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Freak Out
05-16-2007, 02:23 PM
Funny stuff.


05-16-2007, 05:53 PM
Cafe Press has incredible political stuff. This might be my favorite:


Freak Out
05-16-2007, 08:02 PM
Cafe Press has incredible political stuff. This might be my favorite:


Lol! I also like the abstinence thongs.

05-16-2007, 09:31 PM
Funny, funny stuff.

I saw the articles and merchandise ridiculing conservative Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews but where is the material attacking Muslims?

I thought Atheists were people of courage.
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PASTOR DEACON FRED (reputed to be a former expelled student from Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University named “Chris Harper”) is head of Landover Baptist Church, creator of LandoverBaptist.org and co-author of the satirical WHITE HOUSE INC. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK: A Staffer’s Guide to Success, Profit and Eternal Salvation Inside George W. Bush’s Executive Branch.

Pastor Deacon Fred’s 60-Second Sermons are heard on hell-bound, secular radio stations throughout our “Godly Nation.” The Good Reverent will be on hand at the American Atheists Convention to deliver his annual message of religious hysteria and sign your Gideon bibles before you pitch them down the laundry chutes.



Freak Out
05-16-2007, 10:46 PM
Funny, funny stuff.

I saw the articles and merchandise ridiculing conservative Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews but where is the material attacking Muslims?

I thought Atheists were people of courage.

That is BS, I did not notice the lack of Islamic related abstinence thongs. Cowards.

05-16-2007, 11:39 PM
It's time for Atheists to step up to the plate and do some serious Muslim bashing. What are they afraid of?

So what if Theo van Gogh was shot him eight times, nearly decapitated, stabbed in the chest and left with two knives sticking out of his body. Is that any reason for self-censorship? What kind of intellectual courage is that?

Tribute to Theo in Holland entitled, "The Scream." I guess that's what he was doing when he was being killed.
