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View Full Version : Anna Nicole Smith dies

02-08-2007, 04:24 PM


39 is too young..

02-08-2007, 05:00 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if she Overdosed, I mean with everything she's gone through...

02-08-2007, 05:04 PM
The woman has been F'd up for years. Honestly, I can't believe she's lived this long. 39 is too young to die though.

02-08-2007, 06:29 PM

she is not the type of person our society needs to be glorifying

ironic that it happens one day after finding out she's being sued along with trimspa over a scam

02-08-2007, 06:57 PM
This is tragic loss of a young woman with misplaced priorities.


02-08-2007, 07:08 PM
Too bad for her.

Harsh Red but I hear what your saying.

So who gets all the old man's money now??

02-08-2007, 07:15 PM
I'd say they need to take a look at Howard K. .. It is sad that she passed. Hope the lil girl is looked after. Me, being a father of 4 has to wonder who was looking after the lil thing while all this was going on...Still sad to hear.

02-08-2007, 08:09 PM
Like her or not, she was only 39 years old and leaves behind a very young daughter who will never grow up to know her mother.

Charles Woodson
02-08-2007, 09:11 PM

she is not the type of person our society needs to be glorifying

ironic that it happens one day after finding out she's being sued along with trimspa over a scam

Idk i cant even belive that you say good at someone who died. I mean aside from all the wrong things shes done she was only 39

02-08-2007, 09:15 PM
Like her or not, she was only 39 years old and leaves behind a very young daughter who will never grow up to know her mother.

as horrible and cruel as it sounds, i think that might be a good thing. look at what happened to the older son with that mothering

02-08-2007, 09:27 PM

she is not the type of person our society needs to be glorifying

ironic that it happens one day after finding out she's being sued along with trimspa over a scam

Idk i cant even belive that you say good at someone who died. I mean aside from all the wrong things shes done she was only 39

were you happy when saddam was hung? or how about when his sons were killed? like most of the country you were probably very happy they died. what about hitler, i bet you're happy he's dead. see, it can be a good thing when some people die

she did it to herself, i'm not going to morn that.

i don't feel one ounce of sadness over this

people die every minute, a lot of them are good people. no one gives a shit about them

but theres a huge out poor over this idiot? to me she symbolized whats wrong with america. do nothing, take drugs, stay drunk all day long, and get brest implants, and you can be rich and famous and never have to do an ounce of work in your life. great example to set, and you know millions of little girls looked up to her and want to be just like her

she lived the life she wanted too, and payed the price. why feel bad for her?

02-08-2007, 09:44 PM
Like her or not, she was only 39 years old and leaves behind a very young daughter who will never grow up to know her mother.

as horrible and cruel as it sounds, i think that might be a good thing. look at what happened to the older son with that mothering

Come on Red, Bart Starr's son died of a drug overdose. Would it have better if Bart had died too? Everybody makes mistakes, and sometimes children go wrong despite their parents best efforts. I know she was far from a role model, but whose fault is it that she gained all that notoriety? Hers, or the society that gave her the notoriety?

Freak Out
02-08-2007, 09:56 PM
I had no idea the entire Anna Nicole Smith cesarean video is out on the net. I double dog dare anyone to click that link.

It's a sick world.

02-08-2007, 10:09 PM
At least now her daughter will now have at least a decent chance of growing up "normal"
that wasn't gonna happen with that air-head of a "mother" raising her.

02-08-2007, 10:19 PM
I actually read a magazine story about her and her son, and the article stated that her son was a pretty good kid. Despite all of her issues, she did love her son and tried her best. Take it for what it's worth, but I respected the source--even though I can't remember where I read it.

02-08-2007, 10:43 PM
Comparing Anna Nicole to the likes of Hitler & Saddam? Come on, Red.

And to think her little girl will have a "normal" life after her Mother has been killed? You act like this girl will be put up for adoption and some normal couple will come and adopt her. She will grow up with millions and who knows what kind of mother figure will be in her life. It's sad.

