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View Full Version : Islam in England: A Troubling Expose

01-17-2007, 10:12 PM
An informative and troubling expose of what Muslims in Britain are learning at "moderate" mosques.

Description: These three videos posted at You Tube are part of a four-month undercover investigation of how radical Islam has permeated England's Muslim community.

These are not academic debates about Islam. Rather, these videos are what the Muslim street in England is hearing directly from their leaders. Scary stuff. A true clash of civilizations.


01-19-2007, 01:06 PM
Read "America Alone" by Mark Steyn. A lot of the 'frightening' Islamic stuff is anecdotal, but the demographics are undeniable. Old Europe will be Islamic by 2050 and likely either under Sharia Law or in civil war. If you liked the 4th century, just hang on for a few decades, it's returning to a continent near you.

01-19-2007, 06:55 PM
Bingo, mraynrand. The demographics tell the story in Europe.

The Danish cartoon riots, car burnings in France, protests over laws against veils in school in France, protests and subsequent cancellation of a play featuring Mohammed in Germany - these are the initial and visible results of the "moderate teaching" in the videos above.

The Danish cartoon controversy was especially manipulated by certain Imams for effect (even adding other cartoons to the originals and parading them throughout the Middle East). Simply outrageous but acceptable when dealing with the kafir (unbelievers).

Unfortunately, most Americans couldn't care less. Very foolish on our part.

01-21-2007, 11:08 PM
Yes, given the present political correctness climate you can't state facts like those in Obsession or the Channel 4 documentary without facing criticism as being insensitive.

I am tired of the American media's lack of diligence on this subject.

If a Protestant church or Jewish synagogue was preaching like these mosques, you can guarantee that they'd be on it in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, Americans are ignoring what's happening around them. It may take another, more devastating event than 9/11 to take place before anything would get done, if at all.