We've often bantered about teams we hate and teams we like that are not named Packers and play in the NFL.

I have always struggled to really pull for a team not named Packers. Shit, it took me close to 40 years to find my true NFL love.

(For those newb's who don't know about Tarlam!: I am an Aussie and Aussies LOVE all sports. I took to the NFL as a 10 year old, but I could never figure out what team to root for. Then, when I was close to 40, SC Johnson purchased the company Î worked for. I had found my NFL home. I was ecstatic the more I learned about #4 and the Packers).

As hard as my choice for #1 was, my choice for #2 was made easy. I read the forums from the Jets fans and how they feel they just collectively won the Power ball lottery! I like those fans! I like that Favre still has some Green in his new team. i like they are AFC. I hope they kick Brady's ASS!!!!

I have my second favourite team.


PS: This is the 1st Favre thread I have started, so fuck off if you want to chastise me for starting a new thread.