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View Full Version : Dr. George Koonce on life after football.

05-21-2012, 09:43 PM
Cool column from ESPN.com. (http://espn.go.com/blog/nfcwest/post/_/id/65343/guest-column-surviving-life-after-the-nfl)

I hadn't followed the guy after his Packer years, and I'm sure most of y'all have. It's good to see what he's done with himself and for others.

05-21-2012, 11:16 PM
kooooonce! glad he got his shit squared away. football players aren't the only ones who struggle with retirement, or unemployment. feelings of uselessness and/or just extreme bordem drive many to alcohol and drugs or worse. the vast majority do fine but for some it's very traumatic for whatever reason. i'd sure like to give it a try...early retirement with millions in the bank that is.

05-22-2012, 09:48 AM
He was placed on leave by UW-M after becoming an Athletic Director. No idea on details or reasons. In news reports his tenure was described as rocky. He had previously worked for Marquette.

Given the nature of the job and that UWM just fired Koonce's replacement, this might be more indicative of the job and administrators rather than Koonce himself.

Deputy Nutz
05-22-2012, 10:04 AM
He was placed on leave by UW-M after becoming an Athletic Director. No idea on details or reasons. In news reports his tenure was described as rocky. He had previously worked for Marquette.

Given the nature of the job and that UWM just fired Koonce's replacement, this might be more indicative of the job and administrators rather than Koonce himself.

He wasn't good and couldn't keep to a budget.

05-22-2012, 11:08 AM
Powerful stuff....very honest and raw. I like his sobering perspective on Junior Seau's suicide instead of jumping on the concussion bandwagon.

05-22-2012, 02:52 PM
Good write up, and he's seeing it from a very different angle when many seem willing to blame physical trauma.

edit: on another note, his agent sounds like a real treat. Would like to hear more, or maybe the other side, of that part of the story.

05-22-2012, 10:20 PM
edit: on another note, his agent sounds like a real treat. Would like to hear more, or maybe the other side, of that part of the story.

That's true. I'd like to hear more as well. I wonder how many players go from heros to zeros overnight once the money dries up.

05-22-2012, 10:45 PM
That article was written with heart rendering passion.

So often as fans we salute the glory of victory and become so blind to the secret reality of the game.The darkness and longing of the game taken so suddenly from their lives.The many times they prepared for and meet the duty of the call to victory and suddenly ... nothing. Nothing but a normal life with time on their hands; in retirement certain strangers to themselves.