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Thread: Favre makes a statement this AM on ESPN

  1. #1
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Favre makes a statement this AM on ESPN

    By Tom Silverstein

    Favre says decision isn't coming soon
    Quarterback Brett Favre is still waiting to see what the Green Bay Packers do to improve their team this off-season and he said it's unlikely he'll make a decision by Saturday on whether to return for another season.

    In perhaps his most forceful comments about his expectations for the Packers this off-season, Favre said in a television interview that appeared on ESPN Friday morning that if he doesn't like the direction the team is headed he will retire.

    He said he has no doubts that he can still be an effective quarterback.

    "I still feel like I can play at a high level and obviously the Packers do too or they wouldn't be concerned about my decision," Favre said. "But there are some things I have to sort out. There are some things I'm looking for in the team and what they're trying to do. I guess if those don't come together I guess I won't play. It's just kind of wait and see."

    Favre is due a $3 million roster bonus on Saturday and the Packers were hoping that he would make a decision on his status by that time so they could make plans for the season. Favre said he wouldn't be rushed into a decision.

    "Ted Thompson, the GM, and Mike McCarthy, the head coach, are good friends of mine," Favre said. "I've dealt with them before. I've been on good terms with them. I't's not like I'm delaying this on purpose. There are some reasons. We still have 160 days before the start of the regular season so I don't know if the decision will be made by Saturday."

    The Packers have never said the Saturday deadline is non-negotiable especially since the roster bonus isn't paid until September and Favre doesn't receive it at all if he retires. So the Packers can let the deadline pass and not be on the hook for the money if he retires. Or they can push the deadline back as they have twice before.

    Favre made it clear that the deadline didn't mean much to him and that reports that he must inform the Packers of his decision by Saturday are false.

    "They would like to know something soon," Favre said. "Where those reports came from, it's just not true. If I don't tell them by Saturday, what are they going to do, cut me? I mean, I don't know."

    Favre intimated that his decision on whether to return was less about his desire to play and more about the state of the Packers, who are coming off a 4-12 season and have done very little to improve their team on offense in free agency. Favre said he was monitoring what Thompson was doing to improve the team and wanted to continue to see how things unfolded going into the season.

    "There are a lot of reasons why I haven't made a decision yet," Favre said. "I know I still love the game."
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
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  2. #2
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Sounds like draft strategy to me.

  3. #3
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Well noone else will touch on it so I'll start.

    There you go! The battle line seems to be clearly drawn.

    Brett Favre wants to see more done to improve the Team on Offence and otherwise. Who could blame him for wanting to have a decent chance to win.

    As a PRO and with his resume. Would any of YOU expect less? He showed his committment again last season to the Team and he was almost tossed under the bus.

    Too much of a fall off on OUR OL. That was proven by alot more pressures and that wasn't just due to Favre not having the weapons to come open.The man had to run for his life.

    I am sick that it's coming down to this, at the end of such a great career for a GREAT P A C K E R !

    It sucks!
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
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    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  4. #4
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker
    Sounds like draft strategy to me.

    Sounds like serious business to me. The only thing that bothers me again is he should have stayed on the QT ,but he feels he owes it to Packer fans to get it out there.

    At what price though? Evidently Brett doesn't give a hoot! LOL

    GO Packers !
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
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    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  5. #5
    Ubeenhad Rat Veteran Spaulding's Avatar
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    I guess I just don't get it. Unless Thompson thinks there is a market for Aaron Rogers I can't see him taking a QB in the first round two years in a row. With that being said there doesn't appear to be any ability to bluff teams into thinking we'll take a QB and our only hope there is teams looking to trade up want to leap frog someone else.

    I'd love to see Favre come back the more I hear about things the less I'm in his corner. Although I feel with all he's done for the francise in his 14 years the he's entitled as much time to think about coming back if he still loves the game as he stated to Silverstein then what's the hold-up?

    People arguing that Thompon needs to put together a team here and now to give Favre a chance to win another Super Bowl IMO aren't being realistic. Firstly that makes Favre appear to be selfish and ungrateful for all the things the Packer francise has done for him over the years. Secondly, if he still loves the game then you PLAY the game. Dan Marino retired right and he didn't even win a superbowl so Favre can't use that excuse.

    For Favre to play for any other team in the NFL would break my heart but you take the good with the bad when you play in this league and accept a salary of his level and if winning goes with it all the better.

