This aint the game thread, I'll leave that to steadier hands.

All week I've peeked in here to get a sense of how my fellow Rat people feel about the game. So how about it, can we beat their asses this week er what?

I've always got misgivings about these inter division games in those freakin' domes. This game comes at a bad time. Many of the loose ends are starting to come together for the Green and Gold:

- Brett is developing rapport with Jennings. That quick up he ran in the NO game was an old Antonio Freeman route. He keeps growing with the Gunslinger we will develop a big time passing attack.

- Green showed me flashes from days of olde. He is such a great back, he can really set our offense up and make us competitive.

- The line. Can't bullshit here, they've got a LONG way to go, but there are many more positives going on. If these kids can come together we can roll over people.

- I love our D-Line. it's effective except for KGB. The other guys are making plays with Kampman a superstar in the wings.

- Hawk grows by leaps and bounds. Barnette is solid at the Mike. The other spot? that's still in process.

- The secondary will come together. Manuel has had a horrific start, but he can play. All the other guys are great athletes. Woodson has got the rust off his body and will lead the other guys.

I think we can win a close one.

What do you cats & kittens think?