View Full Version : Why I've promoted the NFL Pro Pickem at Packerrats since 2006 - Woody

09-23-2017, 12:19 PM
Comment woodbuck27:

I've always thought if you really desire to know what's going on and NFL Football you can benefit that by becoming a Pro Pickem enthusiast. In the course of even one's week of analysis you learn a lot of information related to insider stuff and any NFL team. Over the course of a full season as a Pro Picker it's amazing all the knowledge you gain and process as you decide which team will come out on the left side of the 'W-L Column'.

I can truthfully report this as a fact. Over the course of now my 11th Season in Packerrats Pro Pickem; the leading Packerrat Pro Pickers are about as skilled in terms of the results of their analysis as the Best Of The Pro's. Here at Packerrats we don't just have Green Bay Packer fans. We have posters here that are very competent in terms of knowing the NFL 'in the present'.

I am delighted to see the early results and the high quality I see and this Seasons Packerrats Pro Pickem. It's going to be a very challenging Season to finish 'Top Three'. As I always try to do I encourage all Packerrats to give the Pro Pickem a shot next Season even if you've never tried it to date. Why? The rewards and knowing the NFL are all in accordance with your interest and efforts and can be immense. If you give it just five (5) Seasons; I guarantee that you'll be able to say: " I know and love the NFL and ... my Green Bay Packers. "

As a serious NFL fan you will come across a wide range of information that includes the history and the NFL. I just this morning came across this incredible story that I'll present for you Packerrats. I hope you will enjoy it as I did. .... GO PACK GO !.... Woody


JFK 50 Years Later: The NFL’s Darkest Weekend

An excerpt from this larger than life story and a dark time in many Packerrats memory.

" (Ben) Scotti, now 76, says that a cluster of players was talking about taking up a collection for the family of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit, who had been killed by Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Scotti says that as he spoke, a teammate interrupted and said, “If it wasn’t for your friend Pete Rozelle, that guinea bastard, we wouldn’t be playing tomorrow.” Scotti, who is of Italian descent (though Rozelle was not), took offense and threatened to fight the player, who, Scotti says, then backed down. However, Scotti continues, (John) Mellekas stepped in and also called Rozelle “a guinea bastard.” (Teammates would later recall that Mellekas sometimes teased Scotti in the Eagles’ locker room and that Scotti did not take kindly to it.) Shortly afterward Scotti and Mellekas left together, presumably to settle their differences. ......

According to Scotti, this is what happened next: “We go upstairs to the laundry room at the hotel. It was a little room, just about the size of a ring. He’s a big guy, 250. I’m 184, but I’ve got a 19-inch neck and 16-inch arms. It was him and me, let’s go. I hit him a right hand, and he’s out. Then I hit him a left and another right and then moved in on him.”

It didn’t last long. Teammates and coaches had heard the ruckus and rushed in to stop Scotti. Some say the fight took place in a coatroom and others say it was in a ballroom off the lobby, but they all remember the scene. “[B]Scotti had John Mellekas down on the floor, and he was punching him and poor John’s head was swollen up twice as big as it was supposed to be,” says Baughan. “We all got on top of Ben and pulled him off, or I think he would have killed John.” ..."

Please click on the LINK above for the entire article/story. It's a good one.

As a footnote:

My analysis is often ruled by my guts. :idea: because this matchup is downright scary and the Bengals really must win.

The Experts have the Packers winning (well... it looks unanimous right now) and I believe that Packers QB Aaron Rodgers gets his first win in three tries over the Cincinnati Bengals tomorrow, Sunday 24 Sept. 2017

My LOCK of the Week:

Pick The Pittsburg Steelers leave Chicago tomorrow with a 'W'.

https://www.google.ca/search?q=pittsburg+steelers&oq=pittsburg+steelers&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i10k1l4.8789.11785.0.12209. 806.8j1.9.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..0.9.803...0j0i67k1.0.1xmz10d_Glc#sh=0
