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Thread: End of Season Breakdown

  1. #1
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    End of Season Breakdown

    The end of the Season Breakdown
    The Green Bay Packers had a fantastic regular season, averaging over 35 points a game and over 40 points a game at home. Unfortunately the Packers laid an egg this post season. Riding a poor defense into the playoffs giving up over 400 yards a game for the season the Packers had to have another strong offensive performance led by Mike McCarthy and Aaron Rodgers. Unfortunately the Giants were ready for the Packers high powered offense and were able to shut down Aaron Rodgers down field passing attack and took advantage of the Packers rare turnovers.

    The Packers have obvious holes especially for a team that went 15-1. The defense was pathetically bad and I can’t hold Dom Capers 100% responsible. Players this organization counted on to step up failed, Mike Neil, Erik Walden, Frank Zombo, and Howard Green. One of the most valuable players and playmakers on defense was lost early in the season and possibly for his career, Nick Collins might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back when it came to shut down the opponent’s passing games. Due to the loss of Nick Collins the Packers had difficulty communicating all season in the defensive secondary which led to blown assignments, and breakdowns in coverage. Collins’ ability was not replaced, his speed to cover ground and get over the top on coverage and make up ground that his replacement wasn’t capable of doing. Losing Collins also put pressure on the Packers other safeties and they were not able step their games up. They were young, inexperienced, lacking physical and mental abilities to consistently impact the game in a positive fashion for the Packers. The rest of the Packers defense fell apart on the basics, they missed too many tackles, missed assignments, breakdowns in technique, things that could be corrected and fixed but continued for the entire season.

    The Packers inability to get to the passer effected the scheme of Dom Capers’ defense. The lack of consistent pressure from all areas brought the Packers once dominant passing defense to screeching hault . Lack of a pass rush opposite of Clay Mathews damaged his ability to consistently put pressure on the QB and live up to his standards as a elite pass rusher. The expectations that Raji would create pressure on the QB by himself was created from his success last year getting several sacks at the end of the season when the Packers had their best numbers in terms of rushing the passer. These were unrealistic expectations for Raji, he was a run stuffer in college and made his name as a run stuffer in the NFL. The lack of a pass rush from the right side limited the effectiveness of Dom Capers 3-4 defense. For the 3-4 defense to succeed the defense need 3 competent defensive linemen, not two.

    Offensively the Packers were as good as they have ever been. They made it through the season losing 3 offensive linemen for extended periods of time and not having a reliable rushing game. The Packers had two 1,000 yard receivers in Jennings and Nelson, Aaron Rodgers threw for 45 touchdowns in 15 games for an average of 3 per game, and he threw for over 4,500 yards.

  2. #2
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Player performances – I addressed this by looking at the play of the player as if I were a scout not specifically breaking down stats. I give the player an overall player grade, and a value to the team grade moving forward.

    Tramon Williams - Williams injured his shoulder the first game of the season and not much was made about it after he returned to the lineup. The shoulder injury seemed to change the way Williams played for much of the season, not noted as a great tackler his tackling became poor where he would try to cut the legs out of the ball carrier or shove them out of bounds. The injury also limited William’s ability to go up and fight for the football. He got caught too many times trailing receivers allowing too much space for the receiver to run open between him and the safety coming over the top in coverage. The lack of pass rush did him no favors this season. The Packers need Williams to return to his 2010 form. Player Grade: C Value Grade: B+

    Charles Woodson – Woodson is showing his age and is now consistently a step slow in coverage, and seems to be on the ground a lot. Woodson still has a very good understanding of opposing offenses, great instincts that have kept him competing at a high level even at the age of 34. Age is also hurting him in his ability to tackle bigger running backs and tight ends, Woodson puts himself in the right spots in the run defense but is showing a growing potential for missing tackles on the edge. The other issue of his age is coming to terms with looking for a replacement for Woodson in Dom Capers’ defense. Woodson is a hard player to replace because he brings so many responsibilities to the table, coverage, quarterback pressure, run support, and playmaking ability. He is a defensive hybrid of almost every position on the field. Player Grade: B- Value Grade: C+

    Sammy Shields - The sky is the limit with Shields. He had a bad stretch in the middle of the year where he was being caught looking into the backfield and not turning and running with the receivers in time. But Shields has talent and as he is building his skill level and technique he uses his talent to cover up his mistakes. He needs to shape his game more like Woodson and less like Williams, he needs to tackle better and study film like Woodson. Shields is still raw for a starter but in 2012 he will be asked to play like a starter and have more responsibility placed on him. Player Grade: C+ Value Grade: B+

    Morgan Burnett – Not convinced about him being the long term answer at safety especially if Collins doesn’t return. Considering this could be considered his rookie season and losing Collins he deserves another year as a starter in Green Bay. Burnett wasn’t sure in coverage, especially on tight ends. He blew too many assignments covering the middle of the field and was hesitant on committing to coverage. I question his instincts. He is a good tackler and manages to put himself in the right position in run support but doesn’t take the right angle to cut off the ball carrier, he seems shocked when a ball carrier cuts away from him. Burnett is a good athlete but needs to improve as a football player in 2012 for this defense to improve. Player Grade: D+ Value Grade: B-

    Charlie Peprah – Peprah was better last year when he lined up next to Collins was asked to play more in the box. Peprah is horrible in open space and coverage down field. He demonstrates poor ball technique and the best thing I can say about him is that he is adequate in run support. Peprah’s only value to the Packers in 2012 should be on special teams as a emergency reserve. Player Grade: D- Value Grade: D

    Jarrett Bush – A bit better this year, but he is not a starter in the NFL. A team might pay him as a starter but it will be an epic failure. He can’t be on the field for an entire game otherwise he will be exposed like in the Detroit game at the end of the year. Bush is good on special teams and has value as a dime back because he is a very good tackler and gives decent coverage at or around the line of scrimmage, and is flexible position player. Player Grade: C Value Grade: C

    Patrick Lee – I can’t remember him contributing on defense in 2011. Don’t ask him to field kicks because he can’t do it. If asked to come back to the Packers it will be for the league minimum because he hasn’t proved or shown that he is capable of competing for playing time on defense for the Packers. Player Grade: D- Player Value: D

    Devon House: No contribution on defense in 2012. The Packers’ depth chart in the secondary is to crack as a rookie, sort of in the same boat as Lee in terms that Capers doesn’t play a lot of defensive backs. He was hurt earlier in the year and he had trouble coming back and making an impact. Difficult to give any prediction on his long term value to the Packers. Player Grade: D Player Value: C

    AJ Hawk: He really struggled this year in all phases of the game. He missed too many tackles in the open field, he was very stiff in coverage and not fluid in breaking down and making plays. It seems like his brain and body are not working together. His play was hurt by the play of the right side of the defense with poor defensive end play, and outside linebacker play. He didn’t get the protection needed from the defensive end rotation on the right side and the outside linebacker had difficulty holding the point of attack in the running game on a number of occasions. Hawk has value to the Packers defense, he does a good job at getting the front seven lined up correctly, play calling, and leadership amongst his teammates. The Packers will give Hawk another opportunity to lead the defense in 2012 but his leash will be a little shorter. Player Grade: D Value Grade: C+

    Desmond Bishop – Bishop is a very effective blitzer and tackler but lacks overall speed and agility to run with tight ends and running backs in coverage. Bishop has some natural instincts, and is very good at taking angles to the ball carrier. Will over pursue on backside running plays and allow cut back alleys. Bishop is cemented as a starter on the inside for the Packers in 2012. Player Grade: C+ Value Grade: B
    Right Outside Linebacker - It was a disaster regardless who was playing. Walden demonstrated his lack of instincts and technique for the entire second half of the season, was a liability in the running game and passing game once he demonstrated his lack of ability to get to the quarterback. It was an oversight thinking he would be the answer opposite of Clay Mathews. Frank Zombo couldn’t stay healthy and never game himself a chance to contribute to the defense. He is stiff and doesn’t show the agility needed to play linebacker at this level. Hopefully the Jones experience is over in 2012. Player Grades: F Value Grades: D-

    Clay Mathews – Proved in 2011 that he is a great all around football player who can dominant in the passing game and in the running game. He can cover, hold the point of attack in the running game, chase from behind, and get after the quarterback. Mathews had an off year in rushing the passer, but that can’t all be contributed to him. There was a lack of pressure from anywhere else on the team and this hurt Mathews. Offenses could focus on stopping Mathews with whatever personal they needed. This defense is set up to get Mathews his sacks, and in turn the defense failed. Player Grade: A- Value Grade: A+

    BJ Raji – Held the point of attack all season in the run game, but expectations blossomed for him as a pass rusher were over blown. His value is high and is still one of the 5 best run stuffers in the NFL. Player Grade: B Value Grade: A
    Ryan Pickett – Without him the Packers run defense was porous to terrible. He is getting up there in age but there is no one to even begin replacing him on the roster. He is vital in stopping the run and teaming with Raji it proves to be difficult for the offense to run up the middle of this defense. Pickett should be back in 2012 but at what price? Player Grade: B Value Grade: B
    Neal – Useless in 2011, and I can’t predict future value to the Packers. He was injured before the first preseason game, missing all of the preseason and 9 games in the regular season. When he did get the chance to play he was invisible. Neal looks like Tarzan but has the technique and ability of Jane. Difficult for Neal to build any momentum in the 2011 season and it was a lost year. Player Grade: F Value Grade: C-

    Wilson - At best he is a rotation player. There was very little positive about Wilson’s play in 2011. He lacks the ability to hold the point in the running game and was very limited getting to the passer. If he is back as a starter in 2012 the Packers defense has serious problems. Player Grade: D- Value Grade: D

    Wynn – he is undersized, but does some good things in getting penetration, but gets washed down in the run game. Might make rotation in 2012 but made very little impact in 2011 and didn’t do enough to secure a roster spot in 2012. He might have a better chance as a 4-3 end in the NFL. Player Grade: D Value Grade: D+

    Howard Green – He under performed all season long. He had high hopes for 2011 working in a rotation with Raji and Pickett as a run stopper, but demonstrated a lack of effort and consistent motivation to impact the defense. There was a reason he bounced around the league for his entire career. Player Grade: D Value Grade: D-


  3. #3
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Aaron Rodgers - statistically he had the best season of any Packer QB in the history of the franchise. It was hard to find any fault with his play all season long. He made short throws, medium throws, and long throws he did what it took to win 15 games this season the most in Packer history. His play and his maneuvering of the offense all season long he was able to mask several glaring holes on the Packers roster. Not only is he the most valuable player for the Packers but for the NFL. Player Grade: A+ Value Grade: A+

    Ryan Grant - Never seemed to get comfortable this season running in a two back system. Grant was used to receiving the majority of carries when healthy saw his role on the team diminish due to the emergences of James Starks. It wasn’t until later in the season when Starks was fighting through injuries did Grant start to emerge. Grant still has straight line speed, but is easy to tackle and doesn’t make many defenders miss. No longer does Grant run with a physically punishing style, he still has decent vision but he doesn’t run with authority and seems to look over his shoulder when there is another back on the roster that deserves carries. Player Grade: C- Value Grade: D+

    James Starks - physical runner that is still prone to making mistakes in pass protection and when he is not carrying the ball will not put forth 100% effort. Starks will make the mental mistakes in pass protection and in the passing game and needs to make sure that he is up on his assignments and that his teammates can trust him. Starks had several leg injuries this that hampered his playing time. Starks has the ability to carry the ball 20-25 times a game, but that is not what is asked of him, he needs to work in the off season in becoming a complete running back in the NFL. Player Grade: C Value Grade: B-

    Brandon Saine – There is actually a lot of upside with Brandon Saine an undrafted rookie this year. He has the rare combination of size, and the speed and can make an impact if he locks down the playbook and figures out the Packers running game. Saine can catch the football out of the backfield and seems to handle his blocking assignments. Saine did suffer a concussion that cost him some playing time and as long as head injuries are not a factor he has a good opportunity to make next year’s roster and contribute on offense and special teams. Player Grade: C Value Grade: C

    Alex Green – A damaged knee knocked him out for the year and it was really to bad because he was just starting to come into his own as running back in the NFL. Green has all the qualities the Packers are looking for and will be asked to carry a majority of the carries in 2012, especially if healthy. Player Grade: C- Value Grade: B

    John Kuhn - Does a lot of things for the Packers, best short yardage back on the roster, can catch the ball out of the backfield and is an adequate blocker. Made his first pro bowl this season, but will miss it to due to a leg injury suffered in the Division Playoffs. Player Grade: B Value Grade: B

    Jermicheal Finley - He is no fan favorite and has drawn the dislike of many fans in Green Bay for his showboating style and the fact that he had a hard time holding to the football this season. His contract is up and he wants to be paid like the top tight end in the NFL, but he was only 12th in reception yards for tight ends. Finley is part of the scheme that McCarthy runs where no player or receiver is focused on, it is all about what the defense dictates. Finley wants to be a star and has the ability to be the best tight end in football, but he has to focus on the details, catching every ball, blocking, running crisp routes and he hasn’t proven he can do that week in and week out. Player Grade: C+ Value Grade: B+

    Tom Crabtree: He can block, and catch a pass from time to time. He made the roster because he can block and play special teams but he is replaceable. He helps out in the running game by lining up in the backfield from time to time. Crabtree will have to fight for a roster spot next season , it will be unlikely that the Packers will carry 5 tight ends on their roster. Player Grade: C Value Grade: C
    Ryan Taylor: He was help out when Quarles went down with a knee injury. He was signed and kept on the roster mainly for his play on special teams. He is an adequate blocker, and is raw as a receiver. He will have to earn his roster spot next season. Player Grade: C Value Grade: C

    DJ Williams – A lot of fans were excited when he was drafted, but was left off the active roster several times this season especially when lining up wrong on offense the week before. He needs a better grasp of the offense, especially playing a hybrid role of tight end and H-back. There is talent there but it needs to develop quickly if he hopes to keep his roster spot in 2012. Player Grade: D- Value Grade: C+

    Andrew Quarless - next to Finley he is the most athletic tight end on the roster. He seemed to have ditched his cocky attitude from college and was actually one of the better blockers at tight end. If the Packers didn’t resign Finley Quarless would be the next in line to take the starting job, but a serious knee injury suffered late in the season might hamper his ability to return to the field in 2012. Player Grade: C Value Grade: B
    Greg Jennings – Another spectacular season that was cut short by a sprained knee. Jennings did come back for the playoff game, but had issues catching the football and being on the right page with Aaron Rodgers. Jennings is a solid route runner with usually reliable hands. There isn’t anything he doesn’t do well. Player Grade: A Value Grade: A

    Jordy Nelson – Had his break out season in 2011 and showed that the Super Bowl was no fluke. He has the size, strength, and speed that coaches love. He did a better job at holding on to the football this year and his routes were superb. Nelson enters 2012 as the number 2 receiver in Green Bay and will look to make his first pro bowl in 2012. Player Grade: A Value Grade: A

    Donald Driver – He saw his contribution and playing time drop significantly in 2011 as younger players are emerging. Driver still has the ability to be a #2 wide out or a #3 wide out but he can’t compete for grabs with Nelson and Jennings. Driver still makes the tough catches and can still shimmy and shake after the catch, but with a 2 million roster bonus due in March and Tori Gurley awaiting a roster spot it is going to be a tough call whether or not to bring Driver back to Green Bay, he is a true professional and a fan favorite. He is a throwback to the Packers of the 1960s. He is a great advocate in the community and makes his home in Green Bay. Player Grade: C Value Grade: C

    James Jones- signed a reasonable contract a week before training camp started and really didn’t make the impact everyone thought he would. He got swiftly passed by Jordy Nelson on the depth chart and was sort of the forgotten man in the Packers receiving corps. Jones has developed more into a possession receiver. He averaged just over 2 catches a game and had very few big plays for the Packers. His contract is reasonable and you never know when one of these receivers is going to break out. Jones has talent and he could easily reap the benefits of coverage shifting over to Jordy Nelson in 2012. Player Grade: C Value Grade: C+

