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05-31-2007, 08:32 PM
I'm not big into horoscope stuff but I came across this article and after looking at different family and friends I was quite surprised how many were right on target.

So just for fun, check it out.

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Your traits: ambitious, inventive, confident and independent. You can be impatient, but your creativity and high energy inspire people and make you a natural leader.

Compatible jobs: Look for jobs that allow you to flex your imagination and work either independently or as a leader. Ariens often succeed in creative fields such as journalism, publicity, publishing and advertising. A leadership position in the military or law enforcement is another potential match.

Famously successful Ariens: Leonardo Da Vinci, Aretha Franklin, Thomas Jefferson

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Your traits: practical, loyal, dependable and patient. You have strong opinions, but are slow to anger.

Compatible jobs: Due to your methodical nature, you have the potential for success in finance and accounting. Artistic Taureans should look for careers in architecture or landscaping.

Famously successful Taureans: Sigmund Freud, Audrey Hepburn, William Shakespeare

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Your traits: enthusiastic, communicative, optimistic and intellectually curious. You are full of passion and energy, and have a voracious appetite for new experiences.

Compatible jobs: Since you crave intellectual stimulation, look for jobs that allow you to continually learn new things. Consider a career in academia, research, investigative journalism or fields that require travel. Geminis are often good with their hands, and therefore might consider working in construction or carpentry.

Famously successful Geminis: John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Marilyn Monroe

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Your traits: compassionate, energetic, intuitive and imaginative. Your sensitivity, loyalty and organizational skills make you an excellent caregiver.

Compatible jobs: Tap into your nurturing nature with a job in healthcare, social work, psychology or teaching. You might also consider a career in law, where your desire to protect and defend others would be put to good use.

Famously successful Cancers: Diana, Princess of Wales, Nelson Mandela, Nelson Rockefeller

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
Your traits: ambitious, confident, optimistic, straightforward and outgoing. Your generous, dramatic presence draws others to you.

Compatible jobs: You feel most comfortable in leadership positions where your star power can really shine. Consider a career in politics or film, or in an entrepreneurial business role that allows you to manage others.

Famously successful Leos: Bill Clinton, Alfred Hitchcock, Jacqueline Onassis

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)
Your traits: observant, meticulous, friendly and industrious. Thanks to your patient, analytical nature, you are an excellent problem solver.

Compatible jobs: Your logical, inquisitive mind makes you an excellent candidate for a career in medicine, law, research or teaching. Since Virgos are detail-oriented, they often succeed in accounting, statistics and programming.

Famously successful Virgos: Ray Charles, Stephen King, Mother Teresa

Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)
Your traits: diplomatic, idealistic, easygoing, creative and sociable. Your gregarious and trustworthy nature makes you well-liked by all.

Compatible jobs: Your sense of justice and interest in people make you a strong candidate for positions in public service, philanthropy, law and medicine. Libras' imaginative nature also lends them to careers in the arts.

Famously successful Libras: Mahatma Gandhi, Jesse Jackson, Eleanor Roosevelt

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Your traits: purposeful, motivated, energetic and passionate. Your mental strength and resourcefulness make others feel safe around you.

Compatible jobs: Your intensity, drive and analytic ability make politics, police investigation and the military fitting fields for you. A career in espionage, physics or astronomy would serve your inquisitive nature.

Famously successful Scorpios: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Gates, Pablo Picasso

Sagittarius (Nov 11-Dec 21)
Your traits: positive, adventurous, ethical and sincere. You love to travel and learn new things, and then communicate your newfound knowledge to others.

Compatible jobs: Philosophical by nature, you're suited to science, theology, law, politics and public service. Careers that allow for travel will also be of interest to Sagittarians.

Famously successful Sagittarians: Jane Austen, Walt Disney, Frank Sinatra

Capricorn (December 22-Jauary 19)
Your traits: Responsible, disciplined, ambitious and authoritative. Your serious, goal-oriented temperament pushes you to succeed in all you do.

Compatible jobs: Excellent with math and money, you thrive in business situations where you are given a lot of responsibility. Additionally, many Capricorns are good with their hands and do well in engineering and construction.

Famously successful Capricorns: Benjamin Franklin, Howard Hughes, Martin Luther King

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Your traits: Innovative, tolerant, personable and quick-witted. Creative and independent, you set the trends that others follow.

