Tony-Oday)
Willard (http://packerrats.com/member.php?292-Willard)
wootah (http://packerrats.com/member.php?1259-wootah)
Zool (http://packerrats.com/member.php?245-Zool)
Scott Campbell is here right now and likely trying to get a feel again for Packerrats. I can certainly find for Scott Campbell if that is 'in fact' the case.

I 'Welcome Back Anyone' who's been absent from Packerrats the last while.

05-10-2012, 09:42 AM
Not a black/white situation. SC has made several situations worse. I agree with you that his loss would be disappointing.

Why? Would you even imagine such a thing? Good Grief Harlan that should NOT happen..

Scott Campbell will last as long as Packerrats does I expect.

Deputy Nutz
05-10-2012, 10:00 AM
I hope from frozen is fine.

better than clam tacos

05-10-2012, 10:37 AM
We're 'off track' Harlan !!

*there was a track??*

Deputy Nutz
05-10-2012, 11:35 AM
Woodbuck, shut up.

05-10-2012, 12:46 PM
The Woodbuck: man or machine?

05-10-2012, 01:03 PM
*there was a track??*

I would assume needle tracks with this lot.

As an aside, since nutz won an arguement in the meadow, I think Craig is no longer the undisputed ruler of the meadow.
I say they fight it out, either with a dance off or to the death, which ever they prefer.

05-10-2012, 01:35 PM
If your referring to Scott Campbell and myrayrand I'm wondering where they are but I believe that soon we will have them both back here posting the best they can.

I can pretty much guarantee that at least one of them won't be. There's your truth. But you're not entirely to blame. You're just a symptom.

05-10-2012, 01:36 PM
IAs an aside, since nutz won an arguement in the meadow, I think Craig is no longer the undisputed ruler of the meadow.
I say they fight it out, either with a dance off or to the death, which ever they prefer.

The only manly way to do it is to have them meet at a cigar bar and slap their erect penis's together until one withdraws or ejaculates, either from pain or pleasure.

05-10-2012, 02:16 PM
Woodbuck, shut up.

OK THANKS Deputy. Appreciate it man.

Cheesehead Craig
05-10-2012, 02:17 PM
The only manly way to do it is to have them meet at a cigar bar and slap their erect penis's together until one withdraws or ejaculates, either from pain or pleasure.

Are piercings allowed?

05-10-2012, 02:18 PM
I would assume needle tracks with this lot.

As an aside, since nutz won an arguement in the meadow, I think Craig is no longer the undisputed ruler of the meadow.
I say they fight it out, either with a dance off or to the death, which ever they prefer.

"I would assume needle tracks with this lot."

Yup. those Scotch Pine needles .... NASTY !

05-10-2012, 02:22 PM
Are piercings allowed?

If it's 'Mixed Martial Arts' fighting and in a cage it won't matter. Many of those battles end within 5 seconds.

05-10-2012, 02:25 PM
I can pretty much guarantee that at least one of them won't be. There's your truth. But you're not entirely to blame. You're just a symptom.

Scott Campbell will return. I hope 'M' does as well and both soon. We need everyone.

Symptom. Symptom (s).

To use that famous quote.....

What ' the 'H' ' is going on around here?"

05-10-2012, 05:19 PM
Hey Harlan you and I have had good doses of Scott Campbell and had to handle him; but 'no way' would either of us want to see that member NOT at Packerrats.

I noted in his profile that he elected 'deceased' as his location. That's Scott Campbell humour.

Scott Campbell is just doing his thing now. He will be back as BIG as ever. So will myrayrand.

I sincerely know that will be. It's a 'no brainer'.

Weren't you the one who got into this mess by spending a week incessantly screaming for his banning????:idea: Like in big bold colored letters??

05-10-2012, 05:41 PM

Woodbuck27 was upset with the new Canadian $20.00 note.
Too much porno on it for him to handle in a nice way.



05-10-2012, 10:05 PM
Weren't you the one who got into this mess by spending a week incessantly screaming for his banning????:idea: Like in big bold colored letters??

MJZiggy are you aware that Scott Campbell is NOT banned? Read this thread please ie this mornings posts.

Scott Campbell was in Packerrats this morning. He did not post. Even if I asked for him to be banned and I didn't. Your post is moot.

