View Full Version : Bakhtiari Being Released

03-11-2024, 12:01 PM
Figured this deserved its own thread.

David Bakhtiari
A lot of emotion in this. I just want to say THANK YOU Green Bay. Thank you for the last 11 years. It’s been a hell of a run. I always wanted to raise a Lombardi on Lombardi avenue, but I will never complain. I gave it my all. I always gave it my best no matter the circumstance and to me, that truly was enough. My 32 year old self is so damn proud of that 21 year old with no facial hair, bushy tail kid that just wanted to do his best. I’m so proud of you. For whatever happens next, I look forward to it. To the city and fans all across the world, I just want to say thank you. To the entire organization, Thank you. To entire coaching staffs, Thank you. To the entire support staff, Thank you. To my wife and daughter (Frankie and Felix): I hope you are proud. To my family (Debbie, Karl, Eric, Andrew, and Danielle): I hope I represented our name with pride these past 11 years in Green Bay. I cannot thank everyone, so I hope this post will suffice. Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile, because it happened.

King Friday
03-11-2024, 12:11 PM
Awesome player. Great Packer. Wish it could’ve ended better.

Frozen Tundra
03-11-2024, 12:11 PM
Classy way to go. Of course.

Thanks, David. You were greatly loved, appreciated, and admired. Best of luck on Broadway.

03-11-2024, 12:15 PM
Cheers to a Packer great. What a great career here.

run pMc
03-11-2024, 12:15 PM
Good dude, great player. Injury robbed him and the team of a lot. Many think if he's healthy, GB beats TB in the NFCCG.
The contract was a bad one because of the injury.

Wish him well in the future, unless it's for a NFCN team.

Will be curious to see if he retires or can pass a physical for another team.
This will absolutely impact OL depth and roster decisions, as well as cap space.

Deputy Nutz
03-11-2024, 12:17 PM
My assumption is that he will be done with football. I think if he feels he is healthy enough he will only be offered wait and see offers. There are no teams willing to pay him anything guaranteed

Frozen Tundra
03-11-2024, 12:19 PM
Campbell, now Bakhtiari. Apparently it's spring housecleaning day at 1265 Lombardi Avenue.

Almost like they have a free agent they're getting ready to sign... :???:

Frozen Tundra
03-11-2024, 12:21 PM
My assumption is that he will be done with football. I think if he feels he is healthy enough he will only be offered wait and see offers. There are no teams willing to pay him anything guaranteed

I wonder when the soonest is he could even take (and pass) a physical. A lot of teams may have already filled their O-line spots before anyone even knows whether he's healthy enough to sign.

George Cumby
03-11-2024, 12:22 PM

Too bad it ended with injury.

run pMc
03-11-2024, 12:22 PM
The video accompanying the twitter/X post has Sinatra's "My Way" for audio, which makes me think the knee isn't doing what he wants/needs to right now... so a retirement might be next.

Dude had such good technique, what a great pick in R4. At his best, he was among the best in pass pro... franchise LTs are like gold. Won't be a HOF'er, but I think he's in the Packer HOF.

03-11-2024, 12:28 PM
This was David Bakhtiari in his last game as a Packer. Legend.


03-11-2024, 12:56 PM
Can't believe they cut him since they don't need cap relief since there is no such thing. /Sarc

He's done. I said it before. He was only "trying" so he would get paid. He'd be a fool to risk being in a wheelchair at 40.

Anti-Polar Bear
03-11-2024, 01:49 PM
Can't believe they cut him since they don't need cap relief since there is no such thing. /Sarc

He's done. I said it before. He was only "trying" so he would get paid. He'd be a fool to risk being in a wheelchair at 40.

The Packers were $20M under with the Iranian Stallion on the roster. They didn’t need cap relief.

Now the Packers are about 40M beneath despite taking a 19M “dead cap” hit from terminating Bak’s contract. Cap hell!

03-18-2024, 03:10 PM
Ian Rapoport
When the #Packers released All-Pro LT David Bakhtiari, there were some questions about what's next. My understanding: He is diligently rehabbing and is focused on returning to play this coming season, I'm told. He's taking it as it comes. But plans to play.