Compatible jobs: Your excellent aesthetic sense lends you to a career in the arts, such as photography, music, writing and acting. Aquarians are visionaries, and therefore are also suited to science, aviation and computer technology.

Famously successful Aquarians: Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Gertrude Stein

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Your traits: empathetic, patient, artistic and loyal. Due to your kind and intuitive nature, others often turn to you for support.

Compatible jobs: Your compassion makes you well-suited for a career in healthcare, social work, philanthropy or veterinary science. The artistic, imaginative side of Pisceans would be engaged by a career in theater or film.

Famously successful Pisceans: Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Taylor, George Washington

05-31-2007, 08:37 PM
Fascinating, though I'm not really interested in the careers they mention...

05-31-2007, 09:23 PM
Fascinating, though I'm not really interested in the careers they mention...Yeah, you might want to start with ones you actually have a chance at.

Like waitress, cashier, housekeeper.... etc.

05-31-2007, 09:41 PM
Fascinating, though I'm not really interested in the careers they mention...Yeah, you might want to start with ones you actually have a chance at.

Like waitress, cashier, housekeeper.... etc.

Professional poster .... Packer Cheerleader .... :P

Iron Mike
05-31-2007, 11:54 PM
I'm not big into horoscope stuff but I came across this article and after looking at different family and friends I was quite surprised how many were right on target.

So just for fun, check it out.

I like my Onion horoscope better:


06-01-2007, 12:51 AM
Fascinating, though I'm not really interested in the careers they mention...

work is overrated; you've got it right

Don't start

06-01-2007, 12:11 PM
Maybe the Packers should try selecting their draft choices according to their horoscopes--No Wait! Mike Sherman tried that and it didnt' work! :)

06-02-2007, 09:57 AM
Maybe the Packers should try selecting their draft choices according to their horoscopes--No Wait! Mike Sherman tried that and it didnt' work! :)

HA !!! yes, like JW....

Your gregarious and trustworthy nature makes you well-liked by all.

06-04-2007, 12:23 AM
Fascinating, though I'm not really interested in the careers they mention...Yeah, you might want to start with ones you actually have a chance at.

Like waitress, cashier, housekeeper.... etc.

Professional poster .... Packer Cheerleader .... :P

Hey thanks for the great suggestions guys! Now I can fire my career counselor!! :P

06-04-2007, 01:18 PM
Not to turn this political but I find it rather odd Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Jessie Jackson are on a list of people that include:

Albert Einstein
George Washington
Charles Darwin
Thomas Edison
Benjamin Franklin
Howard Hughes
Martin Luther King
Walt Disney
Bill Gates
Pablo Picasso
Mahatma Gandhi
Mother Teresa
Diana, Princess of Wales
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rockefeller
John F. Kennedy
Henry Kissinger
Sigmund Freud
William Shakespeare
Leonardo Da Vinci
Thomas Jefferson

Can anyone name one thing that any of them has done that is worthy of note? Other then being a President, Bill Clinton has zero accomplishments. Hillary Clinton has done nothing in her "adopted" state of NY but become the equivalent of John Kerry. Jessie Jackson has actually done more to damage race relations in this country then he has to help.

Why is it that those supposed "prominent" people made the list but Ronald Reagan, Dwight D Eisenhower or Colin Powell make the list? At least they did something positive for their country...

06-04-2007, 01:21 PM
I like to read chicken bones instead of the horoscopes. Its more accurate.

06-04-2007, 10:25 PM
Not to turn this political but

For some strange reason most threads in RR turn political.....

06-05-2007, 08:56 AM
I just found it odd that they list all of these great people and even the ones that I didn't mention have had their contributions to society. But to include those three? How far left does something have to get before it's discredited? If it was that far right it should be dismissed as well!

Freak Out
06-07-2007, 06:26 PM
I just found it odd that they list all of these great people and even the ones that I didn't mention have had their contributions to society. But to include those three? How far left does something have to get before it's discredited? If it was that far right it should be dismissed as well!

But what makes Clinton so far left politically? I always thought Bubba was much more centrist/capitalist than lefty.

..and what positive things did Reagan or Colin Powell do for the Country?

06-07-2007, 06:31 PM
Other then being a President, Bill Clinton has zero accomplishments.

Ugh, you've got to be kidding me. :roll: