so i haven't really been about the whole energy drink, but a couple weeks ago i was dead ass tired and had to drive 3hours home. so i stopped at a gas station and picked up a can (double can) of rockstar. thats when my addiction started. so this weekend and monday have been real late nights. i have been sucking down a can on the way in to work. Well the late nights early mornings are starting to catch up. so this morning i grabbed one on the way to work, and now another for lunch. in fact i think i started getting the itches while the guy was out picking one up for me. . damn shit is expensive too. 2 bucks a can. but now i gotta have my fix. tomorrow might be three cans, then four cans... five... i don't know if it i can stop!!!!! i can't even type coherantly!!!

wheres AA for this stuff!!!