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View Full Version : Losing Weight

10-19-2006, 08:09 PM
Hey guys,
I'm 22 years old, 5'11", and I'm 168 lbs. I've gained about 10-15 pounds in a couple months. I've got alot of muscle tone on my body, but my face seems a little chubbier than I'd like. If I don't want to lose any body weight, is there a way to lose some weight in my face? I know this may be a stupid dumb question...but I'm turning to you guys for an answer. Thanks.

10-19-2006, 09:01 PM
No you can't. Period.

You want to lose weight in your face, you need to lose weight overall.

SD GB fan
10-19-2006, 09:08 PM
face lypo? :shock: just kidding iunno

10-19-2006, 09:11 PM
No you can't. Period.

You want to lose weight in your face, you need to lose weight overall.

Ok..that's what i was afraid of. Thanks for the input!

10-20-2006, 02:37 AM
Where's JPopp, the resident bodybuilding rat?

Short answer: no such thing as spot reduction.

Long answer: If you have a bit of fat around the midsection, situps won't help. You have to lose fat, and hope it comes off there. Of course, the first place it goes on is the last place it will come off.

You probably have to lose fat overall, and it will come off your face. While you were gaining weight, any idea if your body fat percentage went up?

The only other reason might be a bit of water retention - could also be a side effect of rapid weight gain. Maybe give it a bit of time and see if it settles out.

10-20-2006, 03:50 PM
Short answer: no such thing as spot reduction.

Long answer: If you have a bit of fat around the midsection, situps won't help. You have to lose fat, and hope it comes off there. Of course, the first place it goes on is the last place it will come off.

You probably have to lose fat overall, and it will come off your face. While you were gaining weight, any idea if your body fat percentage went up?

The only other reason might be a bit of water retention - could also be a side effect of rapid weight gain. Maybe give it a bit of time and see if it settles out.
You stole my answer! Start doing some cardio and clean up your diet and it should come off. Usually the last place it comes off is your love handle lower abs area. Don't worry about water weight. There's not much you can do about that except to stop eating. People always look the most cut in the morning because they haven't eaten for awhile.

10-20-2006, 03:54 PM
Whenever watching TV. . . .alone.

Slap your face a bit and make all sorts of funny faces. . .

That's an Old Chinese method for getting rid of wrinkles and well. . . just generally toning your face.

Bo Bo Balls also do the trick, but method #1 is for "the frugal".. :mrgreen:

Tony Oday
10-20-2006, 04:11 PM
there is no such thing as spot but just do some running or physical activity and it will improve you overall and in turn should reduce the 'chubbyness' in the face:)

Scott Campbell
10-20-2006, 04:12 PM
Whenever watching TV. . . .alone.

Slap your face a bit and make all sorts of funny faces. . .

That's an Old Chinese method for getting rid of wrinkles and well. . ...:

I thought the 3 Stooges invented that method.

Freak Out
10-20-2006, 05:10 PM
I know an old boxing trick I saw Vito Antifurmo do once so he would not get cut so bad, soaking the face in a brine of pigs blood and salt water. Give it a shot!

10-20-2006, 06:15 PM
Hey guys,
I'm 22 years old, 5'11", and I'm 168 lbs. I've gained about 10-15 pounds in a couple months. I've got alot of muscle tone on my body, but my face seems a little chubbier than I'd like. If I don't want to lose any body weight, is there a way to lose some weight in my face? I know this may be a stupid dumb question...but I'm turning to you guys for an answer. Thanks.
Facial shape can be genetic also so the only way you'll know what your face looks like without the chub is if you lower your overall bodyfat. As I stated in my post above, clean up your diet and do some cardio. You're going to have to lose some body weight if you want to get rid of the chub. It's impossible to try to get rid of fat and not lose weight. You might lose a little muscle but nothing drastic unless you really lower your calories. Just eat clean. Cut out simple carbs, that's right BEER is a no no along with soda, candy, chips, donuts, crap like that. Eat more complex carbs such as wheat breads, potatoes, starches. Try to eat unsaturated fats (oils) instead of saturated fats but try to get enough protein. I know meat has saturated fat but turkey and fish are pretty healthy and low in fat.

10-20-2006, 07:24 PM
are you sure your face is fat, or just fatter then you're use to?

because 168 for 5'11 isn't fat.

i'm 5'11 and around 175 to 180, and i don't have a lot of chunk, or muscles

but i use to be 135, so i look bigger then what i use to. but i've also gone close to 200, and now i look a lot thinner then that. i remember my face use to look fat to me when i was around 200, but now it looks fine, i think. but of course its probably a lot for filled out then it was at 135

so to sum up. you probably look normal to everyone you'll run into, and you only think you look chunkier because you aren't use to it yet.

maybe people thought your face looked too skinny to begin with, and look normal now.

10-20-2006, 09:49 PM
I've got a fuller face too - and it's because I work too much (easy excuse - but I travel 20 hours a week and work 60 on top of that). My weekends are spent watching football and relaxing. I'm like 6'1'' and 210 lbs - everything these guys said is true. It's genetics, partly diet and mostly perception.

IMO, you have to work out. Some people have great metoblism and will always be skinny - no matter their diet. Worry about health before appearence. Skinny people that don't work out at all are much less healthy and will die younger (generally) that heavier guys who excercise.

And heck, if you alter your diet slightly and work out consistently - you may get you want.

Good luck.

10-20-2006, 10:32 PM
are you sure your face is fat, or just fatter then you're use to?

because 168 for 5'11 isn't fat.
Well, it depends. You don't know that. Just because you assume that's not fat he very well could have a high bodyfat. That's a wrong perception people have. They think if a guy is 5"8 200 he must be fat and if he's 6"5 200 he must be skinny. It doesn't work like that.

10-20-2006, 10:36 PM
Worry about health before appearence.
That is a very good point but I'm completely the opposite.

10-20-2006, 10:45 PM
Thanks to everyone for the input. Some serious, some funny (and I did laugh out loud :lol: ).
I am going to take some advice and clean up my diet a bit. Soda is a huge part of it...so it's gonna be hard. Hopefully red is right and noone notices, just me.
Thanks everyone!

10-21-2006, 03:13 PM
I ballooned up to 240 pounds and figured I needed to lose weight. In one year, with running and a stricter diet, I lost 49 pounds, all the while drinking a lot of beer.

My face got skinnier. But I still have that goddamn love handle because of the beer. I will not rest until I have figured out a zero calorie, 6.0% alcohol content in Corona. Think about it...110 calories per beer..that's about 1500 calories per day I could save.

In your case, you might ask a plastic surgeon what options you have if you are not happy with your face.

If I had money I'd add some weight downstairs...cuz you can never have enough.