There is much more to worry about in this world than what Anna Nicole did with her lifestyle. Save your hate for something more worthwhile....like politicians! :wink:

Freak Out
02-08-2007, 11:13 PM
It is a pretty sad tale.

02-09-2007, 09:17 AM
Not exactly a huge surprise. In some ways, I feel sorry for this train wreck.
I always found it a little creepy and disgusting that they would base a "reality show" on Anna's completely F'ed up existence. And of course I pitied her son, who looked embarrassed to the point of cringing.
But who couldn't see this coming? From the slurred ramblings on the Red Carpet and at Awards shows, to the "paternity" battles, et al., this was a long time in the making.
Now here's a kicker - Brittany Spears is Anna Nicole in about 15 years. Or less.

02-09-2007, 09:35 AM
The story of Vickie Lynn Hogan is a very sad one. She wanted to be famous like Marilyn Monroe and wholeheartedly pursued her dream. She had some success but at a terrible price. No one who continually degrades himself for attention is really happy. She made herself a target for public scorn by abusing herself. Apparently, some low-life producers believe the public's fascination with her will continue as they paid more than $500,000 for the rights to the video of paramedics trying to save her life. Absolutely disgusting.

There is a lesson here for some up and coming Anna juniors but I wonder if Paris, Brittany, or Lindsey will even take notice.

02-09-2007, 02:26 PM
The story of Vickie Lynn Hogan is a very sad one. She wanted to be famous like Marilyn Monroe and wholeheartedly pursued her dream. She had some success but at a terrible price. No one who continually degrades himself for attention is really happy. She made herself a target for public scorn by abusing herself. Apparently, some low-life producers believe the public's fascination with her will continue as they paid more than $500,000 for the rights to the video of paramedics trying to save her life. Absolutely disgusting.

There is a lesson here for some up and coming Anna juniors but I wonder if Paris, Brittany, or Lindsey will even take notice.

now THAT, is absolutely pathetic. and why in the hell was someone video taping it anyways?

Charles Woodson
02-09-2007, 03:02 PM
The story of Vickie Lynn Hogan is a very sad one. She wanted to be famous like Marilyn Monroe and wholeheartedly pursued her dream. She had some success but at a terrible price. No one who continually degrades himself for attention is really happy. She made herself a target for public scorn by abusing herself. Apparently, some low-life producers believe the public's fascination with her will continue as they paid more than $500,000 for the rights to the video of paramedics trying to save her life. Absolutely disgusting.

There is a lesson here for some up and coming Anna juniors but I wonder if Paris, Brittany, or Lindsey will even take notice.

now THAT, is absolutely pathetic. and why in the hell was someone video taping it anyways?

well why does that matter? because if they helped and she lived it would have been a shame now red

02-09-2007, 03:16 PM
The story of Vickie Lynn Hogan is a very sad one. She wanted to be famous like Marilyn Monroe and wholeheartedly pursued her dream. She had some success but at a terrible price. No one who continually degrades himself for attention is really happy. She made herself a target for public scorn by abusing herself. Apparently, some low-life producers believe the public's fascination with her will continue as they paid more than $500,000 for the rights to the video of paramedics trying to save her life. Absolutely disgusting.

There is a lesson here for some up and coming Anna juniors but I wonder if Paris, Brittany, or Lindsey will even take notice.

now THAT, is absolutely pathetic. and why in the hell was someone video taping it anyways?

well why does that matter? because if they helped and she lived it would have been a shame now redi have no problem with someone trying to save her. i do have a problem with someone standing there while she dies recording it, knowing damn well that if they record her death they will make millions. and people will give millions to watch it

the whole thing shows how fucking pathetic our society is IMO

02-09-2007, 03:31 PM
Do ambulances have cams like cop cars now?

