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08-18-2006, 03:20 PM
This should probably go in the "Rants" thread, but I'm 1.) Too busy/lazy to find it and 2.) Too pissed off to look. So, school starts for us on Monday, which is fine. I'm anxious to get back, see my friends, go to a football game or 10 (FINALLY), get on TV/JumboTron again, etc. Anyway, I just got back from buying my books...and this is total bullshit.

Course-------------Desc----------------Book Cost
Aer E 301-----Flight Experience-----------N/A
Aer E 321-----Flight Structures---------$168.00
Aer E 351-----Astrodynamics-----------$16.90
Aer E 351-----(Second Book)-----------$150.60
Aer E 355--Flight Dynamics/Control----$154.60
Astro 342--Intro. Solar Sys. Astron-----$85.00
Astro 342-----(Second Book)-----------$99.50 *used
Astro 342------(Third Book)-----------~$18.00 (out)
Ger 301-----------Reading--------------$14.70
Ger 301-------(Second Book)-----------$62.05 *used
Ger 301--------(Third Book)------------$19.00
Mat E 272--Prin. Materials Science-----$109.90
------------------Sales Tax--------------$66.22
Grand Total------------------------------$964.47

Re-FUCKING-diculus. OK, I'm done bitching. I just had to get that off my chest.

At least I'll get cheered up tonight, because...SoaP is out!!!!11one!
I have had it with these MOTHERFUCKING SNAKES on this MOTHERFUCKING PLANE!!!!

http://snakesonapirate.ytmnd.com/ (NSFW-language)

08-18-2006, 03:39 PM
Looks like a terrorist's class schedule.

The real shitty thing is that used book cost to buyback ratio. That's university for you. Dump tons of money in their coffers with tuiton so they can rape you every chance they get, while giving you the lowest quality education your money can not be used to buy. God I love our secondary education system.

08-18-2006, 03:59 PM
Looks like a terrorist's class schedule.

The real shitty thing is that used book cost to buyback ratio. That's university for you. Dump tons of money in their coffers with tuiton so they can rape you every chance they get, while giving you the lowest quality education your money can not be used to buy. God I love our secondary education system.

lol. I stopped selling my books back after my first semester. For all that, I'd probably get about $200 for them, and I might need them later on, so there's really no point in selling them. I knew the cost was going to be high, but from pricing the books online, I figured I'd be spending $500-$700, not just under $1000. That, and the $60 dollars in sales tax. I could have gotten 24 Jager bombs for that.

08-18-2006, 04:17 PM
[quote=SkinBasket]I could have gotten 24 Jager bombs for that.

I thought I was the only person who thought like that. Great minds think alike. :cool:

08-18-2006, 05:19 PM
That's nothing - I have 15 books for one class.

But fortunately, I have five years of savings to dip into for Jaeger bomb money...

Scott Campbell
08-18-2006, 06:29 PM
I used to buy up popular books at the used book sale, and then hang out in the book store looking for customers looking at the new books. Worked like a charm. But I'll burn in hell.

Deputy Nutz
08-18-2006, 08:56 PM
Looks like a terrorist's class schedule.

The real shitty thing is that used book cost to buyback ratio. That's university for you. Dump tons of money in their coffers with tuiton so they can rape you every chance they get, while giving you the lowest quality education your money can not be used to buy. God I love our secondary education system.

Shit I wouldn't care what they would give me early on in my college life. Not only was I the drinkiest guy around, but I needed that money to by Xmas presents for the fam. I made sure to first by the gifts, then drink. Maybe it was the other way around because I remember going Xmas shopping loaded.

08-18-2006, 09:02 PM
I used to buy up popular books at the used book sale, and then hang out in the book store looking for customers looking at the new books. Worked like a charm. But I'll burn in hell.

nah, I think thats cool. You're getting a deal and so are they. Its not unethical.

08-19-2006, 09:27 AM
Looks like a terrorist's class schedule.

German terrorists in outer space? Sounds like the plot for a Die Hard sequel. Does Hans have another brother?

08-19-2006, 12:00 PM
Looks like a terrorist's class schedule.

German terrorists in outer space? Sounds like the plot for a Die Hard sequel. Does Hans have another brother?

Start production. I'd go to that movie.

08-19-2006, 12:08 PM
I used to buy up popular books at the used book sale, and then hang out in the book store looking for customers looking at the new books. Worked like a charm. But I'll burn in hell.

That is the smartest thing I have ever heard anybody say, ever.

I really need to do that next year.