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Thread: National Media Agreeing with Chewy......

  1. #1
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    National Media Agreeing with Chewy......

    So far Jim Rome and Dan Patrick both agree that Favre being a me first player.

    I know people on these forums are either too emotionally attatched to realize that their hero or in some cases fantasy lover is not a good team player. Favres comments and actions are putting pressure from media and from a roster standpoint on the team.

    "I'm" going to wait untill I see what they do.
    What are they going to do; cut "me"?
    "I" know I can still play at a high level
    "My" legacy will speak for itself
    "I've" always played this way. "I'm not going to change the way "I" play.

    Everything that comes out of Bretts mouth lately is "me" related. He believes that he is bigger than the team and he has no intention of playing to help the team win. He wants the team to strategize to help him win. Giving Favre weapons at costs that are higher than what Thompson believes is value for a player has negative effects on the future of the team and Favre is not concerned with the health of the organization. He is only concerned with his own ego.

    Chewy should have kept his words to himself just like Childress but he is right on. Favre is a "me" first player and IMHO should be cut. I just don't see how bringing back a player who throws INT's and then says "I will not change the way I play the game" Who calls out players through the media instead of face to face. Who calls out the organization through the media instead of face to face. Favre's EGO is so big that he's unable to see how ignorant his words and actions really are. People here are so emotionally attached they are unable to see what a dip shit favre is being. Just like Giants fans in SF and their undying love for Barry Bonds; Packer fans have the most non-objective views becasue of their emotional attachments.

    Let the insults fly from Favres legion of big brothers, mothers and sexual fantasizers. I'm sure most here don't want to accept their beloved "Lord Favre" has become a "me first", ego driven player. Thats my take.

  2. #2

    Re: National Media Agreeing with Chewy......

    Quote Originally Posted by NickCollins
    So far Jim Rome and Dan Patrick both agree that Favre being a me first player.

    I know people on these forums are either too emotionally attatched to realize that their hero or in some cases fantasy lover is not a good team player. Favres comments and actions are putting pressure from media and from a roster standpoint on the team.

    "I'm" going to wait untill I see what they do.
    What are they going to do; cut "me"?
    "I" know I can still play at a high level
    "My" legacy will speak for itself
    "I've" always played this way. "I'm not going to change the way "I" play.

    Everything that comes out of Bretts mouth lately is "me" related. He believes that he is bigger than the team and he has no intention of playing to help the team win. He wants the team to strategize to help him win. Giving Favre weapons at costs that are higher than what Thompson believes is value for a player has negative effects on the future of the team and Favre is not concerned with the health of the organization. He is only concerned with his own ego.

    Chewy should have kept his words to himself just like Childress but he is right on. Favre is a "me" first player and IMHO should be cut. I just don't see how bringing back a player who throws INT's and then says "I will not change the way I play the game" Who calls out players through the media instead of face to face. Who calls out the organization through the media instead of face to face. Favre's EGO is so big that he's unable to see how ignorant his words and actions really are. People here are so emotionally attached they are unable to see what a dip shit favre is being. Just like Giants fans in SF and their undying love for Barry Bonds; Packer fans have the most non-objective views becasue of their emotional attachments.

    Let the insults fly from Favres legion of big brothers, mothers and sexual fantasizers. I'm sure most here don't want to accept their beloved "Lord Favre" has become a "me first", ego driven player. Thats my take.
    This is assenine. If I ask you what you think about something or what you'll be doing this week then you tell me how you're going to answer that question without using "I" in the answer.

    Favre's been bombarded with questions in which the answers have the word "I" in it because the question is about him!

    As for Patrick and Rome....why do you think they're even talking about it? Why are they taking that stance? It's called ratings and it's a frequently used tactic on talk shows to take outrageous stances in order to get callers to call in. Rome has built his life on this.

  3. #3
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Kampman was asked aobut his off season and he said "This is the most turnout "we've" had at on off season workout program. McCarthy "We're trying to get the foundation laid for a successfull season" "We're istalling the offense that will be used in Septmber now" "WE WE WE WE"

    Favre = I"m here in mississippi waiting on what "they do"
    Favre = I'm not going to change the way "I" play

    McCarthy "We're going to play focused basic football." "We're going to prevent turnovers"

    He doesn't say "you" and "I/Me" He says "we" just like the other members of the team. Favre is a me first player.

  4. #4

    Re: National Media Agreeing with Chewy......

    "I'm" going to wait untill I see what they do.

    How else do you respond to any question that requires you to give your personal opinion on anything?

    What are they going to do; cut "me"?

    This is not a "me first" comment unless you (the reader/listener) want it to be. He is simply stating that he knows it is a possible outcome. He has said it before that he realizes there may come a time that he is not part of the plan.