    Randall Cobb – Really developed on special teams as a returner, and like McCarthy said, he was his first real Kick Returner since he took the job six years ago. Cobb also caught 25 passes and he has the ability to contribute even more in 2012. Cobb could be a very special player cut out of the mold of Jennings and Driver. He is more quick than fast, but if I had to compare him to one player in the NFL right it would be Percy Harvin without the migraines. Cobb Needs to work on his route running and building chemistry with Rodgers in the off season because he could break out in 2012. Player Grade: C+ Value Grade: B+

    Chad Clifton: Had his first major injury since Warren Sapp crushed him. Clifton has aged gracefully for the most part, but this season was a struggle missing 10 games with hamstring and back injuries. His injuries really tested McCarthy’s resolve by keeping him on the active roster for the playoffs. Clifton had played well before he was injured and played decent in the playoff game against New York. He is most likely looking at retirement or finishing out his career in a uniform other than a Packer uniform. He just doesn’t have the health and the ability to play well for 16 straight games and playoffs anymore. Player Grade: C Value Grade: D-

    Marshal Newhouse: Didn’t have an exact position going into the season, he worked out at guard and at right tackle, but when Clifton went down he stepped up and started at left tackle for the majority of the games this season. He had his ups and downs, and did struggle against elite pass rushers, but he kept his confidence up and played hard. His technique just wasn’t up to par when going against guys like Kyle Vandenbosch, St. Peirre, and Jerrod Allen. Considering this was his second season he did a decent job holding his own and keeping Rodgers in the game. 2012 looks bright for Newhouse, if Clifton doesn’t come back he is the incumbent to start at left tackle in 2012, his best position might be offensive guard. Player Grade: C- Value Grade: B

  4. #4
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    TJ Lang - had to fight for a starting job at left guard in training camp but proved he was the best player on the roster to play left guard for the Packers. He turned a very good season and was a solid run blocker and decent pass blocker. Lang has room to improve, he needs to work on his technique and feet in pass protection and remembering the snap count. Player Grade: B Value Grade: B+
    Scott Wells - turned in his best season yet and was rewarded with his first trip to the Pro Bowl. He is the heart of the offensive line and makes all the line calls. Wells is undersized but unlike in years past it didn’t seem to play a factor against bigger defensive linemen. Wells is looking at free agency in 2012 and the Packers should resign him, but another team might offer more to Wells for his experience and technique playing center. Player Grade: A Value Grade: B+

    Josh Sitton - Sitton struggled this season through a nagging knee injury and it affected his play. Sitton didn’t turn in one of his finest seasons. Sitton is still better at 85% then 50 of the other starting offensive guards in the NFL, but Sitton is the road grader in the running game, and when healthy he is an All-Pro. Player Grade: B- Value Grade: A-

    Bryan Bulaga – Solid season but fought through two knee injuries that hampered his play down the stretch. It was mostly a solid season for the second year player and he is cemented in as a starter in 20012. He needs to work on refining his technique and using his hands and feet better. Player Grade: B- Value Grade: B+

    Derek Sherrod – Packers tried to play him at guard in training camp and when it was apparent that he wasn’t going to win the starting job they moved him back to tackle where he struggled. He was inactive for the first several games and was then active for the Atlanta game where he was needed at right tackle. He did a decent job as a reserve but didn’t exhibit the technique needed to unseast Marshal Newhouse at left tackle. When Bulaga went down in Week 15 Sherrod filled in, but was leg whipped by Marshal Newhouse and suffered a severely broken leg and his start of the 2012 might be in jeopardy. Player Grade: D Value Grade: B

    Evan Detrich-Smith - Filled in at right guard for Sitton and when Bulaga went down he moved in at left guard. He is a work in process and needs to toughen up and work on his technique, his roster spot is not guaranteed but if he continues to work in the off season he will have every opportunity to securing a position on the interior of the packers offensive line. Player Grade: D Value Grade: C

  5. #5
    jesus, nutz really is having his end of season breakdown. I'm almost afraid to read those epic, probably tearful posts, but guess I owe it to him. It's been a long season.

  6. #6
    Captain Rat HOFer Smidgeon's Avatar
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    Thanks, Nutz. I enjoyed reading those.
    No longer the member of any fan clubs. I'm tired of jinxing players out of the league and into obscurity.

