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Thread: McCarthy:"I didn't ask (Favre) to take his shirt off&am

  1. #1
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    McCarthy:"I didn't ask (Favre) to take his shirt off&am

    McCarthy's response when asked if he thinks Favre is staying in shape this off season (from jsonline).

    This qoute further support my "Theory on Why Thompson Hired McCarthy." For those who may have missed it, here it is:

    An instinctive purpose of life is to mate; to seek immunity from genetic extinction. Virtually every mammal on this green Earth, including humans, has long sought survival through the pleasurable process of natural sexual intercourses. Two genes must combine and must survive to evolve long after the parents are gone. In an insane world of high technology and advanced medical science, will not a race of men and women, reproduced artificially through stems cells and cloning soon appear? Is not the time of abnormal same-sex reproduction upon us?

    Ted Thompson has cruelly planned ahead. He has found the perfect breeding mate in Mike McCarthy.

    But is the Thompson-McCarthy marrigae good for the Packers?

  2. #2
    If you read Motife's post on Chris Havel's interview, I'd say you might want to ponder the idea that perhaps TT hired Mike McCarthy because he knows what the hell he is doing and the more I read about M3 and his philosophy, the more confident I am in his coaching abilities. Your assumptions on someone's sexual orientation based on their marital status are assinine. How many people that read these boards are single? Does that make them all gay? Get over yourself, Tank, his private life is no more your business than your private life is his business. He was hired as the GM of this football team. That is his job. Someone thought he was qualified to do it or they wouldn't have hired him. If you don't like the moves he's made as GM, that's too bad because if the team fails, it's his butt on the line, not yours.

  3. #3
    I KNEW Tank would pick up on that comment.....but I thought he'd say TT DID ask him....LOL

  4. #4
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    If you read Motife's post on Chris Havel's interview, I'd say you might want to ponder the idea that perhaps TT hired Mike McCarthy because he knows what the hell he is doing and the more I read about M3 and his philosophy, the more confident I am in his coaching abilities. Your assumptions on someone's sexual orientation based on their marital status are assinine. How many people that read these boards are single? Does that make them all gay? Get over yourself, Tank, his private life is no more your business than your private life is his business. He was hired as the GM of this football team. That is his job. Someone thought he was qualified to do it or they wouldn't have hired him. If you don't like the moves he's made as GM, that's too bad because if the team fails, it's his butt on the line, not yours.

    Ya ya you just like MM cause he charmed ya

  5. #5
    I like M3 cause he is no-nonsense, has purpose, focus, and wants to get this team ready to go BEFORE we go 1-3 so we don't have to make some great comeback. He has the whole team in conditioning with what everyone says is a better system and thinks they should be learning the playbook NOW, not in August. Makes sense to me.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I like M3 cause he is no-nonsense, has purpose, focus, and wants to get this team ready to go BEFORE we go 1-3 so we don't have to make some great comeback. He has the whole team in conditioning with what everyone says is a better system and thinks they should be learning the playbook NOW, not in August. Makes sense to me.
    Agreed with the philosophy around hiring M3 - there's always gonna be questioning of a new coach - sort of a frat (err - sorority) type initiation with the team/community/fan base.

    I'm holding my criticism until all the cards have been played.

  7. #7
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fosco33
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I like M3 cause he is no-nonsense, has purpose, focus, and wants to get this team ready to go BEFORE we go 1-3 so we don't have to make some great comeback. He has the whole team in conditioning with what everyone says is a better system and thinks they should be learning the playbook NOW, not in August. Makes sense to me.
    Agreed with the philosophy around hiring M3 - there's always gonna be questioning of a new coach - sort of a frat (err - sorority) type initiation with the team/community/fan base.

    I'm holding my criticism until all the cards have been played.
    For what it's worth I'm not a MM basher; but I'm going to withhold judgement until I witness the playcalling and see how the team performs on the field.

  8. #8
    Stout Rat HOFer Guiness's Avatar
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    Canada, eh?
    Mmm. Playcalling. What is that again?

    With luck, we'll some day be talking about 'in-game adjustments' as well. Something I always felt was M2's achilles heal.
    Imagine for a moment a world without hypothetical situations...

  9. #9
    Some of his statements show is a no nonsense guy when it comes to in game decisions - good thing. His 'common sense' should give fans something to cheer over (e.g., not waiting until half time to make adjustments).

  10. #10
    I think his goal is to have all the adjustments done before they ever even step on the field.

  11. #11
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    The more M3 talks the more I feel he is going to be a very good coach. I dont even question his offensive prowness. He sure sounds like the right guy.

  12. #12
    Grouchy Rat Starter Oscar's Avatar
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    I like coach Mac's approach to coaching.. The back to basics idea when it comes to this team is very positive.

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