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Little Whiskey
05-03-2006, 02:53 PM
i know a couple of you out there are gardening aficionados. well i have some questions. I recently moved and my new lawn is terrible. alot of brown spots. some one told me they thought i had a grub problem. how do i know for sure? do i just go to the local home improvement store grab those bags of grub control and spread it out? I have a youngin running around as well, is there a better solution??

05-03-2006, 03:11 PM
What area of the country are you in?

05-03-2006, 03:15 PM

Article on nematodes as a grub control.

Little Whiskey
05-03-2006, 03:17 PM
What area of the country are you in?

midwest. I'll take a look at your site

thanks zig, i take back what i said about the gender vote :mrgreen:

05-03-2006, 06:02 PM
I'm getting ready to start a major landscaping project. If it quits raining here in N.W. Missouri that is... LOL. I'll take all the advise I can get. I'm a much better mechanic than landscape guru.. :smile: but I'm gonna give it a try.

Scott Campbell
05-03-2006, 06:31 PM
I'm getting ready to start a major landscaping project. If it quits raining here in N.W. Missouri that is... LOL. I'll take all the advise I can get. I'm a much better mechanic than landscape guru.. :smile: but I'm gonna give it a try.

Start with the end in mind. In other words, get a plan done.

05-03-2006, 07:45 PM
I have a plan. Everything is ready to go.. Just tryin to join in the chat around here.. Maby get some extra input.. Thanks for yours.. though.

05-03-2006, 08:34 PM
What're you going to do? I have to redo a front walk and find some sort of plant that will grow where my lawn has failed 3 years in a row.

05-03-2006, 08:59 PM
Anyone have a sure-fire way to get a mole out of your yard?

I've asked politely and he won't leave. :sad:

05-03-2006, 09:07 PM
Get a terrier. I swear mine must have some earth dog in her because she keeps killing voles and...well...never mind. But our rodent problem is gone. If you go to improvementscatalog.com or solutionscatalog.com, one of them should have some sort of device to get rid of moles, but I can't tell you whether they work or not. That dog is good for something...

05-03-2006, 09:13 PM
I've heard those poison peanuts don't work. The traps supposedly work but then you actually have to look at the dead thing and remove it. The other suggestion I got from my ex mother in law is to stand in the yard with a shovel and when you see the mole start to work in your yard, you quickly scoop up the ground where it's working, mole with it and then smack it over the head with the shovel. My response: Yeah Right!! :razz:

Don't they have such a thing as mole removal people you can hire?

Scott Campbell
05-03-2006, 09:18 PM
Pesky varmits!

05-03-2006, 09:20 PM
Actually I think they do. The things from the catalog are supposed to be sonic things that you sink into a hole and they annoy the mole out of the yard, but like I said, I have no idea if they work.

05-03-2006, 09:34 PM
Pesky varmits!

actually my name for him has been lil fvcker ......but pesky varmit will work. :razz:

Yes, maybe a sonic type device will work....I'll check that out.

Scott Campbell
05-03-2006, 09:55 PM
Pesky varmits!

actually my name for him has been lil fvcker ......but pesky varmit will work. :razz:

Yes, maybe a sonic type device will work....I'll check that out.

Lil fvcker is the nickname I give to any of the boys that come sniffin around my girls. I've got a few devices in mind for those pesky varmits too.

05-03-2006, 10:01 PM
Lil fvcker is the nickname I give to any of the boys that come sniffin around my girls. I've got a few devices in mind for those pesky varmits too.

LOL! Well my son got some little love note from a girl at school this week. I don't know what you boys were doing when you were in 4th grade but I was still enjoying my barbies. So far he has shown no interest in them unless they play sports during recess.....I like it that way.

05-04-2006, 02:51 PM
I have tulips that need dividing. Anyone have any idea when I'm supposed to do that?

Little Whiskey
05-04-2006, 03:17 PM
Anyone have a sure-fire way to get a mole out of your yard?

I've asked politely and he won't leave. :sad:

I'll give you the redneck way. I've never attempted this but my grandpa swears by it. besides, afterwards you will have a nice pet for your kids.

fill a milk jug up with water and dump it down the mole hole. the mole will think his house is being flooded and will run upstream. and eventually up into the milk jug. simply turn the jug over and you have caught your mole and have a pet at the same time!!!