MJZiggy you're mistaken and PLEASE STOP stirring the pot. I have always done my best to handle Scott campbell as was necessary within myself.That's my ultimate POWER MJ. Why do you need to get your nose in this difficult mess?

For all that's sensible PLEASE .... restrain yourself.

It's really best to stay clear of it till the muddy water clears.

It's bad enough as it is without false rumours.

The Meadow !!

easy cheesy
05-11-2012, 01:47 AM
The "meadow" is getting overgrown and someone needs to mow it.

05-11-2012, 04:29 AM
Marie Callendars makes a good frozen.

Good Mornin' MJ.

Yes she does. Often when I was in Vermont I'd buy a couple of those pies. mmmm good.

Darn near impossible to find a decent Chicken Pot Pie in Quebec and there's chicken galore there.

Deputy Nutz
05-11-2012, 08:08 AM
The "meadow" is getting overgrown and someone needs to mow it.

Well you better get out your bushwacker and start trimming, your trip to vegas is coming up.

05-11-2012, 11:57 AM
I need a one sentence summary of what this thread is about.

05-11-2012, 12:32 PM
I need a one sentence summary of what this thread is about.

That's as good a summary as you are going to get in one sentence.

05-11-2012, 12:45 PM
I need a one sentence summary of what this thread is about.

The Packerratettes need trimmig.

05-11-2012, 02:02 PM
The Packerratettes need trimmig.

I was up at the Kress Center in Green Bay working out with my kid and they were in one of the side rooms working on their routines. My impression from a 1 second glance and a ten-secound sound bite was zzzz zzzz...

Same ol' same ol'.

I like most of what is quaint about the Packer's organization, and I really would not care to have a slutty cheer/dance team in Green Bay as many of the other organizations do.

But our cheer squad, filled with sweet kids and honor students though it may be, brings the brand down a little bit.

Deputy Nutz
05-11-2012, 03:06 PM
I was up at the Kress Center in Green Bay working out with my kid and they were in one of the side rooms working on their routines. My impression from a 1 second glance and a ten-secound sound bite was zzzz zzzz...

Same ol' same ol'.

I like most of what is quaint about the Packer's organization, and I really would not care to have a slutty cheer/dance team in Green Bay as many of the other organizations do.

But our cheer squad, filled with sweet kids and honor students though it may be, brings the brand down a little bit.

I think he was offering his opinion that some of the female posters here at Packerrats need their stuff trimmed up.

05-11-2012, 04:37 PM
I think he was offering his opinion that some of the female posters here at Packerrats need their stuff trimmed up.

Never mind.


05-12-2012, 07:51 AM
I can pretty much guarantee that at least one of them won't be. There's your truth. But you're not entirely to blame. You're just a symptom.

SkinBasket...I'm doing my very BEST to rebirth a brand new woodbuck27.

A modified version of what I once was. I TRUST the membership will be patient with the new prototype. It's never too late in LIFE for a decent change.

05-12-2012, 07:52 AM
I need a one sentence summary of what this thread is about.

It's a GUMBO.

easy cheesy
05-12-2012, 08:18 AM
Well you better get out your bushwacker and start trimming, your trip to vegas is coming up.

Exactly. Note to bushwhacker: time to un-retire.

05-17-2012, 10:48 PM
Read this please and try to RELAX. It's 10:20 AM Eastern Time Skinbasket.

Currently Active Users
There are currently 188 users online (http://packerrats.com/online.php?). 22 members and 166 guests

Most users ever online was 381, 01-16-2012 at 12:50 AM.

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Gunakor (http://packerrats.com/member.php?774-Gunakor)
Harlan Huckleby (http://packerrats.com/member.php?5-Harlan-Huckleby)
HarveyWallbangers (http://packerrats.com/member.php?8-HarveyWallbangers)
hoosier (http://packerrats.com/member.php?341-hoosier)
JustinHarrell (http://packerrats.com/member.php?60-JustinHarrell)
KYPack (http://packerrats.com/member.php?35-KYPack)
MadScientist (http://packerrats.com/member.php?631-MadScientist)
Packers4Glory (http://packerrats.com/member.php?518-Packers4Glory)
Pugger (http://packerrats.com/member.php?794-Pugger)
run pMc (http://packerrats.com/member.php?363-run-pMc)
Scott Campbell (http://packerrats.com/member.php?16-Scott-Campbell)
sharpe1027 (http://packerrats.com/member.php?301-sharpe1027)
SkinBasket (http://packerrats.com/member.php?15-SkinBasket)
Sparkey (http://packerrats.com/member.php?75-Sparkey)
ThunderDan (http://packerrats.com/member.php?815-ThunderDan)
Tony Oday (http://packerrats.com/member.php?46-Tony-Oday)
Willard (http://packerrats.com/member.php?292-Willard)
wootah (http://packerrats.com/member.php?1259-wootah)
Zool (http://packerrats.com/member.php?245-Zool)
Scott Campbell is here right now and likely trying to get a feel again for Packerrats. I can certainly find for Scott Campbell if that is 'in fact' the case.

