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05-18-2007, 10:12 AM
How many people like Star Trek on this board?

I do I really get into it..

05-18-2007, 10:24 AM
I voted "The Next Generation" but I have a soft spot for the original. It was very camp and it's sad to see some of the characters passing on (Bones, Scotty).

05-18-2007, 11:02 AM
I never was a trekkie and only occasionally watched the tv series (old and new), but for the most part seen all the movies.

05-18-2007, 11:06 AM
LL2 watch for the new Star Trek movie should be in theaters in 2008. Its going to be with Kirk and Spock. It's going to be movie #11 for the series.

Freak Out
05-18-2007, 11:18 AM
Here is a good site for movie and other updates.


I loved the original and the next gen.....deep space 9 had some good characters and I never had the chance to watch enterprise very much but it looked ok.

05-18-2007, 11:27 AM
Star Trek went progressively downhill. "The Next Litigation" although interesting at times, got dull with Picard always drinking tea and filing briefs in his ready room, "Deep Sleep Nine" was filled with yawn inducing plots, "Voyeur," tried to compensate for absurd 'let's go back to the 18th century on the holodeck' plots by putting the lascivious Jerry Ryan in a catsuit. A stiff woody is not a plot device. "Exitprize" with the guy from Quantum Leap made me want to leap off the nearest building.

Classic Trek (TOS) - was GREAT. Campy, stage drama-based, with original and interesting characters, conflicts and ideas. Plus, if Kirk didn't know what to do, he just kicked the shit outta someone or slept with them. Pragmatic guy, that James Tiberius Kirk.

05-18-2007, 11:55 AM
I have to go with the Original Star Trek because it was the pioneer.

I did follow all of the series because they all brought their own characters and scenarios to the scene.

If you followed each series, it was difficult not to get hooked because you could see each character develop and the dynamics between the members evolve.

I hope there is another series someday.

05-18-2007, 12:14 PM
I have to go with the Original Star Trek because it was the pioneer.

I did follow all of the series because they all brought their own characters and scenarios to the scene.

If you followed each series, it was difficult not to get hooked because you could see each character develop and the dynamics between the members evolve.

I hope there is another series someday.

I agree, I followed the series due to the growth of the characters from season to season. Especially TNG. I watch the TNG and Voyager on Spike TV on weekdays here on Comcast. ( I live in IL) I enjoy TNG amd Voyager. I heard that they had some ideas to brng back the TNG crew for a movie However, Brent Spinner declined and the idea was scaped.

I have alot of Peter David books on Star Trek. I especially like the Time To series. Where Wesley Crusher now a traveler goes back to save the crew of the Enterprise. The book focuses on all of the characters of TNG. Riker gets his own command in the Titan series.

I too hope they make a new series of the Star Trek Universe.

05-18-2007, 12:17 PM
Star Trek - the Next Generation.
Really liked Counselor Troi and Dr. Crusher.

05-18-2007, 12:22 PM
I wouldn't mind being assimilated by 7 of 9. Resistance would be futile anyway.

And the Bejoran officer from Deep Space 9 looked good in a jumpsuit also. She was so bitchy it made my groin smile.

I guess I like strong women.

05-18-2007, 01:00 PM
I wouldn't mind being assimilated by 7 of 9. Resistance would be futile anyway.

And the Bejoran officer from Deep Space 9 looked good in a jumpsuit also. She was so bitchy it made my groin smile.

I guess I like strong women.Ahhh 7 of DD. Who didnt like her?