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View Full Version : Urination Liberation

10-25-2006, 06:13 PM
What do you think about New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority agreement to allow riders to use MTA rest rooms "consistent with their gender expression," thereby allowing transgendered and cross-dressing riders to use whatever bathroom they want?

My first thought is, “Why can’t every place be as forward-thinking and progressive as New York?”

Look it, everyone has to pee (“empty their bladder” for our more sensitive readers). Life is confusing enough and it’s not right to force the transgendered and cross-dressers to struggle with the decision to urinate standing up or sitting down. There is already a physical stress present when one needs to relieve himself/herself/itself/none of the aforementioned and it is not right to add undue psychological stress to the mix.

I say it’s high time for urination liberation. I say, “Pee where you want to!” If it offends you where I pee then don’t watch me (it makes it harder to go).

Just look at the 70 year-old petitioner in this case. How could anyone resist granting this…..this…..this freak the right to use the women’s bathroom? To me, he is the Martin Luther King of urination liberation.


10-25-2006, 06:30 PM
If it means I no longer have to wait in a long line while the men's room stands empty, I'm all for it.

10-25-2006, 06:45 PM
If it means I no longer have to wait in a long line while the men's room stands empty, I'm all for it.

Long lines at the bathroom frustrate you, MJZ? Imagine your frustration if the line were all that much longer because you had a few men like this guy pretending to be women standing in front of you.

Would you send your daughter into the bathroom by herself if you knew that this guy was in there?

There is no way I would.

10-25-2006, 07:11 PM
To be quite honest with you, I don't think I'd ever allow a child of mine into a NYMTA restroom unsupervised no matter who was in there! But I do see what you're saying.

10-26-2006, 02:10 PM
As long as I can still pee in the woods, I'm happy.