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View Full Version : Chicken or the egg

11-12-2007, 09:50 PM
I used to think any RB could run through a hole if the line produced it. Sometimes it works that way, but it seems to me that a RB who can be patient but decisive, explode at the right time and run through arm tackles makes a bigger difference than a good Oline.

You can see a clear drop off from Grant to Jackson. They are getting the same holes, Grant jsut hits them harder and makes it through the first arm tackle and Jackson jsut drops to the ground at first contact.

I'm starting to think the RB makes the line and not the other way around. Christl has been preaching this, but I never believed him. I'm starting to come around. I'm curious what others think.

11-12-2007, 10:20 PM
Obviously, if you put any regular shmuck at RB he's not going to be able to run effectively. However, I'm a firm believer that the OL makes the RB. Denver is the example of this. Clinton Portis, Mike Bell, Tatum Bell, Selvin Young, etc. Of those Clinton Portis is the only one that can be effective with another team.

In regards to Jackson, I'm starting to think he's just another Tony Fisher. He just doesn't run aggressively enough. He's WAY to hesitant to hit the hole.

Grant, on the other hand, definitely has the talent to be a starting back.