    "I" know I can still play at a high level

    As does TT, MM, and anyone who paid any attention to last season's results and are not simply looking at a single statistic on a stat sheet.

    "My" legacy will speak for itself

    As will Marino's, Manning's (both of'em), and even Couch's. Simply stating it is not a "me first" position.

    "I've" always played this way. "I'm not going to change the way "I" play.

    Sometimes honesty is not going to help you any. But seriously, the saying goes "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"

  5. #5
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    "Lord Favre" has done no wrong.

    I could care less to tell you the truth. I get a kick out of how emotional fans are at these forums.

  6. #6
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Now Nick,LOL.

    Your criticizing Brett Favre for using proper English.

    Your Nick Collins and YOUR really down on Brett Favre so YOU must be right, because that is what YOU think.
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  7. #7
    Senior Rat Veteran No Mo Moss's Avatar
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    NFL RADIO is really laying into favre today as well. I don't completely disagree with one point they made.

    "I watched you throw 5 INT against the Bengals last year, how about instead of just asking if the team is going to get better, make a committment to get better yourself."

    That being said a lot of these same people giving the organization hell are complete hypocrits. They are dishing it out because we didn't go get brees, but most of these same people aren't giving the packers a chance in hell no matter who is back there so I don't see what the big deal is.

    It must just be Favre day on the national radio circuit.
    "For a fan base that so gratefully took to success, it bothers me how easily some fans are resigned to failure."

    No Mo Moss 9.14.06

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by No Mo Moss
    It must just be Favre day on the national radio circuit.
    It's not like there's anything else to talk about - NCAA national championship game, MLB opening day, NBA Hall of Fame class announced....

    Fine journalism, indeed.

  9. #9
    Senior Rat Veteran No Mo Moss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FavreChild
    Quote Originally Posted by No Mo Moss
    It must just be Favre day on the national radio circuit.
    It's not like there's anything else to talk about - NCAA national championship game, MLB opening day, NBA Hall of Fame class announced....

    Fine journalism, indeed.
    Absolutely. Plus if Favre was the washed up has been everyone is painting him to be then no one would care and they would hardly mention it. Clearly that isn't the case.
    "For a fan base that so gratefully took to success, it bothers me how easily some fans are resigned to failure."

    No Mo Moss 9.14.06

  10. #10
    I'm sure Favre's feelings are hurt. His GM, HC, teammates, and most fans want him back as QB, but he is criticized by some radio hosts. I'm sure he's crushed.

    15 years of accolades, 15 years of getting ripped, he doesn't even hear this nonsense anymore. He makes decisions for himself and that's what bugs people.

  11. #11
    Do they get Milwaukee radio in Kiln?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  12. #12
    Actually, he lives in Hattiesburg, but your point is well taken.

  13. #13
    Rat Starter Homer Jay's Avatar
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    It's kinda funny Nick, anybody that disagrees with you is either a brother, a mother or a fantasizer. Maybe we just don't agree with your opinion. When the Packer brass say it is time for a decision then I'll say its time to decide. Until then, I'm just gonna relax and see what happens.
    Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?

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  14. #14
    Senior Rat HOFer GBRulz's Avatar
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    No longer closer to Lambeau than you!
    LOL - I love how Jim Rome and Dan Patrick are the national media.

  15. #15
    "I'm" going to wait untill I see what they do.
    What are they going to do; cut "me"?
    "I" know I can still play at a high level
    "My" legacy will speak for itself
    "I've" always played this way. "I'm not going to change the way "I" play.

    Seriously......what's the big deal? Everything he said was true!!! Would you be happier if he was spoutin a bunch of lies??

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    "I'm" going to wait untill I see what they do.
    What are they going to do; cut "me"?
    "I" know I can still play at a high level
    "My" legacy will speak for itself
    "I've" always played this way. "I'm not going to change the way "I" play.

    Seriously......what's the big deal? Everything he said was true!!! Would you be happier if he was spoutin a bunch of lies??

  17. #17
    Go away Brett, please!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by b bulldog
    Go away Brett, please!
    Where's your avatar bulldog? Oh yeah, that's right......we haven't found a sexy pic of Tom Brady yet!!!!!

  19. #19
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    irrational homers

    All the other players who care about being the best they can are working with the new coach ot learn the scheme and work on their bodies. If Favre is not willing to work with the coaches like last season there is no wonder he tosses 29 INT's.

    Favre is hurting the team and it is nobody's fault but his own taht he doesn't udnerstand the game as well as other HOF QB's in their prime. Favre has not given his all and I really hope he retires at this point because I believe he is a cancer. The only things he's been involved in football related over the last year have been hurtfull to the team. Time to hang them up IMHO. Either that or shut up, work hard and take a pay cut because he's not an elite player

  20. #20
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    I ecco that sentiment bulldog.....

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