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12-11-2007, 05:05 PM
NYC doorman suspended for having bad breath

NEW YORK - A Manhattan doorman has been suspended for having bad breath. Jonah Seeman, who has been ushering tenants into a four-building complex on East 89th Street for 40 years, was told not to come to work Friday because of halitosis.

Really no need to read the rest of the story, is there? :lol:

story (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22153541/)

12-11-2007, 07:52 PM
First, I didn’t read the rest of the story..... :oops: But I will comment on it :shock:

I had to work with a guy once who not only had horrible breath he had obnoxious B.O. He work about 10 feet from me at another station and as he worked up a sweat and got his body temp up the stink just rolled off him. We finally asked management to do something about it and they pretended not to notice. Until one day when the bosses wife walked by and shouted out "What is that stink!". They couldn’t ignore it any longer and told the guy to buy a second set of clothes and take a bath! :lol: He was a really nice guy so you almost hated to bring it up, but it was soo nasty! It was like hitting a bloated raccoon on the road on a hot summer day with your arm out the window and it gets splattered with liquid rotted guts. You’re covered in it and it won’t go away!

My Dad has the worst breath I have ever known. He has really bad teeth and apparently they are all full of rotting meat. I try never to get caught in a vehicle with him if I am not able to roll down the window. He speaks and its like this green shitty fog rolls off the windshield towards me like cigarette smoke.

Hope he isn’t visiting packer forums..... Um sorry dad... :shock: