View Full Version : Happy New Year, packerrats!

12-31-2018, 02:04 PM
It's 9pm in Denmark and I'm serenely drunk but not wasted - drink like the danes into the new year and remember that danes can hold their liquor as the true vikings we are, not as the stinking'n'choking fake purple viqueens of the foul state of Minnesota. :lol:

12-31-2018, 02:08 PM
the same! 2019's going to be very interesting on all fronts. let's hope it's going to be a good one.

12-31-2018, 02:39 PM
Thanks and I am looking forward to the brand new stamp on the Green Bay Packers.

Will it be a terrific success? I have no idea but there is now only one way to go looking at our teams sorryful performance over the past two Seasons.

Yesterday after we were down we got a hard
kick in the nuts. The rudeness of a real awakening I trust.

12-31-2018, 03:57 PM
Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to Buck, Brewer, Badger basketball, and Badger football Greatness. Hopefully, the Pack Will Be Back also.

12-31-2018, 05:13 PM
Happy and safe New Years everyone!

There is actual snow in Wisconsin as we speak.

12-31-2018, 05:40 PM
Harpgn maw yarggg!!!

12-31-2018, 06:45 PM
Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year to all you Rats!!!

12-31-2018, 06:56 PM
May all the Rats have a happy and healthy 2019.

Perhaps as important, may The Packers players have a happy and healthy 2019.

12-31-2018, 08:50 PM
Happy New Year to All !

Anti-Polar Bear
01-01-2019, 03:02 AM
Why do people celebrate New Year? The fucking earth has been running in a circle around the fucking sun for millions, if not billions, of years. And unless humiods annihilate it, it will continue to run in a circle for billions more. Nothing unique.

New Year resolutions? Fuck that shit. Ja guru deva om, nothing’s gonna change my wretched world. thanks capitalism.

01-01-2019, 05:42 PM
Little late but happy New Year all....except Tank as you are a moron......not really, you have schtick. I can actually appreceate that.

Anti-Polar Bear
01-03-2019, 02:51 AM
Little late but happy New Year all....except Tank as you are a moron......not really, you have schtick. I can actually appreceate that.

Seriously, it’s been over a decade since I was released from the mental institution, and every fucking day since then has been exactly the same. The first couple of years after the release probably were my fault, as I was a bit too lazy in dealing with the “real world.” After that, it’s society’s fault. Capitalism is a bitch.

2019 is not gonna be any different.

01-03-2019, 07:14 AM
APB, do you remember Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket? You have a cameo role in that movie.

Anti-Polar Bear
01-03-2019, 10:23 AM
APB, do you remember Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket? You have a cameo role in that movie.

Which part?

01-03-2019, 11:09 AM
Happy New Year!! I hope for a joyful year ahead for all of us!

I don’t see capitalism as the core problem. I see democracy and govt as the problem. We’re meant to live on earth like native Americans or pagan Europeans did, not ruled by govt.

01-03-2019, 12:36 PM
We’re meant to live on earth like native Americans or pagan Europeans did, not ruled by govt.

What makes you think that?

Anti-Polar Bear
01-03-2019, 01:48 PM
Happy New Year!! I hope for a joyful year ahead for all of us!

I don’t see capitalism as the core problem. I see democracy and govt as the problem. We’re meant to live on earth like native Americans or pagan Europeans did, not ruled by govt.

Take this to FYI. Lol.

But before we go, just wanna add that tribal anarchism cost the indigenous folks “America,” and ask yourself this: what organization controls the US government?

01-03-2019, 11:06 PM
Yeah, a belated Happy New Year to all the boys and Pugger.