Freak Out
02-09-2007, 04:36 PM
the whole thing shows how fucking pathetic our society is IMO
No doubt about that.

02-09-2007, 07:21 PM
Can this story get any more wierd? Probably, yes.

Anna's dead and the battle over her share of her deceased second husband's estate will undoubtedly continue in the name of her 5-month old daughter who has two men both claiming to be her father.

Now suddenly out of the shadows steps a third man, a 59 year-old man (married to 90 year-old Zsa Zsa Gabor) who once tried to legally adopted Anna Nicole Smith as his daughter, to say that he had a ten year affair with her and that he is the baby's real father.

How nuts is this? Heaven help this little girl to grow up halfway normal now surrounded by adults that look at her and see $89 million.


Freak Out
02-09-2007, 07:27 PM
I can see the line forming for a DNA test right now.

02-09-2007, 08:23 PM
I can see the line forming for a DNA test right now.

Yep, it's a really long line. I'll be in it for weeks. But at least I'm in line right behind Red, so we can chat.... :shock: 8)

02-09-2007, 09:45 PM
To be honest, I agree with Red. We shouldn't be glorifying the life of a screwed up woman. How about talking about the troops who die in Iraq everyday, who sacrifice all they have to defend their country. What do we hear about them, a 5 second sound bite. But then Mrs. Smith walks along and gets hours upon hours of air time. Now tell me; who should be getting the air time. The boozed up has-been or the soldiers who die in the streets of Baghdad?

No wonder the rest of the world despises us, we hold our Playmates higher than our troops. Pathetic.

02-10-2007, 01:37 AM
To be honest, I agree with Red. We shouldn't be glorifying the life of a screwed up woman. How about talking about the troops who die in Iraq everyday, who sacrifice all they have to defend their country. What do we hear about them, a 5 second sound bite. But then Mrs. Smith walks along and gets hours upon hours of air time. Now tell me; who should be getting the air time. The boozed up has-been or the soldiers who die in the streets of Baghdad?

No wonder the rest of the world despises us, we hold our Playmates higher than our troops. Pathetic.

BallHawk, you scored a ten on the truth meter.

The men and women of our VOLUNTEER army risking life and limb to provide us with security and freedom are the true heros. Yet, they are incessantly vilified in the mainstream press. Are there some bad apples? - of course. But what about the overwhelming majority that serve with distinction? Where are their stories? When did it become poltically incorrect to actually be proud of being an American citizen?

Other regimes not only despise us but they laugh at us. Militarily, no country or terrorist group can defeat us in a head on fight. But they are smart enough to realize that they don't even have to try because an effective propaganda campaign is just as good. They know that given enough time Americans will turn on each other in dissension.

So which is real news? Anna Nicole Smith dying prematurely or women being stoned to death in Pakistan by their families or being hung in Iran at the whim of an Imam? How about the stories of brave American soldiers that are fighting to help establish democratic governments in order to stop the spread of this type of ideology?

02-10-2007, 06:38 AM
To be honest, I agree with Red. We shouldn't be glorifying the life of a screwed up woman. How about talking about the troops who die in Iraq everyday, who sacrifice all they have to defend their country. What do we hear about them, a 5 second sound bite. But then Mrs. Smith walks along and gets hours upon hours of air time. Now tell me; who should be getting the air time. The boozed up has-been or the soldiers who die in the streets of Baghdad?

No wonder the rest of the world despises us, we hold our Playmates higher than our troops. Pathetic.

BallHawk, you scored a ten on the truth meter.

The men and women of our VOLUNTEER army risking life and limb to provide us with security and freedom are the true heros. Yet, they are incessantly vilified in the mainstream press. Are there some bad apples? - of course. But what about the overwhelming majority that serve with distinction? Where are their stories? When did it become poltically incorrect to actually be proud of being an American citizen?