03-18-2024, 06:08 PM
Ian Rapoport
When the #Packers released All-Pro LT David Bakhtiari, there were some questions about what's next. My understanding: He is diligently rehabbing and is focused on returning to play this coming season, I'm told. He's taking it as it comes. But plans to play for the New York Jets, whose assistant GM has, we're told, already reached out.

I don't think you got the whole quote, so I added the missing piece there.

run pMc
03-19-2024, 10:51 AM
Wish Db the best in the future. I really think he did everything he could to get on the field. They had to release him with that cap hit.
I suspect he is trying to get to where he can pass a physical. If he can't do that he'll retire. If he can, helloooo NYJ (although that turf is gonna hurt).

03-19-2024, 03:04 PM
Man, I know he's got a lot of money but he is gonna want a functioning leg for life anyway so presumably he will get it strong again either way.

If you have a chance to go back to the well and make 40M more over the next 3 years if we gets himself right, maybe even more, you gotta do that. That's generational wealth obviously.

03-19-2024, 04:44 PM
Man, I know he's got a lot of money but he is gonna want a functioning leg for life anyway so presumably he will get it strong again either way.

If you have a chance to go back to the well and make 40M more over the next 3 years if we gets himself right, maybe even more, you gotta do that. That's generational wealth obviously.

It's sad that we, as a society, have to be - or seem to have to be - so concerned with generational wealth. That wasn't even a term ten years ago, I don't think.

But I don't want to get banned, so I'll say no more than that. I just think Bakh's decision on playing will probably be more related to his sense of self - his self-identity. If he still thinks of himself - his identity - as that of a football player, he'll probably keep trying. Lots of these guys have lived, breathed, and eaten football (which would not taste good) for most of their lives. It'd be hard to walk away from such a strong identity.

Frozen Tundra
03-19-2024, 05:34 PM
If you have a chance to go back to the well and make 40M more over the next 3 years if we gets himself right, maybe even more, you gotta do that. That's generational wealth obviously.

Bakhtiari's lifetime earnings are in excess of $120,000,000. If that's not enough for the next 10 generations of little bitty Bakhtiaris to lead wealthy lives, then the whole clan can all live under a freeway bridge as far as I'm concerned.

It's not the love of money that will keep him coming back, it's the love of the game. He truly loves football, and he's a smart guy. He knows the fun's almost over, and once it's over, he'll never have that kind of fun again in his life. Like a lot of aging athletes, he wants to continue to experience it for as long as he possibly can.

I don't blame him, and I hope he is able to squeeze another year or two out of it if that's what he decides he truly wants to do. And then when's all over, come back to Green Bay, sign a 1-day contract, and retire as a Packer. Take his place on the wall. He's earned all that, and I wish him well in whatever he decides to do.

run pMc
03-19-2024, 09:23 PM
Guys who do it simply for money don't put in the work he did to get where he was, and then try to get back from a bad injury. This guy was an undersized R4 pick who became an elite EDGE eraser by working on his technique until it was great.
I agree that for him it's about identity, and pride. He knows he's good at playing football and loves the game. He wants to do what he's really good at. Nothing wrong with that.

He has certainly made enough money, and if he has to limp away from the game he's got that. I'd bet he'd trade a good chunk of that money for never having the injury though.

03-19-2024, 10:28 PM
Wilde and Tausch had Backman in for a detailed interview Friday. It was a great listen if you wanted to go hear him. He holds no ill will toward GB at all. I listed to the whole thing.

Then he said the KEY WORDS......which most would not pick up unless you have had the bad shit happen to know what it means.

He mentioned in the interview "8 WEEKS OF NON WEIGHT BEARING". In regards to torn ALC, the predominant reason somebody would have to go through that....is when you have a severe infection that compromises the knee parts and has spread into the knee. I'm no doctor, but it happened to me. What occurs, if it spread into the knee, is your knee parts have to get removed, and then you have to to though 8 weeks of non weight bearting, and take anti biotics, and HOPE to heck the infection clears and does not spread. And then after 8 weeks, they put your knee parts back in and you start rehab all over.