05-04-2006, 05:01 PM
I have tulips that need dividing. Anyone have any idea when I'm supposed to do that?

For spring flowering bulbs like daffodils and tulips, the best division time would be about six weeks after they flower in spring. At this time they (and most other Dutch bulbs) can be carefully dug and then divided and replanted immediately or stored until fall. If you choose to store them, be sure to dry the bulbs in a warm dark place until soil and dead roots can be brushed off by hand. Discard any small bulbs in the clumps, and save only the largest ones. Bulbs can be placed in mesh sacks or paper bags that are left open, and hung in a cool dark, dry place until September, when they can be replanted. Check stored bulbs periodically for disease. Mark your calendar for replanting, lest you forget you have them tucked away. This gives you time to get a soil test and prepare a new planting bed.

05-04-2006, 05:15 PM
Thanks Sparkey!! :razz:

Hey, is that 6 weeks from the beginning of bloom or the end? Even if the foliage has not died back yet? Last year those puppies had leaves all summer.

05-04-2006, 05:38 PM
Thanks Sparkey!! :razz:

Hey, is that 6 weeks from the beginning of bloom or the end? Even if the foliage has not died back yet? Last year those puppies had leaves all summer.

After they are done blooming.

You can also wait till the foilage dies off, and then dig them up, split them and replant them in Sept. Depends on how many other plants will be uprooted working on the tulips.

Little Whiskey
05-05-2006, 10:41 AM

Article on nematodes as a grub control.

zig, this kinda sounds like the "little old lady who swallowed a fly" not sure if i want to bring in man eating tigers to kill off the grubs. would the posion from the store work okay?? how long befor i can let JR play on the lawn after i spread the stuff??

Iron Mike
05-05-2006, 05:30 PM
I have tulips that need dividing. Anyone have any idea when I'm supposed to do that?

Here's what to do after you divide them:

Keep the stems/leaves on the bulbs until the foliage has completely dried out
Recycled mesh potato or onion bags are ideal for storing separated bulbs
Store bulbs in a cool/dry place
Basements are ideal
Garages will work
Let the bulbs “breatheâ €
Spread the bulbs out while the foliage is drying
Don’t store in confined containers
Separate bulbs from each other as much as possible
Once dried, remove the foliage and discard
Bulbs can be planted in the summer or fall
If planted in the summer, plant in beds which are not watered
For best results, plant bulbs in loose, relatively dry, well-drained beds
Dig holes 4”-6” deep
Remember: Plant bulbs with their “tipsÃ¢à ‚¬Â up (flat roots go on the bottom)
To ensure a great bloom next year, use flower bulb food (available at any garden department)

05-10-2006, 08:42 PM
My santolina has doubled in size in the last month and is beautiful. It has a ton of flower buds on it and I had no idea it even bloomed. Anyone know what color santolina blooms? I have it in a bed with hot pink annual dianthus that didn't bother to die after last season and a new lantana plant. Also, when does butterfly bush bloom? And can creeping thyme handle foot traffic?

Deputy Nutz
05-11-2006, 03:43 PM
Anyone have a sure-fire way to get a mole out of your yard?

I've asked politely and he won't leave. :sad:

I would use a 12 gauge shotgun. But thats just me.

Also you can catch them by sitting on one of their holes for a half a day with your pants down. Sooner or later they will come up for air and then you got a Richard Gere thing going on!

05-11-2006, 04:15 PM
My santolina has doubled in size in the last month and is beautiful. It has a ton of flower buds on it and I had no idea it even bloomed. Anyone know what color santolina blooms? I have it in a bed with hot pink annual dianthus that didn't bother to die after last season and a new lantana plant. Also, when does butterfly bush bloom? And can creeping thyme handle foot traffic?

Santolina (aka Lavender Cotton) should have small, round yellow flowers. They grow best in dry areas that get ALOT of direct sunlight.


BTW, if any cares, last night in the back yard I saw:

2 Baltimore Orioles at the feeder
1 Green/Bronze colored Hummingbird
1 Male Cardinal
1 Indigo Bunting
a bunch of wrens & 1 Grackle

And if the neighbors cat comes past again, he will get a load of #8 from a .410 is his butt!!

05-11-2006, 04:29 PM
Thanks Sparkey. I had no idea when I bought these little 2-inch tall starters that they would be evergreen and turn into these massive plants. I must be giving them something they like.

That's a nice assortment of birds. Are you Midwest? Aren't there repellant sprays you can use for cats? (other than the spray you were referring to)

Little Whiskey
05-11-2006, 05:22 PM
please nutz refrain from posting what you saw in your backyard!! :lol:

05-15-2006, 11:10 AM
I am deeming this the year of giant plants that were supposed to die. Now I've come to realize that what's growing in the big pot on my front walk is last year's mums. I don't even think they bloomed last year, but now they are a foot tall and choking out my carnations. I wonder what else is going to pop up out there that was supposed to die off. Anyone else have surprises growing?

05-15-2006, 01:15 PM
Anyone have a sure-fire way to get a mole out of your yard?

I've asked politely and he won't leave. :sad:

I would use a 12 gauge shotgun. But thats just me.

Also you can catch them by sitting on one of their holes for a half a day with your pants down. Sooner or later they will come up for air and then you got a Richard Gere thing going on!

This works, but be careful. Two of those little basterds crawled up there, and now I got a family of em' gettin bigger by the day. Sure it tickled real good at first, but now it's down right painful. I'm gonna go eat some Mexican food and drink 42 beers to try and flush them out.

07-18-2006, 04:35 PM
I'm telling you, this is the year of the giant plants. I planted a butterfly bush last year that was wonderfully well behaved and the centerpiece of the garden, and I cut it back this spring, but for some reason this year, it has grown into this monstrosity that is taller than the house and blocking all the sun from my poor dianthus. Anyone know how big a purple butterfly bush is really supposed to get? I can't remember what the tag said, but I know it wasn't supposed to be this overgrown. Ideas?

07-18-2006, 05:17 PM
I'm telling you, this is the year of the giant plants. I planted a butterfly bush last year that was wonderfully well behaved and the centerpiece of the garden, and I cut it back this spring, but for some reason this year, it has grown into this monstrosity that is taller than the house and blocking all the sun from my poor dianthus. Anyone know how big a purple butterfly bush is really supposed to get? I can't remember what the tag said, but I know it wasn't supposed to be this overgrown. Ideas?

My mom has some at her house - they were as tall as me (6'). Is your house really short or do you have a mutant on your hands? :shock:

I'm trying to save a diseased cactus out here in Cali. I took it from WI a year ago (along w/ some other succulents that I wanted a piece of). It was the last healthy piece of a 15-20 year old cacti patch planted by an old pastor of ours. I've had it in southeast sun (by the TiVO satelite), little water, and a mix of sand/dirt. I'm seeing some root formation.

Anyone know how long this is gonna take? I'd like to have a couple grow and bring it back to my parent's house.

Should I be watering it more often in the summer - currently maybe every other week or every third week?

07-18-2006, 07:11 PM
It must be a mutant. Either that or it was mislabled. I've been lied to. I wonder if I should sue...Sadly, I am also notorious for my ability to kill cacti, so I am very proud of your accomplishments so far. By the way, how big is that pumpkin plant I stuck in my back garden gonna get? There's no room for weeds in that garden!

Harlan Huckleby
07-18-2006, 09:06 PM

I'm trying to start a sinsemelia patch in the back yard.

How do I tell the boys from the girls?

Much Love, HH

07-18-2006, 09:11 PM

I'm trying to start a sinsemelia patch in the back yard.

How do I tell the boys from the girls?

Much Love, HH


Iron Mike
07-18-2006, 09:16 PM

I'm trying to start a sinsemelia patch in the back yard.

How do I tell the boys from the girls?

Much Love, HH

I'm guessing you could find out here:


Harlan Huckleby
07-18-2006, 09:18 PM
"If you see two white, pink or cream color hairs your the proud parent of a girl. If the flower looks like a cluster of balls it's a male."

sounds kinda fun. here goes nothin.... thanks.

07-18-2006, 10:06 PM
"If you see two white, pink or cream color hairs your the proud parent of a girl. If the flower looks like a cluster of balls it's a male."

sounds kinda fun. here goes nothin.... thanks.

Umm, not that I've done it before - :wink: - but 'a friend' of mine told me these tips... And yes, it worked :mrgreen:

Some people get all crazy with seed selection - just pull some of the better looking ones found in various dank batches (usually 1 every bag or so). Literally, you can put them in a moist papertowel in a plastic bag or just throw them in the ground (en mass).