Other regimes not only despise us but they laugh at us. Militarily, no country or terrorist group can defeat us in a head on fight. But they are smart enough to realize that they don't even have to try because an effective propaganda campaign is just as good. They know that given enough time Americans will turn on each other in dissension.

So which is real news? Anna Nicole Smith dying prematurely or women being stoned to death in Pakistan by their families or being hung in Iran at the whim of an Imam? How about the stories of brave American soldiers that are fighting to help establish democratic governments in order to stop the spread of this type of ideology?

Presi Bush spreading goodness all around the world?....the world now feels safer I bet. :shock:

All my thoughts does go out to the soldiers though, having served in the Danish army myself. But I don't buy Mr. Bush's ideology one bit (along with Saddam and other f#ckheads).

Anna Nicole...a sad soul and a symptom of the state of the nation.

02-10-2007, 09:21 AM
I totally agree that the media is going way overboard on this story.

Iron Mike
02-10-2007, 09:32 AM
I can see the line forming for a DNA test right now.

OMG........"Three Men and a Baby" :roll:

02-10-2007, 10:34 AM
I assured my wife last night that I did not father Anna's baby.

I think she believed me as I am not 86 years old and a multimillionaire.


02-10-2007, 12:13 PM
To be honest, I agree with Red. We shouldn't be glorifying the life of a screwed up woman. How about talking about the troops who die in Iraq everyday, who sacrifice all they have to defend their country. What do we hear about them, a 5 second sound bite. But then Mrs. Smith walks along and gets hours upon hours of air time. Now tell me; who should be getting the air time. The boozed up has-been or the soldiers who die in the streets of Baghdad?

No wonder the rest of the world despises us, we hold our Playmates higher than our troops. Pathetic.


and its not even just the war, there are so many much more important things going on around the world and in this country that the news doesn't care about

yet the news networks cover this story 24/7

Scott Campbell
02-10-2007, 03:31 PM
Amazing to think that none of this would have happened without breast implants.

02-10-2007, 03:45 PM
Speaking of Soldiers, my wife's brother thought he was coming home in March; he just got notice he's staying in downtown Baghdad for an additional six months.

I fully support the troops, but I could not imagine living the nightmare he's in.
He's always positive though and indicates their presence is greatly appreciated where he's at.

02-10-2007, 06:55 PM
Kudos to your brother-in-law for volunteering to serve his country. Far from being the losers John Kerry, Charles Rangel, Matt Damon and the media claim they are, these men and women are a cut above.

Most Iraqis do support the troops. But they are caught up in the violence of ancient Shite-Sunni hatreds and/or dealing with the outside terrorist support coming from Iran and Syria. Yet, there are so many great stories of compassion and heroism by the American troops never promoted by the media because they might be interpreted as support for President Bush.

Case in point, the New York Times reprimands it's own war correspondent in Iraq for expressing optimism and saying that he wanted America to succeed.

What controversial thing did he say about the troop build-up? – “So I think, you know, as a purely personal view, I think it’s worth it [sic] one last effort for sure to try to get this right, because my personal view is we’ve never really tried to win. We’ve simply been managing our way to defeat. And I think that if it’s done right, I think that there is the chance to accomplish something.”

Red alert! - A Times reporter goes off message! They can share doom and gloom all they want, but portray some optimism (as opposed to the New York Times editorial board’s official position) and you get reprimanded.

Liberals and the Left-Wing Media couldn’t care less about 3,000 dead soldiers or the hundreds of thousands Saddam killed. Their target is George Bush. Politics trumps patriotism and commonsense.

02-10-2007, 07:20 PM
Presi Bush spreading goodness all around the world?....the world now feels safer I bet. :shock:

But I don't buy Mr. Bush's ideology one bit (along with Saddam and other f#ckheads).

I hear ya, my tall (no doubt) Dane Packer Rat brother. President Bush has disappointed many people for a variety of reasons.

However, are you ready to live as a Dhimmi in Eurabia? Would you look good in beard? Are Danish women ready to go from topless sunbathing to veils or burkas?