  7. #7
    Euro Rat HOFer mmmdk's Avatar
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    Yup, thanks Nutz. Pretty good read!
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  8. #8
    Polka Rat Starter
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    Great job, Nutz. Enjoyable reading and very accurate. I hope you don't think you can start charging like the Urinal.

  9. #9
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    I'll print it off and read it during lunch.
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  10. #10
    Thanks for putting the thought into it and taking the time to write that up.


  11. #11
    Oracle Rat HOFer Cheesehead Craig's Avatar
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    Ruling the Meadow!
    So this is what a Woody post would like like with a coherent point and no random quotes.
    All hail the Ruler of the Meadow!

  12. #12
    Wait-n-See Rat All-Pro Smeefers's Avatar
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    Nice post. Pretty much agree with your assessment. There's a lot of talent on the team and I still think we're going to be good for years to come. We have a few places to patch up, but the sky is definitely not falling.

  13. #13
    Stoner Rat HOFer Brandon494's Avatar
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    For someone who's not a Packers fan you sure did put aot of work into that.

  14. #14
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    Yes, this assessment is spot on!

  15. #15
    Sugadaddy Rat HOFer Zool's Avatar
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    GJ testes

  16. #16
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesehead Craig View Post
    So this is what a Woody post would like like with a coherent point and no random quotes.
    I'll make a coherant point Einstein. Maybe you could be less of what's reflected in a toilet bowl?

    Deputy Nutz. Why? do I believe that you had that prepared before our game on Sunday. That you saw the writing on the wall. Great assessments and specifically:

    I'm glad to see your confidence is still with Charles Woodson but he's not Superman and aging.
    Yes the loss of Nick Collins may have been underestimated ... see Charles Woodson. One thing leads to another.
    Yes we need a stronger DL and maybeto desert the 3-4 defense?
    Yes and I'll add and just IMO, AJ Hawk is dancing with the stars and needs to earn his $BIG MONEY$.
    Yes we saw isolation on our star defensive players (ie Clay Mathews) and the rest arn't effective enough to fill in the holes.
    Yes on your critique of Jermicheal Finley. Does he have to cost so much? Nope.
    Yes a gut wrenching and accurate assessment of Donald Driver. This watch makes me cringe.
    Yes the James Jones situation is interesting. I believe he can still make the BIG play if he wasn't painted invisable.
    Yes after much good service, we'll soon say goodbye to oft injured LT Chad Clifton. We don't have his replacement in an obvious sense as Newhouse need development.

    Hey! Ted Thompson.

    Yes a 'no brainer' pay Scott Wells.
    Yes Ryan Grant is out as he cannot be relied on and he's playing delicate.
    Yes go Green and I see potential as a 2-3 RB in Saine. Not bad for 'a white guy'.

    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
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    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  17. #17
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    Nutz, you have had a tremendous season posting. This is one example, haters take is another. I vote you as MVP (most volitile poster) for teh season. Can you bring back the crazy looking guy in the bobby hat? It was like Patlers Snoopy, but insane.

  18. #18
    Senior Rat Veteran Ballboy's Avatar
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    I was thinking of the future and came up with the following.

    As for the offense I think Grant is gone and Starks, Saine and Green will make up the backfield next year. I got a bad feeling when I saw DD on the sidelines yesterday, I think he realizes that in practice those WR's on the practice squad may have equalled him....but at a far less dollar. The couple catches and TD's he gave us could easily be done by one of those saddens me, but unless he takes a paycut I think DD is done in Green Bay. A few weeks ago I thought I would never see Clifton in a Packer uniform again...he proved me wrong on sunday again, returning from injury and playing a stellar LT. I think he will be back with Sherrod being the future, Lang-Wells-Sitton-Bulaga fill out the remainder of the line for the future(resigning Wells). I'm actually torn at TE....Finley shows everything someone could want in a TE, even things you dont want. I want him resigned, but feel we might regret doing so in the future with his mouth and actions.

    Defense could/should be much different next year. The DL needs 2-3 players added, and ROLB needs attention high in the draft. The Collins situation is cause for great concern and would leave a huge gap if he never plays again. At first I thought Sheilds regressed this year, but came on late in the year. Maybe having no training camp hurt the second year players as they didnt know what to do when they were locked out, it players like him, Quarless, Starks to really round into shape this year.