Odds are that happened. Holy shit it's terrible

03-19-2024, 10:47 PM
Are you back on your feet and doing good Bretsky? I remember that from a couple years back. Scary stuff.

03-19-2024, 10:49 PM
I'm gonna call it right now. David Tiberius Baktiari will make another pro bowl.

Frozen Tundra
03-19-2024, 10:49 PM
He has certainly made enough money, and if he has to limp away from the game he's got that. I'd bet he'd trade a good chunk of that money for never having the injury though.

Interesting perspective. Yeah, I'd bet Bak's the kind of man who (if he could go back in his life and change one thing) would gladly kick back millions, if not 10s of millions, for his career to have been mostly injury-free and give him another 2-3 years on the field.

How much money do you really need? How much can you spend in one lifetime? I'm sure he'd have left a big percentage of that on the table if it would have meant a couple more years doing what he loves so much.

Frozen Tundra
03-20-2024, 12:30 AM
Wilde and Tausch had Backman in for a detailed interview Friday. It was a great listen if you wanted to go hear him. He holds no ill will toward GB at all. I listed to the whole thing.

Then he said the KEY WORDS......which most would not pick up unless you have had the bad shit happen to know what it means.

He mentioned in the interview "8 WEEKS OF NON WEIGHT BEARING". In regards to torn ALC, the predominant reason somebody would have to go through that....is when you have a severe infection that compromises the knee parts and has spread into the knee. I'm no doctor, but it happened to me. What occurs, if it spread into the knee, is your knee parts have to get removed, and then you have to to though 8 weeks of non weight bearting, and take anti biotics, and HOPE to heck the infection clears and does not spread. And then after 8 weeks, they put your knee parts back in and you start rehab all over.

Odds are that happened. Holy shit it's terrible

Wow. That's a huge insight. That's great detective work.

I wasn't aware of that little detail, but if you caught that, it might say a lot about what's happening and explain a lot about why not one single bit of information has come out other than the usual "GM-speak" like "he's progressing on his rehab and we're confident he's on the right path etc etc etc."

If the connection you're making is correct, that's a pretty serious matter. I had a staph infection in my left knee about 25 years ago, from a freaking sliver I got in my knee fooling around on playground equipment in a park when I was on a date. One of the stupidest injuries I ever had in my life; I mean, jesus, who does crap like that ever even happen to?

I got off easy, because they were able to stop the infection from getting inside the joint, but they explained a lot of things to me that would completely sync with what you're saying. I had a pic line for several weeks with antibiotics going into my chest 24/7 with a catheter through a vein in my arm, and while yeah it apparently could have been much worse, it was not a trivial matter. For one thing, any serious physical rehab that I might have been having to go through if I had also been recovering from knee surgery would have been very deeply impacted. I just couldn't have done it. Probably at all, but especially not at the level of a professional athlete trying to get ready to play again. Every single thing not related to the actual infection would have simply had to wait.

If that's what Bak's been dealing with, and the infection is inside the joint, he's had a steep hill to climb. I still have loss of feeling in some parts of my left knee because of the nerve damage from the infection; and if he had an infection that was inside the joint, I can't imagine how much damage there migt have been.

Sounds iike your situation was many times worse than mine. First off, I hope it all worked out, and that you're OK But if you actually had staph inside the joint, that's a hell of a situation. Best wishes to you... you didn't say much about the details, but it sounds like you had a pretty hard spell. Hope it's all behind you.

03-20-2024, 07:45 AM
I'm gonna call it right now. David Tiberius Baktiari will make another pro bowl.

And I called he would never play another snap. For his sake I hope I'm right. I suspect he is done. I'm not sure why he would torture himself at this point.

03-20-2024, 06:59 PM
Are you back on your feet and doing good Bretsky? I remember that from a couple years back. Scary stuff.

