View Full Version : The Official WK 6 Packers-Buccaneers GameDay Thread

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10-19-2020, 11:48 AM
If he slid, he probably wouldn't have scored - which he didn't anyway, but he would have been a yard farther back, and with the Packers O Line, they probably wouldn't have been able to punch it in.

I doubt he had a concussion, but I'm wondering too what that crap was - promoting some product like when he did the discount double check, or what.

As for not being the same, he wasn't the same after the interceptions , probably because of the interceptions. The first one, I think he made the mistake all us fans made, thinking it just couldn't happen/overconfidence. On the second one, it was clearly Davante's fault. I hate slant passes - not much chance for a big gain, and a stronger chance for something going wrong. Both interceptions, for that matter, it seems to me, were a result of trying to get rid of the ball quick instead of scrambling - another thing some of ya'all crave, but I tend to dislike. I'll take the scrambling and taking his time over throwing picks anytime. Ya'all be careful what you wish for.

More about the whole team being off in a different thread.

10-19-2020, 12:43 PM
100%. What was with the weird pose? In the replay, it looks like he did get rocked pretty good. Why on earth didn't he slide? Really dumb play.

Not that it affected the game, but the refs logic was solid. Rodgers gave himself up so no touchdown, but Rodgers didn't give himself up, so no penalty for roughing. Its like clown shoes kinda logic working there.

10-20-2020, 11:02 PM
It was one bad game in 90 degree sweltering heat. Nobody has conquered the wildlings of Russia because turf advantages. The brits couldn’t march through the Appalachian forests without getting hill billy ambushed at every 100 year American oak. And the northerners crumbled in the Tampa heat.

I don’t know that it was as bad as it looked just yet.

I got a better excuse. Maybe some of the key players ended up in a Tampa Bay strip club with some Latin Strippers the night before the game and got all Coke’d up all night!!!

Your too much!!!!

10-21-2020, 03:57 PM
What was with the weird pose?

It was a reference to this Key and Peele skit. This was before the NFL opened things up for players celebrating.


10-21-2020, 09:31 PM
A guy in New Orleans did it.during the excessive celebration phase and was flagged :lol: