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View Full Version : DeShone Kizer: Man Without A Country

07-07-2019, 08:39 AM

DeShone Kizer. 4 years in league; 4 head coaches, 3 playbooks.

Players would obviously benefit from consistency to help shore up weak areas and further develop talent.

Does it matter than much who the coach is?

Was Rich Gannon ready to be Pro Bowl QB, or was it all Gruden?

07-07-2019, 09:25 AM
When was it last that this forum's members were satisfied with GB's backup QB. I understand that back to back HOF QBs can make one a bit snobby, but who would you like for a backup QB? Should they scramble the roster and make deep cuts to go after a high priced proven starting QB from another team? Perhaps Payton Manning could be persuaded with enough money to return to football.

What is it you want? or Are you just happiest when you have something to complain about? I hear a lot of bitching, but do you have any solutions?

07-07-2019, 03:17 PM
For a while I liked Matt Flynn.

Kizer is better than Scott Tolzien

07-07-2019, 04:06 PM
For a while I liked Matt Flynn.

Kizer is better than Scott Tolzien

Ok, but that won't stop the complainers. They moan and groan about Rodgers' backup, but can't supply a rational argument on who/how GB should should replace him. In addition, some would still remain unsatisfied even if they were able secure Joe Montana from his prime.

07-07-2019, 04:53 PM
What is it you want? or Are you just happiest when you have something to complain about? I hear a lot of bitching, but do you have any solutions?

A. Super Bowl
B. Kinda?
C. Draft a QB before the 7th round

07-07-2019, 05:48 PM
Ok, but that won't stop the complainers. They moan and groan about Rodgers' backup, but can't supply a rational argument on who/how GB should should replace him. In addition, some would still remain unsatisfied even if they were able secure Joe Montana from his prime.

I rarely complain about a backup QB although I did detest Scott Tolzien (even though I'm a Badger)

I've got plenty of other things to complain about :))

run pMc
07-08-2019, 04:43 PM
A. Super Bowl
B. Kinda?
C. Draft a QB before the 7th round

That made me laugh.

07-08-2019, 06:19 PM
A fine piece of humor, but seriously, could any in this forum express what would make them happy with a Backup QB in GB? Anyone is going to be a lesser player than Aaron Rodgers. Also if a QB could be found that would satisfy everyone, where would they find the money to pay for such talent.

07-08-2019, 07:12 PM
I have said, and I think others have too, if Aaron Rodgers goes down, the Packers are finished regardless of who the #2 is. Just the same, if it is only for a game or a few games, we ought to be able to beat a few lesser teams with just about anybody who is well prepared and can play not to lose - and that's a matter of coaching.

What we don't need is somebody who goes out and throws interceptions, and I think Kizer has a bit of a history that way.

07-08-2019, 08:24 PM
A fine piece of humor, but seriously, could any in this forum express what would make them happy with a Backup QB in GB? Anyone is going to be a lesser player than Aaron Rodgers. Also if a QB could be found that would satisfy everyone, where would they find the money to pay for such talent.

Draft him. Done and done.

07-09-2019, 01:14 PM
I have said, and I think others have too, if Aaron Rodgers goes down, the Packers are finished regardless of who the #2 is. Just the same, if it is only for a game or a few games, we ought to be able to beat a few lesser teams with just about anybody who is well prepared and can play not to lose - and that's a matter of coaching.

What we don't need is somebody who goes out and throws interceptions, and I think Kizer has a bit of a history that way.

Unfortunately the QB school the Packers used to run in the off-season is no more due to NFL rules. This impacts a backup QB's ability to be fundamentally prepared (particularly in MM's offense), which increases the likelihood of bad reads being made by a backup. Hopefully ML's simplified scheme will help with that. The other issue is arm strength. All the prep in the world can't give a guy like Hundly or Seneca the Elder the arm strength to make certain throws.

It will be interesting to see if Kizer makes reads in ML's offense, although we will have a hard time learning it before the season. I think he might have a chance in a timing offense that actually schemes receivers open.

Cheesehead Craig
07-09-2019, 02:25 PM
Unfortunately the QB school the Packers used to run in the off-season is no more due to NFL rules. This impacts a backup QB's ability to be fundamentally prepared (particularly in MM's offense), which increases the likelihood of bad reads being made by a backup. Hopefully ML's simplified scheme will help with that. The other issue is arm strength. All the prep in the world can't give a guy like Hundly or Seneca the Elder the arm strength to make certain throws.

It will be interesting to see if Kizer makes reads in ML's offense, although we will have a hard time learning it before the season. I think he might have a chance in a timing offense that actually schemes receivers open.

That's true. Perhaps the simplification for Kizer will enable his talent to come through.

I do think that teams should be able to do more practices though. That can only help these QBs develop.

07-09-2019, 03:00 PM
This thread is a cross between Kevin Spacey (Keyser Söze) and Javier Bardem (No County for Old Men). Söze is now damaged goods, hard to envision him suddenly awakening and realizing his potential after three years of ineptitude. Gannon is a good reminder that I could be wrong, past is not always prelude. But something tells me Kizer won't turn into Gannon II. Call it the curse of the Browns: when is the last time a QB who played in Cleveland amounted to something? Or call it the curse of ND: Jimmy Clausen, Brady Quinn, Rick Mirer, they're all the same thing.

