This reader response to the Koren Robinson story at caught my eye. This guy says that beer consumption at Packer games is getting out of control.

Is he accurate or is he exaggerating? I want to hear the PR perspective on this.

He writes.....

I'd vote for banning beer also at Lambeau.

Too often when I am there, so many people think that half the fun there is getting hammered. That's college punk stuff if you ask me. Grow up.

It's about the game.

Packer fans are not the brightest to begin with, let's be honest. But when you get 1/3 to 1/2 of the stands filled with drunks, it's actually embarassing to bring a child or wife to the game. Of course, there ARE plenty of drunk women too, stuffing themselves with pizza and cheese curds in between the beers. And they don't even know what a draw play is or a zone blitz..... embarassing. Shuffle the waiting list and get some new fans in there that want football, not beer.