    Thompson has an obligation to the Packer francise (and contrary to my above statements I'm not really a fan of TT) to get us back to a competitive level and that doesn't include stop gap measures to have one more winning season prior to being salary cap laden for the next few years.

    Sorry for the vent but I've holding back for a quite a while and now that I've done with my soap box I'll go back to reading the other fine posts on this forum.
    60% of the time it works every time.

  6. #6
    If Mckenzie was unhappy and wanted out, and Walker is unhappy and wants it such a reach to say Favre might be unhappy also? May be he really does want to be cut/traded and play somewhere else. Maybe he is just taking his sweet little time because he can. What ARE the Packers really gonna do, cut him? That would make Favre look like he wasn't given the time to make his proper decision and make the Packer organization look bad. Favre is a smart guy and if he really does want out he is going to do it so he doesn't tarnish his NFL Golden Boy image. Just a thought.

  7. #7
    If Favre's comments are genuine, then I'm starting to lose respect for him. He was always one of my favorites because of his win first, team first attitude.

    These comments sound like they're coming from a "me first" type of player. Favre has no right to pressure the management to make personnel moves. His job is to win football games with the personnel around him, not to pick and choose that personnel.

    On top of that, it is very unprofessional of Favre to talk to the media about this. Really, how is this different that other players voicing their disconent? Let me pose a question. What would everyone be saying if these type of comments were coming from JWalk or TO? I guarantee you that no one would be rallying to support either player.

    Just because Brett Favre is Brett Favre doesn't mean he gets a free pass on commentary and behavior that other players would get flamed for.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalPackFan
    If Mckenzie was unhappy and wanted out, and Walker is unhappy and wants it such a reach to say Favre might be unhappy also?
    I don't think that idea is really that far fetched. It could be as simple as wanting to play somewhere closer to home.

  9. #9
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalPackFan
    If Mckenzie was unhappy and wanted out, and Walker is unhappy and wants it such a reach to say Favre might be unhappy also? May be he really does want to be cut/traded and play somewhere else. Maybe he is just taking his sweet little time because he can. What ARE the Packers really gonna do, cut him? That would make Favre look like he wasn't given the time to make his proper decision and make the Packer organization look bad. Favre is a smart guy and if he really does want out he is going to do it so he doesn't tarnish his NFL Golden Boy image. Just a thought.


    OK I'll toss this in there. I'd treat the part on Favre not liking TT as just a rumor now though, as I can't imagine why he wouldn't be thrilled with Ted Thompson.

    Sorry all you who will judge Favre on wanting to win, but I'm one of those crazy Packer Fans that wants the same thing, and I especially don't want to see worse than I did last Season.

    For what it's worth:

    POSTED 12:22 p.m. EST, March 31, 2006


    We're told that Packers quarterback Brett Favre has decided to delay the official announcement of his decision to return to play in 2006 merely as a way to twist the tail of G.M. Ted Thompson.

    We've heard multiple times in the past couple of weeks that it's common knowledge within the organization that Favre will play in 2006, and that he's told the team he will be back. However, Favre has not given the team the green light to announce that Green Bay will still have a guy wearing No. 4 this season. Recently, we'd heard that Favre was going to wait until Sunday, April 2 to make the trip to Green Bay for the announcement, simply because Thompson had wanted to make the announcement by Saturday, April 1.

    But we're now told that because Thompson has tried to deny that there ever was an April 1 deadline for the announcement, Favre has decided to string Thompson along for a while longer.

    Still, despite Favre's public suggestion that he hasn't made a decision, we are 100 percent certain that he has. The organization's concern, as we hear it, is that it will look very bad in the eyes of the fans if they say Favre is coming back and Favre later has a change of heart. So the Packers have decided to say nothing at all until Favre says it publicly himself.

    But, for Favre, the current posture is nothing more than a way for him to play an offseason game with his G.M., whom we hear Favre doesn't genuinely like.

    The problem is that this back-and-forth makes everyone look bad, including Favre. If he's coming back, say so. And if everything we've heard is wrong and he really hasn't made a final decision, he should make one. Now. It's kind of important for the team to know whether it will need to get a new starting quarterback ready for the 2006 season, especially with the draft four weeks away
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
    ** To download Jesus Loves Me ring tones, you'll need a cell phone mame
    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27

    Sorry all you who will judge Favre on wanting to win, but I'm one of those crazy Packer Fans that wants the same thing, and I especially don't want to see worse than I did last Season.
    If Favre wants to win then he should get off his tractor, fly up to GB, work out with the younger players, and lead by example. Favre is showing poor leadership right now, and ultimately, his comments are doing very little to motivate and energize players currently on the roster.

