View Full Version : Prayer for Sunday

09-08-2006, 03:48 AM
Prayer for sunday--CLick ME (http://www.that70sshow.com/audio/Red/Red_205_07-17.wav)

09-08-2006, 06:56 AM
My prayer is that Brett or one of our running backs doesn't get hurt and go down in week one. The O-Line has to really step up this week.

09-08-2006, 11:20 AM
how bout a simple one..just a winning season as in the link.

09-08-2006, 11:23 AM
I'll definitely pray because I'm attending the game. WHOO HOO!!!
Foxsports.com actually has the Pack winning Sunday's game. Here's what they said:
"Chicago (-3 1/2) at Green Bay -- There is no more sure a sign that football has returned than a father and son slipping into their cheesehead hats and going hand-in-hand to a Packers game. Pick: Packers."

09-08-2006, 01:19 PM
that clip is funny.

i pray that AJ Hawk blindsides Grossman in the back.

09-08-2006, 01:53 PM
Praying will NOT help boys... cos DA BEARS are coming !


09-08-2006, 02:31 PM
Praying will NOT help boys... cos DA BEARS are coming !


Unlike many here, I felt no joy beating the bajeasus outta the bears, day in, day out for nearly a decade. I hated it. I mean, da Bears took the term"SUCK" to a whole new dimension.

One can argue the Bucs and all the other expansion teams sucked....but boy, for an established franchise to suck SO badly and for SO long, man - that's a whole new dimensíon to the term "they really suck".

So, how can I really relish in beating the worst franchise in the league by default? I couldn't.

I hope Sunday provides a fair contest, where the Zebras don't decide the outcome, but, the passion and will to win does.

On paper, my Pack are underdogs. Paper is patient.

09-08-2006, 05:26 PM
you better leave grossman behind because he is utterly putrid!

it had to be said!!

09-08-2006, 05:39 PM
Praying will NOT help boys... cos DA BEARS are coming !


One day, you will eat those words, if you're man enough to come back here and take it, and I will thoroughly enjoy it.

I have no idea if it will be Sunday, or Dec. 31st or next season or the season after that, but it WILL happen.

In any case, I've enjoyed the last 14 seasons of winning packer football, so I don't begrudge you the enjoyment of POSSIBLY the 2nd winning season since, well, FOREVER, so hope you enjoy the game as much as I do on Sunday....

Take care Bearman.... Hope Santa brings you something nice for Christmas.... :wink:

09-08-2006, 05:49 PM
TY, rtguy, I hope santa is nice to you also.
But, as for Sundays game, please be advised, there is NO crying in football ! Please come in here, take your come upins and we will go on to the next game. Good luck to your team packer fans.(their gonna need it) :twisted:


09-08-2006, 05:51 PM
TY, rtguy, I hope santa is nice to you also.
But, as for Sundays game, please be advised, there is NO crying in football ! Please come in here, take your come upins and we will go on to the next game. Good luck to your team packer fans.(their gonna need it) :twisted:


Thanks for the well wish Bearman. You as well.... I will be thinking of you on Sunday.

FWIW, it is "they're", not "their" in the context you used to represent "they are". But, you'll get to that if you stick with english class long enough.... :wink: :mrgreen:

09-08-2006, 07:45 PM
Is everyone in here this anal about spelling and grammer ? :roll:
MODS, Please, spell check, help a guy out. :mrgreen:


09-08-2006, 08:02 PM
Is everyone in here this anal about spelling and grammer ? :roll:
MODS, Please, spell check, help a guy out. :mrgreen:


I sumtimes hav treble spellin too. :mrgreen:

Good LUCK BEARMAN. . .Favre is going to eat da Bears up.

09-08-2006, 09:53 PM
Is everyone in here this anal about spelling and grammer ? :roll:
MODS, Please, spell check, help a guy out. :mrgreen:


Bearman. I'm just yanking your chain man! It's all cool. You said you could take it, remember?

BTW - it is GRAMMAR, not GRAMMER..... :mrgreen: :wink:

09-08-2006, 10:27 PM
I'll definitely pray because I'm attending the game. WHOO HOO!!!
Foxsports.com actually has the Pack winning Sunday's game. Here's what they said:
"Chicago (-3 1/2) at Green Bay -- There is no more sure a sign that football has returned than a father and son slipping into their cheesehead hats and going hand-in-hand to a Packers game. Pick: Packers."
Man what was I thinking---That analysis proves every thing I need to know about why the Bears will lose. :roll:

09-08-2006, 11:39 PM
I can ! But you are right, at times my spelling and gramer needs help, just asking if the Mods can add a spell check...possable?


09-09-2006, 02:19 AM
Is everyone in here this anal about spelling and grammer ? :roll:
MODS, Please, spell check, help a guy out. :mrgreen:


TIP: If you add the google bar to your browser, you get a pop up blocker and a spell checker with it...

09-10-2006, 04:40 AM
Is everyone in here this anal about spelling and grammer ? :roll:

No, but only because we're also polite. They must have heard of that in Chicago, if nothing else.

This goes beyond spelling, however. Not knowing the difference between 'their', 'they're', and 'there' is a deep and grievous ailment. Anyone can wonder, uh, do I spell it 'dependent' or do I spell it 'dependant'. Lots of people have trouble with spelling suffixes. But not knowing 'too' from 'to' or 'they're' from 'their' reflects meticulousness, literacy levels, self-respect, credibility, any number of things. Furthermore, using 'there' in the speed of writing is a common error as a replacement for 'they're' - one never knows if it was just a typo. But using 'their' is a sign that the person knows it's spelled differently and has taken the time to notice it, yet still can't get it right.

A spell checker wouldn't help you, my friend, because you spelled 'their' correctly. A spell checker can't know what it is you wanted to say.

But since most of us, Packer fans of course, are polite and diplomatic, we don't say anything. Sentimentality probably enters into it too, because we do tend to feel sorry for the Bears.

Aren't you glad you asked? :smile: