Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky
Quote Originally Posted by ranks66
Quote Originally Posted by Fosco33
Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby

I was just thinking about this deal where the Jihadist martyrs go to heaven and are rewarded with 100 Virgins.

Why would anybody want 100 virgins? The first time ain't that fun. And think of all the laundry!
I think it's more like 72 virgins - or something. But still, having a haram of women to choose from for 'eternity' seems reasonable
When OBL dies instead of him meeting 72 virgins, I hope he meets a 72 year old virgin........

If disease free, wouldn't you want 72 past hookers that look like Ranks avatar rather than virgins ? Why break anybody in when you can have the experts ?


If 18 year olds taste like candy, what do 72 year olds taste like ?

Answer : Depends