When you plant the seedlings or seeds, put them with the sprout pointing up and about 2'' below the surface. Water regularly and give it a little while to determine the sex.

Once you do identify the boys (you'll see little balls before any hairs form - if you do see hairs they'll be white to begin), either move them (if you want low potency) or simply kill them.

At some point, you'll need to gently pull the top of the plant off to induce a shorter, bushier plant (it'll split into 2 - then those two into 4, etc.). Be careful when you do this though.

Than, just water them like any other plant - some will use nutrients and chemicals (some prefer au natural). Watch out for birds (both natural and manmade) and bugs - some netting usually works well.

Then, you'll get to a point where the buds/clumps have about 50-60% red hairs indicating the general highest potency of the plant. Cut the buds, trim the leaves and hang upsidedown in a cool, dark place for a week or two (or until dry).

You should know the rest...

Harlan Huckleby
07-18-2006, 10:30 PM
quite the green thumb, fosco

Deputy Nutz
07-18-2006, 10:32 PM

I am trying to grow some magic mushrooms, does anyone have any advice?

07-18-2006, 10:36 PM
And this used to be such a cute little thread. :roll: Find a large pile of poop, buy yourself some mushrooms of the variety you'd like, blow the spores on the poop and water.

Deputy Nutz
07-18-2006, 10:38 PM
And this used to be such a cute little thread. :roll: Find a large pile of poop, buy yourself some mushrooms of the variety you'd like, blow the spores on the poop and water.

Why you little druggy you. I always thought you had a crush on tank.

07-18-2006, 10:40 PM
quite the green thumb, fosco

Well, certainly no pro. I had some friends out here that had intense setups during college (150+ plants, all hydro, electric timed, vapor systems, etc.). My trials were more of the experimentation side - and to see if I could do it.

But, I really do like growing all kinds of plants. I'm such a dork w/ things like that - I even get a kick out of taking care of plants in my aquarium.

Nutroll, I've got no growing knowledge of psilocybe. Easier to just buy that shit.

I did see this study about the effects though - pretty interesting read.


07-18-2006, 10:46 PM
And this used to be such a cute little thread.

Awwwh, Zig - go back and read the beginning of the Bible - Genesis 1:12 - "God has given us all the seed bearing plants to use."

So, I've got two types of Jade plants - one has literally grown 18 inches this past year (from a cutting of maybe 2-3''). How tall should I let it get? How much pruning should I do? Will it ever flower?

There you go, MJ, back to 'normal' talk.

07-18-2006, 11:10 PM
Thank you. Your jade can get up to 5 feet tall and become a little tree if you let it. I guess it's up to you how big you want to let it get. You should water it when it is growing and in the winter, when it goes dormant, back off on the water. keep it in the same spot as they do not seem to like change and repot every few years. They will live a long time. They may flower in December but that is usually just the ones that are kept outside. Maybe your jade will grow to be as tall as my butterfly bush.

Harlan Huckleby
07-18-2006, 11:13 PM
Well, this is something of a home remedy I came across, but Jade plants are prone to root desease and fungus. An excellent preventative is to water monthly with a 10:1 mixture of water and spermicide.

07-20-2006, 10:57 AM
Hears the deal,

I planted some Aspins couple of weeks ago, now all the leaves are drying up. Are the trees goners or are they just going through some type of shock?

I have been watering the shit out of them along with root stimulator.

I know the middle of summer was not the best time to do this, but we are having patio work done next week and I wanted the trees in the stonework. If they are dead I need to dig them up before the work is done.

Any thoughts?

07-20-2006, 11:02 AM
It's hard to tell what the problem could be without seeing them, but here is a site on Aspen problems and care and you might find one of the descriptions matches your problem. If not, try taking a photo and leaf sample to your local extension and the cute little old ladies that work there will tell you exactly what the problem is and how to solve it. Gotta love the extension.

07-21-2006, 04:24 PM
Here's the stupid question of the week: Are pumpkins annuals or perennials. If they're perennials, and they keep growing at this rate, my whole back yard may be doomed. :shock:

Attack of the Killer Pumpkin Vines

07-21-2006, 05:11 PM
I don't know the answer there MJ. I planted two apple trees last month. I water them on the schedule the instructions say to and there holding there own. Its been hot this past week and there lookin kinda puny. I hope they make it. This is also my first year planting and tending to a garden. Its been an experience to say the least. But I'm learing :smile: This is a cool thread though.

07-26-2006, 01:08 PM
Here's the stupid question of the week: Are pumpkins annuals or perennials. If they're perennials, and they keep growing at this rate, my whole back yard may be doomed. :shock:

Attack of the Killer Pumpkin Vines

I grew tons of pumpkins as a kid - the vine just dies after the fruit is cut - so don't worry.

I loved going to 'giant pumpkin drops' as a kid - basically they take a huge pumpkin and drop it from a crane. Then, we'd all run up and grab these huge seeds (and thus we'd get really big pumpkins). :mrgreen:


I got some plants from my friend's funeral but I have no idea what they are - anyone know of a good website so I can read up on water/lighting???

I could also take some pix and post them here if you guys are experts.

07-26-2006, 01:24 PM
You can try posting pics, but I don't know. I get most of my houseplant info from books and trial and error (mostly error). If no one knows, there's always the county extension. Did they come with any of those little white sticks in them that will at least tell you what they are?

07-26-2006, 01:57 PM
You can try posting pics, but I don't know. I get most of my houseplant info from books and trial and error (mostly error). If no one knows, there's always the county extension. Did they come with any of those little white sticks in them that will at least tell you what they are?

No, but one is pretty unique looking (broad leaves, mixture of orange/red/green colors) and should be easier to identify. The other is a cross b/w a plant/vine/tree - really broad, green leaves - that'll take more work.

Thanks anyways - it'll be fun to hunt a little.

Deputy Nutz
07-26-2006, 02:16 PM
Its a bit hot out there folks, make sure you give your green life plent of water and shade!!!

I will pass the message along, but I ain't going outside, its too damn hot!

07-26-2006, 03:19 PM
Does anyone have recommendation of the best fast growing/speading vines to grow on lattice?
Thanks in advance.

07-26-2006, 03:22 PM
How big do you want it to be. If you're not looking for it to take over, you can try clematis. There are two varieties one is spring flowering the other flowers all summer. You could also try vinnig roses, or if you're very brave, you can do honeysuckle, but know that it's very aggressive and will try to take over.

07-26-2006, 03:34 PM
Thanks for the reply MJ, we built a patio structure with the lattice on top of the beams, about 30 ft X 6 ft. and want it thick enough growth for shade.

07-26-2006, 03:39 PM
That's kind of big, I guess it depends some on the climate you're in. If you're in the south wisteria and grapevine is nice, let me ponder the north a little bit. Anyone else have any ideas?

Iron Mike
07-26-2006, 06:09 PM
Does anyone have recommendation of the best fast growing/speading vines to grow on lattice?
Thanks in advance.

Depends whether you want it to grow in the sun or in the shade..... :?:

09-03-2006, 01:54 PM
It is the beginning of Sept. and my pumpkins have turned orange. Does this mean they're done or will they still grow some? I was hoping to harvest them in about 6 weeks, but don't want them to rot on the vine either. This is soooo my last year for pumpkins.

Iron Mike
09-04-2006, 09:55 AM
It is the beginning of Sept. and my pumpkins have turned orange. Does this mean they're done or will they still grow some? I was hoping to harvest them in about 6 weeks, but don't want them to rot on the vine either. This is soooo my last year for pumpkins.

I'm guessing you could find out here:


09-04-2006, 09:59 AM
Hey, thanks! I had no idea you could store them that long.

Little Whiskey
09-04-2006, 09:18 PM
I don't know the answer there MJ. I planted two apple trees last month. I water them on the schedule the instructions say to and there holding there own. Its been hot this past week and there lookin kinda puny. I hope they make it. This is also my first year planting and tending to a garden. Its been an experience to say the least. But I'm learing :smile: This is a cool thread though.

jeffro, i've got a buddy that has quite a large orchard. he has been farming apples since he was knee high to a grasshopper. if you have any specific questions about your apple trees let me know and i might be able to get you answers from an expert.

09-22-2006, 09:43 AM
Remember, if you're gonna do any planting, now is the best time for trees and shrubs and a great time for perennials as well. The garden centers also have their sales on now so you can get decent discounts before seasons end.

