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View Full Version : .Nine Foods You Had NO Idea Were Dangerous For Your Health

02-22-2016, 02:15 PM

Nine Foods You Had NO Idea Were Dangerous For Your Health

Yahoo Style UK ... February 19, 2016

ie....butter flavoured``microwave popcorn [I]`` that has Diacetyl in it`` ;

tinned tomatoes that contains bisphenol - A BPA `` BPA has been linked to birth defects and heart disease`` ;

pea and bean sprouts;

Kernal Corn "are basically little sponges for pesticides" ;

diet sweeteners like Sweet and Low and Splenda and Equal;

White Chocolate; "

Bread: "Genetic manipulations have meant that the wheat that we now use to make bread is no longer anything like the wheat that our great-grandparents would have known. The newest types of wheat can cause all sorts of inflammatory diseases and allergies ! ";

Swordfish: (not thast your eating much or any of it;

Food dye: " Food dyes have been linked to cancer in animals, so goodness only knows what they’re doing to our insides. The craze for rainbow cakes is more dangerous than we thought !"