    What Favre is saying right now has more to do with whining than winning.

  11. #11
    I wouldn't blame him for wanting to go to a winning team....If your job sucks it is really hard to get up in the morning.

  12. #12
    The reason I don't believe the second article is the quotes from the first one. Who are you going to believe, PFT rumors or an article that quotes Favre directly?

  13. #13
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    " On top of that, it is very unprofessional of Favre to talk to the media about this. Really, how is this different that other players voicing their disconent? Let me pose a question. What would everyone be saying if these type of comments were coming from JWalk or TO? I guarantee you that no one would be rallying to support either player.

    Just because Brett Favre is Brett Favre doesn't mean he gets a free pass on commentary and behavior that other players would get flamed for." Mr.T


    I have to agree with you on coming out with this bold statement but I think Favre just gave his early warning speech that he will not be back. Ted Thompson is firmly in charge of OUR Team and Favre is no doubt frustrated.

    I've always said that Ted Thompsons agenda forgoes Brett Favre.It's in alot of ways too bad, yet the facts of life.

    Aaron Rodgers may be gung ho to accept the challenge of just trying to look like a starting QB but Favre is all that, and wants the weapons he needs to win realistically.He's not seeing that get done.

    I can't see Brett Favre returning unless he waits, and his talk of just one more Season . What is the sense, except we must realize he will be used to get ARod ready.

    Not bad pay for a last year and to be the tutor though .
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
    ** To download Jesus Loves Me ring tones, you'll need a cell phone mame
    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  14. #14
    This doesn't bother me that much. While I hope Brett does come back (he is still the best player we have on the team), I can see what he is saying. He has accomplished everything he set out to do; championships, respect from the league, records, longevity, etc... What is left to do, just play the game? There are ton of extra things that players have to deal with (media, crazy fans, travel, time away from family). He has enough money for his family to live comfortably, why put up with the risk of potential injury, even more time away from his family, if you don't feel that the team and organization is set to make a run for it all?

    To me this guy made the ultimate sacrifice when he played the day after his dad passed. My dad passed last year suddenly and I couldn't function for about three weeks after the funeral and all the other things attached to it.

    That MNF game alone, in my eyes, gives Brett the right to do what he wants this off-season. The last 15 years would be the second reason. We have had one losing season since he's been here (before and after Reggie, after Holmgren and Wolf). If Brett waits until training camp, so what? All these players are just one solid hit from not playing anyway.

    With that said;

    I hope we are able to sign Woodson
    Draft one of the following with #5: Vernon Davis, AJ Hawk, M. Williams
    Draft some speed for the offense and defense (LB's and WR's)
    Pick up a decent G in FA (probably after June 1st cuts)
    and beat the shit out of Minnesota and Chicago.

    a guy can dream......

  15. #15
    Senior Rat All-Pro GoPackGo's Avatar
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    I won't beleive the quotes unless i see him say it on video.
    To much of a good thing is an awesome thing

  16. #16
    Prescient Rat HOFer esoxx's Avatar
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    I can't believe Favre isn't excited about the Packers adding one player on offense so far in FA. And that one player had eight catches last season. Still no guards and lost our starting center. C'mon Brett, quit your bellyaching and sign up for an ass whippin' again this year. What a crybaby.

  17. #17
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. T
    Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27

    Sorry all you who will judge Favre on wanting to win, but I'm one of those crazy Packer Fans that wants the same thing, and I especially don't want to see worse than I did last Season.
    If Favre wants to win then he should get off his tractor, fly up to GB, work out with the younger players, and lead by example. Favre is showing poor leadership right now, and ultimately, his comments are doing very little to motivate and energize players currently on the roster.

    What Favre is saying right now has more to do with whining than winning.

    Favre isn't whining Mr T , he's telling all , that he doesn't see the team going in the direction that excites him. 4-12 last Season didn't excite him and are we better or worse on "O" to this point in the Off Season ?

    He believes he can play and he wants to play but not if he's going to be used. Some want him to take one for the Packer Organization but didn't he do that last Season? You read the articles from Packer beat writers and who see's 2006 as a better Season ? Noone !

    Brett Favre isn't the type to play a yawner Season or go through the motions. He's not a public fella either and a farewell tour would only embarasss him.