09-22-2006, 10:58 AM
I am thinking about getting a plant to grow in my room. I was thinking citrus is thats possible. Any thoughts on this issue?

09-22-2006, 11:02 AM
http://wild_card_420.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/pot_leaf.jpg :mrgreen:

09-22-2006, 11:04 AM
That's a perennial, right?

Scott Campbell
09-22-2006, 12:10 PM
It was 80 here earlier this week. Today it snowed briefly. But not cold enough to take out the vegetable garden - yet.

09-22-2006, 01:40 PM
I'm still hoping to get a few more things out of the garden. For some reason, I'm still getting cantaloupes and if we do get frost, there'll be lots of fried green tomatoes at my house.

Partial, if you want citrus, you have to make sure you have a good flourescent light source for it or you may run into problems in December. If you want something you can ignore a little bit there is a plant called a ZZ plant that I have and I water it maybe once a month and have it where it doesn't get a whole lot of light and the thing loves me for the neglect.


09-22-2006, 01:45 PM
I'm still hoping to get a few more things out of the garden. For some reason, I'm still getting cantaloupes and if we do get frost, there'll be lots of fried green tomatoes at my house.

Partial, if you want citrus, you have to make sure you have a good flourescent light source for it or you may run into problems in December. If you want something you can ignore a little bit there is a plant called a ZZ plant that I have and I water it maybe once a month and have it where it doesn't get a whole lot of light and the thing loves me for the neglect.


is it possibly to grow citrus fruit in wisconsin indoors during the winter and outdoors during the summer?

09-22-2006, 01:50 PM
That would take grow lights, heaters, and more skill than what I possess.

09-22-2006, 02:04 PM
That would take grow lights, heaters, and more skill than what I possess.

oh, skip that. How about a good smelling plant?

09-22-2006, 02:13 PM
You could try some herbs if you have a sunny window. Mint smells good and makes a nice tea, or you could try thyme, oregano or basil. Rosemary smells great, but I have never been able to keep it alive so couldn't tell you how to do it. Otherwise you can look to some of the indoor flowers...and I saw some ornamental peppers at the garden center today that looked pretty cool but they didn't have a scent that I noticed.

09-22-2006, 02:20 PM
Now that you have me thinking about this, you might try lavendar, calming kinda cool looking and your gf will likely love the smell. If you give it enough light it will bloom, but if it doesn't, the leaves smell great too.

Green Bud Packer
09-22-2006, 04:02 PM
if you have a window with southern/western exposure you could grow a lemon tree indoors/outdoors in wi.i've seen it done.

09-25-2006, 11:42 PM
Not sure if this belongs in here....but here goes..

Hunter finds 2,200 pot plants in woods
Authorities destroyed nearly $4.5 million in marijuana plants in western Kenosha County today after a hunter spotted the crop and called law enforcement.

There were 2,250 cultivated plants, some nearly 7-feet-tall growing in a wooded area that had been cleared, according to Lt. Harvey Hedden, Kenosha County Controlled Substance Unit field supervisor.

A tent, propane cook stove and makeshift tarp shelter with kerosene heaters used to dry the marijuana were found at the site, and it's likely the growers spent a considerable amount of time there, Hedden said.

The crop had just begun to be harvested and it's possible the suspects were frightened away by the hunter that came upon the operation. Authorities did not say exactly when the hunter came upon the plants.

Hedden would not give the exact location of the plot, which was the largest number of cultivated plants ever seized in a single site in Kenosha County.

09-26-2006, 06:52 AM
Wow. Wonder if he did his own little harvest before calling authorities... :razz:

09-26-2006, 08:27 PM
Wow. Wonder if he did his own little harvest before calling authorities... :razz:

I was thinking that exact same thing !!!

06-04-2007, 10:43 PM
Has anyone planted anything for this season? I added another section to my garden but haven't put anything in there yet...

Freak Out
06-04-2007, 11:38 PM
Our season starts late here in south central Alaska and this spring was cold so things are just starting to really go.....but when they get rolling with all the sunlight it can get crazy. My wife and I have our usual greens and lettuce/cabbage (god I love arugula), peas, beans, spuds, strawberry and raspberry patch, carrots and radish. Then there are the flower/plant beds.....my wifes domain. I love it.