Hey Oregon Guy!

What kind of crazy sh_t do the football-uniform-designers and the nickname-maker-uppers smoke? I got to see the Orgasm State/Orgasm game last night (they kept calling it "the civil war" on the tube), and I have to say the unis on both sides were way beyond ugly. That was the ugliest costuming I have ever, ever seen. The Ducks' uniforms look like something a martian would reject, and the Beav's unis look like hand-me-down junior high school uniforms. Ugh.

And the nicknames? That must be one peaceful state. Ducks. Beavers. Surely there is a smaller college called "The Moose," and maybe another called The Ospreys. Me, I'd name a team the Redwoods or the Sequoias. Then the cheerleaders could chant "We've got wood!"

That's some crazy place you live in, dude. I have to say it made me want to visit.