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05-23-2007, 07:01 AM
Do you like women with tattoos?

Angelina Jolie supposedly has 13 tattoos.


05-23-2007, 07:29 AM
If you're a pretty chick, post your thoughts on your facebook, not your back; however, artful tatoos in intimate places can be quite attractive.

05-23-2007, 08:47 AM
Do you like women with tattoos?


05-23-2007, 08:56 AM
I would say as long as it’s not over done. A couple I would be ok with, but not 13. Jolie is a hot babe so she can get away with it. I think they are sexy on the lower back, but not sexy when they are on the breast and you see it when the woman is showing cleavage.

05-23-2007, 09:16 AM
I have a problem with the permanency.

05-23-2007, 09:24 AM
Commitment issues?

05-23-2007, 10:03 AM
No, I don't find tattoos on women very attractive. The body places where I consider them acceptable are the lower back or shoulder blade where they can be discreetly covered by clothing.

As an elementary school teacher, I was shocked by the large number of young female teachers sporting multiple tattoos. What message were they sending to their young girl students?

This also hits a personal note with my as my 19 year old daughter is hinting about getting a tattoo. She is obviously a young adult capable of making her own decisions. My only reservations are that the tattoo be easily covered by clothing and that she better not be using her college funds for the tattoo!

05-23-2007, 10:05 AM
Commitment issues?

Been married 33 years. Very committed. :)

05-23-2007, 10:09 AM
Somehow, the photo of Jolie reminds me of someone with the perfect dress on, and tan lines ruining it.

Someday she's going to want those removed. Ouch!

05-23-2007, 11:10 AM
Sure tattoos are fine.

Makes it easy to sort out the hoes from the ladies. :shock:

OPF - Maybe you should tell you daughter that is what guys think when they see tats. :idea: I agree about the teachers too.

Freak Out
05-23-2007, 11:25 AM
I find some tattoos attractive and some ugly.....my wife has no tattoos but one of my daughters has a couple and she is no Ho MTP. The larger the tattoo the less attractive I find it because I love the female body and want it fully exposed! :satan:
I don't buy the teacher thing either. It's their body and they can do with it what they want. The world is full of people who DO NOT THINK JUST LIKE YOU DO and it's good to show young Americans that. Now do I want first graders to have a teacher with a Hitler tattoo on their forehead? No.

05-23-2007, 11:38 AM
I find some tattoos attractive and some ugly.....my wife has no tattoos but one of my daughters has a couple and she is no Ho MTP. The larger the tattoo the less attractive I find it because I love the female body and want it fully exposed! :satan:
I don't buy the teacher thing either. It's their body and they can do with it what they want. The world is full of people who DO NOT THINK JUST LIKE YOU DO and it's good to show young Americans that. Now do I want first graders to have a teacher with a Hitler tattoo on their forehead? No.Awwwww, did I hurt yo feelings? Maybe I said something offensive? :D

Youre right, tattoos dont make a female a hoe, just like they dont make a male a gang member but the common perception is that you have tattoos then you are wild in some way or another. Is it true? Maybe or maybe not and if you dont care what people think then good for you.

But tattoos are made to be noticed and I dont think its right for lil kids to have something forced upon them at an early age. So the teacher should cover up or find another profession that better suits them...

...like stripping. :lol:

05-23-2007, 12:04 PM
"Do you like Tattoos on women?"

Yes! As long as she isn't fat and ugly :lol:

05-23-2007, 12:19 PM
Can't get enough of the tramp stamp and barbed wire :|

Freak Out
05-23-2007, 12:22 PM
I find some tattoos attractive and some ugly.....my wife has no tattoos but one of my daughters has a couple and she is no Ho MTP. The larger the tattoo the less attractive I find it because I love the female body and want it fully exposed! :satan:
I don't buy the teacher thing either. It's their body and they can do with it what they want. The world is full of people who DO NOT THINK JUST LIKE YOU DO and it's good to show young Americans that. Now do I want first graders to have a teacher with a Hitler tattoo on their forehead? No.Awwwww, did I hurt yo feelings? Maybe I said something offensive? :D

Man I'll............

:lol: Ya I'm pissed MoFo, I'll go Raider fan on you if you don't watch it. Wait a sec.....what does that actually mean?

05-23-2007, 02:37 PM
I think "going Raider fan" means saying "Go Raiders!!!" as you are being executed. I think you don't want to do that. :P

Regarding tats, I think a gal is a lot hotter when she doesn't have graffitti on her.

Not to mention the fact that tats (and many common piercings for that matter) are so indicative of crowd-following and inability to think for one's self that they suggest the girl is an airhead. I don't dig airheads.

05-23-2007, 05:06 PM
I don't have any other response than, tattoo on the lowerback, with wings, or butterfly..... = Cliche' Almost as much as the tacky ass barbed wire, on the bicep :wink:

05-23-2007, 05:09 PM
I don't have any other response than, tattoo on the lowerback, with wings, or butterfly..... = Cliche' Almost as much as the tacky ass barbed wire, on the bicep :wink:

I agree on all points. 8-)

It's funny that the Packers' new Rookie TE---Clark Howard or something like that---was confused when he heard the scouts were calling him "fake tough." Well, we know he had the goatee ... perhaps he also has a barbed wire arm tattoo? :lol:

Uh oh ... now that a Packer has been brought into this, does this thread need to be moved to the Packers forum?

05-23-2007, 05:19 PM
Not to mention the fact that tats (and many common piercings for that matter) are so indicative of crowd-following and inability to think for one's self that they suggest the girl is an airhead. I don't dig airheads.
This is what is really my problem with tats. Like Mazzinn said it is tacky.