I 'Welcome Back Anyone' who's been absent from Packerrats the last while.

Scott Campbell is somewhere on Packerrats as I post this. Great to see that:

Currently Active Users
There are currently 183 users online (http://packerrats.com/online.php?). 24 members and 159 guests
Most users ever online was 381, 01-16-2012 at 12:50 AM.

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Harlan Huckleby (http://packerrats.com/member.php?5-Harlan-Huckleby)
HarveyWallbangers (http://packerrats.com/member.php?8-HarveyWallbangers)
hoosier (http://packerrats.com/member.php?341-hoosier)
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Packers4Glory (http://packerrats.com/member.php?518-Packers4Glory)
pittstang5 (http://packerrats.com/member.php?174-pittstang5)
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Scott Campbell (http://packerrats.com/member.php?16-Scott-Campbell)
sjhein (http://packerrats.com/member.php?658-sjhein)
SkinBasket (http://packerrats.com/member.php?15-SkinBasket)
The Shadow (http://packerrats.com/member.php?116-The-Shadow)
ThunderDan (http://packerrats.com/member.php?815-ThunderDan)
Tony Oday (http://packerrats.com/member.php?46-Tony-Oday)
z-man (http://packerrats.com/member.php?320-z-man)
The date and time is: Thursday 17 May 2012 @ 11:47 PM


Hello Scott. Welcome back.

05-17-2012, 10:57 PM
I thought you wanted SC to leave you alone Woody?

05-18-2012, 09:43 AM
I thought you wanted SC to leave you alone Woody?

What I really hope for is 'a constant' agreement of PEACE for us Mad.

I was advised to simply place him on IGNORE. I have one member on IGNORE and it's Scott Campbell.

Scott has issues with placing anyone on IGNORE or that was his position.

Mad... I by far generally, aim for the best and that would include SC's return here and posting decently and respecting himself.

I hope that's not 'an out to lunch' proposition.

easy cheesy
05-18-2012, 11:46 PM

05-19-2012, 09:11 AM
What I really hope for is 'a constant' agreement of PEACE for us Mad.

I was advised to simply place him on IGNORE. I have one member on IGNORE and it's Scott Campbell.

Scott has issues with placing anyone on IGNORE or that was his position.

Mad... I by far generally, aim for the best and that would include SC's return here and posting decently and respecting himself.

I hope that's not 'an out to lunch' proposition.Your post spits a good line but your actions are speaking bullshit. You have SC on ignore yet you still make post aimed at him???? Next one is gonna get you a vacation so I suggest backing off SC, immediately.

05-22-2012, 09:59 AM
This place is so full of the, 5 year olds I'm not touching you defense. It amazes me how completely childish adults get, when an ass whipping isn't on the table! Like Nutz said, some around here deserve a good ole fashion beat down, then see if they still feel like sticking that finger in my face.

05-23-2012, 12:01 AM
Your post spits a good line but your actions are speaking bullshit. You have SC on ignore yet you still make post aimed at him???? Next one is gonna get you a vacation so I suggest backing off SC, immediately.

How does one respond to that...except obey.

05-23-2012, 11:05 AM
How does one respond to that...except obey.

http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s320x320/575238_3721484087099_1575724732_4287854_931583581_ n.jpg

05-23-2012, 12:12 PM
http://www.houseofdeception.com/images/Midget%20Wrestler%20Fuzzy%20Cupid.jpgWhat a match!! The main event for sure.

05-23-2012, 01:35 PM
http://www.houseofdeception.com/images/Midget%20Wrestler%20Fuzzy%20Cupid.jpgWhat a match!! The main event for sure.

Now were going way back.