07-09-2019, 03:34 PM
Draft him. Done and done.

Draft a QB? I have no problem with that except that to get a Blue Chip QB in the NFL Draft a team must lose big and get a top 5 draft pick or trade away the franchise for a high pick. Any lower picks are more of a real gamble and the chances are better of getting a Kizer than a Luck or Mahomes.

07-09-2019, 03:38 PM
QBs have never been better on average. I'll give him a year to develop some consistency in a new system, but in general I just believe he's not a player. It's never been easier to find a good QB let alone a back-up.

07-09-2019, 08:29 PM
Star college QBs don't always turn into star pros. Neither do mediocre college QBs always end up as mediocre pros.

I'm thinking with Kizer, Boyle, and Wilkins, the Packers are decent at backup QB now. Let's see who stands out in the preseason.

My early guess is that Kizer loses out to Boyle, and that Wilkins sticks on the Practice Squad. I like what I read about Wilkins - just 23 interceptions in college out of 1,114 attempts. That compares to 19 picks in 660 attempts for Kizer.

07-10-2019, 04:13 PM
Star college QBs don't always turn into star pros. Neither do mediocre college QBs always end up as mediocre pros.

I'm thinking with Kizer, Boyle, and Wilkins, the Packers are decent at backup QB now. Let's see who stands out in the preseason.

My early guess is that Kizer loses out to Boyle, and that Wilkins sticks on the Practice Squad. I like what I read about Wilkins - just 23 interceptions in college out of 1,114 attempts. That compares to 19 picks in 660 attempts for Kizer.

Hopefully Boyle and Kizer both do very well in preseason so the Packers can ship Kizer for a 6th or 7th. Wilkins does sound like a good practice squad project.

07-11-2019, 10:59 AM
Draft a QB? I have no problem with that except that to get a Blue Chip QB in the NFL Draft a team must lose big and get a top 5 draft pick or trade away the franchise for a high pick. Any lower picks are more of a real gamble and the chances are better of getting a Kizer than a Luck or Mahomes.

You don't need a sure thing. A developmental guy who you try on for two years.

They brought both Flynn and Brohm in and got one functional backup out of it and it cost them no higher than a second round pick.

If they get lucky like Ted (Rodgers 24th) or Wolf (Favre 2nd round pick by Atlanta traded for a single first rounder) we can rub it in the Bears faces for another decade.

07-11-2019, 03:25 PM
Or Matt Hassleback, or Mark Burnell, or Matt Flynn, or Aaron Brooks, or Kurt Warner. How about a QB that isn't complete shit when put into a game? It's been a good long while since the backup wasn't a tire fire.

07-11-2019, 04:35 PM
I think you want a rugged backup with an iron thumb, like Ty Detmer, and a third stringer like TJ Rubley who can think on his feet.

07-11-2019, 05:08 PM
If GB were lucky enough to hit the bullseye again with the draft or in a trade for a rookie or 2nd yr QB, the odds of getting a 3rd HOF QB in a row are beyond human calculation.

Another thing, how many bitched and complained about Aaron Rodgers as he backed up Favre during his first few NFL seasons.

07-11-2019, 05:29 PM
If GB were lucky enough to hit the bullseye again with the draft or in a trade for a rookie or 2nd yr QB, the odds of getting a 3rd HOF QB in a row are beyond human calculation.

There are no odds for such things, not even in Vegas. But common sense and history tells you it's highly unlikely. But keep drafting and developing. And take the risk on a higher level QB a year or two early so you don't have to panic draft and need a rookie QB to lead the team.

07-11-2019, 05:34 PM
Maybe TT really wasn't all that good at QB evaluation, and Stubbers wasn't all that great at developing the backup. Maybe letting the offense go to the Rodgers extended offense helped kill the ability of a backup to come in and run the offense. Even so, you can still coach a marginal backup to win a game or two and be completive, if you put your mind to it and your back is against the wall (see Hundley @Pittsburgh).

Maybe the current group will be better. Boyle's progress will tell you a lot. I'm not sure Kizer will ever overcome the hesitancy that leads to all his INTs.

07-11-2019, 07:43 PM
I think you want a rugged backup with an iron thumb, like Ty Detmer, and a third stringer like TJ Rubley who can think on his feet.

Always wondered if he would have been better with Holmgren and the Packers than he was elsewhere.

07-12-2019, 08:27 AM
Another thing, how many bitched and complained about Aaron Rodgers as he backed up Favre during his first few NFL seasons.

No one did. Favre started all of the games and ARod only got significant playing time in 1 2006 game verses NE in a 35-0 beat down.

Favre got knocked out the game and ARod broke his foot but played the game out.

07-12-2019, 11:54 AM
No one did. Favre started all of the games and ARod only got significant playing time in 1 2006 game verses NE in a 35-0 beat down.