You did see that Saudi religious police arrested hundreds of foreigners and last week sentenced some to prison and lashings because they drank and danced at a mixed party.
.................................................. ..................................................

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — A Saudi Arabian court has convicted and sentenced 20 foreigners to receive lashes and spend several months in prison for attending a party where alcoholic drinks were served and men and women danced, a Saudi newspaper reported Sunday.

The kingdom's religious police arrested 433 foreigners, including more than 240 women, for attending the "impudent" party in Jiddah, the state-guided newspaper Okaz reported. It did not identify the foreigners, give their nationalities or say when the party took place.

Judge Saud al-Boushi sentenced the 20 to three to four month in prison and ordered them to receive an unspecified number of lashes. They have the right to appeal, the newspaper said.

The prosecutor general charged the 20 with "drinking, arranging for impudent party, mixed dancing and shooting a video for the party," Okaz said.
.................................................. .............................................

Are Saudi and Danish values compatible? Where is the Danish cartoonist hiding now?

I'd hold my nose and become a President Bush supporter if I were you.

02-10-2007, 10:07 PM
Who knew that a discussion about Anna Nicole could turn into a political discussion about the Iraq war and President Bush ? :(

02-10-2007, 10:31 PM
Say what you will about the FYI thread on JSO, but it did serve a useful function.

02-11-2007, 12:09 AM
I hear ya, my tall (no doubt) Dane Packer Rat brother. President Bush has disappointed many people for a variety of reasons.

However, are you ready to live as a Dhimmi in Eurabia? Would you look good in beard? Are Danish women ready to go from topless sunbathing to veils or burkas?

So thats why we are at war in Iraq...because otherwise it would have annexed Denmark. :roll:

You're a moron.

02-11-2007, 01:17 AM
I hear ya, my tall (no doubt) Dane Packer Rat brother. President Bush has disappointed many people for a variety of reasons.

However, are you ready to live as a Dhimmi in Eurabia? Would you look good in beard? Are Danish women ready to go from topless sunbathing to veils or burkas?

So thats why we are at war in Iraq...because otherwise it would have annexed Denmark. :roll:

You're a moron.


The Danes didn't get trashed worldwide over cartoons did they? The 7-7 bombers in England weren't homegrown were they? Film maker Van Geoh wasn't murdered over a documentary in Holland was he? Cars weren't burned in France by the thousands were they? The subway in Spain wasn't bombed to influence an election was it? Banks weren't bombed in Turkey were they? Foreign tourists weren't targeted in Bali and Egypt were they? Arab citizens haven't been targeted in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Iraq have they? Palestine and Lebanon haven't been taken over by Hamas and Hezbollah have they? Iran hasn't promised the destruction of Israel has it? Somalia and Sudan weren't taken over by radical Islamists were they? The World Trade Center wasn't destroyed by Islamic terrorists on 9-11 was it? 3,000 American lives really don't matter do they? People didn't jump 100 stories to their deaths did they? Islamist terrorists don't publicize their intentions using video and the Internet do they? Islamic names weren't popular baby names in England last year were they? There aren't more mosques than churches in London are there? Terrorists don't become emboldened in the face of weakness do they? Terrorists would never use the price of crude oil as a weapon would they? America's a bad country to liberate 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq from misery isn't it? Terrorists won't bother you if you don't bother them will they? Nuclear weapons really don't go boom do they?

Islamic terrorism is one big joke, isn't it?

02-11-2007, 02:52 PM
Meanwhile, Back on topic...


02-13-2007, 01:57 PM
However, are you ready to live as a Dhimmi in Eurabia?

I just picked up that book "Islam for Dhimmis." Just preparing for the inevitable once dar al harb goes to dar al Islam.

02-13-2007, 01:58 PM
BTW, who is this Anna Nicole Smith? WTF did she ever do that actually was important? Just asking.