View Full Version : United States Vs. the World (WAR)

04-04-2013, 04:16 AM



Our GNP dwarfs anyone....anyone in allusion...CHINA is a FAR DISTANT threat to the US in GNP...in fact our mere U.S. military spending (which in 2012 only took up 1.5% of our spending vs. 79% of North Korea's spending of GNP) dwarfs all but 3 countries total GNP alone of what they make in a year (our spending on our military is a fraction of what the U.S. makes....yet it trumps what all but 3 countries make in a year in 2012)..soooo not to worried about China/Russia getting involved with North Korea...unless NUKES get involved...then again...we have over 400 with our 20 B-2 stealth bombers and 1000's with our subs circuling North Korea...to their 2-8 crap NUKES we'd shoot out the sky if they made it. Christ....just fuck this fat Korean punk up....so we can spend money on other shit that defending the border with this retard. He's stupid..and committing suicide real soon.

Real military advisors say air superiority is the key....but naval power is a close second....anyone notice the U.S. has a monopoly on aircraft carriers??? They say having just 1 or 2 in the current world is the key...The U.S. owns them all...the only non-U.S. ally having one is Russia with 1....the rest are U.S. or our allies.

Ok....just some facts...North Korea needs to be put to bed soon.