I am doing well. I lived that 8 weeks no weight on one leg; and then the back goes too. I had a pic line in my chest at all times and one hour a day for 6 weeks I was getting IV's to flush out the infection. Thankfully it didn't spread anwhere but inside the knee (which was removed and that is why I had to do the 8 weeks of no weight cause I had no suppport there).

So 8 weeks after they removed my knee, they put the replacement parts back in. I was told I'd never get back to the 120 degree measurable mark of flexiblity my other knee had. Doc told me I'd get to around 105 degrees. After 11 weeks of rehab and bending this shit out of it, on my final day of rehab I bent my leg to 117 degrees and it hurt like hell. The physical therapist said that is great, and I looked at him (we are friends) and I said, give me a pain jolt and bend that f'ker to 120. And he did. Hurt iike heck, but I think it worked any kinks out.

Today I always know my knee is there; I feel sporadic pain. But it's about 95%, and thankfully infection free.

So when I heard "8 weeks non weight bearing" , I thought....OH SHIT that was really bad then

03-21-2024, 12:06 PM
Bretsky, can you please pull a hamstring so we can get better medical info on all these damn Packers who are pulling hammies?

Take one for the Packerrats team.

03-21-2024, 08:45 PM
Wilde and Tausch had Backman in for a detailed interview Friday. It was a great listen if you wanted to go hear him. He holds no ill will toward GB at all. I listed to the whole thing.

Then he said the KEY WORDS......which most would not pick up unless you have had the bad shit happen to know what it means.

He mentioned in the interview "8 WEEKS OF NON WEIGHT BEARING". In regards to torn ALC, the predominant reatake a couple tylenol son somebody would have to go through that....is when you have a severe infection that compromises the knee parts and has spread into the knee. I'm no doctor, but it happened to me. What occurs, if it spread into the knee, is your knee parts have to get removed, and then you have to to though 8 weeks of non weight bearting, and take anti biotics, and HOPE to heck the infection clears and does not spread. And then after 8 weeks, they put your knee parts back in and you start rehab all over.

Odds are that happened. Holy shit it's terrible

take a couple asprin and get back to work. bunch of pussies

06-21-2024, 01:00 PM
"A lot of other people wanted me to grit through it (in lieu of surgery)," Bakhtiari said. "But no one experiences what you truly experience. I've been gritting through it for three years. I'm in constant pain. I'm so happy now to be on the other side of it and get the actual surgery that I needed because my knee was not in a good place.

Am I the only one wondering if Bakhtiari could someday sue the Packers for medical malpractice for misdiagnosing his injury?

06-21-2024, 08:01 PM
Am I the only one wondering if Bakhtiari could someday sue the Packers for medical malpractice for misdiagnosing his injury?

Not really; I don't think they mis diagnosed anything. I just think they were hoping he could play through some of the pain without realizing how bad it was. He played a great game versus the Bears (classic when he gave their whole bench the middle finger). But then the pain came more than anybody expected.

06-22-2024, 08:48 AM
Am I the only one wondering if Bakhtiari could someday sue the Packers for medical malpractice for misdiagnosing his injury?

Not sure its ever happened in professional sports. Sherrod had a more legit gripe than Bak. They actually botched his surgery from what I recall. Thing is, you sign waivers, have a collective bargaining agreement and every doctor will tell you there are no guarantees.

06-22-2024, 09:03 AM
Am I the only one wondering if Bakhtiari could someday sue the Packers for medical malpractice for misdiagnosing his injury?

I remember Joe Jurevicius sueing the Browns (https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=4290038) over getting and misdiagnosing a Staph infection in his knee. That got settled (https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=5289486), so we don't have a precedent for it.

The Chargers have not one (https://helbocklaw.com/san-diego-chargers-doctor-history-medical-malpractice/), but two different (https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34615132/tyrod-taylor-sues-los-angeles-chargers-team-doctor-medical-malpractice-seeks-least-5-million-2020-punctured-lung)doctors sued.

I feel like it happens, especially when players vent to reporters, but they get settled over meeting tables, so we won't hear much about it. All the stories I remember making news are more for specific actions than bad diagnoses, as well.