    This is a man who simply is now seriously considering retirement. PLEASE realize that and give him all the slack he needs to make that decision properly . He's said over and over it's not an easy decision. Surely you must realize this too, Mr.T. ?

    Your a reasonable and intelligent man.
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
    ** To download Jesus Loves Me ring tones, you'll need a cell phone mame
    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  18. #18
    Prescient Rat HOFer esoxx's Avatar
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    What woodbuck said.

  19. #19
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Packers: Favre still has the itch, with reservations

    Written by PackerChatters Staff
    Friday, 31 March 2006

    Biloxi, Mississippi - Will Brett Favre play a 16th season in the NFL? Only the gunslinger, not even his wife, knows under what conditions that will happen.

    But he did deny an ESPN report on Thursday that he has to let the Green Bay Packers know by Saturday.

    "That is not true," he said. "If I don't tell them by Saturday, what will they do, cut me?

    "We have talked the last month and there are some things that I have to sort out. If they don't come together, I guess I won't play. I don't know if my decision will be made by Saturday."

    Favre, in town with Steve McNair to award grants to local high school and nonprofit football organizations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, admits he has the itch to play again. It's similar to the itch he had before returning for his 15th season, a dismal 4-12 year that left the Packers searching for a new head coach.

    "Last season was a different circumstance with Deanna (winning a battle with breast cancer)," Favre said. "I do have the itch, just a different one.

    "It's not about the money and I would walk away from a lot of it. It's about winning football games. I want to come back and win."

    Between chatting about turkey hunting and football, Favre said the decision to return lies in the hands of the Packers, who have to get better players and make a commitment to winning.

    If not, his next stop will be the Pro Football Hall of Fame after a career that includes several Pro Bowl appearances, three MVP awards and a Super Bowl championship ring.

    "I still believe I can play," he said. "But I can't be content being 4-12 again. My concern is how good of a team we can have.

    "Last season, expectations were high and it was a bad situation. If we can't compete at a high level, I can walk away and my legacy will speak for itself."

    Green Bay Packers, you're on the clock and it's ticking.

    You can see the desire to play again in Favre's eyes. I've known him for many years and he has the same look as he did when the Packers were yearly contenders. The love is there as well.

    The only difference is the look he now wears is a guarded one and after a 4-12 season you can't blame him.

    When a quarterback walks into the huddle and can't recognize some of the faces, it's hard to have trust in players making the right blocks, receivers running the proper routes and backs hitting the correct hole.

    That same trust - the one he's had for years - now lies in the hands of the Packers because the former Southern Miss standout isn't asking for a second ring, just a chance to compete at a high level for it.

    "All teams have injuries, so you deal with them," he said. "There are days that I get up and I'm ready to play again. Then, there are days when I would like to retire. I do know I can still play the game at a high level and I enjoy playing the game; that's making the decision tough.

    "But you're only as good as the team around you. If I walk away, I walk away happy and I've accomplished a lot."

    The bottom line is Favre is real close to hanging things up and spending more time with Deanna and their daughters, Brittany and Breleigh.

    Whether it comes this year or not, the career will end in 2007 at the latest.

    Five years later, he's a first-ballot Hall of Famer.

    "I don't know if I will play this year or not," he said. "Even Deanna is ready for my decision. If I do play this year, it will be my last.

    "There's no doubt about that."

    After 15 years as one of the best to ever play the game, Brett has earned the right to prolong his decision to play or not to play. We're talking about a man who redefined the quarterback position in terms of reckless abandon. If he does play, ceremonies will take place at stadiums across the NFL as he makes his farewell tour.

    If he doesn't play, wild game in the Magnolia State will not be the same.

    My guess?

    It's his decision.

    Source: Al Jones - The SunHerald
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
    ** To download Jesus Loves Me ring tones, you'll need a cell phone mame
    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  20. #20
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    The crumbling walls
    Favre is still a good player and to force a good player into an early retirement is likely to hurt the team in the aftermath. The Dolphins forced Marino to call it quit a bit too soon, and look what is happening to them: they have been lacking a consistent, pro bowl caliber qb ever since. The Lions forced Sanders into retirement early and they have never made playoffs since.

    For players like Favre, Marino and Sanders, at the latter stage of their careers, money doesnt matter. Its all about winning. Mike Sherman, if he were still GM, wouldve taken a healthy Packer team to the SB last year. Sherman wouldve upgraded the defense via free agency and the draft as well as kept the offense together.

    Ted Thompson is a terrible GM. He is forcing Favre into an early retirement.

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