Tats use to be something unique and special to tthe person getting them. Nowadays you might as well have assembly line tat parlors inside of Starbucks cuz people are doing it just cuz it's the thing to do like go to the mall or downloading the latest CD. Its a fad and they are gonna hate it in 10+ years.

05-23-2007, 05:30 PM
Somehow, the photo of Jolie reminds me of someone with the perfect dress on, and tan lines ruining it.

Someday she's going to want those removed. Ouch!

They can be taken off with lasers (a fast growing and profitable business) but not always perfectly. Angelina had a tattoo of a dragon and ex-husband's name replaced with the map coordinates of the birthplaces of her four adopted kids. Most of the dragon is still visible.



05-23-2007, 05:35 PM
Very nice. She might want to have that mole looked at.

05-23-2007, 05:54 PM
Just below her "Know your rights" tattoo on her neck, don't you know that there would be law firms willing to pay big bucks to include:

"Know your rights. Contact the law firm of Turner and Turner, (613) 631-0565"

05-23-2007, 07:20 PM
I wonder how Angelina will feel about her tattoos when she's 65 years old.

05-23-2007, 07:25 PM
I wonder how Angelina will feel about her tattoos when she's 65 years old.It doesn't matter. She won't age because she drank the vial of Billy Bob's blood she use to wear around her neck. :lol:

05-24-2007, 12:43 PM
I have a tatoo that I got when I was 19. No regrets, at all. If people are going to judge you because of ink or a piercing. F them and their judgmental attitudes.

yes, that's how I really feel :lol:

05-24-2007, 01:02 PM
Tattoos are extremely sexy if the girl has a nice body. However, it is not at all classy to be in the office with a tattoo showing.

05-24-2007, 01:06 PM
Tattoos are extremely sexy if the girl has a nice body. However, it is not at all classy to be in the office with a tattoo showing.

Did someone who actually works in an office tell you that?

05-24-2007, 01:15 PM
However, it is not at all classy to be in the office with a tattoo showing.

I work in an office, and I concur with that.

At a previous employer (in an office), it was written into the dress & appearance code that any tattoos should be completely covered.

05-24-2007, 01:25 PM
Tattoos are extremely sexy if the girl has a nice body. However, it is not at all classy to be in the office with a tattoo showing.

Did someone who actually works in an office tell you that?

edit response: I think its common sense. But, I do appreciate the condescending attitude. Take it elsewhere.

05-24-2007, 02:02 PM
It is common sense, and I'm just playin 8-)

05-24-2007, 08:52 PM

05-24-2007, 08:56 PM
I have a tatoo that I got when I was 19. No regrets, at all. If people are going to judge you because of ink or a piercing. F them and their judgmental attitudes.

yes, that's how I really feel :lol:

OPF, Freak, & GBM.

I want to make sure I clarify that I really don't think females who have tattoos are "hoes". I said that messing around but honestly truth is that in most professions you are taken less serious if you are all inked up. I just want you guy to know that no disrespect was meant to you or your families members.

I myself have two (small ones) that I seriously regret. It might have something to do with where, when and why I got them (I was like 15 I think). I have seen them for more then half my life and always tell myself I will be getting them removed but $$$ and time have never seem to meet up. I just see so many young peeps getting them like they are washable and I think how that person is probably gonna feel the same later. Like I said, it depends on where, when and why you get them but IMO a fashion statement is not a good reason.

05-24-2007, 08:57 PM
Not even a lil one, tucked away someplace private??

Scott Campbell
05-24-2007, 10:53 PM
Not even a lil one, tucked away someplace private??

Sounds sassy.

05-24-2007, 10:56 PM
Tattoos are extremely sexy if the girl has a nice body. However, it is not at all classy to be in the office with a tattoo showing.

Did someone who actually works in an office tell you that?

Answer would be a big yes where I work.

I think every hottie should have a big B tattoo on them :lol:

05-25-2007, 08:10 AM
Yeah, B for Brett Faaaavrah :lol:

05-25-2007, 08:19 AM
I have a tatoo that I got when I was 19. No regrets, at all. If people are going to judge you because of ink or a piercing. F them and their judgmental attitudes.

yes, that's how I really feel :lol:

OPF, Freak, & GBM.

I want to make sure I clarify that I really don't think females who have tattoos are "hoes". I said that messing around but honestly truth is that in most professions you are taken less serious if you are all inked up. I just want you guy to know that no disrespect was meant to you or your families members.

I myself have two (small ones) that I seriously regret. It might have something to do with where, when and why I got them (I was like 15 I think). I have seen them for more then half my life and always tell myself I will be getting them removed but $$$ and time have never seem to meet up. I just see so many young peeps getting them like they are washable and I think how that person is probably gonna feel the same later. Like I said, it depends on where, when and why you get them but IMO a fashion statement is not a good reason.

I know what you're saying, MTP, there is a difference between "ho" & "Gansta" ink and being classy. I think at times people see others with ink and just make an overall assumption about the person, which irritates me. I remember when I got mine done, my parents were not real thrilled. but when they saw it, they really liked it. I'm like "Mom, Dad...not every tattoo consists of a skull & crossbones, geez" !!

Question for those who have older tattoos..... have any of you had to get yours redone because they have faded? Mine is on my shoulder so it sees the sun alot in summer and some of the colors has faded. I'm just wondering how "clean" a touch-up job would be and if it's worth having done.

05-25-2007, 08:21 AM
Tattoos are extremely sexy if the girl has a nice body. However, it is not at all classy to be in the office with a tattoo showing.

Did someone who actually works in an office tell you that?

Answer would be a big yes where I work.

I think every hottie should have a big B tattoo on them :lol:Same. Visible tatoos are not even allowed where I work. Man or woman they are to be covered while at work.