    Woodson falls into the same category as DD. His position on this team really doesnt have a name....he plays blitz well, knows how to figure out the offense and does support the run. Im not sold on him as a safety, but if Collins doesnt return, he might be stop gap for a few years.

    I hope TT sees how good this team could be. He will need to spend a little in FA this year especially if he lets a player like DD go. Defense needs to be the way the draft goes, filling ROLB, DL and the backfield. He will also need a QB of the future as Flynn will be gone(hopefully he can pull a trade) and Harrell sucks.
    If you don't like me....bite me...
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  19. #19
    I think you might overvalue Starks a bit. To me, he's not very impressive. He is incredibly poor at picking up blitzes after spending over a year in the league, although perhaps the lockout contributed to his lack of improvement there. He seems average in terms of reading his running lanes. Sure, he runs hard...but that isn't enough. Samkon Gado ran hard too. Starks also doesn't possess breakaway speed, and isn't much of an upgrade to Grant as a receiver.

    To me, Seine and Green both have more upside potential than Starks...although I can't say either will realize it. The most important attributes for a Packer RB in this offense are pass blocking skills and dynamic receiving ability out of the backfield. We don't need a guy to carry the ball 25 times a game. Rodgers is going to throw 35-40 passes a game...we'd be dumb not to have him do that. A RB who can chip a defender and still get into the flat as a safety valve is paramount in limiting hits to Rodgers. Starks doesn't fit that description to me.

    I doubt Driver is back. He's a hell of a Packer, but at this point in his career he simply doesn't offer any upside. It's all downhill from here. The younger kids are bigger, faster and more hungry for success. Cobb deserves to have a larger role in the offense next year, and I don't think it is smart to keep an aging guy like Driver on as your #5 WR. That should be a spot for someone younger who is developing.

    Woodson will be back, but it will be interesting to see how they use him next year. The guy is becoming a liability in pass coverage. He can still play mind games with average QBs, but the top 10-15 QBs in the league find ways to expose Woodson's eroding athletic ability. Woodson is best used near the LOS as a pass rusher and in run support.

    It will be interesting to see what Thompson does with Finley. The guy is not worth a top 5 TE contract, although I'm sure he thinks that what he should get. His inconsistency is ridiculous. Someone with his raw athletic talent should not be struggling this much. I would think that one of the other TEs we have should pan out into a capable starter, but that is a risky proposition since none of them has really shown that ability yet.

    On offense, we don't need too much. Resigning Wells is a priority. Clifton is done...the guy can't stay healthy for more than 6-8 games a year. Draft a OG and OT mid to late to help push the development of everyone else. I'd love to see Thompson go after an impact receiving threat at RB in the draft too.

    Defensively, we have some real needs. Collins is the wild card. If he can return, it really helps every spot on the defensive roster. We can use more depth across the board, but DL and OLB should be priority. Getting pressure on the QB cures a lot of ills in the defensive backfield. Even if Collins doesn't return, with Williams, Shields, Burnett and Woodson you have players that are good enough to succeed back there if we can get more consistent pressure on the QB. Pickett, Raji, Bishop and Matthews are keepers...every other starting and reserve spot in the front 7 could be upgraded. OLB is probably most critical to improving our pass rush, but having depth on the DL is a priority as well. It served us well in 2010, and the lack of it hindered us this season.

    The future is still very bright, but this is a critical offseason in terms of building a team capable of contending for the next decade. The defense needs a strong infusion of capable young talent, and I'm guessing we'll see a significant tilt toward the defense in the draft this year.
    It's such a GOOD feeling...13 TIME WORLD CHAMPIONS!!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by King Friday View Post
    I think you might overvalue Starks a bit. To me, he's not very impressive. He is incredibly poor at picking up blitzes after spending over a year in the league, although perhaps the lockout contributed to his lack of improvement there. He seems average in terms of reading his running lanes. Sure, he runs hard...but that isn't enough. Samkon Gado ran hard too. Starks also doesn't possess breakaway speed, and isn't much of an upgrade to Grant as a receiver.
    I agree with you that Starks has proven to be nothing special, but your assessment that Starks is incredibly poor at picking up blitzes is incredibly overblown.

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