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08-27-2021, 10:27 AM
If you could be anyone in this world, other than yourself, who would you be?

08-27-2021, 02:23 PM
This should be in FYI. My answer is obvious, but I don't dare say it here hahahahaha.

George Cumby
08-27-2021, 09:08 PM
^ Hahahaha.

You're deranged.

Back to the OP.

It's like the Jewish parable where people are given to the opportunity to hang their troubles on a tree, walk around the tree and choose whichever troubles they want and everyone ends up picking their original troubles.

I got shit I wish wasn't happening, but I'll take my shit, not someone else's.

08-28-2021, 07:46 AM
Yup. Go with the known devil. Or the familiar shit. Cumby, can I ask you a personal question? Does your shit, uh, stink? :)

George Cumby
08-28-2021, 10:00 AM
Yup. Go with the known devil. Or the familiar shit. Cumby, can I ask you a personal question? Does your shit, uh, stink? :)

Mostly it smells like roses, sometimes like tulips, sometimes like something crawled up my ass and died.


08-30-2021, 10:02 AM
If you could be anyone in this world, other than yourself, who would you be?

I'd be Tex. Its must be awesome to be as delusionally happy as he is all the time!!

08-30-2021, 12:01 PM
I'd be Tex. Its must be awesome to be as delusionally happy as he is all the time!!

Yeah, I've been carrying on that "delusion" for a lot of decades now hahahhahahaha. If the guy hadn't phrased it "anybody but yourself", I'd just be me. I think I could be happier, though, Bobblehead - like maybe if I had your money.

08-30-2021, 06:58 PM
If there is no God.
I'd rather be Bill Gates or anyone if the over seer's that doesn't have to answer to authority as they force the rest of us to.

Or just me with a happy penis and no afib