Favre got knocked out the game and ARod broke his foot but played the game out.

You and I certainly remember fans' reactions differently.

Anti-Polar Bear
07-12-2019, 12:33 PM
No one did. Favre started all of the games and ARod only got significant playing time in 1 2006 game verses NE in a 35-0 beat down.

Favre got knocked out the game and ARod broke his foot but played the game out.

Actually, the Great Arm of Butte also played 7.5 innings against Dallas in 2007. Almost pulled a 09-20-92 Favre, although that team entered the Big D at 10-1, so Favre wasn’t gonna lose his starting gig had Rodgers won the game in the clutch.

That Dallas game foreshadowed a lot of things. Favre era was moribund. Rodgers’ now defunct futility in the clutch - prior to hitting Jennings for the game winner against the Bears, Butte was 0-8 in the clutch (Jennings was WIDE OPEN against Zona!!).

Anti-Polar Bear
07-12-2019, 12:44 PM
I think you want a rugged backup with an iron thumb, like Ty Detmer, and a third stringer like TJ Rubley who can think on his feet.

Give me Jimmy McMahon on any given Sunday. Alota Millennials don’t realize that McMahon won a SB backing up Favre.

07-13-2019, 08:13 AM
No one did. Favre started all of the games and ARod only got significant playing time in 1 2006 game verses NE in a 35-0 beat down.

Favre got knocked out the game and ARod broke his foot but played the game out.

He also played versus the Cowboys and played well (led a mini but failed comeback).

Also the Ravens I think.

07-13-2019, 08:14 AM
You and I certainly remember fans' reactions differently.

After his first preseason, everyone was down on him because he did not look like Mr. August, Matt Hasselback.

But it was muted because Favre never came out. However, that slow start led a lot of people to think the Packers had lost their mind in 2007. His better outings after that first year never erased the year 1 impression.

run pMc
07-14-2019, 03:51 PM
After his first preseason, everyone was down on him because he did not look like Mr. August, Matt Hasselback.

But it was muted because Favre never came out. However, that slow start led a lot of people to think the Packers had lost their mind in 2007. His better outings after that first year never erased the year 1 impression.

Yeah, Rodgers looked shaky to start out, but that Dallas game gave people hope.
Remember when the narrative was that Rodgers wasn't a great QB because he didn't have any/many 4Q comebacks?

07-15-2019, 08:32 AM
Yeah, Rodgers looked shaky to start out, but that Dallas game gave people hope.
Remember when the narrative was that Rodgers wasn't a great QB because he didn't have any/many 4Q comebacks?

Yes. And those comebacks are the hallmarks of average and poor teams. Plus the Patriots.

07-16-2019, 09:31 PM
Some can never be satisfied/grateful for what they have. As for backup QBs, with Nick Foles moving to Jacksonville to be their starter, who now is the best backup QB in the NFL?

07-17-2019, 01:14 PM
Some can never be satisfied/grateful for what they have. As for backup QBs, with Nick Foles moving to Jacksonville to be their starter, who now is the best backup QB in the NFL?

bridgwater? tannehill maybe? tyrod taylor?

07-17-2019, 01:26 PM
Some can never be satisfied/grateful for what they have.

If you are not trying to improve, you will backslide. I can do 4000 crunches at a time. I am working towards 5000. Never be satisfied!

07-17-2019, 03:23 PM
If you are not trying to improve, you will backslide. I can do 4000 crunches at a time. I am working towards 5000. Never be satisfied!

How long does that take?

07-17-2019, 03:36 PM
Remember when Woodblock said he could do 5000 crunches? lol


post #36:


07-17-2019, 04:57 PM
How long does that take?

He already answered that, he does them "at a time," it takes a total of two seconds.

07-17-2019, 06:02 PM
You'd be surprised how many crunches I can do in a short amount of time.


07-17-2019, 08:13 PM
Maybe DeShone Kizer will like this quick-hit offense.

Oh, the offseason! Oh, hope!

07-18-2019, 05:42 AM
Maybe DeShone Kizer will like this quick-hit offense.

Oh, the offseason! Oh, hope!

It might help his basics. When a route gets jumped or there’s tight coverage that’s when we’ll see if he double clutches and hesitates. Well know in the first preseason game.

Cheesehead Craig
07-18-2019, 08:30 AM
It might help his basics. When a route gets jumped or there’s tight coverage that’s when we’ll see if he double clutches and hesitates. Well know in the first preseason game.

There's already a thread for the first preseason game. Keep that conversation there. Rules are rules.

07-18-2019, 08:41 AM
There's already a thread for the first preseason game. Keep that conversation there. Rules are rules.

Keep this up and you'll get your ass kicked in a parking lot.

George Cumby
07-18-2019, 12:45 PM
Keep this up and you'll get your ass kicked in a parking lot.

It'll be less than he deserves.

07-18-2019, 02:39 PM
It'll be less than he deserves.


07-18-2019, 04:18 PM
Keep this up and you'll get your ass kicked in a parking lot.

Watch out for the Assistant Principle. He hangs out there in the afternoon.