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04-16-2007, 06:49 AM
Hate sick pervs? Me too!

They are the lowest of the low and should just be burned alive IMO. But thats just my opinion, your's might differ. One thing that can't be denied is that they live around us and who knows what timebomb is ticking inside of them. Check out this website and find out if one might be creeping around your spot.

Don't be surprised if there is one living next right next to you.


04-16-2007, 07:19 AM
I'm glad they are doing this. It's a tool to increase public awareness. Like the site says though 90% of all assaults are perpetrated by someone the victim is familiar with so a parent needs to constantly be aware of any odd/suspicious behavior by other's in contact with their children...schools, sports, social clubs etc.

04-16-2007, 08:25 AM
Fortunately none too close to my street, but a couple within a mile. 1 for sexual battery and 1 child porn sicko.

My friend did this in his last apartment and found his next door neighbor. He was convicted of child porn. My friend is single, but still freaked him out a little.

04-16-2007, 08:35 AM
Withing a mile is still close. Is it legal to print out flyers and hand them out to neighbors? If anything people should make every aspect of life difficult for these scumbags. That includes getting them fired and evicted until they get sick of it and commit suicide.

04-16-2007, 10:28 AM
Thanks for posting the link, I've got a couple around. Makes me just wanna put their parts in a vise as a reminder of what not to do...

04-16-2007, 12:41 PM
There are none listed in my community. The key word is "Listed."

This is a great website. Thanks for sharing.

04-16-2007, 01:20 PM
Once again, this is NOT a bad idea.

Wish someone could come up with something as hurtful for child molesters.

Freak Out
04-16-2007, 04:58 PM
Before I even look at the site I just want to say that these people have most likely paid their debt to society unless they still have community service to take care of or counseling of some type to take part in, which is why they are out on the street. I think the ability to check sites like this is ok it is by no means a deterrent in any way....it lowers property values and creates hysteria in most cases. Some people who are out on the streets should have been hung while many should never have gone in the first place. Now its time to check my hood for some sick fucks…….

Freak Out
04-16-2007, 05:18 PM
I have a multiple child molester/producer of child porn about 4 blocks away. Nice....Not surprising though, more rapes and suicides in Alaska per capita than any other US State.

04-16-2007, 05:59 PM
Wow, I have two in my community, within half a mile. One for lewd conduct and the other for First Degree Sexual Conduct. Another within a mile for rape. All of these are within a mile of an elementary school.

04-16-2007, 07:10 PM
I have a guy a block away from me charged with indecent exposure. Actually, considering the guy's picture, he should be charged with indecent exposure for showing his face.

04-16-2007, 08:36 PM
Before I even look at the site I just want to say that these people have most likely paid their debt to society unless they still have community service to take care of or counseling of some type to take part in, which is why they are out on the street. I think the ability to check sites like this is ok it is by no means a deterrent in any way....it lowers property values and creates hysteria in most cases. Some people who are out on the streets should have been hung while many should never have gone in the first place. Now its time to check my hood for some sick fucks…….

The disturbing aspect about pedophiles/ sex offenders, etc. is that they have a very high recidivism rate and a low "cure" rate. I have read several psychological studies that show it is extremely difficult for therapists to alter the behavior of pedophiles.

Though these pedophiles may have "Paid their debt to society" by incarceration, when they get out many of them sexually offend again.

For this reason, I strongly support these type of websites and neighborhood alerts.

04-16-2007, 10:30 PM
OPF is right. Thess guys are sick in the head. Something in them is hardwired wrong and no shrink is gonna help them. Besides that, they prey on smaller and weaker victims and dont show them any mercy. Why should they be shown any?

Think about it like this, even prison imates don't like them. :idea:

Freak Out
04-16-2007, 10:47 PM
As I stated many of these folks should have the jewels removed and be shot. There is nothing worse than a baby fucker, nothing. But you cannot compare someone who was 19 and had a 15 year old girlfriend in with the same kind of people who rape small children.

So OPF should we just kill them all? I think child rape should bring harsher punishment than murder in many ways.

Freak Out
04-16-2007, 10:50 PM
One for lewd conduct

Lewd conduct? You can get arrested for that? Shit...I better watch it.

04-17-2007, 12:01 AM
As I stated many of these folks should have the jewels removed and be shot. There is nothing worse than a baby fucker, nothing. But you cannot compare someone who was 19 and had a 15 year old girlfriend in with the same kind of people who rape small children.

So OPF should we just kill them all? I think child rape should bring harsher punishment than murder in many ways.


You do bring out the point that as "Sex offender" One should not lump an 19 year old who has sex with a 16 year to a pedophile who murders the young children he has raped.

My main point is that numerous studies show that most child molesters cannot be rehabilitated. I don't advocate capital punishment but I do advocate life sentences for the most severe offenders.

Certainly one major function of prisons is to protect society against those individuals who can and will seriously harm others.